Validity Flashcards
What is internal validity?
The extent to which a study is highly controlled
What affects Internal validity?
Participant awareness
Experimental control
What is social desirability bias?
Type of participant effect that tends to occur when conducting questionnaires or interviews
Want to appear socially acceptable and appealing
What is a single blind design?
Participant doesn’t nm know which condition they are in
Deals with participant effects
What is a double blind design?
Neither the participant or investigator know which condition they are in
Deals with both participant and investigator effects
What is face validity?
Check that revues whether the fast asks why it is supposed to measure
What is concurrent validity?
Check the measuring tool of the test is accurate and reliable by comparing it with something that is accurate
What does the term validity relate to?
Whether the test is measuring what it is supposed to be measuring
What is meant by external validity?
Validity of the results in relation to the real world and target population
What is the difference between ecological and population validity?
Different places and settings (ecological) Different people (population)
Outline what is meant by ecological validity
The extent to which the findings of a study can be applied to the real world
Whether the experiment mirrors the real world- mundane realism
What is meant by reliability?
Whether something is consistent
What is the difference between internal reliability and external?
Internal is the measure of the extent to which something is consistent within itself
External is the measure to which one measure of an object varies from another measure
What is the ‘split half’ method?
Way to improve internal reliability by splitting a questionnaire in half and seeing whether scores are similar
What is the ‘test-retest’ method?
Repeating the test and see whether the same result is repeated
What is ‘replication’?
Repeat the whole experiment again to check whether the result is the same