Experimental Research In Psychology And Ethical Issues Flashcards
What are the advantages of a lab experiment?
High degree of control which minimises extraneous variables
Greater potential for replicability
Disadvantages of a lab experiment
Low ecological validity
May show demand characteristics as they are aware of the study
What is a field study?
Experiment that takes place in the real world but the researcher still controls the IV
Ppts usually unaware
Advantages of a field study
Hugh ecological validity
No demand characteristics
Disadvantages of a field study
Less control over extraneous variables
Potentially more time- consuming and expensive
What are the ethical issues of a field experiment?
No consent- can’t withdraw
May be an invasion of privacy
What is a natural experiment?
Where the differences between the variables are naturally occurring
What are the advantages of a natural experiment?
Can test variables that would be impractical it unethical to test otherwise
What is a quasi experiment?
An experiment where the IV is naturally occurring and the DV may be measured in a lab
IV could not be made to vary by anyone- the difference is fixed eg male and female
What are the advantages of a quasi experiment?
Allows for comparisons to be made between different groups of people
What are the disadvantages of both natural and quasi experiments?
Might be extraneous variable- lack of control of these and hard to establish cause and effect of IV and DV
What are the ethical issues of natural and quasi experiments?
More ethical as the experimenter doesn’t cause the differences- have minimal impact on lives of participants
Issue of confidentiality
How is deception dealt with according to the BPS Code of Ethics?
Intentionally deceiving ppts should be avoided
Ensure the ppt is given right to withdraw their data
Deception is approved by ethics committee, costs weighed up against benefits
What are the difficulties of attempting to deal with deception?
May be difficult to judge the costs prior to the study
Debriefing may not be sufficient and ppts may feel extreme embarrassment
May be necessary to deceive ppts to produce realistic results
How is informed consent dealt with according to the BPS Code of Ethics?
Ppts should formally agree to participate
Provided with comprehensive info regarding the nature and purpose of research
Care with children or vulnerable adults
Prior general consent or presumptive consent
How is protection of participants dealt with according to the BPS Code of Ethics?
Risk of harm or stress no greater than ordinary life
What is the difficulty of protecting participants from harm or stress?
Can be difficult for researchers to accurately predict the risks of the study
How is the right to withdraw dealt with according to the BPS Code of Ethics?
Participants should be aware that they can leave at any time during the study
What is the difficulty when dealing with the right to withdraw?
Ppts are often paid or rewarded which may mean they feel obligated to continue
How is confidentiality and anonymity dealt with according to the BPS Code of Ethics?
Names are not recorded
Published data should remain anonymous and no obvious links to specific individuals
What is a laboratory study?
Experiment conducted in an environment where the variables are carefully controlled
Ppts aware they are taking part but don’t know true aims