Vaginitis Flashcards
inflammation of the vagina, often caused by infxn
sx of vaginitis
discharge, itching, odor, dyspareunia, dysuria, urinary frequency
what are the 3 tx most associated w/ discharge?
bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis (STD), vulvovaginal candidiasis
signs and sx of BV
thin, grey, white mucus,
- fishy odor, esp after sex or menses
- pH >4.5
dx of BV
+ whiff test (gross)
clue cells, no WBC
what causes the stinkiness of BV?
tx of BV
2) clindamycin
3) tinidazole
trichomoniasis s/sx
severe pruritis -discharge, often malodorous -dysruia -dyspareunia (painful sex) -greenish-yellow, frothy dischage -
hallmark signs of tric.?
- petechiea or “strawberry markings” on the cervix
- motile flagellated protozoans on wet prep (*warming slide makes them easier to see)
tx of Tric
1) metronidazole 2 gm po
2) tinidazole
**treat partners and go back and look for other STis
ADR of metronidazole
NVD, metallic taste, dark red-brown urine
serious: sz, neruopathies, leukopenia, SJS, TEN
vulvovag. candidiasis (VVC)
VVC s/sx
- pruritis, burning
- cottage cheese discharge
- dyspareunia
- erythema
- curdy, white discharge
- not malodorous (**normal PH)
what will you see on a wet prep of VVC?
spores, hypahea, KOH, culture
*pseudohyphea or budding yeast
what can lead to VVC?
• Hormonal changes (Pregnancy, OCPs, menopause) • Oral corticosteroid treatment • Oral antibiotics • Nylon underwear, exercise clothing, tight pantyhose, tight jeans, hot weather • Obesity