dysmenorrhea Flashcards
primary dysmenorrhea
painful menses in women w/ normal anatomy and generally occurring in adolescent women
what is the most likely cause of dysmenorrhea?
prostaglandin, too much E2 secretion in the menstrual fluid
what does P. E2 do?
causes smooth muscle conraction leading to N, V, D
onset- w/in 3-6 mnths of menarche
sx of dysmenorrhea
cramping, heavy flow
tx for primary dysmenorrhea
NSAID , OCP, application of heat, regular exercise
tx for resistant cases
tocolytic agents, CCB, progestogens
secondary dysmenorrea
painful menses in the presence of a dz of the uterus or pelvis
ex of secondary dysm, causes
endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, STI, endometrial polyps, PID, IUD
implantation of endometrial tissues in the myometrium that results in a tender, symmetrically enlarged “boggy” uterus
what other sx may be seen w/ secondary dysmen?
bloating, menorrhagia, dyspareunia
tx for secondary?
removed IUD, may need hysterectomy, D&C,
dysfn uterine bleed (DUD)
abnormal uterine bleding in the absence of an anatomic lesion, usually caused by a problem w/ the hypothamlamic-pit-ovarian hormonal axis
when does DUD often occur?
shortly after menarche and during perimenopause bc of increased anovulatory cycles
possible causes of DUD
PCOS, exogenous obesity, adrenal hyperplasia
what is the first thing you want to do when dx DUD?
rule out prego