Vagina/Vulva Flashcards
Vagina is made of…
non keratinized squamous cells
When is Labial Adhesion/agglutination common?
Pre puberty d/t lack of estrogen
Small, nodular mass on the labia minora and majora containing cheesy sebaceous material.
Vulvar Inclusion Cysts
Fibromyoma vs Lipoma- which is deeper and slower growing?
Fibroomyoa vs Lipoma- which contains adipose and which contains connective tissue + smooth muscle?
Fibromyoma- CT/SM
Lipoma- adipose (no connecting to overlying dermis)
Inverse acne; follicular occlusions
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Tombstone comedomes
clusters of open comedomes; present in Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa tx
Topical clindamycin
Intralesional corticosteroids
Systemic Doxy
Spongiotic histology
Vulvar dermatitis (exogenous, endogenous or seborrheic)
Intense vulvar pruritis, “cigarette paper,” figure 8, d/t chronic inflammation; limited to VULVA
Lichen Sclerosus
What diagnostic procedure do you need to dx Lichen Sclerosus?
Biopsy w/Histo eval showing Lichenoid features
Tx Lichen Sclerosus
steroids (topical)
can lichen sclerosus progress to cancer?
yes ~4% to SCC
Histo: Acanthosis
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Inflammatory condition of vulva AND VAGINA; discharge unresponsive to tx, pain w/INTERCOURSE
Histo: Lichenoid
Lichen Planus
Do you tx Lichen Planus and Sclerosus similarly?
Yep. Steroids.
2 complications of imperforate hymen (incomplete degen)?
Mucocolpos (vag secretions trapped)
Hematocolpos (blood trapped)
Vaginal agenesis assoc w/
Vag agenesis- do you they have normal ovaries and uterus?
Usually normal ovaries but not uterus
Dx of Vag agenesis/atresia
What is abnormal in vaginal atresia?
Lower vag is replaced with fibrous tissue
Palpable boggy mass on rectoabdominal exam?
Vaginal atresia
Anterior wall vaginal cyst…
urethral diverticulum
Lateral wall vaginal cyst…
Gartner duct cyst
Posterior lower vaginal cyst…
Inclusion cyst
infl of vulva and vagina
What are the amsel criteria?
They are for BV. -Grayish white d/c -pH >4.5 -Positive whiff test -Clue cells min of 3.
Even though BV isn’t sexually transmitted, should you tx with antibiotics?
Yes. Clindamycin or Metronidazole
One of the major risk factors for Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
Itching, cottage cheese discharge
Vulvovag candidiasis
Progressive dyspareunia
Small bowel prolapse