V Flashcards
What is the definition of v muscle?
V muscle is the used to refer to the muscles in a horse’s chest that appear to look like an upside-down V.
What is the definition of vaginitis?
Vaginitis is a medical condition in which the vagina becomes inflamed.
What is the definition of valgus?
Valgus is the term used to indicate something that is bent out.
What is the definition of valine?
Valine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body.
What is the definition of valvotomy?
Valvotomy is an incision into a membrane or valve; done surgically.
What is the definition of vane?
Vane refers to the webby part of a bird’s feather; very thin and fragile.
What is the definition of variant?
Variant refers to anything anything that has been recognized as to be not what would be accepted as normal.
What is the definition of variety hybrid?
The term variety hybrid refers to a cross hybrid that is made up of two different variations of the same species of animal.
What is the definition of vas deferens?
The term used to refer to the tube that carries sperm into the pelvis in the direction of the urethra.
What is the definition of vasculitis?
Vasculitis is any inflammation of a blood vessel or lymph.
What is the definition of vasectomised?
The term vasectomised is used to refer to a male animal that has been surgically altered to keep them from properly producing live sperm.
What is the definition of vasectomy?
A vasectomy is a surgical procedure in which the tube used to carry sperm into the pelvis is removed; in most cases the sexual urges are still there although the live sperm is not.
What is the definition of vasoconstrictor?
A vasoconstrictor is any substance that makes the blood vessels smaller in size.
What is the definition of vasotocin?
Vasotocin is a type of hormone that is used to stimulate oviposition in birds; similar in nature to oxytocin.
What is the definition of vat?
The term vat is used to refer to a large tub or container used to hold liquids; may be used to dip animals into.
What is the definition of vection?
The term vection refers to the action of passing a disease from one organism to another organism.
What is the definition of vector?
The term vector refers to a carrier of a disease; helps to move a disease from one animal to the next.
What is the definition of venipuncture?
Venipuncture is the act of taking blood out of a vein with the help of a syringe and needle.
What is the definition of mental midline incision?
The ventral midline incision is a term used to refer to an incision that is made along the midsection of the abdomen.
What is the definition of ventricle?
The term ventricle refers to either
A cavity in certain animals
A rear chamber in the heart or a cavity in the brain
What is the definition of ventriculus?
The term ventriculus refers to the stomach in certain birds; may also be referred to as the gizzard.
What is the definition of ventrodorsal projection?
Ventrodorsal projection is a beam that passes from the stomach to the back; an x-ray beam
What is the definition of vermicide?
Vermicide refers to anything that is designed to kill worms or other parasites; anthelmintic substance
What is the definition of vermifuge?
Vermifuge is a term referring to any chemical that causes worms or parasitic worms to be expelled from an animal’s body
What is the definition of verminous?
The term verminous refers to anything having to do with worms or occurring as the result of worms
What is the definition of vermis?
Vermis is a worm
What is the definition of verrucae?
Verrucae are body warts
What is the definition of vertebra?
The term veterbra refers to bones in the spinal column
What is the definition of vertebrates?
Vertebrate is a term used to refer to animals that have a spine or backbone, including fish and mammals
What is the definition of vertical transmission?
Vertical transmission is the transfer of a disease from the mother to the fetus
What is the definition of vestibular disease?
Vestibular disease is any disorder of the neurons that may be characterized by rolling, circling, falling, etc.
What is the definition of vestibule?
The vestibule refers to the foremost portion of the nose and nasal cavity; includes the nostrils
What is the definition of viable?
The term viable indicates that something is able to live inside the mother
What is the definition of vigor?
Vigor refers to health; the possessing of a great deal of energy
What is the definition of vilitis?
Vilitis is a medical condition involving a horse’s hoof; the wall becomes inflamed and causes pain
What is the definition of viremia?
Viremia is a medical condition in which a virus is found in the blood of an animal
What is the definition of virile?
The term virile is used to refer to a male capable of copulation
What is the definition of virucide?
Virucide refers to a chemical or substance that is designed to kill a virus; disinfects
What is the definition of virulence?
Virulence is the ability that a certain organism has to create disease
What is the definition of virulent?
Virulent refers to something having the strength to cause disease; deadly in nature; pathogenic
What is the definition of virustatic?
Virustatic refers to anything that is known to keep a virus from multiplying
What is the definition of visceral?
The term visceral covers anything pertaining to an organ
What is the definition of vitreous chamber?
The vitreous chamber is the area inside the rear of the eyeball
What is the definition of vitreous humour?
The vitreous humour is a type of jelly-like substance that is found inside the vitreous chamber
What is the definition of viviparous?
Viviparous means capable of or having borne live young
What is the definition of voiding?
Voiding is the process of elimination when it comes to the bowels or the bladder
What is the definition of vomitus?
Vomitus is any material that has been ejected through vomiting
What is the definition of vulva?
The vulva is the genitalia of a female; found on the outside