T Flashcards
What is the definition of tabby?
The term for a type of fur on cats that have two colors, spotted or striped
What is the definition of tachycardia?
A medical condition in which the patient has an abnormally fast heartbeat
What is the definition of tachypnea?
The term for rapid breathing
What is the definition of tack?
Equipment used for riding horses or driving horses
What is the definition of tackling?
The harness of a draft horse
What is the definition of tacky?
The term for an animal in poor physical condition
What is the definition of tail autonomy?
The ability of a lizard to shed its tail
What is the definition of tail band?
The crupper on a horse’s harness
What is the definition of tail head?
The part of the tail where it attaches to the body
What is the definition of tail set?
A device that is used to force a horse to hold its tail up high; may also refer to the position of the tail on an animal
What is the definition of tailed?
The term for an animal whose tail has been docked or removed
What is the definition of tailing?
A type of restraint method used for cattle in which the tail is grabbed and raised; may also be called tail jacking
What is the definition of taint?
The contamination of milk; may also indicate the contamination of something
What is the definition of talon?
The claw of a bird, usually found on birds of prey
What is the definition of taper needle?
The term for a needle with a round tip; it allows for piercing of tissue without allowing it to be torn
What is the definition of tapetum?
A single layer of cells
What is the definition of tapeworm?
A type of parasitic worm; it is flat and made up of segments
What is the definition of tarsectomy?
The removal of the tarsal plate by surgery
What is the definition of tarsorrhaphy?
The medical procedure in which the eyelids are sutured together
What is the definition of taxonomy?
The science of classifying animals into species, family, genus, etc.
What is the definition of teased?
A way of finding out whether or not a mare is in heat by putting a stallion in front of her and seeing if she accepts
What is the definition of teat?
A nipple, as in on ruminants and equine animals
What is the definition of teat cistern?
A cavity in an animal’s udder where milk is collected before it leaves through the teat
What is the definition of teat cup?
The part of the milking machine that fastens to the animal’s teat; this is where the milk is drawn out into.
What is the definition of teat dipping?
The dipping of the teat into a type of disinfectant as a means of preventing mastitis
What is the definition of tendinitis?
The inflammation of bodily tendons
What is the definition of tendon?
A connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones
What is the definition of tenectomy?
The removal of a tendon or part of a tendon by surgery
What is the definition of teniae?
Bands of muscle that are smooth in texture
What is the definition of tenotomy?
The division of a tendon by surgery
What is the definition of teratogen?
Any agent that causes the appearance of defects in the development of embryos
What is the definition of teratogenic?
Something capable of producing defects in a fetus
What is the definition of testicle?
The sex organ of male animals; used in the production of sperm
What is the definition of testis?
The male sex organ used to produce spermatozoa
What is the definition of testosterone?
The male sex hormone, used in sex drive and the development of masculine qualities
What is the definition of tetanus?
A type of nervous system disease in which the patient is unable to regain control over certain muscles, usually those in the neck and jaw
What is the definition of tetany?
Muscle spasms
What is the definition of tetraplegia?
The paralysis of an animal’s four limbs; quadriplegia
What is the definition of tetraploid?
A type of organism with four haploid sets of chromosomes in its cells
What is the definition of thalamus?
The part of the diencephalon that is responsible for the transmission of sensory impulses
What is the definition of theriogenologist?
A person whose profession is to study the reproductive systems in animals
What is the definition of theriogenology?
The reproductive cycles of animals
What is the definition of thiamin?
Vitamin B
What is the definition of third ventricle?
The cavity that connects to the fourth ventricle in the diencephalon
What is the definition of thoracic?
Pertaining to the chest
What is the definition of thoracic cavity?
A space in the chest that holds the ribs, heart, and lungs; the chest cavity
What is the definition of thoracocentesis?
The puncturing of a hole in the wall of the chest as a means of drawing out fluid or air
What is the definition of thoracotomy?
An incision made into the chest wall
What is the definition of thremmatology?
The breeding of plants and animals for domestic purposes
What is the definition of thriftiness?
The ability of an animal to use food properly
What is the definition of throatlatch?
The part of the bridle that holds the brindle under the head
What is the definition of thrombocyte?
A type of nucleated cell used for clotting
What is the definition of thrombosis?
A type of medical condition in which thrombus is created within the blood vessels
What is the definition of thrombus?
The collection of blood that is attached to the inside of a wall or vein
What is the definition of thurl?
Another word for a horse’s thigh
What is the definition of thymectomy?
The removal of the thymus by surgical means
What is the definition of thymoma?
A neoplasm that occurs as related to the thymus
What is the definition of thymus?
A gland found near the midline of the chest cavity; found mostly in young animals
What is the definition of thyroid gland?
A gland found in the neck of humans and animals that secretes glands responsible for metabolic rate, calcitonin, and others.
What is the definition of thyroidectomy?
The removal of all of the thyroid gland or just part of it through surgical means
What is the definition of thyroiditis?
A medical condition in which the thyroid gland becomes inflamed
What is the definition of thyromegaly?
The enlargement of all or part of the thyroid gland
What is the definition of tickborne?
Anything that can be transmitted through ticks
What is the definition of tissue?
A group of cells designated for specialized function that is similar in function to one another
What is the definition of toe mark?
The act of punching holes in the membrane between the toes of birds; this is used for identification purposes
What is the definition of toed out?
The term that is used to describe an animal that walks with his feet pointed outwards
What is the definition of tomentose?
An animal whose coat is made up of short hairs
What is the definition of tonic?
A medicine that is used to make the bodily system healthier as a whole; may also refer to certain contractions of the muscles
What is the definition of tonometer?
A type of instrument that is used to measure intraocular pressure
What is the definition of tonsillitis?
A medical condition in which the tonsils are inflamed
What is the definition of tooth float?
A tool that is used to fill the teeth of horses
What is the definition of topcoat?
The term for hairs on a coat that are smooth and stiff; may also be known as guard hairs
What is the definition of topknot?
A crest of feathers atop the head of certain birds, usually just for aesthetic purposes
What is the definition of torticollis?
A medical condition in which the cervical muscles are contracted and cause the neck to be tense as well.
What is the definition of tortoise shell?
A type of fur found on felines in which the coat is splotched with orange and black
What is the definition of tourniquet?
A type of band that is used to assist in the drawing of blood or to stop bleeding
What is the definition of toxemia?
A condition of the blood in which the blood is poisoned due to the absorption of poisons
What is the definition of toxicity?
The state of being poisonous or having poisonous qualities
What is the definition of trachea?
The windpipe; it carries air from the bronchi to the mouth
What is the definition of tracheitis?
A medical condition in which the windpipe is inflamed
What is the definition of tracheoplasty?
The medical procedure in which the windpipe is surgically altered or repaired
What is the definition of tracheostomy?
The creation of an opening into the trachea, usually for the insertion of a tube
What is the definition of tracheotomy?
An incision into the trachea
What is the definition of trailing?
The driving of types of livestock from place to place
What is the definition of trasovarially?
Moving across an ovary or through the ovary
What is the definition of transplacentally?
Movement across or through a placenta
What is the definition of transverse plane?
A line (imaginary) that divides the body into cranial and caudal; may also be referred to as the horizontal plane.
What is the definition of trematode?
A type of parasitic flatworm, like the liver fluke found in sheep
What is the definition of tremor?
Trembling involuntarily
What is the definition of trephine?
An instrument, much like a saw, that is used to cut into bone and tissue
What is the definition of trichobezoar?
A ball of hair
What is the definition of triglyceride?
A type of lipid that moves through the bloodstream
What is the definition of trisomic?
The term used to refer to an organism with three chromosomes of the same type
What is the definition of trocar?
A type of needle-like tool that is used to puncture a cavity and draw out fluid or air
What is the definition of trochanter?
A broad projection of a bone, usually large and flat
What is the definition of tryer?
A stallion that is used for determining whether or not a female is in heat
What is the definition of tryptophan?
A type of amino acid that is essential for the rebuilding and repair of damaged tissues in humans and animals
What is the definition of tubbing?
The positioning of a horse’s foot in a tub of hot water and washing soda as a means of softening the hoof
What is the definition of tuberculin?
A biological agent that is used to determine or detect the presence of tuberculosis in animals and humans
What is the definition of tuberosity?
A type of elevation
What is the definition of tumor?
A mass of tissue with no real function; may be malignant or benign
What is the definition of tunica?
A membrane-like covering
What is the definition of turbinates?
Bones inside the nasal cavity
What is the definition of turgor?
The fullness of something due to the amount of fluid inside it
What is the definition of turken?
The offspring (female) of a turkey cock and a hen
What is the definition of tusk?
A large or overgrown tooth in a boar
What is the definition of tympanic bulla?
The chambers that hold the middle ear at the bottom of the skull
What is the definition of tympany?
The detection of free gas with the use of resonance