UWorld Test 5/25/2014 Flashcards
Enthesopathies (inflammation at site of tendon insertion) are common in what MSK condition?
Ankylosing spondylitis. Involvement of costovertebral and costosternal junctions may cause limitations of chest movements and cause hypoventilation. Check for chest expansion
Vitaminc C deficiency found in?
Alcoholics, homeless, drug users
Vitamic C is responsible for?
Hydroxylation of specific proline and lysine residues.
Muscarinic antagonist.. Won’t work at nicotinic receptor sites. May be used to ameliorate effects of excessive AchE inhibitors given for Myasthenia gravis
Propionic acidemia is a result of what congenital deficiency?
Deficiency of propionly coA carboxylase which converts propionyl CoA to methylmalonyl CoA.
Propionyl CoA is derived from?
Isoleucine, threonine, methionine, valine, odd no FA and cholesterol side chains.
Selective IgA deficiency is a/w
Anaphylactic response to transfused blood products due to immune response against transfused IgA which is perceived to be foreign. Also get recurrent sinopulmonary and GI infections
Blanching of a vein into which NE is injected into with induration and pallor of tissues surrounding IV injection site is a sign of?
NE extravasation and vasoconstriction can lead to local tissue necrosis.. Give an alpha 1 blocker, like phentolamine (this is actually a reversible general alpha blocker) to reverse effects and cause vasodilation
What is isolated systolic hypertension? When does it occur and why?
When systolic is high (above 140) but diastolic is normal (Below 90). Due to aortic stiffening (decrease in compliance). Age related. Found commonly in people over 50
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidiase (GGT) specific to?
Liver and biliary epithelia
What do these following viruses bind to? 1) CMV 2) EBV 3) HIV 4) Rabies 5) Rhinovirus
1) cellular integrins 2) CD21 3) CD4, CXCR4, CCR5 4) Nicotinich Ach R 5) ICAM-1 (CD54)
Beta-thalassemia is caused by defect in?
Defective transcription, processing and translation of beta globin mRNA causing aberrant splicing of pre-mRNA or premature chain termination
What is pyridoxine?
Vitamin B6
How do patients with homocystinuria present? What are they at risk for?
Lens subluxation/ectopia lentis (dislocated lens), marfinoid habitus (long limbs, arachnodactyly), osteporosis. High risk for thromboembolic episodes involving large and small vessel especially in brain heart and kidney
Most common cause of homocystinuria
deficiency of cystathione synthetase, requires Vit B6 (pyridoxine). Treat with Vit B6, 50% of patients respond well
Lipid is digested and absorbed in which part of the GI tract?
Digested in duodenum, absorbed in jejunum
Signs of foot drop and inability to evert the foot is damage to which nerve?
Common peroneal. Often injured with injury to head of the fibula.
What are the side effects of lithium? What should be monitored?
LMNOP - movement (tremor), neprhogenic diabetes, hyOthryoidism, pregnancy problem (ebstein’s analmoly), sedation. Monitor TSH, renal function
Portovacal anastomses for 1) eosphageal varices 2) caput medusae 3) hemorrhaids
1) portal: left gastric // systemic: esophageal 2) portal:paraumbilical // systemic: superficial and inferior epigastric 3) portal: superior rectal // systemic: inferior and middle rectal
What is cromolyn? MOA?
Cromolyn used to treat allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma (Second line). Prevents mast cell degranulation and release of chemical mediators.
Abrupt onset of gross hematuria and proteinuria w/ hx of sickle cell disease suggestive of?
Renal papillary necrosis.
Renal papillary necrosis is a/w?
Sickle cell, diabetes, acute pyelonephritis, chronic phenacetin use (acetaminophin is a derivative of phenacetin)
What happens to the spleen in sickle cell disease by adulthood?
Sickle cell disease : vaso-occlusions cause infarction of various tissues. Repeated splenic infarctions are common leads to significant scarring, fibrosis, and atrophy of spleen. => autosplenectomy.
Patients with chronic hemolytic disease like SS are predisposed to what kind of deficiency?
Folic acid deficiency due to increased cell turnover, leading to a megaloblastic, macrocytic anemia.