UWorld Sim 1 Flashcards
what is the pathogenesis in acute respiratory distress syndrome and what will you see
- Alveolar insult (sepsis, aspiration, pneumonia, trauma, pancreatitis)
- pro-inflammatory cytokines being released
- PMNs and release of toxic mediators
- Capillary endothelial damage and increase in vessel permeability
- leak of protein rich fluid in the alveoli
- formation of intra-alveolar hyaline membranes and pulmonary edema
*note loss of surfactant also contributes to alveolar collapse
Abnormal chest x-ray (bilateral lung opacities)
Respiratory failure within 1 week of alveolar insult
Decreased PaO2/FiO2 (<300, hypoxemia due to increased intrapulmonary shunting and diffusion abnormalities)
Symptoms of respiratory failure are not due to HF/fluid overload
-impaired gas exchange, decreased lung compliance, pulmonary hypertension
globus sensation/hystericus/pharyngeus
common abnormal sensation of foreign body, tightness, or fullness in throat without accompanying findings of esophageal obstruction
- worsens when swallowing spit but better when eating and drinking
- considered a functional disorder of the esophagus
what is the one vitamin you do NOT want in excess when pregnant?
vitamin A
- accumulates in the stellate cells of the liver and is not readily excreted in the urine
- too much in the first trimester (during organogenesis) can result in fetal microcephaly, cardiac anomalies, early epiphyseal closure, growth retardation, and spontaneous abortion
DNA laddering
- appearance of DNA fragments in multiples of 180 base pairs
- sensitive indicator of apoptosis
what are the filaments used in each type of cell connection
tight junction: claudin and occludin
adherens junction: cadherins
desmosome: cadherins with intermediate filaments
gap junction: connexons made up of connexins
hemidesmosome: integrin, fibronectin/laminin, ECM/collagen
what is the primary concern of both anterior and posterior dislocations of the knee join
injury to the popliteal artery
what should you be concerned about in a case with:
penetrating trauma to the popliteal fossa
blunt trauma to the lateral knee
tibial nerve
common peroneal nerve
nummular eczema
pruritic, coin-shaped, erythematous patches
being an angry person then going and playing sports to get the aggression out
ligand binding to a tyrosine kinase receptor results in formation of….
receptor dimers and a conformational change that exposes tyrosine kinase active sites
Chiari I vs Chiari II vs Dandy-Walker
Chiari I –> ectopia of cerebellar tonsils inferior to foramen magnum (1 structure), usually asymptomatic in childhood but with cough/headaches in adulthood and cerebellar symptoms
Chiari II –> herniation of cerebellar vermis and tonsils (2 structures) through foramen magnum with aqueductal stenosis, noncommunicating hydrocephalus, usually with lumbosacral myelomeningocele and may present as paralysis/sensory loss at and below the level of the lesion
Dandy-Walker –> agenesis of cerebellar vermis leads to cystic enlargement of 4th ventricle that fills the enlarged posterior fossa, associated with noncommunicating hydrocephalus and spina bifida
female with primary amenorrhea, absent uterus and upper vagina, cryptorchid (undescended testes), minimal to absent pubic hair, yes to breast development
x-linked defect of androgen receptor (complete androgen insensitivity)
premature neonate with impaired BP in premature infants, altered level of consciousness, bulging fontanelle, hypotension, seizures, coma
Neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage
- bleeding into ventricles
- increased risk in premature and low-birth-weight infants
- originates in germinal matrix (highly vascularized layer within the subventricular zone)
- due to reduced glial fiber support and impaired autoregulation of BP in premature infants
cisplatin and carboplatin
cross-links DNA
-used for testicular, bladder, ovary, and lung carcinomas
adverse effects: nephrotoxicity, peripheral neuropathy, and otoxicity (tinnitus and hearing loss by damaging hair cells within the organ of corti of the cochlear membranous labyrinth)
prevent nephrotoxicity with amifostine (free radical scavenger) and chloride (saline) diuresis
which medications can cause interstitial lung diseases
bleomycin, busulfan, amiodarone, methotrexate