UWORLD FM Flashcards
Uterine Sarcoma RF
- RF: Post menopausal, Tamoxifen, radiation
Compartment syndrome clinical features
POOP, Inc pain with stretch, paraesthesia, rapidly increasing swelling and tense
IUD contraindications
- Progestin + Copper (unexplained vag bleeding, endometrial/cervical ca, preg/gestational trophoblastic Dx, distorted uterus, active PID)
- Progestin (liver Dz, br ca)
- Copper (wilson)
Traveller’s Diarrhea Tx
- Adults: Quinolones
- Kids: Azithromycin
Gold standard for assessing dehydration
weight loss
Incontinence Treatment
- Stress (pee with inc abd pressure): pelvic Sx or exercises, pessary
- Urgency (bladder training, anti-muscaranics)
- Overflow (trouble emptying bladder and dribbling): cholinergic agonists, self cath
Benign vs harsh murmurs
- Benign: Mid systolic/early, Grade 1-2, decrease with standing/valsalva
- Path: Diastolic/holosystolic, >Grade 3, persist with valsalva/standing
Prolonged QT syndrome
- Etiology: Congenital, electrolytes (hypo-ca/mag/kalemia), Drugs (quinolones, macrolides, opioids like oxy, zofran, antipsychotics)
Pneumonia in children- criteria for admission
Hypoxia <90, mod-severe distress, failed OP Tx, dehydration, complicated (effusion)
Causes of vertigo
- Migraine (associated with h/a)
- vestibular neuritis (after URI, lasts days)
- Cerebellar stroke (persistent, >50 with RFs, non-suppresable nystagmus)
- Meniere’s
Treatment of PAD
- First: Smoking, HTN, DM, ASA+Statin
- First: Exercise program
- Second: Cilastazole
- Third: Surgery (Angio with stent or bypass)
Factors concerning for thyroid malignancy
- > 1cm
- Microcalcification, inc vascularity, hypoechoic, elevated/normal TSH
- Relatives, radiation, rapid growth, cervical LNpathy
Prophylaxis for Lyme disease Criteria (must meet all)
- Attached tick adult
- Attached >36 hours
- PPx within 72 hours of tick bite
- No C/I to doxy
- Borrelia infection rate >20% (new england)
Etiology for IE
- S. Aureus (IVDU, prosthetic valves, catheters, implantable devices)
- S. epi (same as staph Aureus but no IVDU)
- Candida (long Abx, immunosup)
- Enterococci (UTIs)
- Strept (Respiratory or dental)
- S. Gallalyticus (Colon Ca, IBD)
Treatment for Lichen Sclerosis
High potency steroids.
Treatment for severe opioid induced constipation.
When should tamoxifen be stopped before surgery?
2-4 weeks as it can cause thrombosis.
Post partum urinary retention
Pudendal nerve injury. Self resolves in a week.
Pregnancy Rhinitis
- Nasal congestion and often epistasix
- Treat with saline sprays and exercise. Flonase only helps if they had underlying seasonal allergies
Absolute C/I to OCPs
Migraine, >15 cigs + >35y, heart disease, clots, pregnancy, diabetes, liver disease, immobilization, Hx of stroke, APL syndrome
Tourrett’s syndrome Tx
Behavioral is first line. Pharm is antipsychotics
- Presents with CP, dyspnea, syncope
- Sys ejection murmur
- EKG: depo (Q waves) and repol (T wave inversions) and Echo (LVH)
- Tx: BB/CCBs, avoid dehydration and vaso, ICD maybe, ablation/transplant
Lactose intolerance test of diagnosis
Lactose hydrogen breath test
Common causes of esophagitis in HIV pts
- Candida (pseudohyphae on Bx)
- HSV (Multinuclei on Bx)
- CMX (intracytoplasmic/nucleic inclusions)
Ankylosing spondylitis
- <40 years, low back pain, hip/butt pain IMPROVES with exercise. Uveitis. Limited lumbar spine and chest expansion. Sacroilitis on imaging
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
- Through undercooked meat, vegetables, cat feces
- Chorioretinitis, seizures, intellectual disability, hearing issues, hydrocephalus
- Tx Spiramycin
Lung abscess
- Fever, night sweats, weight loss, putrid sputum
- Ampicillin-sulbactam alt- clinda
- Cultures are not helpful
- Air-fluid level on imaging
- BSA: <10 (SJS), 10-30 (overlap) and >30 TEN
- 4-28D after exposure, erythema/vesicles/macules, necrolysis and epidermal sloughing
- Causes (Abx- sulfa, phenytoin, carbamezapine, allopurinol, NSAIDs)
Eating Disorder treatments
- Anorexia: CBT, NT and OLANZAPINE
- Bulimia: CBT, NT and SSRI (Fluoxetine)
- Binge-eating: SSRI, Lisdexamphetamine
Cutaneous Larva Migrans
- usually from caribean, south Asia
- Cutaneous serpengious rash on feet
- “Hook worm”
- Ivermectin> albendazole
Internal hemorrhoids
- <40 without red flags: Anoscopy, 40-49 without red flags: sigmoidoscopy, >50 with red flags: Colonoscopy
ECT Indications and risk
- For dep with psychosis, resistant depression, wont eat/drink, suicide risk
- Risk: recent MI/stroke, unstable aneurysm
Burns in children
- Intentional: will not splash marks, will be uniform with sharp borders, spares creasing
- 2nd/third degree burns- transfer out
Rhinitis medicamentosa
Recurrent rhinitis after using decongestant >5 days. usually treat with flonase.
Screening for Diabetes
- BG levels (more accurate that A1c): Fasting >126. Repeat on 2 different occasions. >200 PP
- A1c: >6.5
- OGTT: Most sensitive
Antiplatelet therapy after stent placement
- Should continue DAPT for at least 6-12 months in DES/metal stent. Ideally 30 months.
- If elective, postpone until minimum requirement met (6 months for DES and 1 mo for metal)
- usually continue ASA indefinatley
- Continue plavix unless high bleeding procedure (brain surgery)
Macular degeneration
Most common cause of vision loss in elderly. Can be wet (unilateral, exudative) or dry (atrophic). First sign is way/bendy lines)
lactose malabsorption
- Can handle some dairy. Should be given calcium and vitamin D supplementation
Statin side effects
Can increase risk for diabetes due to increase in BG levels. A rare side effect is rhabdo, more common in simvastatin.
post-partum sadness
- PP Blues <10 days: self-limiting
- PP dep: >2 weeks
Vaginal bleeding DDx
- Placenta Abruptio: Bleeding BEFORE delivery, uterine tenderness, painful contractions
- Uterine rupture: Painful bleeding, uterine tenderness, NO contractions
- Placenta accreta: Hard to remove placenta AFTER delivery
Recognizing adrenal insufficiency
- Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, eosinophilia, azotemia,
T.bili for phototherapy in newborns
> 9 at 12 hours or 10-12 at 24 hours
FHR etiologies
- Fetal tachy: Infection (prolonged labor), terbutaline, hypothyroidism
- Decels: placenta abruptio, umbilical cord prolapse, uterine rupture
- Brady: Mag sulfate
Evaluation of adrenal incidentaloma
- Always do hormonal work up (Cushing- DST, Pheochroma- catecholamines, Primary hyperaldo- renin-aldo ratio)
- > 4 cm or suggestive of Ca: FNA, if not, conservative follow up
- If hormones are elevated: Adrenalectomy
Side effects of Carbidopa/Levodopa
Hallucinations, headaches, agitation and dyskinesis/dystonia 5-10 years after treatment.
Sickle cell prophylaxis
Antibiotics from 2 months to 5 years.
Needs pneumococcal, meningococcal and flu vaccines
Infertility tests
- Male: Semen analysis
- Ovarian reserve: Clomifene challenge or day 3 measurement of FSH and estradiol
- Ovulatory function: 21 day progesterone challenge
- Uterine evaluation: sonohysterogram
- Fallopian evaluation: Hysterosalphingogram
PNA management in kids
- Pre-school (S.Pneumo): Amox
- Older kids (Mycoplasma): Azithro
T.Solium. Calcified nodules in brain. Can cause headache and new-onset seizures. Albendazole +/- Steroids.
Toxo causes ring enhancing lesions
Wound management
- Close with primary closure (suture, adhesive tape or staples) within up to 18 hours and up to 24 for face. If late, immunocomp, crush injuries or bites- secondary closure
Systemic Sclerosis
2 types: limited cutaneous (hands, feet, neck, face) and diffuse (abdomen, chest)
Limited: better prognosis. CREST syndrome. More prone for pulm HTN as opposed to renal failure/heart which is more common in diffuse.
Asthma exacerbation in kids management
- Mild: neb albuterol (3 doses in an hour) and PO steroids
- Mod: neb albuterol + ipratropium and PO/IV steroids
- Severe: above + mag and IV steroids
Rule of 6. More than 6 symptoms of inattention and/or hyperness for >6 months. Presents mostly before 12. Present in 2 settings. Functional impairment.
Vulvar masses
Bartholin cysts are usually benign but if appear nodular or irregular in an especially post menopausal woman, it needs biopsied.
- RF: viral illness, rotavirus, HSP, celiac
- Presents with episodic crampy abdominal pain, current jelly stools
- Crescent sign on Xray and target sign on USG
- Tx: Enema vs sx
Anti-depressant with-drawl syndrome
usually due to abrupt stoppage of drug causing irritability, fatigue, anxiousness, GI upset and flu symptoms. Re-start old and taper before starting new.
Indications for TRUS prostate Bx
- Do it before MRI which can be used for staging
- Indications: Nodule, irregularity, asymmetry on DRE, PSA 1st check >7 and >2 in 2nd check.
Tocolytics options and C/I
- <32wks: Indomethacin, <34: Nifidepine/Terbutaline
- ONLY to delay pre-term delivery
- C/I: Fetal death, fetal anomaly, pre-eclampsia, HD instability, pelvic infection
Whitlow finger
- Caused by HSV
- Tx: supportive in immunocompetent and acyclovir for immunosuppressed.
Infectious tenosynovitis
- Kanavel signs: Sausage finger, pain with extension, tenderness along the tendon sheath
- Incision and drainage with Abx.
Acute Paronychia
Swelling, erythema, tenderness in medial part of finger. Localized bacterial infection. Treat with warm soaks and topical Abx.
Chronic SDH
Presents with fluctuating/insidious symptoms like confusion, irritability. Present after a fall. Older people. Neuroimaging necessary. Tx: Watch if <10mm and surgery (>10mm, herniation, midline shift)
Metabolic Alkalosis
(What happens to Cl)
- If urine Cl is low: Body trying to save Cl in hypovolemic states (Dehydration)
- IF urine Cl is high: It represents renal wasting. I.e. Barter and Gitleman syndrome (hypovolemic) and Cushing, hyperaldo (hypervol)
Meningitis in USA
- Most commonly caused by S.Pneumo, N.men, H.influenza, Listeria
- Only add dexa to Abx if S.pneumo
Traumatic Hyphema
- Usually eye injury with blunt trauma.
- Presents with photophobia, eye pain, blood in ant chamber, unequal pupils
- Tx: Bed rest or limit activity, eye shield, monitor IOP, steroid/cyclopegic eyes drops
- Complications: Permanent vision loss, glauma, rebleeding
RSV prevention
Nervisemab for all infants <8 months.
Disseminated gonococcal infection
- Triad of tenosynovitis, migratory polyathralgia and pustular skin lesions. Treat chlamydia too.
Blunt chest trauma
- Bones (Clavicle, sternum, ribs, scapula)
- Flail chest >3 adjacent ribs, each fractures in 2 places
- Internal injury
- Aortic: Widened mediastinum
- Pulm contusion: opacity on pulm parenchyma
- Pneumothorax
Parvovirus in pregnant women
- Can cause fetal demise <20 weeks and >20 week need to be monitored with USG for hydrops fetalis
Pediatric sepsis
- <28D (GBS, E.coli, Listeria). Treat with Ampi+Genta
- > 28D (S.Pneumo, N.men). Treat with Vanc + Rocephin
RA risks
- Cardiovascular mortality has been shown to be increased.
1. Methotrexate (hepatotoxicity, stomatitis, cytopenias)
2. Leflumide (Hepato, cytopenia)
3. Hydroxychloroquine (retinopathy)
4. TNF inhibitors (infxn, ca, CHF)
5. Sulfasalzine (Hepato, hemolytic anemia stomatitis)
Coxsackie Myocarditis
Most common. It is post URI. Can lead to dilated cardiomyopathy and lead to heart failure.
MMR vaccine
- Infants at 12 months and then 4 years
- If they are travelling internationally, then can receive before 12 months but will have poor immune response so 2 dose needs to be administered.
Conduct and Anti-social disorder
Conduct is <18 years and anti-social >18 years
Polycythemia Vera
Myleproliferative disorder which causes erythropoietin derived increased erythrocytes. Presents with transient vision loss, burning face, hepato-splenomegaly. Low erythropoeitin. <60 years can be treated with ASA and phlebotomy. >60y need hydroxyurea.
Strept throat treatment
If mild allergy, cephalosporin
If anaphylaxis, azithromycin or clindamycin
Polymorphic eruptions of pregnancy
Urticarial rashes on abdomen and spare the peri-umbilical region. Steroid is treatment.
Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- 21-hydroxylase deficiency- Elevated 17-Hydroxyprogesterone
- Causes hyperkalemia, hyponatremia and hypoglycemia
- Treat with mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid
Pemphigus Vulgaris
- Erythematous bullae that begin in mouth and then to the body
- +ve Nikolsy sign (burst on contact)
- Dx: Desmoglein Ab and skin bx
- Tx: Systemic steroids
ADHD medication titration
Increased weekly as long as not getting side effects
Sudden onset heavy proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia in adults
- MCD: Nothing on UA. After URI. Need renal Bx. Treat with steroids
- Focal segmental glomerulonephrosis: Crescent formation
ABI interpretation
<0.9: Diagnosis of PAD
>1.3: Calcified can falsely elevate ABI
Most accurate way to determine exact due date
USG in 1 month, calculate crown rump length