UWorld Examples - BS Flashcards
Define LIFE COURSE APPROACH and give an example
life course approach is a holistic, multi-disciplinary framework for understanding how psych, bio, and sociocultural factors ACROSS A LIFETIME have a cumulative effect on health outcomes
eg research suggests respiratory infections, low SES, and smoking risk factors increase likelihood of developing COPD
Define SICK ROLE THEORY and give an example
Sick Role Theory is a functional approach describing how disruption to typical social activity (eg work) caused by illness is minimized through the SICK ROLE, which legitimizes illness as socially acceptable deviance.
Define ILLNESS EXPERIENCE and give an example
illness experience is a symbolic interactionist approach to understanding how people incorporate and make sense of illness (e.g. HIV) as part of their self-ID (e.g. black man) and daily routines (e.g. repeated, unprotected sex)
Define SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONISM and give an example
Social constructionism suggests that social reality is created thru interpersonal interactions (eg currency exchange), which result in shared meaning (eg value of currency) and expected roles/behaviors. (eg pay for valuables with currency)
Define JAMES-LANGE THEORY and give an example
James-Lange theory states that specific emotions are produced by stimuli (eg loud noise) that produces specific physiological reactions (eg increased HR) ,which is then transmitted as sensory info to brain via spinal cord
Define COMMON SENSE THEORY and give an example
Common-Sense Theory states that emotion occurs (eg fear), then body response occurs (eg increased HR).
Define CANNON-BARD THEORY and give an example
Cannon-Bard Theory states physiological arousal (eg increased HR) and emotion (eg fear) are INDEPENDENT processes that occur SIMULTANEOUSLY.
Define SCHACTER-SINGER THEORY and give an example
Schacter-Singer Theory states physiological arousal (eg increased HR) forces brain to interpret situation and elicits an emotional response (eg fear because situation is deemed dangerous)
Define THEORY OF UNIVERSAL EMOTIONS and give an example
Theory of Universal Emotions states that certain emotions (eg sad, happy, excited, etc) are expressed and detected by everyone, regardless of culture
Define ROLE STRAIN and give an example
Role strain is defined as competing EXPECTATIONS within a single role creates tension.
eg student struggles to find enough time to complete homework (expectation 1) and study for MCAT (expectation 2)
Define ROLE CONFLICT and give an example
Role conflict is defined as competing ROLES (2+) creates tension.
eg student (role 1) is employed (role 2) and a father (role 3) and a husband (role 4), struggling to find enough time to complete all expectations
Define ROLE EXIT and give an example
Role exit is defined as when an individual disengages from a social role, often replacing it with a new social role.
eg medical resident (old role) completes licensure and becomes physician (new role)
Define LOOKING-GLASS SELF and give an example
Looking-Glass Self suggests that our interpretation of how we are perceived by others impacts our self-concept (beliefs about ourselves).
eg my wife sees me as a lazy person, which impacts my self-worth and self-image
When an individual is UNINTERESTED in a message, superficial factors (eg speaker is attractive and celebrity) might be most persuasive.
Define SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM and give an example
Symbolic interactionism is a micro-level sociological theory that states people communicate with symbols (eg hand gestures)
Define DRAMATURGICAL PERSPECTIVE and give an example
DRAMATURGICAL perspective Individuals behave as actors, behaving in front of others the way that they should based on social norms
Define HABITUATION and give an example
Decreased response to a stimulus over time
Eg no longer noticing a sweater is scratchy after a few minutes wearing it
Define DIShabituation and give an example
A renewed response to a previously habituated stimulus
Eg putting itchy sweater back on a few minutes after taking it off
Define SENSITIZATION and give an example
Increased response to a stimulus over time
Eg sweaters itchiness becomes more itchy until it is unbearable
Define DEsensitization and give an example
Decreased response to a previously sensitized stimulus over time
Eg irritation from previously unbearable scratchiness diminishes over time
Define HALO EFFECT and give an example
Halo effect is an attributional error that occurs when an individual with a positive quality (eg physically attractive) is assumed to have other positive qualities (eg intelligence)