Uworld 2 Flashcards
HPV puts you at risk for which pathologic type of cancer? DES puts your at risk for whch type?
HPV= squamous cell of vag/ cervix
DES= clear cell adeno
what is the MOST COMMON predisposing factor to orbital cellulitis
bacterial sinusitis
if you see erythema mirgans do you do lymes seroglogies?
no, just treat with doxy if over 8yo and not pregnant
do serologies in late disseminated dz that is less clear
post MI pericarditis
- tx with NSAIDS
- steroids if refractory of CI to NSAIDS
fecaluria and pneumaturia are signs of?
colovesical fistula. Look for someone with chrons, recent acute diverticulitis or malignancy
evaluate with ORAL contrast
when do you use parent management training?
conduct disorder (also CBT, family training)
> 18 with conduct do BEFORE 15 = antisocial
Sturge Weber dx
port wine stain in V1/V2 correlates with leptomeningial avm –> Dx is done with MRI with contrast
Other common findings:
- cognitive delay
- seizures
- glaucoma
gastroschisis is assoc with first trimester use of what drug?
greatest complication in males with CF?
infertility due to congenital absence of vas
stasis dermatitis is a product of…. It typically involves…
valve insufficiency aka venous hypertension
(inc pressure frm stasis damages capillaries, allows erythrocytes into tissues, hemosiderin deposition causes color change)
It involves medial malleous to right below knee
size cut off for biopsying melanoma?
6mm –> excisional bx with 1-3 mm margins to start
differentiate hypothyroid myopathy from polymyositis
hypothyroid= myaglias + abnl reflexes (but don’t be fooled, they don’t always have abnl reflex. If other signs point to hyperthyroidism, take them)
polymyositis does not have those features. Both can have symmetric proximal muscle weakness, elevated CK, ESR
number for acute oliguria
<250cc in 12 hours (
rash in lamotrogine
10% get benign rash, but should d/c to prevent progression to SJS/TENS
AGONST at breast and bone
ANTAGONIST at uterus –> endometrial polyps in premenopasual, endometrial hyperplasia in postmenopausal
t/f: OCPs can cause HTN?
hypotension after epidural?
sympathetic nerves that do vasomotor tone blocked –> causes vasodilation and pooling in lower extremities
**give lots of fluid before hand!
uterine fibroids associated with recurrent pregnancy loss?
submucosal and intracavitary
subserosal is outside the uterus
therapuetic Mg concentrations for Pre E? When does it become toxic? What is the first sign
>8= toxic
first sign = delayed reflexes –> HA, lethargy –> respiratory failure –> coma
adverse effects of oxytocin
Oxytocin is similar to ASH –> as such, infusions can cause HYPONATREMIA –> seizures
can als cause hypotension and tachysystole
NAAT comes up positive for chlamydia and negative for gonnorrhea. How do you treat?
azithromycin only!
but you treat with both if its gonorrhea +
two sample t test for….
chi square for…
t test= two means
chi square= categorized outcomes (think of a 2x2 table where even though there are only tw variables, there are 4 combinations)
what is the murmur involved with tricuspid valve endocarditis
holoSYSTOLIC tricuspid regurg that increases on inspiration
“mid diastolic sound”
pericardial knock –> ventricles expanding against restrictive pericardium
Next step after non reactive non stress test?
BPP or Contraction stress test
CI to CST= placenta previa, prior mymectomy
most common presentations of CP and greatest risk factor
Presentation: spastic paraplegia in lower extremities with downward pointing toes (equinovarus deformity)
Risk: premie <32 weeks
prolactinoma vs nonfunctioning adenoma vs antpsychotic med
Antipsychotic will ONLY effect PRL
Prloactinoma will have high PRL (ie > 200)
Non functioning adenoma likely has CENTRAL hypothyroid (low TSH and T4), low test, high Prl
After low uptake RAIU scan, how can you distinguish if this is preformed (thyroiditis) vs exogenous
High thyroglobulin= endogenous
elevated alpha subunit:TSH ration suggests?
pituitary adenoma
TSH, LH, FSH, bHCG share common alpha subunit
whats the parkinsons gate
short, narrow, shuffling
congenital hypothyroidism
infants appear normal at birth but then develop: apathy, weakness, large tongue, abdominal movement, umbilical hernia, jaundice
SCreen at birth!
why labetalol (or esmolol) for acute aortic dissection?
decrease BP and reduce LV contractility (reduces wall stress)
(hydral and nitrprusside can cause paradoxical rise in HR/ contractility)
t/f: primary hyperPTH can cause htn
true, but unclear way. maybe associated with MEN
nephrolithiasis in sarcoid
granulomas produces 1a-OH–> inc vit D –> inc calcium –> inc calcium in urine
presentation of CMV retinitis vs HSV/VZV
CMV= painless, does not hvae associated conjunctivitis, fluffy lesions with retinal hemorhages on exam
HSV/VZV= rapidly progressive conjunctivitis/kerititis/uveitis . Fundoscopic exam shows pale areas with central retinal necrosis
decreased activity/poor feeding in neonate
always have sepsis high!!
- can be hyper/hypothermic
- can have jaundice
care recommendation forplacenta previa
pelvic rest
-no sex, no cervical exams, no vaginal delivery
HepC in pregnancy
vax against HepB/HepA (safe)
breast feeding is safe
avascular necrosis of hip
- pain on weight bearing/ hip abduction/ internal rotation
- pain in groin, thigh, butt that’s worse with activity
- no CXR findings early, no ESR
MRI is best test!
common in SLE+ long term steroid use
HIV prophylaxis in CD4<50
azithromycin for MAC
- PCP <200
- Toxo <100
physiologic tremor is one that…
you can’t see at rest, very low freq
can acutely onset/worsen with triggers like coffee, anxiety, thyroid
two biggest risks for RDS of newborn
maternal diabetes and premie
valgus stress=
urge incontinence tx
detrusor over activity –> after bladder training and kegles, use anticholinergic like OXYBUTININ
tx for AIHA
high dose steroids
SGA most likely to cause prolactin sx and infertility?
how to treat flash pulm edema in MI
**do not BB in bradycardia/acute decmpensated heart failure