Uworld 1 Flashcards
Clinical associations with Large cell carcinoma of lung
- Gynecomastia
- Galactorrhea
Describe the use of ABIs in evaluation of risk for diabetic ulcers?
-primarily measures a large vessel PAD and does not accurately assess small vessel disease, which often contributes to ulcers in diabetic
What infections are particularly prevalent after puncture wounds through the sole of a shoe as the warm moist environment is quite hospitable to this organism
Dermatitis herpetiformis is associated with what conditions?
Celiac disease
Patients with pernicious anemia need to be monitored for the development of what long term complication?
Gastric cancer (periodic stool testing for the presence of blood)
Subacute (de Quervain, subacute granulomatous) thyroiditis is thought to be due to what?
-a post viral inflammatory process and is often preceded by an upper respiratory illness
which thyroid cancer has psammoma bodies
patient with CKD develops anemia and needs erythropoietin. Describe what then happens to iron?
- The production of new RBCs is associated with a surge of iron usage
- This can cause a rapid depletion in body’s iron stores, particularly in chronically ill pts whose iron stores may already be lower
- iron stores must be evaluation prior to starting supplemental erythropoietin
risk factors for Cervicofacial Actinomyces
- Dental infections and trauma (extractions)
- Immunosuppression, DM, malnutrition
what imaging is helpful for establishing a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis
CT scan
Multiple skin tags is associated with what conditions?
- Insulin resistance
- Pregnancy
- Crohn disease (perianal)
Lab studies in HHS
- Glucose > 1000 mg/dL
- NORMAL pH and bicarb
- NORMAL anion gap
- negative or small serum ketones
- serum osmolality > 320 mOsm/kg
what does pulmonary histoplasmosis usually cause on x ray
focal or perihilar infiltrates
Describe the acid base disturbance found in adrenal insufficiency
- aldosterone deficient –> kidney loses sodium and retains potassium and hydrogen ion
- NORMAL ANION GAP and hyperkalemic and hyponatremic metabolic acidosis
Current guidelines recommend moderate intensity or high intensity statin therapy for patients age 40-75 with an estimated 10 year risk for cardiovascular disease of what %?
> /= 7.5%
What is chalazion
- eyelid discomfort
- chronic granulomatous inflammation of the meibomian gland
- it appears as a hard, painless lid nodule
What drugs are associated with thyroid dysfunction
- Amiodarone
- lithium
metabolic acidosis after a seizure
Postictal lactic acidosis
Describe the PaCO2 in a PE
most have decreased due to hyperventilation
Wernicke encephalopathy occurs in patients with long-term thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency due to what?
- Poor dietary intake (e.g. anorexia, chronic alcohol use)
- impaired metabolism
- poor absorption
pupils in cocaine intox
This eye pathology typically presents with light flashes, floaters, or a curtain across the visual field that usually starts from the periphery and is generally NOT painful
Retinal detachment
This refers to slow, writhing movements that typically affects the hands and feet
What is the modality of choice for patients with suspected vertebral osteomyelitis
Treatment of Wernicke encephalopathy
-IV thiamine followed by glucose infusion
What is the most common presenting symptom of fibromuscular dysplasia
-Recurrent headache caused by carotid artery stenosis or aneurysm
what is the most common etiology of amaurosis fugax
- retinal ischemia due to atherosclerotic emboli originating from the ipsilateral carotid artery
- pts with vascular risk factors should be evaluated with a duplex US of the neck
A young male patient with 2 months of cough and has evidence of pulmonary nodules and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy raises concern for a neoplastic process. Malignancies are rare in young men; most are what?
testicular, lymphoma, or leukemia
What is episcleritis and how does it present
- an infection of the episcleral tissue between the conjunctiva and sclera
- diffuse or localized bulbar conjunctival injection
how does mixed cryoglobulinemia syndrome commonly present
- fatigue
- nonblanching, palpable purpura
- arthralgias
- renal disease (hematuria, proteinuria, glomerulonephritis)
- and peripheral neuropathies
Describe the role of Octrotide in management of esophageal varices
- long acting somatostatin analogue that causes splanchnic vasoconstriction and reduced portal blood flow by inhibiting the release of glucagon
- Used in treatment of ACTIVE variceal bleeding and has no role in primary prophylaxis
eye symptoms in Sarcoidosis
Iritis or uveitis
Hepatorenal syndrome is an important complication of end stage liver disease. What is it characterized by
- significant decrease in Glomerular filtrations in absence of another clear cause of renal dysfunction
- minimal hematuria (<50 erythrocytes/hpf)
- lack of improvement with volume resuscitation
Patient with painless muscle weakness associated with weight gain, bone loss, HTN, and hirsutism is consistent with what?
Hypercortisolism (Cushing syndrome)
Acute interstitial nephritis is frequently caused by antibiotics (such as those administered for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis) or infection. what does urinalysis show
active sediment with white cells and white cell casts
Patients with Hepatitis C are at risk for a number of immune-mediated complications, including membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, which commonly occurs in association with mixed cryoglobulinemia syndrome (an immune complex deposition disorder). What does urinalysis reveal?
dysmorphic red cells, red cell casts, and protein
As muscle cells break down, what is released into the blood stream
- potassium
- Myoglobin
In the treatment of hyperthyroidism, what is the black box warning when using PTU
severe liver injury and acute liver failure
hematological manifestations of acute lead poisoning
microcytic anemia
Patients with cirrhosis and medium or large esophageal varices should receive primary prophylaxis to prevent bleeding. How can this be achieved?
- Endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL)
- or administration of a nonselective beta blocker (propranolol or nadolol)
Clinical manifestations of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
- Hemolysis –> fatigue
- Cytopenias (impaired hematopoiesis)
- Venous thrombosis (intraabdominal, cerebral veins)
ANCAs and biopsies in diagnosis of Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
- PR3 and MPO
- Skin: leukocytoclastic vasculitis
- Kidney (pauci-immune GN)
- Lung (granulomatous vasculitis)
Hepatorenal syndrome occurs as cirrhosis progresses and patient develop what?
- splanchnic arterial dilation and an overall decrease in vascular resistance
- this, in turn, activates the RAS and results in renal vasoconstriction with decreased perfusion and glomerular filtration.
Most appropriate next step in management of a patient with substernal chest pain, oral thrush, and CD4 count <100
- oral fluconazole
- Patients who do not have thrush or who fail to respond to empiric therapy warrant esophagoscopy with biopsy, cytology, and culture to determine the specific etiology
patient presents with anasarca, pulmonary and facial edema, HTN, and abnormal UA with proteinuria and microscopic hematuria suggests what
acute nephritic syndrome with fluid overload
Classic triad of polyarthralgia, tenosynovitis, and painless vesiculopustular skin lesions
disseminated gonococcal infection
This is a sensation of restlessness that causes the patient to move frequently
what pharmacological intervention is effective at increasing appetite, causing weight gain, and improving well being in patients with cancer-related anorexia/cachexia syndrome?
-Progesterone analogues (e.g. megestrol acetate) or corticosteroids
Hemi-neglect syndrome is characterized by ignoring the left side of space. What part of the brain is involved
-RIGHT (non-dominant) PARIETAL lobe
what metal in jewelry can cause an allergic type IV hypersensitivity reaction (contact dermatitis)
Describe the organ involvement of diffuse cutaneous sclerosis
- Scleroderma renal crisis
- Myocardial ischemia and fibrosis
- Interstitial lung disease
Most sensitive imaging modality to visualize avascular necrosis of hip
Describe sarcoidosis with cardiac involvement
- recent uveitis
- mild dyspnea
- presyncope episodes likely due to conduction abnormalities
- marked bradycardia with AB block and LBBB
Brain abscesses can come from adjacent infections (sinusitis, otitis, or dental infection) or hematongenously from distant infection (e.g. endocarditis, osteomyelitis). What organisms are usually the culprits?
- Viridans strep
- Staph. aureus
- Gram-neg organisms
Patients with early syphilis who have a penicillin allergy receive alternate treatment with what?
oral doxy
antidote for cyanide poisoning
- hydroxocobalamin or
- sodium thiosulfate
- or treat with nitrites to induce methemoglobinemia
What is the recommendation from USPSTF for screening for bladder cancer
AGAINST due to it relatively low incidence and poor positive predictive value
- Recent URI
- dyspnea
- elevated jugular venous pressure
- clear lung fields
- increased cardiac silhouette on chest x-ray
- suggestive of what
early cardiac tamponade due to a large pericardial effusion
Describe malignant acanthosis nigricans
- associated with underlying neoplasms, esp. GI and GU
- The sudden appearance of such skin changes in middle aged or elderly patients is suggestive of underlying malignancy
- patients are not obese (but instead may have lost weight)
- lesions occur in uncommon areas: mucous membranes, palms, soles
associated complications with UC?
Which is the ONLY one that needs regular surveillance **
- Toxic megacolon
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis
- colorectal cancer**
- Erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum
- spondyloarthritis
patient with PAINLESS gross hematuria with large smoking history
bladder cancer
A patient has a chronic cough that worsens overnight and did not improve with antihistamine therapy. What should be suspected and what should be done
- asthma suspected
- should be evaluated with spirometry to assess bronchodilator response
- Methocholine challenge test can be performed if no bronchodilator response seen
- Alternate approach is to treat empirically with 2-4 weeks of inhaled glucocorticoids, If cough improves, a Dx of asthma can be made
What are the physical counterpressure maneuvers that can be done during the prodromal phase of vasovagal syncope that can improve venous return and cardiac output, sometimes aborting syncopal episodes
- leg crossing with tensing of muscles
- handgrip and tensing of arm muscles with clenched fists
What should be suspected if AST and ALT are markedly elevated like >25x the upper limit?
- toxin induced (acetaminophen)
- ischemic
- viral hepatitis
Both IgA nephropathy and Postinfectious glomerulonephritis can occur following a URI. Describe the differences
- IgA nephropathy: within 5 days of URI, adult men age 20-30, Normal complement levels
- Post infectious: usually 10-21 days after URI, more common in children, Low complement
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is a subset of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy where the clubbing and arthropathy are attributable to what?
-underlying lung disease like lung cancer, Tb, bronchiectasis, or emphysema
Describe the Acid base disturbance that can occur with loop diuretics
- inhibits Na-K-2Cl carrier in loop of Henle
- This leads to increased loss of sodium in urine which increases delivery to distal tubule which subsequently leads to elevated Hydrogen and K+ in urine.
- Also results in volume contraction and increased aldosterone levels, further promoting the secretion of hydrogen ions in urine
- mild acute kidney injury could occur due to volume contaction
vital signs in marijuana intoxication
-other signs
- tachycardia
- tachypnea
- dry mouth
What should be obtained in all patients with syncope due to suspected structural heart disease
What is the treatment for beta thalassemia minor
None required
What is the most sensitive test to screen for diabetic nephropathy
random urine for microalbumin/creatinine ratio
What position should a patient with recurrent vasovagal syncope get into at the onset of symptoms
-supine position with leg raising
initial step in confirming a diagnosis of hypercortisolism
- Late night salivary cortisol assay
- 24 hour urine free cortisol measurement
- and/or overnight low dose dexamethasone suppression test
hyponatremia due to SIADH is a common complication of small cell lung cancer. What is the initial treatment of choice in asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patients?
fluid restriction
Acute Dacryocystitis is characterized by what
the sudden onset of pain and redness in the medial canthal region
What electrolyte abnormality in CHF usually parallels the severity of heart failure and is an independent predictor of adverse clinical outcomes
UTI with urinary alkalization (pH >8) raises suspicion for what organism
urease-producing bacterium such as Proteus mirabilis (most common) or Klebsiella pneumoniae
In a patient with atrial premature beats, also called premature atrial complexes (PACs), even if asymptomatic, precipitating factors such as what should be identified and avoided.
- tobacco
- alcohol
- caffeine
- stress
What metabolite of cyclophosphamide is responsible for causing hemorrhagic cystitis and bladder cancer?
This heart valve dysfunction leads to an early decrescendo diastolic murmur, best heard with the diaphragm of the stethoscope along the left sternal border at the third and fourth intercostal spaces while the patient is sitting up, leaning forward, and holding a breath in full expiration
Aortic regurgitation
another name for skin tags
Desribe how urine alkalinization from a urease producing organism increases the risk for stones
decreases the solubility of phosphate
Clinical manifestations of avascular necrosis of the hip?
Lab finding?
- Groin pain on weight bearing
- Pain on hip abduction and internal rotation
- No erythema, swelling, or point tenderness
- Normal WBC, ESR, and CRP
This is defined as daytime hypercapnia (PaCO2> 45 mm Hg) in an obese patient (BMI >30) without another explanation for the hypercapnia
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
When should transfusion cells be washed first
- if pt is IgA deficient
- Complement-dependent autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- continued allergic reactions (e.g. hives) with red cell transfusion despite antihistamine treatment
In a non African patient coming for preconception counseling with a family history of thalassemia anemia, what is the most appropriate initial test to determine appropriate Hb identification
CBC . . . if African descent then Hb electrophoresis is usually obtained along with the initial CBC
-Test of the patients partner is offered if an abnormal Hb level is diagnosed
What does a chest x-ray of a thoracic aortic aneurysm show
- widened mediastinal silhouette
- increased aortic knob
- tracheal deviation
Acute tubular necrosis is one of the main differential diagnoses of HRS, and patients with cirrhosis are especially susceptible. Aminoglycosides, iodinated contrast dye, and hypotension are the most common causes. What does urinalysis show?
muddy brown granular casts
UC or Crohn: crypt abscesses
Cyclophosphamide is an alkylating agent frequently used as an immunosuppressant in SLE, vasculitis, and certain cancers. Regarding SLE, it is reserved for patients with significant renal or CNS problems. What are the serious side effects?
- acute hemorrhagic cystitis
- Bladder carcinoma
- sterility
- myelosuppression
What is the skin manifestation of acute pancreatitis from cholesterol emboli
- Livedo reticularis (reticulated, mottled, discolored skin)
- Blue toe syndrome
Ascending aortic aneurysms are most often due to what?
cystic medial necrosis or connective tissue disorders
What skin conditions are associated with Hepatitis C
- Porphyria cutanea tarda
- Cutaneous Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (Palpable purpura) secondary to cryoglobulinemia
What drugs can cause peripheral neuropathy
- phenytoin
- isoniazid
- vincristine
- heavy metals
- chronic alcoholism
What are the classic chest x ray findings with a PE
- Hamptom hump: dome-shaped, pleural-based opacification in the lung
- Westermark sign: sign that represents a focus of oligemia (hypovolemia) (leading to collapse of vessel) seen distal to a pulmonary embolism (PE)
What are frequent abnormalities in patients with advanced dementia what can cause aspiration pneumonia?
impaired swallowing and cough reflex
Describe the symptoms that are a consequence of the retrosternal extension that can occur in a thyroid lymphoma
- can result in venous compression with distended neck veins and facial plethora
- raising the arms causes compression of the subclavian (and right internal jugular) vein beween the clavicles and the enlarged thyroid, leading to more prominent venous distension and facial redness (pemberton sign)
Describe the treatment of Lyme disease
- Skin/mild disease: oral antibiotics (e.g. doxy)
- Neurologic/cardiac dx: IV antibx (ceftriaxone)
Describe the possible glycemic state that can occur with Primary aldosterone insufficiency
-Hypoglycemia . . can be triggered by fasting, infection, or alcohol consumption
Thyroid lymphoma is uncommon, but the incidence is approximately 60 times greater in patients with preexisting what?
chronic lymphocytic (Hashimoto) thyroiditis (positive antithyroid peroxidase antibody)
What is the first line treatment for Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
What is the most common valvular abnormality detected in patients with infective endocarditis?
Mitral PROLAPSE with coexisted REGURG
What is the most common trigger of COPD exacerbation
What is typically used in patients with multiple brain metastases?
whole brain radiation therapy
typical features of a patient with cerebellar dysfunction in the setting of likely alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
- progressive gait dysfunction
- Truncal ataxia
- nystagmus
- intention tremor or dysmetria (limb-kinetic tremor when attempting to touch a target)
- impaired alternating movement (dysdiadochokinesia)
- Muscle hypotonia can also be present: pendular swinging movement of limp after eliciting the deep tendon reflex
primary therapy for moderate hypothermia
active external rewarming, which includes use of warmed blankets, warm baths, and warmed IV fluids
Describe Lumbar puncture results in idiopathic intracranial HTN
-opening pressure > 250 mm H2O
Skin infection: involvement of the external ear is particularly suggestive of what as this skin lacks a lower dermis level (making cellulitis, a deeper skin infection, unlikely)
What drugs may cause digital vasospasm (Raynaud’s)
- beta blockers
- ergotamine
Gout is a side effect of what drug
Describe when a TIPS procedure is performed and what is its associated with hepatic encephalopathy
- performed when a patient has ascites that does not respond to medical therapy (e.g. diuretics) or has ongoing active or recurrent variceal bleeding even after appropriate treatment with upper endoscopy
- TIPS is associated with HE in up to 35% of patients due to (NH3-rich) bypassing the liver.
infective endocarditis due to eikenella corrodes is usually seen in what setting
poor dentition and/or periodontal infections
What are some physical exam finding suggestive of severe Aortic stenosis?
- Diminished and delayed carotid pulse (“pulsus parvus and tardus) due to blood flow obstruction
- Mid- to late-peaking systolic murmur from turbulence due to the stenosis
- Presence of soft and single second heart sound (S2)
How do large pericardial effusions typically appear on chest x-ray
- enlarged and globular cardiac silhouette
- “water bottle” shape
Circulating immune complexes account for the group of glomerulonephritis called immune complex mediated glomerulopathies. These include what?
- Post-strep glomerulonephritis
How is diagnosis of carboxyhemoglobinemia made?
- pulse ox does NOT differentiate b/t carboxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin
- Diagnosis made by arterial blood gas with cooximetry
What are the causes of pulsus paradoxus
- most common, cardiac tamponade
- Also COPD and asthma
history consistent with upper airway cough syndrome (postnasal drip). liquid dripping into back of throat. frequent throat clearing. After a URI. without expectorant. what is best diagnostic approach?
- treat empirically with an oral first gen antihistamine (e.g. chlorpheniramine) or
- combined antihistamine-decongestant (e.g. brompheniramine and pseudoephedrine)
What patients should be started on pyridoxine supplementation when treated for latent or active Tb with isoniazid (INH) because it helps prevent INH-induced peripheral neuropathy, which is due to INH-mediated pyridoxine deficiency
- malnutrition
- pregnancy
- certain comorbid conditions (e.g. DM)
What is the most appropriate therapy for the management of progressive pain in a patient with prostate cancer and bony metastases after androgen ablation (orchiectomy)
Radiation therapy
Describe the MOA of how lead causes anemia
-it is 99% bound to erythrocytes and can disrupt heme synthesis to cause microcytic anemia
what treatment of Graves disease can worsen ophthalmopathy
Radioiodine ablation
clinical associations with adenocarcinoma of lung
- clubbing
- hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Cardiac sarcoidosis should be suspected in who?
-any young patient (<55) with unexplained second or third degree heart block or when ECG changes occur in a patient with known or suspected systemic sarcoidosis
etiologies of primary adrenal insufficiency
- Autoimmune
- Infections (TB, HIV, disseminated fungal)
- Hemorrhagic infarction (e.g. meningococcemia, anticoagulants)
- Metastatic cancer (e.g. lung)
recent nasal packing followed by rapid onset of rash, fever, hypotension, diarrhea, and thrombocytopenia
Toxic shock syndrome
Treatment for HIV patient who develops progressive disseminated histoplasmosis?
IV amphotericin B
-after 1-2 weeks of clinical improvement, most patients are switched to oral itraconazole for 1 year or more for maintenance therapy
What cardiac arrhythmia is associated with a PE
A fib: irregular RR intervals, absent P waves, narrow QUS complexes
Explain Glucocorticoids (e.g. methylprednisone) role in treatment of hypercalcemia
- inhibit 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D by activated mononuclear cells in the lungs and lymph nodes
- They can be used to treat hypercalcemia due to excessive vitamin D intake, Granulomatous diseases (e.g. sarcoidosis) and certain lymphomas
- take 2-5 days to occur
mixed cryoglobulinemia syndrome is most commonly associated with what chronic inflammatory conditions
- Hep C
All patient with RA should be started on what ASAP as joint damage begins early in its course
- DMARDS (methotrexate is initial DMARD of choice)
- NSAIDS and COX-2 inhibitors are adjunctive therapies for symptomatic relief but do not reduce disease progression
Penicillin desensitization is costly and time consuming. When should it be used?
-should be reserved primarily for situation in which alternative treatments are either ineffective (e.g. CNS syphilis, multiple treatment failures) or contraindicated (e.g. pregnancy)
describe the relationship b/t Aortic dissection, cardiac tampanode, and a syncope episode
- Cardiac tamponade can occur as a complication of aortic dissection
- An abrupt accumulation of even small amounts of blood can significantly raise the pressure inside pericardial cavity
- Increased pericardial pressure causes compression of cardiac chambers and limits diastolic filling of the right-sided chambers
- This causes a decrease in preload and reduces cardiac output, resulting in hypotension and syncope
what deficits are usually caused by lacunar infarcts
pure motor hemiparesis
Elevated serum Alkaline phosphatase levels are indicative of cholestasis. These patients (with or without hyperbilirubinemia) should be evaluated with what?
right upper-quadrant ultrasound to assess for intrahepatic or extrahepatic causes of biliary obstruction
The risk of myoglobin-induced renal failure is significant when the CPK concentration is what
greater than 20,000 units/L
- microcytic anemia
- target cells
- mediterranean
Beta thalassemia minor
lab findings in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
- anemia
- low haptoglobin
- elevated bilirubin
- elevated LDH
Despite the potential benefits, what are the numerous complications that can occur from positive pressure mechanical ventilation
- alveolar damage
- pneumothorax
- hypotension
A patient with SLE, who is on prednisone, has atraumatic hip pain with normal x-ray most likely has what
osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis) of the femoral head
Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is found in what cause of pleural effusion
What is the first line treatment for Pneumocystis jiroveci
-corticosteroids are used concomitatnly in patients with impaired oxygenation
In the case of any chemical contact with the eye, the first priority is to immediately do what
begin flushing the affected eye with copious amounts of running water
In a patient with a RV MI that goes into cardiogenic shock when given a nitrate, what should be the next steop in management
-Bolus with isotonic saline to increase RV preload and improve cardiac output
What can be used during an SVT to identify the type
- vagal maneuvers (carotid sinus massage, Valsalva, eyeball pressure)
- IV adenosine
this is defined as sustained muscle contraction resulting in twisting, repetitive movement, or abnormal postures
Describe the Uhthoff phenomenon in MS
symptoms may worsen during exposure to high temperatures such as moving to Arizone in June
further evaluation of simple renal cyst?
reassurance and no further evaluation
Describe how there can be a Large amount of blood on UA but under urine sediment microscopy there are only 0-1 RBCs
A large amount of myoglobin
-A standard UA is not able to distinguish between hemoglobin and myoglobin due to chemical similarities
Descending aortic aneurysms are usually due to what
What Dx? -uncontrolled infection of skin, sinuses, and orbit
- intracranial HTN
- Headache is most common symptom and can become intolerable
- low grade fever and periorbital edema usually occur several days later secondary to impaired venous flow
- Vomiting possible
- fundoscopy may reveal papilledema
Infectious cavernous sinus thrombosis
physical exam findings in a patient with pericardial effusion without cardiac tamponade
- diminished heart sounds
- maximal apical impulse that is difficult to palpate
Describe Endophthalmitis
- usually postoperative
- infection within the eye, particularly the vitreous
- usually present with pain and decreased visual acuity
- swollen eyelids and conjunctiva
- hypopyon (inflammatory anterior chamber of the eye)
- corneal edema
Patient with DVT and elevated plasma homocysteine levels. Along with heparin and warfarin, what should be given to try to correct the homocysteine
-Independent of the underlying cause, homocysteine levels can usually be normalized by administration of pyridoxine (B6) and folate
Clinical associations with squamous cell carcinoma of lung
What is the most important initial step in management of HHS
- fluid replacement . . aggressive hydration will improve tissue perfusion and responsiveness to insulin therapy
- NS is recommended in first few hours (regardless of sodium levels), with a subsequent change to .45% NS if corrected sodium is normal
What skin conditions are associated with HIV infection
- Sudden onset severe psoriasis
- Recurrent herpes zoster
- disseminated molluscum contagiosum
- Severe seborrheic dermatitis
A patient with a family history of colonic polyps and osteomas and an alteration in the tumor suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli has familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). What is the standard of care?
- increased screening by colonoscopy and ELECTIVE proctocolectomy
- annual screening sigmoidoscopies for children starting at age 10-12, followed by annual colonoscopies once colorectal adenomas are detected or if the patient is 50 or more
Thyroid storm is a life threatening thyrotoxicosis usually triggered by what specific events?
- Surgery
- Trauma
- Infection
- childbirth
PE causes V/Q mismatch, resulting in an increase from the expected in what
A-a oxygen gradient
a patient with 2 recent episodes of pneumonia that has splenomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia, mild leukocytosis, and an abnormal blood smear (leukocyte with hairy projections)
Hairy cell leukemia
management of delirium other than treating the underlying cause
- introducing NONpharmacological measures such as:
- reduction of nighttime noise and disturbances
- frequent verbal orientation
- reassurance
- interactions with family
all patients with presume idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura should be tested for what viruses as platelet counts can be affected by treating the underlying disease
HIV and hepatitis C
What is recommended as an initial stress test for diagnosis and risk stratification of most patients with suspected stable ischemic heart disease (like atypical angina)
Exercise ECG