UWorld 1 Flashcards
tx: lyme dz
mild: doxy
severe (encephalitis/carditis): ceftriaxone
preg/lactating: amoxicillin
< 8: amoxicillin or cefuroxime
if test is negative, what is chance of having the dz
1 - NPV
false negative/positive ratio
false negative: 1 - sensitivity
false positive: 1 - specificity
when to use DBT
borderline, self injury pts
mgmt: preterm labor by dates
34 - 36.6: +/- corticosteroids (betamethasone), PCN if GBS(+)/unknown
32 - 33.6: add tocolytics (indomethacin, nifedipine)
< 32: add magnesium sulfate
why do you give mg sulfate for preterm labor
fetal neuroprotection (eg cerebral palsy)
delayed and diminished carotid pulse (name/a/w)
pulsus parvus et tardus
prominent capillary pulsations in fingertips
AR (from widened pulse pressure)
> 10 mm Hg change in systolic with inspiration
pulsus paradoxus
cardiac tamponade
severe asthma/COPD
risks of tamoxifen
hot flashes (MC) endometrial CA DVTs
tx: hypercalcemia
malignancy: bisphosphonates
CHF/renal fail: loops
granulomatous dz: corticosteroids
hypertonic newborn, feeding difficulty, spasms
think neonatal tetanus
age for febrile seizures
3 mo to 5 yrs
newborn: FTT, b/l cataracts, jaundice and hypoglycemia
galactosemia (galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase def)
when do you get surgery involved in c. diff
toxic megacolon/severe ileus
WBC > 20,000
lactate > 2.2
strep viridans species
s. sanguinis mitis oralis mutans sobrinus milleri
when to cervical cerclage
cervix < 2.5 cm
cause of zenker diverticulum
UES dysfxn and esophageal dysmotility
when do you see low and high DLCO?
low: emphysema, pulm fibrosis
high: asthma
delayed umbilical cord separation
leukocyte adhesion deficiency
baby/toddler: leukocytosis with neutrophilia
baby: tons of cat+ dz, normal leuk/B/T levels
chronic granulomatous dz
tx: RA
hepatotoxicity stomatitis (mouth ulcers) pancytopenia lung fibrosis alopecia
MTX rescue
felty syndrome
severe, long standing RA
neutropenia + splenomegaly
therapy for phobias
exposure therapy (behavioral)
BUN/Cr and GI bleeds
BUN and BUN/Cr increased in upper (but not lower) GI bleeds
how to monitor DKA tx
serum anion gap
direct assay of beta-hydroxybutyrate (ketone)
mgmt: uterine inversion
immediate manual replacement if can't replace, try uterotonics uterotonics once it's replaced (remove placenta after it's replaced if still attached) if nothing works -- laparotomy
malaria prophylaxis for people going to India
when to give mefloquine
2 weeks before, all during, 4 wks after
when can you give chloroquine
S America/caribbean
things that cause pain when you have sphincter of Oddi problems
fatty meals
catching sensation in knee
meniscal tear
tests for meniscal tear
tx: strabismus
patch or blur the normal eye to make them use the bad one
urticaria, fever, joint pain, 1 wk post PCN or TMP-SMX
serum sickness-like reaction (type III h/s)
GCS things
eye opening
verbal response
motor response
GCS: eye scale
1: none
2: to pain
3: to verbal
4: spontaneous
GCS: verbal scale
1: none
2: incomprehensible sounds
3: inappropriate words
4: disoriented/confused
5: oriented
GCS: motor scale
1: none
2: extension
3: flexion
4: withdraws
5: localizes
6: obeys
causes of normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
diarrhea RTAs carbonic anhydrase inhibitors fistulas ureteral diversions
MC complication of flu
secondary bacterial pneumonia
MCCs post-flu pneumonia
staph aureus
strep pneumo
anemia of chronic disease: which arthropathies
(not OA!)
Gottron’s papules
violaceous, scaly papules over joints
a/w dermatomyositis
meniere’s triad
episodic vertigo
sensorineural hearing loss
cause of meniere’s
increased vol/P of endolymph
dx: CGD
abnormal oxidative burst (dihydrorhodamine)
greatest RF for suicide
prior attempt
rough, scaly, non healing ulcer by scar
squamous cell carcinoma
increased calcitonin
medullary thyroid cancer
psammoma bodies
papillary thyroid cancer
thyroid nodule invades tumor capsule/blood vessels
follicular thyroid cancer
tx: aortic dissection
labetalol, or other BB
hydralazine and nitroprusside can have reflex tachy
acid base in mesenteric ischemia
metabolic acidosis (from high serum lactate)
illness anxiety d/o vs somatic symptom d/o
fear of having a serious illness despite few/no sx and negative tests
anxiety or preoccupation w/ 1+ sx
toddler milestones: ages
12 mo 18 mo 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr
toddler milestones: gross motor
12 mo: stands, first steps, throws a ball 18 mo: runs, kicks ball 2 yr: stairs (2 feet), jump 3 yr: stairs, tricycle 4 yr: balance/hop on one foot 5 yr: skip, catch ball (2 hands)
toddler milestones: fine motor
12 mo: pincer grasp 18 mo: 2-4 cube stack, strip 2 yr: 6 cubes, copy line 3 yr: copy circle, utensils 4 yr: copy cross 5 yr: copy square, tie shoelace, dress/bathe, letters
toddler milestones: language
12 mo: 1st real words (not mama/dada) 18 mo: 10 - 25 words, 1+ body part 2 yr: 50+ words, 2 word phrases 3 yr: 75% intelligible, 3 word sentences 4 yr: colors, 100% intelligible 5 yr: count to 10, 5 word sentences
toddler milestones: soc/cog
12 mo: separation anx, follow 1 step commands
18 mo: mine, pretends
2 yr: 2 step commands, parallel play, start potty train
3 yr: knows age/gender, imaginative play
4 yr: cooperative play
5 yr: friends, potty trained
warning signs for HA (when to MRI)
neuro: seizure, FND, LOC
changes from before/new kind
new onset > 40 yo
ruddy baby w/ hyperglycemia, hyperbili, resp distress
neonatal polycythemia (> 65% crit)
causes: neonatal polycythemia
intrauterine hypoxia (mom w/ DM, HTN, smoker), IUGR or genetic/metabolic
electrolytes in addisons
hyponatremia, hyperkalemia (renal Na loss, no aldosterone)
hypoglycemia (no cortisol)
CSF: bact meningitis
WBC > 1000
glucose: < 40
protein: > 250
CSF: viral meningitis
WBC 100 - 1000
glucose: 40 - 70
protein < 100
CSF: Guillain Barre
WBC: 0 - 5
glucose: 40 - 70
protein: 45 - 1000
when is baby reflux pathologic?
significant irritability
Sandifier syndrome
milk allergy:
vom/eczema/bloody stool
baby complications of DM mom (1st TM)
congenital heart dz
small L colon
spontaneous abortion
baby complications of DM mom (2/3 TM)
hyperinsulinemia polycythemia (up met demand --> hypoxia) organomegaly hypoglycemia brachial plexopathy, clavicle frx, perinatal asphyxia (macrosomia, shoulder dystocia)
what is an S4 from
blood entering a stiff ventricle (hypertrophy, MI)
erysipelas vs cellulitis
streg pyo vs strep or staph superficial vs deep raised vs not sharp borders vs not rapid vs slow
whats a furuncle (hint, its not a dog/family member)
folliculitis into dermis –> abscess
HACEK orgs
haemophilus aphrophilus aggregatibacter actinomysetemcomitans cardiobacterium hominis E corrodens kingella kingae
when do you have mild EtOH withdrawal (and what constitutes that?)
6 - 24 hr
anxiety, tremor, sweating, GI, palpitations
when can you have seizures from EtOH withdrawal
12 - 48 hrs
alcoholic hallucinosis vs delirium tremens
12- 48 hr vs 48 - 96
stable vitals vs fever, tachy, HTN, AMS
path: trigeminal neuralgia
compression of nerve root
patchy, alveolar infiltrate, not restricted by anatomical borders
pulmonary contusion
-pulmonary contusion
when do you give tetanus immune globulin?
only to people who are uncertain or had < 3 toxoid doses with dirty/severe wound
pulm HTN criteria
mean pulm arterial P > 25 mmHg @ rest or
30 with exercise
meds that cause hyperkalemia
non selective BB ACE/ARBs K-sparing diuretics cardiac glycosides (Digoxin) NSAIDs
livedo reticularis, with possible AKI or pancreatitis
cholesterol embolism (atheroembolism)
chronic giardiasis
IgA def
preeclampsia: baby risks
chronic uteroplacental insuff –> growth restriction/LBW
not hypoxia, which is due to acute UPI
preeclampsia: mom risks
placental abruption
panic d/o vs somatic sx d/o
panic is acute/episodic vs somatic is continuous
mgmt: subcutaneous emphysema
get a CXR to make sure the air hasn’t caused a pneumo
drugs causing NMS
antiemetics (dopa ants)
dopa ag withdrawal
tx: NMS
stop drug (or restart dopa ags)
supportive (IVF, cooling)
dantrolene or bromocriptine
viral vs bacterial pneumonia
less leuks < 15 vs more > 15
b/l diffuse infiltrate vs lobar infiltrate
H/S: poison ivy
type IV (delayed, T cell/mac mediated)
H/S: AI hemolytic anemia
type II (cytotoxic, IgG/IgM Ab mediated)
H/S: Goodpasture syndrome
type II (cytotoxic, IgG/IgM Ab mediated)
H/S: uticaria
type I (immediate, IgE mediated)
type III (immune complex, Ab-Ag deposition)
type IV (delayed, T cell/mac mediated)
H/S: serum sickness
type III (immune complex, Ab-Ag deposition)
type III (immune complex, Ab-Ag deposition)
fetal non-stress test: what is a reactive result?
110 - 160 bpm mod variability (6 - 25/min) 2+ accelerations in 20 min (each 15+ high and 15+ s long)
causes of non-reactive non-stress test
fetal sleep (MC)
fetal hypoxia (from UPI)
fetal cardiac abnormalities
fetal neuro abnormalities
mgmt: nonstress test
reactive? great, 20 min is good
nonreactive? extend to 40 - 120 min (feti only sleep 40 min at a time)
all nonreactive need follow up biophysical profile or contraction stress test
what makes a pleural effusion complicated?
bacteria cross into pleural space (as opposed to sterile exudate)
uncomplicated vs complicated pulm eff pleural fluid analysis
pH > 7.2
glucose > 60
WBC < 50,000
pH < 7.2
glucose < 60
WBC > 50,000
both have negative gram stain/Cx (tho comp is usually false due to low bact count)
complicated pleural effusion vs empyema
same fluid analysis:
pH < 7.2
glucose < 60
WBC > 50,000
but empyema has frank pus (gross) and positive gram stain/Cx
tx: pleural effusions
uncomplicated: Abx
complicated: Abx + drainage (paracentesis?)
empyema: Abx + chest tube
time frames gonococcal vs chlamydial neonatal conjunctivitis
GC: 2 - 5 days
chlam chlam: 5 - 14 days
ppx protocol for neonatal conjunctivitis
everyone gets topical erythromycin within an hour of being born to prevent GC
causes of fetal tachycardia
maternal fever
maternal hyperTh
meds (terbutaline)
placental abruption
mgmt: lead poison suspicion in kid
(you can fingerstick to screen if you want but still have to do this)
- draw venous blood lead levels
- undetectable: do nothing
- mild (5-44): repeat in < 1 month
- mod (45-69): DMSA (succimer)
- severe (>70): dimercaprol + EDTA
all humoral immuno is normal, but IgE is up
Job syndrome (hyper-IgE syndrome)
all humoral immuno is low
Bruton’s (X-linked) agammaglobulinemia
hyper IgM (CD40 ligand) def vs common variable immunodef
hyper IgM has high IgM
CVI has low IgM
immune cells affected in DiGeorge
T cells (not B)
SCID vs Bruton’s agammaglobulinemia
SCID has low B, Igs and T
Bruton has low B, Igs (T fine)
criteria for home O2
PaO2 < 55 or SaO2 < 88%
if have cor pulmonale, RHF, or crit > 55:
PaO2 < 59 or SaO2 < 89
mgmt: suspect VSD
small defects may close on their own (75% do by 2)
large may need surgery
when is papilledema a contraindication for LP?
non-communicating/obstructive hydrocephalus
mass lesion
brain mass looks like heterogenous butterfly
glioblastoma multiforme
multiple round brain masses
think mets
uniform contrast enhancement brain mass
think abscess
SCC from burn wound
Marjolin ulcer
whooshing sound in the ear (name)
pulsatile tinnitus
OSA: path of complications
apnea –> hypoxia –> up EPO production –> polycythemia
up CO2 –> acidosis –> retain bicarb (down Cl)
what happens when you eat tyramine foods w/ MAO-Is
HTN crisis (HTN, diaphoresis, blurry vision)
mgmt: chronic HCV
sofosbuvir (if can)
if not, prevent further liver damage w/ Hep A/B vaccinations and keeping an eye on complications (cirrhosis, varices)
definition of fetal growth restriction
U/S estimated weight < 10th percentile for gestational age
symmetric vs asymmetric fetal growth restriction
symmetric: see it 1st TM; global growth lag
asymmetric: see in 2nd/3rd; head-sparing growth lag
causes of fetal growth restriction
symmetric: chromosome abnorm, congenital infection
asymmetric: UPI, maternal malnutrition
normal preg physio: kidneys
up renal blood flow, GFR, BM permeability –>
down serum BUN, Cr
up renal protein excretion
ddx hirsutism
21-hydroxylase def
androgen secreting tumors (often ovarian)
Cushing syndrome
MCC congenital hypothyroidism
thyroid dysgenesis
dx: biliary atresia
- U/S (absent/weird GB)
- scintigraphy (no tracer from liver to bowel)
- *GS: cholangiogram
tx: biliary atresia
Kasai procedure (hepatoportoenterostomy) eventually liver transplant
loss of pain/temp in “cape” distribution
syringomyelia (fluid filled cavity in spinal cord)
syringomyelia a/w
arnold chiari malformation type 1
vit def: angular cheilosis, stomatitis, glossitis, seborrheic dermatitis
riboflavin (B2)
vit def: punctate hemorrhages, gingivitis, corkscrew hair
vit C (ascorbic acid)
vit def: cheilosis, stomatitis, glossitis, confusion
pyridoxine (B6)
vit def: dermatitis, glossitis, diarrhea, delusions
niacin (B3)
why do you get hyponatremia in CHF
low CO –> up renin, NE and ADH –> retains water, dilutes blood
sunburn rash w/ palm/sole desquamation
coalescing erythematous macules, desquamation, bullae and mucositis
SJS (<10%)/TEN (>30%)
when not to give nitrates in MI
RV infarct
severe AS
seborrheic dermatitis a/w
intra and extrahepatic biliary duct dilation
pancreatic cancer (head)
CT: double duct sign
pancreatic cancer
mgmt: kid with proteinuria
repeat dipstick at 2 other times to test for transient proteinuria
dietary recommendations for people with kidney stones
more fluids
less sodium
normal Ca
ruptured berry aneurysms –>
MCC intraparenchymal brain hemorrhage in kids
cerebral amyloid angiopathy –>
lobar/cortical hemorrhage (usually old people)
MCC spontaneous deep intracerebral hemorrhage
HTN vasculopathy of small penetrating branches of cerebral arteries
(next is amyloid angiopathy)
Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms (cause)
chronic HTN
MC locations of intracerebral adult hemorrhages
BG (putamen)
cerebellar nuclei
fundoscope: central retinal artery occlusion
cherry red spot and whitened retina
fundoscope: HTN retinopathy
hard exudates,
AV nicking,
flame hemorrhages,
silver wiring
fundoscope: blood and thunder diffuse hemorrhages
central retinal vein occlusion
painful ulcer w/ purulent base and violaceous borders
pyoderma gangrenosum
hemorrhagic pustules –> necrotic ulcers
ecthyma gangrenosum (think pseudomonas)
Cr and urinary obstruction
doesn’t usually go up with unilateral stones
does with bilateral or BPH
downs kid: incontinence, UMN signs, torticollis, behavior changes, dizziness
think atlantoaxial instability
how do you get psoas abscess
intraabdominal infection
or seed from distant infxn (skin, etc)
dx: psoas abscess
dx: HIV in newborn
PCR (< 18 mo) - may still have mom’s Abs
Abs past 18 mo is confirmatory
recommended preggo vaccines
inactivated flu
preggo vaccines (for high risk pts)
Hep A/B pneumococcus H flu Meningococcal Varicella-zoster Ig
RFs for uterine atony
prolonged labor
induction of labor
operative delivery
fetal weight > 4000 g
spontaneous abortions with closed os
empty sac = which spontaneous abortion
Tx: asx bacteriuria in pregnancy
NO cipro/TMP-SMX
types of solid liver masses
focal nodular hyperplasia hepatic adenoma regenerative nodules (eg from cirrhosis) HCC liver mets
liver tumor with up AFP
hemolytic anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly
hereditary spherocytosis
dx: hereditary spherocytosis
acidified glycerol lysis
eosin-5-maleimide binding test
tx: warfarin associated intracerebral hemorrhage
vit K (takes 12-24 hrs)
prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) (mins + hours)
FFP if PCC not available
tx: polymyalgia rheumatica
low dose glucocorticoids
biggest RF for pancreatic cancer
PTH and Ca levels in familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
high Ca but normalish PTH (mutation of Ca sensing receptor needs way high levels to adjust PTH)
familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia vs primary hyperparathyroidism
use urine Ca/Cr clearance ratio (UCCR)
< 0.01 = FHH
> 0.02 = primary hyperparathyroidism
tx: peritonsillar abscess
needle aspiration
IV Abx
surgery if its huge/can’t be aspirated
HTN pt with thunderclap HA, N/V/photophobia
non-traumatic SAH
RFs for PACs
smoking, EtOh, coffee, stress
cupping of the optic disc
open angle glaucoma
preterm infant supplements
may need iron earlier
dx: suspected malignancy –> LBP
calcification of articular cartilage
think pseudogout
pseudogout aka
acute calcium phosphate arthritis
complication post eye surgery (+sx)
postop endophthalmitis (< 6 wks postop) pain, bad acuity, swollen eyelids, conjunctiva
ball mass: peritoneal fluid collection btwn layers of tunica vaginalis
ball mass: changes size w/ laying down/valsalva, doesn’t transilluminate
ball mass: painless mass @ superior pole, transilluminates
tx: varicocele
young: gonadal vein ligation
old, don’t want kids: scrotal support + NSAIDs
drugs for EtOH addiction
naltrexone: down cravings, enjoy drinking less, ok if still drinking
acamprosate: maintain abstinence
disulfiram: makes you sick if you drink
fever, severe/focal back pain, neuro sx
think spinal epidural abscess
MCC spinal epidural abscess
staph aureus (distant infxn, IVDA, spinal procedure)
facial palsy: peripheral vs central
peripheral = Bells = Both top and bottom droop Sentral = Spares top
when can you quad screen
15 - 22 wks
what preg screening can you do @ 10 wks
cell-free fetal DNA
PaPP, beta HCG, nuchal translucency
mutation @ fibrillin-1 gene
mutation @ fibrillin-2 gene
congenital contractural arachnodactyly
recent URI with persistent cough w/ yellow/blood tinged spututm
cough > 5 days
when do you give rhogam
28 - 32 wks < 72 hrs after delivery < 72 hrs after abortion 2nd/3rd TM bleeding CVS/amnio
how to tell if diarrhea is osmotic vs secretory
stool osmotic gap
= plasma osm - 2x (stool Na + stool K)
elevated (> 125) = osmotic
low (< 50)= secretory
diarrhea: large daily stool volumes, or diarrhea that occurs during fasting or sleep
diarrhea: lactose intolerant
diarrhea post bowel resection or chole
acute renal failure, fever, rash
drugs that cause AIN
biggest RF aortic aneurysm and rupture
dx: wilms tumor
abd u/s
CT abd/chest (check for mets)
wilms tumor vs neuroblastoma
kidney vs adrenal
usually asx vs sx
neuroblastoma crosses the midline
mcc cancer in first year of life
iron studies in thalassemia
(exactly opposite iron def anemia) iron up TIBC down ferritin up transferrin sat up
a/w myasthenia gravis
what happens if you fix the folate but not the B12
neuro sx (but megaloblastosis is fixed)
tx: CKD anemia
EPO iron dextran (good for HD)
lady stuff + liver things
think Fitz-Hugh-Curtis
how does TB cause acid-base problems
TB –> addisons –> aldo def –> non-gap HK hNa acidosis (retain H+s)
which fibers involved in DM neuropathy
small fiber = (+) sx (pain, paresthesias)
large = (-) sx (numbness, loss of proprio)
PE: severe AS
pulsus parvus et tardus
mid- to late- peaking systolic murmur
soft single second heart sound
sunburst pattern in bone
onion skin bone
ewing sarcoma
codman triangle in bone
positive prussian blue stain
renal papillary necrosis a/w
sickle cell
kid: hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute kidney injury
haptoglobin in hemolytic anemia
decreased (it’s busy picking up all the Hgb floating around)
complications of PBC
malabsorption (fat sol vit)
metabolic bone dz (osteoporosis, osteomalacia)
schizoid vs avoidant PD
schizoids are happy, are loners on purpose
avoidants actively avoid due to fear of rejection/criticism
screening test for GC/Chlam
nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)
supracondylar frx MC complication
entrapment of brachial artery and median nerve
when do you get Volkmann contracture
compartment syndrome from simultaneous supracondylar and forearm frx
back pain with extensive motor and sensory loss, absent rectal tone, urine retention
think acute spinal cord compression
depending on sensory could be cauda equina
back pain with bladder/rectal dysfxn
conus medullaris
back pain (radicular) w/ saddle anesthesia, weakness and bowel/bladder dysfxn
cauda equina syndrome
suspected orgs in osteomyelitis after UTI
illnesses that affect anterior horn
spinal muscular atrophy (infants)
dz of NMJ
myasthenia gravis
lambert eaton
organophosphate poisoning
fungal infection with pancytopenia
think disseminated histo (HIV pts)
tx: histoplasmosis
disseminated: amphotericin B (then itraconazole for maintenance)
normal: itraconazole
tx: aspergillosis
disseminated: amphotericin B
normal: voriconazole
tx: cryptococcus
flucytosine and amphotericin B
fluconazole for maintenance
tx: coccidioidomycosis
- conazoles for normal
disseminated: amphotericin B
tx: mucormycosis
amphotericin B
mgmt: suspect scaphoid frx
- X-ray
if negative:
2a. wear thumb spica splint and repeat x-ray in 7 - 10 days
2b. get CT/MRI to confirm frx
tx: syphilis (pt has severe PCN allergy)
primary: doxy x 14
secondary: doxy x 14
latent: doxy x 28
tertiary: ceftriaxone x 14
preggo: desensitize then PCN
knee injury “popping” sensation and rapid onset hemarthrosis
knee injury “popping” sensation but feel ok
genetics for HCM
auto dom
what does valsalva do to heart
down preload
what does squatting do to heart
up preload
up afterload
complication of pernicious anemia (besides anemia sx)
gastric cancer
murmur, BP diff in arms
parasite causes liver cysts
echinococcus granulosus (dogs/sheep)
parasite causes liver abscess
entamoeba histolytica
parasite causes hematuria/bladder CA
schistosoma haematobium
joint problems in rheumatic fever
migratory arthritis
JONES in rheumatic fever
joints <3 carditis nodules erythema marginatum sydenham chorea
tx: hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state
IVF (start with NS)
IV insulin (regular)
give K as needed
MC complication of sickle cell trait
sickle cell trait vs dz (Hgb electrophoresis)
trait: 50 - 60% Hb A; 35 - 45% Hb S, < 2% F
dz: 0% A, 85 - 95% S, 5 - 15% F
hormones in PCOS
T up (or norm)
E up
LH (up or norm)/ FSH imbalance
tx: tinea capitis
oral griseofulvin or terbinafine
cancer pain treatment ladder
mild: NSAIDs, tylenol
mod: weak opioids (codeine, hydrocodone) +/- nons (tramadol)
severe: strong short (morphine, hydromorphone) eventually switch to long acting (fentanyl/oxy) + breakthrough short
shin splints vs stress fractures
diffuse vs point tenderness
bone pain, deformity, mixed lytic/sclerotic lesions
think Paget’s
levels in pagets
Ca, Phos normal
alk phos high
urine hydroxyproline high
aplastic anemia, weird thumbs, cafe au lait spots (or hyper/hypo pigment), strabismus, ear problems
fanconi anemia
general muscle weakness, ptosis, difficulty swallowing, dyspnea
myasthenic crisis
meds that can start myasthenic crisis
anticoag post stroke
< 4 hrs after onset w/o contra: IV altepase
stroke w/ no prior antiplatelet: ASA
stroke on ASA: ASA + dipyridamole or clopiidogrel
stroke w/ afib: warfarin, NOAC
hepatic adenoma
rare: stroke/MI
Nikolsky sign
easy separation of epidermis (pemphigus vulgaris)
immunofluorescence vulgaris vs pemphigoid
vulgaris: chicken wire intracellular IgG/C3
pemphigoid: linear IgG @ BM
biggest RF for preterm birth
previous preterm birth
cervix things that increase risk of preterm birth
short cervix
cold knife conization
LEEP (maybe)
laser ablation DOES NOT
pus in mediastinum post surgery
acute mediastinitis (prob from intraoperative contamination)
tx: acute mediastinitis
drainage, surgical debridement, closure, prolonged Abx
uncomplicated vs uncomplicated acute pylo
uncomp: otherwise healthy (+ not preggo); usually e. coli
comp: old, septic, DM, urinary obstruction, immunosuppressed, got in hospital
tx: uncomp vs comp pylo
uncomp: oral FQs
comp: IV FQ, aminoglycoside, etc. after 48 hrs improved, they can be switched to culture-guided orl abx
corrected Ca level
Ca + 0.8 x (4 - alb)
unvaccinated person exposed to hep B
gets HB immunoglobulin and vaccine
empiric Abx for bacterial meningitis: groups
2 - 50
neurosurg/penetrating trauma
empiric Abx for bacterial meningitis: 2 - 50
vanc + 3rd gen cephalosporin
empiric Abx for bacterial meningitis: > 50
vanc + 3rd gen cephalosporin + ampicillin
empiric Abx for bacterial meningitis: immunocompromised
vanc + amp + cefepime
empiric Abx for bacterial meningitis: neurosurg/penetrating trauma
vanc + cefepime
joints: morning stiffness, better by afternoon
joints: worse as day goes on
RA: which joints
knees, elbows later
cervical spine can –> spine subluxation
dx: spinal stenosis
back pain better with activity/hot showers
ankylosing spondylitis
HIV pt: ring enhancing lesions w/ edema
HIV pt: unilateral temporal lobe-enhancing lesion w/ mass effect
HSV encephalitis
HIV pt: well-defined, enhancing focal lesion
primary CNS lymphoma
HIV pt: white matter lesions w/o enhancement or edema
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (JC virus)
most effective dating method/time (gestational age)
crown-rump length @ 7 - 10 wks (first TM)
kidney problem a/w renal vein thrombosis
membranous glomerulopathy
most sensitive test for achalasia
tx: aspiration pneumonia
MTZ w/ amoxicillin
tx: pancreatic pseudocyst
asx: do nothing
sx/complications: endoscopic drainage
hos often do you do a lipid panel
q 5 years
MC leukemia in US
dx: midgut volvulus
biliary vomiting –> abd x-ray
no free, air, dilation, double bubble –>
upper gi series (barium swallow)
tx: midgut volvulus
Ladd procedure
tx: catatonia
labs in diuretic abuse
up urine Na, K
mgmt: suspect SLE
get ANA
if (+) get anti-dsDNA
how can mechanical ventilation –> cardiac arrest
ventilation increases intrathoracic pressure
if you’re in hypovolemic shock, there’s already decreased central venous pressure so –> no preload –> no CO –> cardiac arrest
mouth pain, drooling, tongue displaced up
ludwig angina (cellulitis of submandibular space)
tx: ludwig angina
IV abx, remove offending tooth
paCO2 and brain swelling
hyperventilation –> down CO2 –> down blood flow to brain –> decreases ICP
methods to unswell a brain
head elevation sedation hyperventilation remove CSF mannitol (osmotic)
anti-dopa drugs: where do they show effects
mesolimbic: antipsych
nigrostriatal: EPS
tuberoinfundibular: hyperprolactinemia
reasons to start clozapine
tx refractory schizo
schizo a/w suicidality
best studies to compare incidence
mgmt: short cervix (with no previous preterm)
vaginal progesterone
mgmt: short cervix (with previous preterm)
IM progesterone @ 2nd TM
serial TVUS to check for short
short –> cerclage
tylenol before vaccines?
doesn’t prevent fever/seizures and may make vaccine less effective
cyanosis, pulse ox ~ 85, chocolate blood
methemoglobinemia labs
pulse ox low and doesn’t move w/ O2
PaO2 is normal (overestimates)
tx: methemoglobinemia
methylene blue
whats on the biophysical profile (+norm)
continuous observation for 30 min non stress test (reactive) amniotic fluid vol (> 2 x 1 cm) fetal mvmts (> 3) fetal tone (> 1 flex/ext) fetal breathing mvmts (> 1 for > 30 s)
when do you deliver based on biophysical profile
4 or less
whats cradle cap
seborrheic dermatitis
fetal demise with limb fractures, hypoplastic thoracic cavity
osteogenesis imperfecta (II)
dx: pancreatic cancer
abd CT
multiple myeloma: path
monoclonal plasma cell proliferation
not enough IgG –> infections
tenderness at tendon insertion points (and a/w)
enthesitis (see in ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis)
hemochromatosis at risk for
infections: listeria, vibrio vulnificus, yersinia enterocolitica
acid base protracted vomiting
metabolic alkalosis
kid: hip/knee pain with antalgic gait and thigh muscle atrophy
Legg-Calve Perthes (avascular necrosis of femoral capital epiphysis)
INH liver injury
worse in old, drinkers and pts with other liver problems
usually self limited
tx: acute angle glaucoma
mannitol, acetazolamide, pilocarpine or timolol
NOT atropine or other mydriatic agents
mass: makes AFP and betaHCG
nonseminomatous germ cell tumors
what do you need to check with low calcium
WTF is mixed cryoglobulinemia syndrome
path: immune deposits in small/ed vessels
pt: fatigue, purpura, arthralgias, renal dz, peripheral neuropathies
labs: serum cryoglobulins, low complement, +Rh, elevated LFT/Cr
a/w: HCV, SLE
mgmt: blunt GU trauma
- UA
2a. stable w/ hematuria –> CT w/ contrast
2b. hemodynamically unstable –> IV pyelography then surgical eval - consider bladder/pelvis stuff too
what can you give cholelithiasis pts if they’re poor surgical candidates
ursodeoxycholic acid
when does elective chole tx change to chole in next 72 hrs
acute cholecystitis
gallstone pancreatitis
tx: symptomatic bartholin cyst
Word catheter
dx: endometriosis
laparoscopy (usually don’t need definitive dx)
risks of endometriosis
age for kawasaki’s
< 5
peak: 18 - 24 mo
criteria for kawasaki’s
fever for 5 days + 4 of these:
- conjunctivitis
- oral mucosa changes
- rash
- extremity changes (erythema, edema, desquamation)
- cervical lymphadenopathy
complications of kawasaki
coronary artery aneurysm
baby: inspiratory stridor worse when supine, better when prone
tx: laryngomalacia
usually resolves
can give PPIs for reflux
supraglottoplasty for severe sx
SLE CNS effects (who knew?)
seizures, neuropathy, strokes, chorea
elevated total T4 with normal TSH - how
increased TBG
causes: estrogens (OCPs), liver problems, meds
complications of giving NE (pressors)
NE vasospasm:
- ischemia of distal fingers/toes
- mesenteric ischemia
- renal failure
how to know if a metabolic alkalosis is responsive to saline
urine Cl < 20
saline responsive causes of metabolic alkalosis
vomiting NGT diuretics laxative abuse low oral fluid intake
tx: fibromyalgia
1st: aerobic exercise and good sleep hygiene
then TCAs
then if TCAs don’t work – duloxetine, milnacipran or pregabalin
fundoscopy: swollen and pale disk with blurred margins
giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis)
when do you use a pessary
stress incontinence (3rd line)
tx: bullous pemphigoid
clobetasol (high potency topical glucocorticoid)
labs: bulimia vs diuretic abuse/Bartter’s/Gitelman’s
all have hypokalemia, alkalosis, normotensive
only bulimia with have low urine Cl
when can you not give the NOACs (-xabans)
renal failure
DVT/PE from malignancy
pleural fluid pH: exudative vs transudative (also, normal)
normal: 7.6
transudative: 7.4 - 7.55
exudative: 7.3 - 7.45 (empyemas go < 7.3)
more crap, more acid!
best way to reverse DCM from EtOH
stop drinking!
complications on vesicoureteral reflux
renal scarring
infective endocarditis org: MC nosocomial
staph aureus
infective endocarditis org: MC community acquired
infective endocarditis org: nosocomial w/ UTI
infective endocarditis org: resp tract bx
strep viridans
infective endocarditis org: prosthetic valves/IV catheters
think staph aureus or staph epidermidis
who do you defibrillate (not cardiovert)
pulseless VT
MC org: parotitis
staph aureus