Uwise 1 Flashcards
Best way to diagnose syphilis?
Classic associated sign?
Serological testing treponemal testing
A characteristic finding is a macular rash on the palms and soles that are often described as copper penny lesions.
How do we explain a negative culture for herpes when it is really positive?
If someone has recurrent herpes and they are cultured later on, we could miss it. Better to get culture early on
What is typically seen with pre existing diabetes and not gestational diabetes?
Intrauterine growth restriction
What is the correct folic acid recommended dose for pregnant women with normal history?
Dose for women with history of baby with neural tube defects?
4 mg
90-95% of elevated AFP levels are due to what?
Things OTHER than neural tube defects, like underestimation of due date, multiple gestations, etc.
What med to use if anticoagulation in pregnancy is necessary?
What anticoagulant is contraindicated?
Low molecular weight heparin
How do you treat umbilical cord prolapse?
Elevated fetal head and C section
What is the difference in size and sugar levels in babies from moms with type 1 and gestational diabetes?
Type 1: small and low sugar
Gestational: big and low sugar
Infants born to diabetic mothers are at risk for what 5 metabolic issues?
Low sugar High RBC High bilirubin Low calcium RDS
What is typical protocol for a baby born to mother who is HIV positive?
Treat infant with AZT immediately and order HIV testing at 24 hours
What is the correct position of baby head for Positive pressure ventilation?
Recommended rate of oxygen flow?
Sniffing positing, essentially extension of neck
10 L/min
What is the next step in management immediately following delivery of a vigorous baby?
When is best time to clamp and cut cord?
Skin to skin contact
30-60 seconds
What is the most common cause of postpartum fever?
What type of bacterial is most commonly causing postpartum endometritis?
Mix of aerobes and anaerobes
Staph and strep
Biggest difference between postpartum blues and depression?
Blues don’t last longer than 2 weeks
Depression is 2 weeks and on
What is the safest method to suppress lactation?
Breast binding, ice packs and analgesics
Breastfeeding is associated with a decreased incidence of what?
Ovarian cancer
Which postpartum contraception is least desirable or ideal?
Estrogen containing can diminish lactation and mess with breastfeeding
What am I thinking with intense bilateral nipple pain with breastfeeding?
When do we not give depo for long term birth control after pregnancy?
If mom is serious about weight loss because depo can cause weight gain
2 signs that baby is getting enough milk when feeding?
3-4 poopy diapers a day and 6 wet diapers a day
What can be a help to engorged breasts?
Nurse more frequently
Suckling of the nipple stimulates what hormone?
What is normal progesterone level for pregnancy?
Greater than 25
How to treat magnesium toxicity?
Calcium gluconate
What is the only definitive therapy for preeclampsia?
Deliver baby and placenta
What is the treatment of choice for eclampsia?
Magnesium sulfate
What is therapeutic levels of magnesium?
What will happen at levels of 7-10?
Greater than 15?
Loss of deep tendon reflexes
Respiratory depression
Cardiac arrest
What symptom of preeclampsia indicates delivery now?
Platelets less than 100k, so thrombocytopenia
If lady has preeclampsia and her BP is soaring, what is the target diastolic BP to get it back down to with meds?
What condition increases the risk for preeclampsia the most?
Chronic renal disease.
What is the risk of isoimmunization with RH if a mom doesn’t get the shot and is negative and baby positive?
Less than 20% total
How much fetal blood is neutralized by the 300mcg RhoGAM shot?
30 cc of blood, 15 cc of RBCS
What is the risk posed by atypical RH antibodies?
Lewis lives (these are IgM so don’t cross placenta?
Duffy dies
Kell kills
Why would a women be sensitized to Rh if she got the shot?
Because there was more blood than expected. Remember the shot only covers about 30 CCs of baby blood crossing over.
What are 2 clues to twins?
AFP up and fundal height greater than gestational age in weeks
What is something mom can do to reduce the risk of premature labor with twins?
Early and adequate weight gain
Emergency contraception can work up to how long after intercourse?
72 hours
What is the source of vaginal lubrication during sex?
Vaginal transudate