Comprehensive 1 Flashcards
What 4 things are we worried about happening to baby if mom is type 1 diabetic?
Spontaneous abortions
Congenital malformations
Big baby
Also small baby
How do we compare incidence of varicella in a pregnant vs. non pregnant lady?
WHat is the most appropriate first step in stimulating baby while still in mom but head is available?
Digital fetal scalp stimulation. If it is positive, then you know Ph is above 7.2 in 90% of cases.
What are the 3 things to confirm initially in the management of postpartum bleeding?
Uterus is well contracted
No retained placental tissue
Look for lacerations
When is a good time to offer induction?
39 weeks
What time frame does the Plan B pill work for emergency contraception?
What time frame does copper IUD work for emergency contraception?
Within 72 hours
Within 5 days from unprotected intercourse
What do we do if a pregnant lady comes in and desires an abortion and has irregular periods?
Do an US to confirm age of baby
If I see dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and uterosacral ligament modularity, what am I thinking?
What two nerves can be damaged with a low transverse incision in female pelvic surgeries?
Which one provides sensation to the medial/inner thigh?
Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric
Inguinal goes to inner thigh
What do you do if lady has white nippled discharge on exam, how do you go about treating?
Want to make sure you do a fasting prolactin level after a 24 hour period of no nipple stimulation. If its high, then do brain MRI
What is the Rotterdam diagnosis of PCOS?
Two of the following are required:
- Anovulation or oligo ovulation
- Hyper androgen either physically or chemically
- polycystic ovaries on US
What is a common side effect of the nexplanon?
Irregular spotting or bleeding
What is first line therapy for painful periods?
What is most effective treatment for hot flashes?
Lowest dose, shortest time of estrogen
How to best treat PMS?
Oral contraceptive pills
In ladies 21-24, what do you do if you get HPV high risk type back from pap?
Cytology alone in 12 months
3 contraception methods that have less than 1% pregnancy rate?
LARC like nexplanon
What is the single most important test to rule out ectopic pregnancy?
Beta HCG, even over US
What med is typically given pre and post surgical abortion and why?
Doxycycline, or another abx, to prevent post abortion infection
What ovarian cyst is described as ground glass appearance?
What am I thinking if I see more than normal painful periods and talking about stuff other places like ovary or tubes?
If we do a fine needle aspiration of a breast mass and there is blood, what do we need to always make sure to do?
Excisional biopsy of the mass
Which diagnostic test helps confirm kallmann syndrome?
Olfactory challenge
What is the most common lower genital tract malformation in females?
What two things are not developed in Mayer Rokintasky Kuser Hasuer Syndrome?
How do we best describe Asherman syndrome?
Imperforate hymen
No uterus or vagina
Secondary amenorrhea due to intrauterine scarring
What to always keep in mind that can cause asherman syndrome?
Tons of D and C’s or procedures to the uterus scarring it
How can we treat severe pain during menses that isn’t relieved by ibuprofen?
Oral contraceptives
What to always remember with antipsychotics and ladies?
Block dopamine and you raise prolactin and drop FSH
What mineral supplements has shown to improve PMS symptoms?
In molar pregnancies what hormone is elevated?
What effect does this have on reflexes, ovaries, weight, BP and TSH and thyroid?
Increased reflexes, ovarian cysts, weight loss, high blood pressure, and low TSH?
How to best treat fibroids in young women who still want to have kids?
What role does GNRH agonists play in the treatment of fibroids?
Myomectomy is they are the cause of infertility
Shrink the size of the fibroids until surgery or menopause
What ethnicity has a higher incidence of molar pregnancies?
What is the standard management for molar pregnancies?
Suction curettage