UTS LESSON 3 Flashcards
True or false
The ME is the objectification of the I
True or false
According to George Mead, the human being is a tabula rasa at birth.
False. John Locke
True or false
If you are shaped by the environment you have a high reflexibility level.
False, low reflexibility level
True or false
The social class is one of the factors that affect one’s decision towards social interaction
True or false
The ME is the unsocialized and spontaneous component of the personality
False. I
True or false
The I is the vehicle of self control and regulation
False. Me
True or false
The generalized other is the individuals ideas of societal norms and standards
True or false
Within socialization the person develops a sense of the self
True or false
John locke develop the looking glass theory
False. Charles Cooley
True or false
If one has low reflexibility level he will create his own
False. High reflexibility level
True or false
Socialization is the interactive process where one acquire skills beliefs and behavior patterns
True or false
The I is very large among adults
False. Me
He developed the looking glass theory of socialization
Charles Cooley
This is the capacity of an agent to recognize forces of socialization that alter their place in the social structure
The ability of the mind to recognize positions of participants in the internal and external dialogue
Dialogical self
In the stages of role taking this is where a child can play games with specific rules
5 years and up
He proposed the theory of role taking
George Mead
The theory of socialization wherein one looks at the self according to how other see us
Looking glass
The relationship between two things which of which has the ability to influence the other such that the change in one requires a change in other
He insisted that human beings are tabula rasa at birth
John locke
This is the part of ourselves that is aware of the attitudes of the society in this also very large and adults
This refers to the capacity of the individual to make choices in the world
This is the interactive process in which people learn skills values beliefs and behavioral patterns
Thoughts and actions taken by people that express their individual power
People as self organizing proactive self reflective and self regulating as time change
Shaped by the environment
Low reflexibility
Create their own
High reflexibility
Individuals internalized impression of societal norms and expectation
Generalized others
Believe that we not only see ourselves as other cs but actually take on the roles of others
George herbert mead
The acting body subject
The spontaneous response
Gives the self the capacity to innovate
Represents impulses and drive
Is the organized set of attitudes of others
Human manipulate behavior to be accepted in the group
Human beings of complex and well developed self concepts and that they generally attempt to come to view themselves as positively as they can