Utilitarianism Flashcards
Was Bentham rule or act?
Was Mill rule or act?
What did Bentham create to quantify pleasure?
The Hedonic calculus
What are the key principles now the hedonic calculus?
Purity Extent Certainty Fecundity Duration Intensity Remoteness
What is Bentham’s quote?
We are governed by two sovereign masters: pleasure and pain.
What is the greatest happiness principle?
All actions should aim to create the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people
What is Mill’s quote?
It is better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied. Better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.
Is Bentham’s utilitarianism absolute or relative?
Is Mill’s utilitarianism absolute or relative?
Who came up with utilitarianism?
Jeremy Bentham
What are the key principles of Bentham’s utilitarianism?
An action is morally good if it leads to a consequence of maximum happiness
The values of happiness is the only thing that matters
No one persons happiness is more important than another’s
What did mill change about utilitarianism?
He said there are higher and lower pleasures
Bentham was wrong to assume all pleasures are equal
“Pushpin is not equal to poetry”
What is the sadist problem?
It’s dangerous to treat all pleasures the same because according to Bentham a group of sadists total pleasure would outweigh the pain caused to one person, making the action moral
What are examples of the two types of pleasure?
Reading, maths, poetry
Violence, sex, food
What is universal happiness?
Mill believed that every action people made was about increasing the happiness of others
He was influenced by the golden rule of Christianity