Situation Ethics Flashcards
Who came up with Situation ethics?
Joseph fletcher
What were the 3 approaches to moral decision making?
Situation ethics
What is legalism?
People who follow rules
What is antinomianism?
Following no rules and making decisions in the moment
What is situation ethics?
Looking at a situation and making a decision out of love
What are the 4 working principles?
What is pragmatism?
The moral choice has to work and be practical
What is positivism?
The action has to come from love, has to have a good motive
What is personalism?
Put people before rules
What is an example of personalism?
Jesus healing on the sabbath
What is relativism?
Treat each situation individually and then make a decision
What’s the name of Christian unconditional love?
What are the 6 fundamental principles?
The characteristics of agape
Help us to understand how to act out of selfless love
Love is the only thing if intrinsic value
Love should be the basis of moral decisions
Love and justice are the same
Love wills the good of others
A loving end justifies the means
Loves decisions always made situationally
Strengths of situation ethics?
Has good intentions Is relative Acts out of love Puts people before rules Anyone can use it (J.A.T. Robinson “SE is the only ethic for man come of age”)
Weaknesses of SE?
Can be manipulated
Love may not be the only important thing, bible says 9 virtues
Rules should be followed
Traditional Christians wouldn’t like it as it breaks rules