Consequentialist ethics
A teleological ethical theory based on probable consequences/outcomes. The morality of an action is determined by its consequences.
PROBLEM - how can we be sure that our predictions are certain - we cant be.
Augustine - we were corrupted by the fall and therefore cannot rely on reason.
The idea of “usefulness” that we should do whatever is useful in increasing overall good and decreasing overall evil
Principle of utility
The principle that actions are to be judged by their usefulness in this sense: their tendency to bring about benefit, advantage, pleasure, good or happiness.
Act utilitarianism
Jeremy Bentham. The idea that we should always perform the act that leads to the greatest pleasure for the masses
Hedonic calculus
A system of working out the amount of pleasure or pain involved in a course of action. 7 parts including: duration, certainty, intensity, purity, propinquity, fecundity and extent
Rule utilitarianism
We should always follow the rule that generally generates the most pleasure for the masses
Preference utilitarianism
RM Hare/Peter Singer. Actions are right if they maximise the satisfaction of preferences or desires
Swine ethic
Carlyle. Criticism of utilitarianism that argues that its unfit for humans to prioritise pleasures that any sentient being can get pleasure from instead of beneficial pleasures
The pursuit of pleasure
Sovereign masters
“Nature has placed mankind under two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do”
Naturalistic fallacy
Because something is natural, it is morally right and good
Humes law
Just because something IS seen in nature, doesn’t mean it is OUGHT to be carried out and morally right. If someone doesn’t do it then it should not make them morally wrong
Act utilitarianism quote
“The greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong”
Changes per situation
HC - intensity
How strong the pleasure is
HC - duration
How long will the pleasure last
HC - certainty
How likely is it that pleasure will occur
HC - propinquity
How soon will the pleasure occur?
HC - purity
Will pleasure continue from the original pleasure?