Sanctity of life
Traditional christian view.
God created human life, it is a gift from God, only God has a right to end it.
This gives value to life and prevents mass killing (NL)
Bible quotes to support sanctity of life
Corinthians - our “Body is a temple”
10 commandments “Do not kill”
Evaluation of sanctity of life
There are many themes found in the Bible, the sanctity of life is only one.
Other themes include compassion and love, both emphasised by Jesus.
Quality of life
What makes life valuable is the quality that it has in terms of the balance of happiness over suffering.
Singer on the sanctity of life (NL)
Based on outdated Christian views and thus should be re-evaluated.
The reason killing is wrong is that it violates the preferences or interests of a being.
If someone has a low quality of life and a preference to die, then voluntary euthanasia is justified.
Nozick on autonomy (SE)
The principle of ‘self-ownership’, that each person owns their body and can do what they want with it.
If someone wants euthanasia then that is up to them, no matter the reason.
Voluntary euthanasia is always morally right.
Singer’s criticism of autonomy (SE)
Example of a love-sick teenager who wants to die for short-sighted reasons.
Singer claims we can ‘safely predict’ they will get over their issues.
Allowing autonomy in euthanasia for absolutely any reason would lead to many people dying when they themselves would have ended up regretting it.
Mill on autonomy
Society will be the happiest it can be if we follow the harm principle.
People should be free to do what they want, so long as they aren’t harming others.
Situation ethics on euthanasia
Euthanasia can be morally good, in situations where it maximises agape.
Barclay’s criticism of Situation Ethics and euthanasia
People are not perfectly loving so if given the power to judge what is good or bad, people will do selfish or even cruel things.
People’s loving nature can be corrupted by power.
Fletcher and Robinson’s defence of situation ethics
Humanity has progressed since medieval times and ‘come of age’.
People are more mature and can be trusted with more freedom to break ethical rules if it is the loving thing.
Natural law and euthanasia
God has given reason to human nature and designed it to be able to intuitively know the primary precepts of natural law.
Euthanasia violates the primary precept to preserve human life.
Slippery slope argument (SE)
Allowing euthanasia might be the beginning of society reducing respect for life and placing pressure on the elderly or disabled.
Voluntary euthanasia
A persons death is directly caused by another person (eg doctor) with consent.
Non-voluntary euthanasia
A persons death is directly caused by another person (eg doctor) without consent.
Passive euthanasia
When life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn thereby leading to death - ‘letting nature take its course’.
Assisted suicide
A person dies as a direct result of their own voluntary action but with the help of another person.
Imago dei quote (NL)
“God created mankind in his own image”
Imago dei and the value of human life (NL)
Leads to the belief that God gave us life which has intrinsic value because we have Godlike qualities such as the ability to reason - so life has value.
The story of Abraham and the suggestion that human life is sacred
God wouldn’t ask Abraham to kill his own child, instead he allows the killing of a ram - therefore God recognises the value of human life.