Utilising resources: optimality (foraging focus) Flashcards
Natural selection
favourable heritable traits become more common in successive generations
Optimisation by selection
–traits leading to greater efficiency become more common over evolutionary time
–new mutations that increase efficiency will be favoured
But how can animals behave optimally?
–optimality is mathematically demanding
Optimality in animal behaviour:
In this lecture we focus on foraging but this can apply to other behaviours e.g. mate acquisition
optimality and behaviours - objections
Optimal behaviour is predicted with calculus and algebra
- but foragers do not determine their actions using higher mathematics
early explanations: rule of thumb
-Janetos & Cole (1981) – e.g. move to a new site if you have a bad day’s foraging
-simple rules often come close to payoffs predicted by optimality
Rules of thumb oversimplifies
Foragers use intricate and sophisticated mechanisms involving sensory, neural, endocrine and cognitive structures, as well as interactions with genes
Behavioural selection acts on many genes for many systems simultaneously
behaviour no less likely to approach optimality than other complex, multi-system outcomes
-crypsis in morphology and colouration
-design of eye / optical senses for visual predators
Optimality is all about trade-offs
- foraging in current location vs travelling to a new (potentially better!) location
–feed & risk predation vs hide & risk starvation
Optimality: a controversial gambit
Gould & Lewontin (1979): not everything is adapted to purpose to which it is put. Alleles can be randomly fixed; behaviours may be necessary by-products of morphological necessities
Pierce & Ollason (1987): how can optima evolve in changing environment? Optimality theory is untestable (we don’t know what animals seek to optimise, nor the available strategies)
Stearns & Schmid-Hempel (1987) “optimality” refers to the best solution within given boundary conditions; important to recognise constraints changing environments may prevent optimisation but:
- much theory is devoted to optimising under uncertainty
- micro-environments may remain relatively stable over meaningful evolutionary time-frames
- optimality theory is not, in itself, testable; however, we can test - hypotheses about currencies
- hypotheses about constraints
uses of the optimality approach
allows us to make testable predictions -What, where, when to eat
gives better insights into: currencies & constraints on adaptation
exposes the logic of our understanding of behaviour - assumptions are made clear
emphasises generality of simple problems that animals face - unites understanding of different taxa
Diet is a fundamental driver of diversity
But why specialise?
why aren’t all animals omnivores, eating whatever they can find/catch?
why not always eat the one potential prey that yields most energy?
How can we answer these questions without thinking about what represents the optimal strategy?
MacArthur & Pianka (1966) & Charnov (1976)
(see notes for equations)
But consider:
*prey have different handling times, hi
*prey are encountered at different rates, li
*prey have different energy content, Ei
Consider the situation where there are 2 prey types that are always attacked when located.
*“Profitability” defined as Ei / hi
*Prey 1 more profitable than prey 2, i.e. E1 / h1 > E2 / h2
The MacArthur & Pianka (1966) & Charnov (1976) model allows us to predict a switch point at which a 2nd food item should be included in the diet
*IF the predator is aiming to maximise net energy gain and
*IF it is unconstrained in its ability to take prey types 1 & 2 (i.e. it doesn’t lack the morphological features required)
Models make specific predictions, + allow general insights
–higher frequency of encounter with preferred prey → more likely to specialise
–less productive environments (with lower frequencies of encounter with prey) → more generalists
Test of the MacArthur & Pianka (1966) and Charnov (1976) model: Elner & Hughes (1978)
*mussel size discrimination by predatory crabs – the larger the mussel the harder it is to access the food inside requiring larger claw muscles so only larger crabs can access them
*preferred intermediate-sized mussels, as predicted
*peak of optimality observed
*choices as predicted in environments of low and intermediate productivity –
*chose large mussels in high productivity environments, counter to predictions
Another test of the MacArthur & Pianka (1966) & Charnov (1978) with damselfly
Pyrrhosoma type fits predictions
Whereas Enallagma type doesn’t perhaps due to different foraging strategies e.g. ambush hunting rather than feeding on debris. If prediction is far from the observed then further research is required.
where to eat?
–ideal free foragers
–marginal value theory
–central place foragers
e.g. returning to the same location repetitively to feed young in a den/burrow/nest
Ideal free distribution
Ideal free distribution (Fretwell & Lucas)
e.g. 10 foragers: how should they distribute themselves?
-> according to productivity (ripe fruits / day) :
proportion of productivity no. foragers if tree 1 produces 8 0.2 2 tree 2 produces 20 0.5 5 tree 3 produces 12 0.3 3
At simplest, individuals compete equally for the productivity of patch so intensity of foraging (e.g. animal days) in each patch should be proportional to the relative quality of the patch.
Based on this model it is possible to predict how foragers should distribute their foraging to maximise food uptake as above the expected distribution of monkeys between fruit trees
Diminishing returns during foraging
Diminishing returns during foraging
For prey choice model:
E/T = Ep/ Ts + Th
E/T = Energy / Time. i.e. the rate Of energy intake
Ep= Energy content Of prey (constant)
Ts = average search time - variable - depending on abundance increasing as prey are depleted
Th = Average handling time - usually constant
Diminishing returns during foraging further notes
Intake rate declines as foraging progresses this is known as “diminishing returns”
–foraging removes food from an area
–as prey get less abundant, searching for remaining prey takes longer
–intake rate diminishes as foraging progresses
→ Sets scene for a series of models known as “patch” models
Many foragers feed on patchy resources – how long should each individual spend at each patch before moving on? And after that how far/long should it travel before stopping in another patch?
We can calculate travel time between patches and constraints of patch usage e.g. areas where predators are found.
Patch models: graphical
Optimal food benefit compared to time spent travelling
For shorter travel times optimum time spent in the patch is also shorter
(see notes for graphs)
Charnov’s Marginal Value Theorem (1976):
Patch models
* Formally: — Should leave patch when Intake rate in the current patch E(Tp) is equal to =
Intake rate for the environment as a Whole (including travel
time between patches)
This is the marginal value theorem’ (Charnov 1976)
- Economics term for (loosely) the gain from pursuing the
current course of action, in preference to another option
A test of the patch model (Cook and Cockrell 1978)
a test of waterboatmen:
Dry mass extracted follows law of diminishing return – in this case maps the feeding time between catch and discarding of prey animal remains
In some cases handling time may be constant but some interference effect is associated with a prey item e.g. prey depletion and decreasing predator efficiency
e.g. a starling can only collect food in its beak and therefore must return to feed its offspring more regularly than say a penguin which can regurgitate food for chicks. Starling foraging methods also require it to forage with an open beak* again diminishing potential food return for the chicks.
Both penguins and Starlings are central place foragers when raising young**
*starlings foraging for leatherjackets (cranefly larvae) to take to their young probe the turf with closed bill, open to part turf and extract leatherjackets –this process becomes less efficient as number of leatherjackets in bill increases hence diminishing returns
**Starlings are classic “central place foragers” in breeding season. They must leave the nest, forage and return, up to 400 times per day in breeding season causing high selection for efficiency
Central place foraging
Kacelnik (1984)
–devised test of optimal central place foraging
–trained parent starlings to collect mealworms from a feeder
–mealworms dropped in to feeder through a tube to control the shape of the gain curve
–feeder placed at different distances from the nest
starlings face decision:
–when to stop foraging and return to the nest?
–collect too few – majority of time spent flying for limited reward
–collect too many – too much time spent waiting for next prey
(see graph in notes)
Patch models
allow us to predict optimal individual decisions regarding the amount of foraging before moving on
IF the predator is aiming to maximise rate of energy gain
IF it is constrained by the travel time between patches, or the required travel distance, as well as by a given diminishing gain curve
“fitness” only true measure
*number of descendants left far into the future
*probability that a trait is perpetuated
–intake rate – often a poor proxy
*plenty of evidence that animals don’t eat as much as they can – with good reason:
–exposure to predation
–costs of being too fat (reduced manoeuverability to avoid predators e.g. tit vs hawk)
–other activities may be important (grooming, fighting, courting, mating, resting … etc.)
Constraints emerge from trade-offs
*e.g. birds can’t forage actively without causing feather-wear
and they can’t moult (to replace worn feathers) and forage actively at same time
– so it is not just imposed by animals’ abilities
*environment also important – e.g. predators & weather
constraints compared to tradeoffs
–unalterable (by the organism)
–no decision required
–e.g. gut volume, day-length (for diurnal foragers)
–required because of constraints
–necessitate decision making (in some sense)
–e.g. how to trade-off dietary components but remain within gut volume limit; whether to forage at night (given risks and lower efficiency)
Constraint example: diet
Constraints can affect currencies (foraging objectives may be more than pure energy)
e.g. moose (Belovsky 1978) feed on shores of Lake Superior and have two feeding habitats
–forest – deciduous leaves – relatively high energy, low sodium
–lakes – aquatic plants – relatively low energy but high sodium
Optimal foraging and science
- describe
- explain
- predict
*anecdotal description of foraging habits is natural history
*rigorous, methodical, quantitative description of foraging habits is science
*optimality theory leads us towards explanations for the foraging habits of animals
*more importantly, optimality theory allows us to make predictions about how animals will behave