UTI/Nephrolithiasis/Chronic Renal Failure Flashcards
Cystitis Presentation
Dysuria and increased freq/urgency/suprapubic pain, but systemic signs like fever often absent
Gold Standard for Cystitis
> 100k colony forming units
Most Common Cause for Cystitis
E. coli
Sterile Pyuria (what it is and like 2 causative agents)
> 10 WBCs/hpf and leukocyte esterase but negative urine culture (which was gold standard). Suggests urethritis from Chylamydia trachomatis or N. gonorrhea
Notable Urine Finding in Pyelonephritis
WBC casts
Chronic Pyelonephritis Gross, Histo, and Urine Characteristic Findings
Scarring at upper/lower poles if vesicoureteral reflux
Thyroidization of kidney from proteinaceous material in atrophic tubules
Waxy casts in urine
Calcium Oxalate/Phosphate Stone (most common cause, treatment)
Idiopathic hypercalciuria - calcium high in urine but normal in blood (can just be good old fashioned hypercalcemia though)
Treat with hydrochlorothiazide, Ca-sparing diuretic
Ammonium magnesium phosphate stone (cause, classic finding, treatment)
Usually urease-positive organism (P. vulgaris or Kleibsiella) -> alkaline urine leads to stone
Forms staghorn canaliculi in adults which can cause UTI
So surgical removal and eradicate pathogen
Uric Acid Stone (radiograph, risk factor, treatment)
Radiolucent unlike other stones
Anything that increased uric acid like myeloprolif or leukemia
Treatment involves hydration and alkalinization of urine with like potassium bicarb, maybe allopurinol for gout
Cysteine stone classic finding (cause and classic finding)
From cystinuria, genetic defect where tubules can’t reab cysteine
Staghorn canaliculi in children
Hyperkalemia in End Stage Renal Failure
AG metabolic acidosis
Anemia in End Stage Renal Failure (specific cells)
Decreased EPO from Renal Peritubular Interstitial Cells
2 Causes of Hypocalcemia in End Stage Renal Failure
Decreased 1-alpha-hydroxylation of Vit D
Hyperphosphatemia bc can’t excrete and binds
3 Causes of Renal Osteodystrophy from End Stage Renal Failure
Secondary hyperparathyroidism from low Ca
Osteomalacia from decreased mineralization
Osteoporosis from metabolic acidosis being buffered by Ca from bone
Dialysis Gross Effect on Kidneys and At-Risk-For
Cysts with shrunken kidney (different from PCKD)
Increased risk of RCC