Utah Powerpoint Flashcards
Why you should use the Utah testing method?
Flexibility and Versatility – Scoring System, Diagnostic and Screening, Single Issue, Multi-Facet, or Multi-Issue Testing.
Produces a Lower Inconclusive Rate 12% (Krapohl 2006/ Handler Presentation 2012)
Meets ASTM for Evidentiary Techniques (Krapohl 2006/ Handler Presentation 2012)
Ease of Use – Examiner and Examinee (Fair)
High Accuracy Rate (Sensitivity and Specificity) – Three to Five question set presentation, especially the single issues = 9-15
Why should we use the Utah testing method?
Numerous Research Studies Validating Its Accuracy, Including Outperforming Other Validated Techniques (Both Laboratory and Field Studies Since 1978 have it performing at 90-96% accuracy rate)
TQC Considerations – PLC’s (Exclusive/Inclusive) and DLC’s
Test Question Rotation (NQ’s, CQ’s, and RQ’s) to prevent “Spot Responding”, Countermeasure Use, and Habituation, as well as create balance.
Inter-rater Reliability
Dr. David Raskin, Ph.D. - Creator/Developer - 1970
Dr. Charles Honts, Ph.D. - Creator/Developer
Dr. Charles Honts, Ph.D. - Creator/Developer
Most researched testing method?
It is the most researched and documented polygraph testing technique, and it consistently produces very similar results in both field and
lab studies. There is over 30 years of research and scientific peer review (Handler and Nelson 2008).
Research and Documentation has Shown that the Utah Technique is…………………….
Reliable – Reliability, scientifically speaking, means the results of a scientific experiment must be able to repeatable. Other researchers must be able to perform exactly the same results of the experiment, under the same conditions and generate the same results.
Valid – Validity, scientifically speaking, means validity encompasses the entire experimental concept and establishes whether the results obtained meet all of the requirements of the scientific research method.
Together, they provide scientific proof and help gain acceptance from that particular scientific community in adopting theory, practices, etc.
Test question review order for Utah?
Sacrifice Relevant Question
Relevant Questions
Comparison Questions
Neutral Questions
Introductory Question – “Yes” Response
Utah 3 question testing format is used for?
Can be used as a Single Issue Test – Primary Issue asked three separate times
Can be used as Multi-Facet Test – Combinations
1) Two Primary Relevants; One Secondary Relevant
2) One Primary Relevant; Two Secondary Relevants
3) Three Secondary Relevants
You can see the versatility in this; however, the single issue is the most accurate and the one to which much of the research has been dedicated. AND, it is not advisable to introduce more than one secondary relevant, if you are going to decide to use the three-question format as a multi-facet test. Research has shown that using a multi-facet exam can lower the accuracy of the test.
Utah 3 question format, 1st sequence order?
I1 - Introductory Question: Do you understand I will only ask…
SR2 - Sacrifice Relevant: Regarding the theft of…
N1 – Neutral One: Are the lights on in this room?
C1 – Comparison One
R1 – Relevant One
N2 – Neutral Two
C2 – Comparison Two
R2 – Relevant Two
N3 – Neutral Three
C3 - Comparison Three
R3 – Relevant Three
Utah 3 question sequences are?
1st - I1, SR2, N1, C1, R1, N2, C2, R2, N3, C3, R3
2nd – I1, SR2, N2, C3, R2, N3, C1, R3, N1, C2, R1
3rd – I1, SR2, N3, C2, R3, N1, C3, R1, N2, C1, R2
If Inconclusive, after three charts, run a fourth and a fifth.
4th - Repeat 1st Sequence
5th – Repeat 2nd Sequence
Utah 4 question testing format is for?
Multi-Facet Use – Usually two primary relevant questions and two secondary relevant questions are presented.
However, just like the three question, there is versatility in its use, such as…….
1) One primary RQ and three secondary RQ’s
2) Four secondary RQ’s
3) Four primary RQ’s
Utah 4 question testing used for?
Most widely used as Multi-Facet Test*, but can be used as a Multi-Issue Test, as well:
Question Sequence (1st Presentation):
I1 - Introductory Question: Do you understand that I will only ask..
SR2 - Sacrifice Relevant: Regarding the theft of the…
N1 – Neutral One: Are we now in PA?
C1 – Comparison One
R1 – Relevant One (Primary) **NOTE: An optional Neutral
R2 – Relevant Two (Primary) Question can be inserted in between
C2 – Comparison Two C2 and R3
R3 – Relevant Three (Secondary)
R4 – Relevant Four (Secondary)
C3- Comparison Three
N2 – Neutral Two
Utah 4 question sequence is?
1st Chart - I1, SR2, N1, C1, R1, R2, C2, N3 (optional), R3, R4, C3, N2
2nd Chart - I1, SR2, N2, C2, R4, R1, C3, N3(optional), R2, R3, C1, N1
3rd Chart - I1, SR2, N1, C3, R2, R3, C1, N3 (optional), R4, R1,C2, N2
4th Chart - I1, SR2, N1, C1, R1, R2, C2, N3 (optional), R3, R4, C3, N2
5th Chart - I1, SR2, N2, C2, R4, R1, C3, N3(optional), R2, R3, C1, N1
Just don’t use N3
How do you score Utah 3 and 4 testing formats with the relevants and comparisons?
Three Question Format – Each RQ is compared to the preceding CQ. If there is an artifact present in the CQ, the RQ may be compared to the next closest CQ.
Four Question Format – Each RQ is compared to each bracketing CQ, and the better of the two is used for the comparison, channel by channel.
What scoring method does Utah use?
The Utah Testing Technique uses a seven-point numerical scoring system and is very similar to the Federal Scoring System, but it is originally based on the Backster Technique.
-3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3
NOTE: Only one score of +/- 3 can be assigned per chart in the cardio
and EDA channels.
NOTE: Same Early, Late, and Equal reaction rules apply
What are the scoring formats for Utah 3 question format (single issue)?
Utah Three Question Format (Single Issue): 3Q or 4Q or Multi Facet
Spot Scores Totals (R1, R2, R3) are added together to determine a grand total score - +6 or greater is a NDI call……Conversely, -6 or less is a DI call. Both are regardless of 3 or 5 charts run. Any grand total score that falls in between +/- 6 is a call of Inconclusive.