DLST Powerpoint Flashcards
What is the DLST? Directed Lie Screening Test
Derived from TES (Test for Espionage & Sabotage)
Directed Lie Comparison Questions (DLC’s)
Effective for:
Law Enforcement Pre-Employment Screening
Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PSCOT)
What are the benefits of using the DLST method?
Pros and cons of using DLST.
Standardization of RQ’s
Standardization of DLC’s
Standardization of Pre-Test Interview
Little to no psychological manipulation
Easy to explain to examinee
Reduced examinee exhaustion when used with “successive hurdles”
Increased sensitivity to deception
Increased specificity to truthfulness
Decreased INC results
Decreased (slightly) use of CM’s compared to PLC techniques
Increased inter-rater reliability
What is a DLC? Directed Lie Comparison
Pros and cons of DLST?
Directed Lie Comparison (DLC) – A known lie that results from the examinee being instructed by the examiner to lie to specific questions.
Known Lie vs. Probable Lie
Non-naïve examinee better understands its usage in the test
Less confrontational compared to PLC’s
Research shows DLC’s to be as accurate or even more accurate than PLC’s
Non-emotional comparison - Question Recognition
What is an example of a DLC question?
In your whole life, did you ever commit a traffic violation?
In your whole life, did you ever lie to anyone?
In your whole life, did you ever say anything that you later regretted?
In your entire life, did you ever lie to a supervisor about anything?
In your entire life, did you ever violate a rule or regulation?
In your entire life, did you ever make even one mistake?
Used for question recognition.
The examinee can identify the questions to which they are supposed to lie.
What is the First step in explaining the DLST pre-test interview?
Examiner qualifications/purpose today
“unbiased”, “neutral”, “fact-finder”
Explain the examination process
Consent form
Miranda warning for LE screening exams????
What is the Second step in explaining the DLST pre-test interview?
Brief overview/explanation
Explain the testing process
“Must be able to do two things today to pass this test”
“Follow my directions”
“Respond appropriately”
“There will be three main types of questions for this test”
“Diagnostic lie questions where you will be doing the opposite of the other questions (lying) to make sure you are following my directions, paying attention, taking the test seriously, not thinking about anything else and are not getting fatigued”
“Diagnostic truth questions where I know you are telling the truth”
“Questions that the agency want to know for the hiring process which I will compare the responses against the other groups of questions.”
The three main types of questions on the DLST test are?
Diagnostic Lies- purposely lying to questions that you know are true
Diagnostic Truth- questions where I know you are telling the truth
Behavioral- questions that the are needed to compare your responses to
What is the Fourth step in explaining the DLST pre-test interview?
Brief overview/explanation (con’t)
“As long as you respond appropriately to the diagnostic questions and the employment questions, I will be able to evaluate the test and get a result today.”
“If you don’t respond as instructed, you will not pass the test.”
“There are two ways the test can result: either you pass or you don’t”
“When someone doesn’t pass, its because they lied to the employment questions, they didn’t follow my instructions, or they didn’t respond appropriately when they were supposed to lie.”
“When someone doesn’t respond when I know they are lying on those diagnostic lie questions, I can’t evaluate the test.”
“Most of the time this comes from the examinee not paying attention, not following my instructions or just not caring about the process.”
“I don’t believe you are that type of person, but just to make sure, can you give me your guarantee that you’ll follow my instructions and take all of the questions seriously?”
What is the Fifth step to explaining the DLST pre-test interview?
Biographical information
Medical information
Issues with LE pre-employment????
Semi-structured interview
Review Screening booklet
Basic explanation of physiology/components
Not as in-depth as with PLC techniques
What is the 6th step to explaining the DLST pre-test interview?
Acquaintance test explanation
“practice test to experience the polygraph components and answer questions”
“make sure you can follow directions”
“make sure you can respond appropriately when lying”
Acquaintance test administration
Known solution
Simple math test
Can use DLC “time bar” for key
Acquaintance test feedback
“As long as you can produce results like this during the next tests, I should be able to evaluate your results & make a decision.”
What is the 7th step to explaining the DLST pre-test interview?
Question review and descriptions
Review only the questions for the up-coming subtest prior to each chart
(Ex: Questions for DLST-A prior to that chart; Questions for DLST-B prior to that chart)
Use different DLC’s for each subtest
Ask them “What are the only two question that I have instructed you to lie about on this phase of the examination?”
Again…Question Recognition!!
Can use same IR’s for each subtest
What is the 8th step to explaining the DLST pre-test interview?
The question review order?
Example of a Relevant question?
Question Review Order:
RQ’s, SR, DLC’s, IR’s
Relevant Questions
“These questions are designed to determine if you are telling the truth about the issues the agency wants to know about for the screening process.”
Use of “crime sheets” to list the crimes from the questionnaire??
Mind Maps??
The explanation of a Sacrifice Relevant question?
Sacrifice Relevant Questions
Examples of SR’s for DLST
“Do you intend to answer the illegal drug and domestic violence questions truthfully”
“Do you intend to answer the illegal sex and serious crime questions truthfully?
SR questions should be paired with the appropriate relevant questions for each subset.
The explanation of a Directed Lie question?
Directed Lie Comparison Questions
“These questions are designed to make sure you can follow directions and respond appropriately when you are supposed to be lying.”
“They also establish a baseline for comparison to the questions the agency wants to know.”
“In your whole life, did you ever commit a traffic violation?”
“In your whole life, did you ever lie to a supervisor about anything?”
“In your whole life, did you ever tell even one lie?”
“In your whole life, did you ever lie to keep yourself out of trouble?”
“In your whole life, did you ever violate even one rule or regulation?”
“In your whole life, did you ever say anything out of anger that you later regretted?”
The explanation of an Irrelevant question?
Irrelevant Questions
“These questions are also called known truth or control questions.”
“They are designed to make sure you can respond appropriately when you are telling the truth.”
“They also establish a baseline for when you are telling the truth.”
“Are you now sitting down?”
“Are the lights on in this room?”
“Is today Wednesday?”
“Are you currently in the state of __________?”