USSR: Media, Propaganda, and Religion Flashcards
How did Lenin view the press?
As essential in advancing the revolution and maintaining Communist power.
Prior to the revolution, what had Lenin planned to do?
Close down bourgeois papers but changed his mind in order to keep power.
How did the government obtain power over the press in November 1917?
Decree on the Press in November 1917: Gave the government the emergency power to close down any newspapers which supported counter revolution.
Creating a state monopoly of advertising in November 1917: Ensured only the government could publish adverts.
Nationalising the Petrograd Telegraph Agency in November 1917: Gave the government control of electronic means of communication
How did Lenin initially deal with the papers and why did this change?
Initially Lenin only closed down papers that supported the Tsar or the Provisional Government but this developed into outlawing opposing Soviet newspapers.
How many papers had the government closed by 1921?
2000 newspapers, 575 printing presses.
What was the consequence of Lenin’s policies towards newpapers?
The party’s official paper, Pravda, became the most widely circulated paper in the Soviet Union. By 1983, Pravda had a circulation of 10.3 million. The paper of the government-controlled trade unions, Trud (Labour), had an even bigger circulation at 13.5 million.
Did Lenin approve of his ever-evolving cult?
No but he allowed it to grow as he recognised it’s importance. The cult gave the revolution a face and he became someone the people could look up to.
What new form of writing emerged around 1919-1920?
During 1919-1920, a new form of writing emerged that involved Lenin: Depicted as a humane leader, a man who refused luxury, a visionary, and a man of great power.
Why did focus on Lenin increase after August 1918?
Following an assassination attempt, Lenin was depicted as a modern-day Christ for surviving the attack.
How was art used in the initial years of the revolution?
In the initial years of the revolution, the Soviet Government collaborated with avant-garde artists to produce posters promoting revolution.
Many featured Lenin.
How did censorship function during the civil war?
Lenin’s press censorship regime continued throughout the civil war.
Victory in Civil War did lead not to increased press freedom.
Dzerzhinsky introduced Glavlit, a new organisation, designed to oversee the censorship regime.
How did Glavlit censorship work?
Glavlit censorship worked on the following grounds:
GPU put in charge of policing every publication available in the USSR.
New professional censors employed
All books were investigated for anti-Communist bias.
GPU compiled a list of banned books.
How were books censored under the NEP?
Soviet libraries purged of politically dangerous books.
“Book gulags” introduced to hold books which were banned.
How did Stalin censor libraries?
In the 1930’s, works of revolutionaries: Zinoviev, Kamenev and Trotsky were purged from Soviet libraries.
How did Stalin censor his and Lenin’s work?
Lenin’s own works were edited to remove complimentary statements about Stalin’s political opponents.
Stalin’s work edited to remove any indication that he had previously been close to those he had purged.
From 1928, what else did Glavlit do?
They controlled access to economic data
What did Stalin do to emphasise his role in the revolution?
He rewrote Soviet history.
How did the Soviet Union present itself as a good place? (4)
Restrictions put in place to limit “bad news”
Soviet media forbidden from publishing stories about disasters, suicides, industrial accidents, even bad weather blocked.
Soviet Union was a place of good.
Reports of saboteurs were the only “bad news” available for people to view.
What happened in regards to consumer magazines under Khrushchev and Brezhnev?
Under Khrushchev and Brezhnev, magazines were encouraged to publish letters of the readers.
However, rather than praising the accomplishments of socialism, the letters often exposed long term, economic issues of the USSR.
In magazines, consumers often complained about the scarcity of consumer goods
Readers complained about male alcoholism, inequalities in the house relating to childcare and housework, even domestic violence.
How did Soviet cinema change under Khrushchev?
Soviet cinema changed under Khrushchev as part of a broader cultural thaw or liberalisation.
Many of the films focused on traditional themes such as the soviet victory in WW2.
And the Communist victory during the Civil War.
How did television evolve under Khrushchev?
Between 1960-1964, Soviet television was successful in supporting the Communist regime.
Played a major role in celebrating the Soviet Union’s success in the Space race.
In 1961 millions of people tuned into watch a five hour programme celebrating Yuri Gagarin’s space voyage.
How did film change under Brezhnev?
Kept traditional elements such as success in World War Two.
However during the same period, there were more films dealing with the working people’s lives.
Soviet film makers tended to focus on citizens in luxurious apartments, causing a spike in desire for consumer goods and fashion.
Was Brezhnev’s attempt to use TV to his advantage successful?
Partially successful:
Government were able to keep tight control of what was being broadcast about the War in Afghanistan.
Transmission of Brezhnev’s speeches were at full and he was the centre of a great deal of domestic media coverage.
However, by 1970, this tactic backfired, the camera’s showed Brezhnev as an old man who was clearly physically incapable.
Unable to make speeches.
Became confused mid sentence.
Difficulty walking.
Television voice-overs praised Brezhnev but still, viewers could see his physical incapacity for themselves.
What happened to magazines and censorship under Brezhnev?
Under Brezhnev, Soviet leaders also lost control of the print media.
KGB continued to police political publications.
Work of dissidents.
Western magazines became more publicly available in Soviet cities.
Consumer magazines like vogue.
What was the purpose of Stalin’s personality cult?
Firstly, emphasised Stalin’s legitimacy to take ownership over the Communist Party.
Stalin was fit to rule because he was carrying on Lenin’s work.
Cult created a figure that the Soviet citizens could trust and respect.
Dissatisfaction with certain aspects of Soviet life could be blamed on local leaders whilst Stalin could be trusted with control to creating a better Russia.
What was the myth of two leaders and how did it help Stalin’s personality cult?
Myth led Soviet people to believe that the October revolution, victory in the Civil War and the foundations of the USSR had been masterminded by the duumvirate between Stalin and Lenin.
Myth required Soviet history to be rewritten to place Stalin at the centre of events and remove Trotsky and other leaders from the image.
How did Stalin achieve the myth of two leaders? (3)
Publication in 1938 of two histories of the Communist Party. Both of which edited by Stalin.
Socialist Realist paintings which were created to show Stalin and Lenin working closely together.
Altering photos, removed Trotsky out of images of him with Lenin.
What is the Vozhd?
Cult of Stalin turned Stalin into a celebrated figure.
Known as the Vozhd – or The Leader.
Has no legal significance like a prime minister who is limited by law.
Stalin’s birthday became a celebrated event.
How did Stalin’s cult change after WWII?
From 1945, Stalin’s role as Generalissimo or War leader, became the focus of Soviet propaganda.
Stalin preferred the title of Marshal, he still used to it reflect his increasing emphasis as a military figure.
Before WW2, Stalin was presented as a revolutionary and a thinker.
After WW2, as Generalissimo, he was presented as a military genius.
The man who defeated Hitler.
Before WW2, wore green military top.
Following WW2, he designed his own, white uniform.
Military rank of Generalissimo was created specifically for him.
How can Khrushchev be seen as hypocritical?
After Stalin’s death, cults were a lot less powerful.
Khrushchev criticised Stalin’s cult and then formed two of his own.
Whose cult did Khrushchev revive? What was the purpose of this revival?
Khrushchev revived Lenin’s cult and focused on making Lenin’s name live on
Lenin depicted as caring and humane.
A person who loved children and family.
The revivals purpose was to move away from Stalinism.
How did Khrushchev initiate his own cult?
According to Soviet propaganda, Khrushchev was:
A disciple of Lenin, completing the task that Lenin began.
Responsible for new success such as the Soviet Space race programme and the Virgin Lands Scheme success.
A respected statesman who negotiated with the US president as an equal
A hero of WW2.
An authority on literature, art, science, industry and agriculture.
Great reformer who was perfecting the Soviet system.
How did Khrushchev’s personality cult fail?
By associating himself so strongly with the Virgin Lands scheme, when it failed, he was associated with failure.
Claims of expertise unraveled when the disastrous results of the Corn campaign were released.
Embarrassing foreign policy back downs and his failure to deliver on his highly optimistic promises about out producing the USA led to a collapse in strength of the Cult.
Why did Brezhnev’s personality cult emerge?
For pragmatic reasons
What were the four key features of Brezhnev’s personality cult?
A great Leninist.
Even though Brezhnev hadn’t personally know Lenin, he claimed to be continuing his works.
Particularly claiming to continue the policy for world peace
A military hero:
Brezhnev attempted to present himself as a military leader and he stressed his military prowess in WW2.
Promoted to Marshall of the Red Army and received 60 medals.
Dedicated to ensuring world peace:
Brezhnev stressed his foreign policy success in developing detente with the USA.
A true man of the people:
Brezhnev biographies talked of a man with humble origins, worked as an engineer in the steel industry.
How did Brezhnev create his personality cult?
Brezhnev created his image through public festivals marking important anniversaries, such as the fiftieth anniversary of the October revolution
Brezhnev’s major birthdays.
Anniversaries of World War Two in 1965 and 1975
How was Brezhnev’s cult counterproductive?
Mocked for his claims of greatness.
Veterans of World War Two resented the inflation of Brezhnev’s role in the war.
Young people who were fully aware of the scale of the Soviet Military did not believe his claims for World Peace.
Lavish lifestyle of Brezhnev’s family, ruined his claims to be the man of the people.
Where Stalin was feared and respected, Brezhnev cult was not plausible and filled with jokes and humility.
What did Lenin and most Marxists believe religion to be? What did they hope the revolution would achieve?
Lenin and most Marxist revolutionaries of that period, believed that Marx was an enemy of religion.
Marx famously claimed that religion was an ‘Opium of the masses’
Therefore Lenin and other Marxist radicals believed that their revolution would liberate working people from capitalist exploitation and from the delusion of religion.
What was the church like before the revolution?
Lenin was also very critical of the Russian Orthodox Church as it was affiliated with the Tsar in Russia.
Church was an extremely wealthy organisation.
Some Russian Orthodox priests led lives of high privilege while working people were poor.
Why was the government opposed to the church?
New Communist government was suspicious of organised religion for two reasons:
Stood for values that opposed Communist values.
Religious groups were organisations that were independent of the Communist Government and therefore could become opposition to Lenin.
For these reasons, successful Communist Governments opposed religious groups in the USSR, including Russian Orthodox Church and Islam.
How did Lenin’s early campaigns have two different motives?
Lenin’s early religious policies reflected two different motives, the first Communist laws reflected commitment to legal equality of all people. regardless of their beliefs.
However at the same time, there was a terror campaign against the Orthodox Church.
How did Lenin define the relationship between religion and the state?
October 1917 Decree on Land gave peasants the right to seize land belonging to the Church.
January 1918 Decree concerning Separation of Church and State, and of School and Church meant the Church lost its privileged position in society.
Church land and property were nationalised, state subsidies for Church were ended.
RE banned in schools.
1922 Soviet Constitution guaranteed freedom of conscience for all Soviet people.
What happened to the church during the first year of the revolution?
In the first year of the revolution, the Church was terrorised:
November 1917, Archpriest Ivan Kochurov was murdered outside Petrograd.
In January 1918, Metropolitan Vladimir was tortured and shot in Kiev.
Orthodox priests in Moscow were massacred in January following a Church decree excommunicating the Bolsheviks.
What happened to priests under Lenin?
More extreme measures were sanctioned in November 1918 when the Politburo issued a secret order to the Cheka sanctioning the mass execution of priests.
Within two years, most of the popular priests were dead.
Roman Catholic Priests were treated differently because they had been traditionally been a persecuted minority rather than being backed by the Tsar.
What was Lenin’s position on Islam?
Government policy towards Islam was contradictory, initially Communist forces used the Decree concerning separation of Church and State to justify taking land from ‘Waqfs’ the Islamic foundations and charities.
Quickly reversed as Waqfs funded schools in Muslim areas and the Communist leaders encouraged Muslims to join the Party.
No link between Islam and the Tsar.
What happened to religious policy during and after the Civil War?
Mass execution stopped, as well as deportations and violence.
What was the Living Church? Was it successful?
A strategy used against the Orthodox Church. It claimed to be a revised version of the old church where power was given to ordinary people.
Overall, the Church was more successful but the Church split did not diminish church growth, nor faith in saints and miracles which continued through the 1920’s.
What did the Living Church do?
Aided by the GPU, organised a national congress in April 1923, which deposed Patriarch Tikhon and introduced a new decentralised structure.
Part of a government backed strategy to split the Church:
Take away its central leader.
Weaken its national structure.
Who was the leader of the Living Church and why was he important?
The leader of the Living Church, the Archbishop Vedenskii, was not prepared to support the communist regime.
In 1923, he publicly debated science and religion.
Gained widespread support for his argument that science could not disprove the existence of God.
Why did Communists object to Islam in the 20s?
Claimed that Islam encouraged ‘crimes based on custom’ especially those infringing women’s rights.
Secondly, they recognised that Islamic organisations had the loyalty of many people in the Caucasus and Central Asia., therefore the Communists wanted to destroy the religion in order to extend their own power.
What did the Communists do in an attempt to weaken the Islamic community?
Closed mosques, turning them into sports clubs and storage depots.
Discouraged pilgrimages.
Attacked Islamic shrines
Started campaigns against women wearing the chador, a dress which included a veil.
Opened anti-Islamic museums near recognised holy places
How did Stalin deal with the perceived problem of religion?
Stalin often pragmatic when dealing with religion.
During the Collectivisation process, Stalin ordered the closure of many churches as they aided resistance against his policies.
Outside of Russia, Stalin set targets for the number of people from different ethnic groups he wanted purged.
What did the NKVD do in an attempt to eradicate religion?
In the Central Asian Republics, where Islam was the dominant religion, the NKVD attacked local priests and intellectuals.
The NKVD attacked local priests and intellectuals..
NKVD also attacked groups that had been set up to defend Islam in the 1920s from Soviet attacks.
Regardless of the attacks, Islam still survived in Sufi groups.
How did Stalin utilize religion to his advantage during WWII?
During Second World War, Stalin made a pragmatic alliance with the Orthodox church.
One of his strategies for winning the War was to appeal to the patriotism of the Russian people to boost morale and inspire them to fight.
The Russian Orthodox Church’s most senior figure urged Christians to fight for the motherland.
Proclaiming Stalin as ‘ God’s chosen leader’
Why was Stalin’s alliance with the church in WWII a good idea?
Russian Orthodox Church was linked with Russian National Identity.
Therefore as patriotism re-awoke, it was a natural instinct for Russians to look up to the Church.
The war was a time of continual crisis when all families faced losing loved ones.
Church provided comfort for bereaved families.
Soldiers also found comfort in the thought that God would welcome them into the heavens.
What did the government do in return for the Church’s support during WWII?
From War, the anti-religious propaganda ceased.
Communist publications such as Bezbozhnik were officially closed.
Stalin granted Metropolitan Sergey an official residence in Moscow
Stalin promised to end the censorship of religious magazines following the war.
Stalin promised that the Churches that had been closed by the Government would be reopened. 414 churches reopened during the final year of the War.
Church grew as a result of the easing of restrictions.
What did Khrushchev’s anti-religion campaign, beginning in 1958, entail?
Churches reopened during World War Two were reclosed.
Anti-religious propaganda reintroduced.
Anti-religious magazines were reintroduced, for example, Science and Religion, was published regularly from 1960.
Roman Catholic monasteries were closed in 1959.
Orthodox converts were placed under surveillance.
Patrols refused to let believers have access to holy sites.
How did Khrushchev use the space program to fuel his anti-religious campaign?
Yuri Gagarin commented that having travelled up to the heavens, he found no God.
Valentina Tereshkova, as the first woman in space, also argued that her trip into space led to the victory of atheism.
Who did Khrushchev’s anti-religious campaign target specifically?
Khrushchev’s campaigns targeted female believers as government figures showed that 2/3 of Orthodox Churchgoers were women and 80% of Protestant Christians were women.
Concerned that women were passing on religious beliefs to their children.
Therefore, from 1960, a propaganda campaign encouraged men to take the leading role in education of their children.
Was Khrushchev’s anti-religion campaign successful?
Aspects of Khrushchev’s campaign succeeded, for example, the KGB closed down thousands of Churches, reducing the number of Orthodox Church buildings from 8000-5000 from 1958-1964.
However, women continued to protect their religious freedoms.
Some marched to defend Islam and Christianity.
Others took their children out of schools in order to counter the anti-religious campaigns and propaganda.
What was Brezhnev’s approach towards religion?
Brezhnev ended Khrushchev’s overt campaign against religion.
Church closures stopped and so did poster campaigns.
Brezhnev advocated spreading atheism rather than attacking religious groups.
What did Brezhnev do in 1968?
In 1968, he opened the Institute for Scientific Atheism which published articles in newspapers and advised teachers how to spread atheism in the classroom.
What did Brezhnev do in contrast to other Soviet leaders? (3)
Brezhnev sought allies in the Middle East, whilst other Soviet leaders described Islam as ‘Backwards and barbarian’
Under Brezhnev, the government started supporting anti-American Islamic groups.
As a consequence, in the late 1960’s, the government described Islam as: ‘progressive, anti-colonial and revolutionary creed’ that was compatible with socialism.
What were the results of Brezhnev’s campaign? (3)
Brezhnev’s promotion of atheism did not lead to less people support religious groups.
No more churches or mosques closed.
20% remained professing a religious faith.
How did the government attempt to further control over the press in January 1918?
Establishing a Revolutionary Tribunal of the Press in January 1918:
Power to censor press.
Journalists and editors who committed crimes could be punished by the Cheka.
Cheka empowered to impose fines or prison sentences.
Established the All Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA), solely responsible for distributing news.
What was the purpose of newspapers in the eyes of the Party?
To act as an instrument of propaganda, organisation, agitation. They were vehicles of propaganda, highlighting the achievements of the government and socialism.
What was the guiding principle of the Soviet press?
Partiinost - Party-mindedness
How did the government ensure high readership of newspapers?
They made sure they were cheap and highly available. Copies were posted on boards along pavements and at workplaces, enabling people to read them for free.
How did the government use radio under Lenin?
Soviet scientists quickly developed voice radio and by 1921 programmes were being broadcast. The Spoken Newspaper of the Russian Telegraph Agency featured news and propaganda material with little emphasis on music. Control of radio communications was centralised through the Commissariat for Posts and Telegraph, and as the gov. realised it’s importance, resources were given to ensure rapid development. By 1922, Moscow had a well-developed radio station.
How did the Bolsheviks ensure their message got to people over the radio?
Radio receivers were expensive, and in order to get their message to the people, the Bolsheviks installed loudspeakers in public places, factories, and clubs. Group listening also resulted in a collective response that ensured everyone got the intended message.
Why was radio especially useful under Lenin?
Because 65% of the population were illiterate at this time. The message was made palatable by the fact it was accompanied by light music.
How did Stalin use the radio to his advantage at a specific moment?
When the Germans were less than 50 miles away from Moscow in 1941, the speed of radio enabled Stalin to give a speech commemorating the October Revolution live from Red Square; this encouraged people that all was not lost.
How many radio stations were there in the Soviet Union?
Until 1964, only one. Under Brezhnev, this number was extended to three, including Radio Maiak (Lighthouse), which played some foreign music and was popular with Soviet Youth.
How did the government limit access to foreign stations in the later years?
By mass-producing cheap radios with a limited reception range and jamming foreign broadcasts. Those who listened to foreign broadcasts were also threatened with arrest.
How many televisions were there in the USSR in the 50s?
In 1950, there were 10,000 sets but by 1958 this number had risen to almost 3 million.
What did government TV stations provide?
Documentaries, coverage of socialist and Soviet achievements, celebrations of the classical arts and ballet, children’s TV shows. By 1985 there were two television channels and a greater emphasis on lighter entertainment such as music or folk dancing.