usmlerx peds 2 Flashcards
Linear erythematous plaques with slight crusting
Contact Dermatitis (note linear)
What are the rules for telling parents about their kids private information?
Minors are exempt from parental consent/involvement for STIs, Pregnancy, Drug Rehab
Newborn tests positive for HIV
Retest at 10 months or after -Passive maternal IgG transmission
Etiology: Ataxia Telengiectasia
Auto-recessive defective DNA repair results inmutated ATM gene
Ataxia telengiectasia
IgA deficient (often E and M too) Ataxia (
HLA 17
Psorias (also 13 and B27)
Juvenile strokes; Hypercoaguable states
Homocysteinuria Factor 5 Leiden Protein C S defic
Appearance= +1= only limbs are blue Pulse= +1= <100 Grimace= +1= grimace to stimulate Activity= +1=some limb flexion Resp= +1=Slow, irregular
greasy, scaly, yellow plaques
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Tx: Seborrheic Dermatitis
Scalp: Emollients only corticosteroids/keto/selenium if it doesnt work OR if its not on the scalp
Joint pain, Hematuria, purpura on extensors and buttocks
Genital ulcers, canker sores, ocular Dz
Behcet’s Vasculitis
Tx: Preductal Aortic Coarctation
PGE 1 until surgery (maintains the PDA. The PDA is currently supplying the lower extremities)
Sx: Gaucher’s
Deficient Glucocerebrosidase Glucocerebrosides in Brain, Liver, Spleen, Bone “Crinkled Paper” in Marrow (Sx: hepsplenmegaly, anemia, pancyto, neuro)
S. Pneumo vaccine
23 Polysacc
Hib vaccine
Tx: 1st seizure
Acetaminophen -EEG for persistant seizures
sfx: Doxycycline
Tooth discoloration (for peds)
Complications of Kawasaki
Coronary Aneurysms if untreated
Etiology Meningitis, 0-3 mos
Radiolucent nidus surrounded by sclerotic bony formation
Osteoid Osteoma
Codman triangle with destruction of bone cortex
Osteolysis in diaphysis
Osteolysis with periosteal reactivity and onion skinning
Ewing’s Sarcoma
Nocturnal bone pain responding to aspirin
Osteoid Osteoma Or Osteosarcoma
Sx: Eisenmeiger’s
initial L?R shunt??PHTN? Reverses shunt Cyanosis, clubbing Loud systolic murmur Fixed Split S2
Systolic murmur loudest below L Scapula
Coarctation of the Aorta (ie Turners)
Explain Prader Willi/Angelman
Normal= One gene expressed, one silent(/imprinted) In angelman, the paternal gene is imprinted/silenced as normal BUT the problem is that the maternal gene is also fuucked up and thus not expressed.
Retinal hemorrhages can lead to
delayed appearance of dermal melanocytes
Mongolian Spots
Well demarcated blue-green spots
Mongolian spots (more like bluish-brown in my opinion)
Dysplastic melanocytes
Dysplastic Nevus
Sx: Mastoiditis
Pain, erythema behind ear Pus conductive hearing loss
Sx: Cholesteatoma
Basically Otitis Media with facial nerve palsy, HA
Epitrochlear lymph node enlargement
EBV/Infective Mono
Monospot test (Pt’s RBCs agglutinate Horse RBCs) 2nd choice is Heterophile Antibody test for IgG/M
Dx: Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Bilateral Hip Xrays
Etiology: Scissor Gait
Cerebral Palsy -Idio, perinatal asphyxia, premature, restricted intrauterine growth, infxn, brain malformation, neonatal cerebral hemorrhage, trauma
Dx: Suspected Abuse
Skeletal survery (all of body)
Tx: X Linked Agammaglobulinemia
Amoxicillin for infxn and IVIG
Blue Sclera is due to
Choroidal veins showing from a Collagen 1 defect in Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Lympadenopathy on anterior neck
Cat Scratch- Bartonella Henselae
Supportive (USMLERx says Ribavirin has not been proven effective except in vitro)
Dx: Constitutional Growth Delay
Bone Age Assessment also address parents puberty age, underlying causes etc
Dx: Developmental Dysplasia of Hip
U/S is most sensitive!
Indications for Bacterial Endocarditis Prophylaxis
Prosthetic Valve Unrepaired(/partially) Cyanotic Dz NO Prophylaxis is needed anymore for bicuspid, acq aortic or mitral valve Dz-MVP/MR, HCM
MOA Indomethacin
Prostaglandin Synthesis Inhibitor
Vaccinations at 2 mos
Hep B dTAP Hib IPV Pneumo
Bilateral abdominal masses
Vincristine and Prednisone (98%!)
perinatal growth acceleration, macroglossia, linear ear creases
Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome
Complications of Beckwith Wiedemann
Gonadoblastoma (“Balls”) Hepatoblastoma Wilms Neuroblastoma (BeckwitH WiedemanN)
Exophthalmos, macroglossia, transient neonatal hypoglycemia
Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome
Tx: Wilm’s Tumor
Nephrectomy and chemo
Complications of Varicella
Varicella Pneumonia
Full fontanelles, irritability, low BP
consider Lumbar puncture for Meningitis
Test to order when you see papilledema
CT of head w/o
You CAN give blood in life threatening cases to minors, regardless of parents desires
Chance of having another febrile seizure after the first
Tx: Waterhouse Friderichsen
Antibiotics Hydrocortisone (for Adrenal Insufficiency)
Orbital Cellulitis vs. Conjunctivitis
Orbital will have same Sx but ALSO proptosis, painful eye movements and ophthalmoplegia
Duchenne Complications
Death due to Pulmonary Congestion due to Heart Failure
IGF vs. GH levels
GH is not useful for diagnostic because it is released in a random pulsatile fashion
Tx: Cardiac Hyperkalemia
Calcium Gluconate (Calcium antagonizes the K+ effects at membrane)
JRA can lead to
Blindness (uveitis)
Clinical presentation and also Slit lamp examination for uveitis
Tx: Precocious Puberty
GnRH AGONIST to prevent closure of epiphysis and also desensitizes the pituitary to GnRH
Interstitial Nephritis differs from PSGN
by having Eosinophils (even 5% is enough of an increase)
AOM Criteria
- abrupt onset inflamm and effusion 2. bulging TM, no motility, otorrhea, air fluid level 3. TM erythema
Operate on ASDs if
symptomatic or after age 2
Eisenmeiger’s leads to
Tacchyarrhythmias PHTN
Hi fever, desquamating rash, extraordinary tenderness
Staph Scalded skin Syndrom (aka Ritter’s)
Tx: Cerebral Palsy
Indications for emergent fasciotomy
Pain with passive motion Increasing pain after cast pain out of proportion
Tx: Croup
Hospitalize and Racemic epinephrine
Tx: Wiskott Aldrich
IVIG and prophylactic antibiotics
Erythema toxicum
Rash in first 48 hours benign, self limiting often starts on face or trunk Eosinophilia No known etiology
Hallmark of Munchausen by proxy
Symptoms go away when parent leaves
Pallor, Leukophilia, Marrow shows increased cellularity and lymphoblast predominance
NRDS is more deadly TTN doesnt require more than 40% O2 and resolves in 3 days
Erythrocytes in alveoli and interstitial spaces
Pulmonary Hemorrhage
Surfactant after birth Use corticosteroids in ante natal care -produces surfactant and phospholipids and matures fetal lung
Excessive saliva, Dry cough, quick onset
Inhaled foreign body
Clear lungs with decreased pulmonary vascular markings
Persistant Pulmonary HTN
Perihilar streaking in the interlobular fissures
Hyperinflation with coarse infiltrates
Meconium Aspiration (or RSV???)
Dx: Bronchiolitis
no tests unless its severe and the baby is getting admitted,
Tx: Bronchiolitis
self limiting
Dx: Bronchiolitis vs Croup
Croup has a barking cough and inspiratory stridor
Tx: Epiglottitis
Nasotracheal intubation!! Antibiotics (ceftriaxone)
widened nose bridge, nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis
Nebulizers for bronchiolitis contains
racemic epinephrine
Retinopathy of Prematurity occurs from
giving O2 (usually >.7) to premature babies
Organism Pulm infections of CF Pts
Babies/toddlers= S. Aureus Teens= P. Aeruginosa
Rb Gene
Tumor Suppressor, loss leads to Retinoblastoma (autodom 2-hit hypothesis)
conjunctival pallor, ab pain, cognitive impairment, behavioral problems, anemia, basophilic stippling
Lead Poisoning
Tx: Cryptochordism
Orchiopexy after 1 yoa
Sx: Congenital Hypothyroidism
CUMJEL Coarse facies/Cry (hoarse), Umbilical hernia, Macroglossia, Jaundice, Enlarged fontanelles, Lanugo
Etiology of Congenital Hypothyroidism
Idiopathic or PTU/Methimazole
Sx: 5 alpha reductase
incomplete virilization Boy that looks like a manly woman
G+ cocci in pairs and chains
Developmental Dysplasia of Hip leads to
Osteoarthritis as an adult
Fever, bacteruria, pyuria
Vesicoureteral reflux (more common than posterior urethral valves)
Goodpasture’s MS
DM1 SLE Grave’s
Ank Spond, Reiter’s
Sx: Angioedema
Eyes, cheeks, lips swell up Pulmonary conditions are often unresponsive to meds
arm rash with clear center
Tx: Lyme’s Dz
Genetics: Duchenne’s
X linked recessive
Age: Writes first name
5 yoa
Age: Rides a tricycle
3 yoa
Age: Hop, skip, jump
4 yoa
Age: recites poems, songs
4 yoa
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 is elevated in
newborn with fleshy sac on sacral spine
Neural Tube Defect/Spina Bifida (teratogenic drugs, ie Carbamazepine)
Etiology of Otitis Media
S. Pneumoniae nontyp H. Influ
Age: Pulls to a stand
10 months
salmon colored macular rash, spiking fever, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenogmegaly
Sx: Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Fragile Bones Hearing Loss Blue Sclera
Trisomy 21 is associated with
ALL and Alzheimer’s
Tx: Septic Hip
Immediate IV antibiotics Surgical irrigation and debridement
Dimpled/Umbilicled center papules
Molluscum Contagiosum
Prognosis: Tay Sachs
death by 4-5 usually
Papilledema, meningitis
Do CT of head first!! to prevent a cerebral herniation from doing a lumbar puncture
Renal Angiomyolipoma associated with
Tuberous Sclerosis
Sx: Tuberous Sclerosis
Hamartomas in CNS and skin -Adenoma sebaceum (cutaneous angiofibroma) -Mitral regurg -Ash-leaf spot of hypopigmentation -Rhabdomyoma (cardiac) -Tuberous sclerosis -autOsomal dominant -Mental retardation -renal Angiomyolipoma -Seizures
Anaphylactoid Rxn in blood transfusions
IgA deficiencies (anti IgA antibodies)
Tx: RTA 1
Potassium Bicarbonate
Tx: RTA 2
Potassium Bicarbonate
posterior and occipital lymphadenopathy
Indications for Tympanostomy
> 3 ear infections in 6 mos, or 4 in one year
Etiology Meningitis, 1-3 mos
E. Coli Meningococci
Normal C3; IgA deposits in kidney
Berger’s/IgA nephropathy
Tx: Scabies
Steeple Sign with subglottic narrowing
A kid with Tetralogy is not cyanotic IF…
he has a large VSD with minimal right ventricular outflow obstruction
atopic dermatitis, infections, low platelets
Wiskott (T.I.E.)
Skull fractures crossing suture lines
are complex fractures and very rare except in abuse cases
Rathke’s pouch, MC supratentorial tumor
small blue poorly differentiated cells in Homer-Wright Rosettes
pinkish gray mass in vermis, papilledema, vomiting
Rash secondary to HSV, mycoplasma
Erythema Multiforme
Target-like pink rash
Erythema Multiforme
Gram -, rod
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Acute Pharyngotonsillitis can result in
Peritonsilar abscess with Group A Strep
Sx: West’s Syndrome
Infantile spasms arrested psychomotor development hypsarrhythmia on EEG
Etiology: Impetigo
S. Aureus
Lumpy Bumpy Immunoflourescence
Acute PSGN (Group A Strep)
Tram- track double layered membrane
Membranoproliferative nephropathy
Spike and dome with IgG C3 deposits
Membranous Nephropathy
Linear anti glomerular basement membrane deposits
Renal Dz associated with Hep C
Membranoproliferative Nephropathy
Renal Dz associated with Hep B
Membranous nephropathy
Renal Dz associated with SLE
Membranoproliferative Nephropathy
Circumision is contraindicated in
Tx: Vesicoureteral Reflux
Ureteral stents if not repaired by puberty age
Tx: Ebstein’s
Leads to SVTs. Need to radiofrequency ablate
Tx: Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Diazepam (Muscle relaxant) and PT
Maternal Diabetes puts child at risk for
Macrosomia Shoulder Dystocia
Silvery hair
Chediak Higashi
velvety dark thickening of skin around neck, axillae and groin
Labs: Tumor Lysis Syndrome
Hyperkalemia Hypocalcemia Hyperuricemia
Tx: Tumor Lysis Syndrome
Allopurinol day before chemo
Spiral Fracture of Humerus
Child abuse
CSF for bacterial meningitis
Hi Neuts Hi Proteins Lo Glucose
X-Linked Immunedeficiencies
Chronic Granulomatous Dz Wiskott
S. Aureus, Aspergillus infxns
Catalase positive, think CGD
Tetralogy of Fallot
VSD Overriding Aorta RVH RV Outflow obstruction
Sickle Cell is associated with inxfns by
Breast Feeding Jaundice vs. Breast Milk Jaundice
Breast Feeding Jaundice= inadequate intake leads to fewer BMs so less bilirubin is removed Breast Milk Jaundice= Biochemical, the milk inhibits Glucuronyl Transferase and other aspects leading to increased indirect bilirubin
in first 2 weeks Abdomen distention Gas/Bubbly bowels (Pneumatosis intestinalis) Bloody Stools/Melena
Bloody Stools
NEC, Intussusception, Meckel’s
Bull’s Eye
Currant Jelly stools
Double Bubble
Duodenal Atresia
Double Track
Pyloric Stenosis
Phenylalanine is a precursor to
Tyrosine (so supplement with tyrosine in PKU)
Failure to pass meconium in first 72 hours
Meconium Ileus (part of CF)
Positional Change first! Then PPIs
Tx: Intussusception
Air contrast barium enema
RUQ mass, ? BMs, Vomiting
newborn= Pyloric Stenosis Older babies= Intussusception
Breast Milk Jaundice Starts Peaks Subsides
~3 days 2 weeks 1-3 Month
Level to treat Jaundice
> 20 Bilirubin
bilious, nonbloody vomiting hours after first feeding
Duodenal Atresia
nonbilious, nonbloody vomiting after feedings
Pyloric Stenosis
Complications of Meckel’s Diverticulum
MC= Intussusception -also bleeding, volvulus, obstrxn Most Feared= Perforation (rare)
Tx: Omphaloceles
Surgery when stable -Cover it with jelly and gauze
Gastroschisis vs. Omphalocele
Omphacele has a sac/membrane Both present with polyhydramnios in utero
Dx: Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Abdominal U/S (ie biliary atresia, lack of GB)
in ability to swallow the amniotic fluid -Omphacele -Gastroschisis -Duodenal Atresia -Potter’s Syndrome
Tx: Duodenal Atresia
NG tube, fluids, and then surgery
Level for Physiologic Jaundice
always < 14 total bilirubin
Dubin Johnson Syndrome
Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Rotor Syndrome
Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Gilbert’s Syndrome
Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia