Using Research methods Flashcards
Researchers who use qualitative method usually use what?
For it to be _______ participants has to come from ________
Generalizable, Random Samples (Bc random samples gives everyone a chance)
Longitudinal Study
Studies that are carried out over a longer time period with the researcher going back to collect more data
Answers to categories ( Ex. If you asked a person if they lived in a dorm, on campus, or away from family each 3 optionis an attribute)
An experimental group
Group that is exposed to some sort of treatment or manipulation
When researchers simply observe as a spectator
What are the two types of data analysis techniques ?
- Qualitative Methods
- Quantitative Methods
Applied research
research that produces results that can be used to solve problems (like finding a new cure)
When you ______ you develop a set of instructions for how to measure you concepts
Operationalize (Like if you wanted to measure altheic profrmance in highschool altheles would have a clear way of how to meausre althietic proformance)
Literature Review
Finding information about a research question from reading other scholars literature’s
The extent to which research reuslts are consistent ( Able to reproduce the same result each time)
What are the 3 conditions for demstrating causation?
- Must demonstrate that supposed cause is associated with the supposed effect (If a change in the “cause” occurs then a change in the “effect” must occur too)
- Must show that cuases come before the effect
- Researchers must be able to eliminate all other possible alternative explanations for the effect
Field research
Would be like partcipant- observation which is a qualitative research method
What are the two types of statistics of Quantitative Analysis?
- Descriptive Statistics
- Explanatory Statistics
Sociological research use ___________
Scientific research method
Basic Research
Research used to gain more knowledge about something
Comparative- historical research
When researchers look at documents from the past
Data Analysis
The process of reducing data collected to the ones that can provide conclusion
Prewritten questions & asks people to answer them (ususally mutliple choice but can have other forms also)
Inductive research
Gather data first & then use the data to form new ideas & undertsandings
Participant - Observation
Where they observe actions & interactions while participating with the group they are studying & is a qualative research method that seeks to observe social actions in practice
Samples can either be ______ or ______
Random or Nonrandom
The nonrandom particpants have characterisitics typical of people in broader population
Is any form of information like facts, statics, quotes, etc
Prediction about what they may find in their research (If this happens then this will happen)
Whether changing one variable causes any chances to another variable
To assume that the patterns & relationships oberved among the sample would be true for a broader population
Control group
Group that doesnt experience the expose to the treatment variable
In a controlled lab experiment what two groups that researchers compare?
- An experimental group
- Control group
Normative statements
statements where you express your opinion (usually have the word “should” in them)
Help sociologists to notice & understand social patterns in society
Scientific research requires you to move beyound being only a _______ of knowledge & become a ________ of knowledge
Consumer, Producer
Descriptive Statistics
Describe data like finding the average of answers or finding the mode, median, or standard deviatition
Only way to show causation is in a _________
In a controlled lab experiment
In ___________ researcher build on exisiting theories to develop hypothesis
Deductive Research
Deductive Research
Begins with a general idea or predicition then gather data to test the idea
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Ensure the rights of humans subjects are properly protected
The process of turning an absent concept into a concrete measurement
Are factors that are likely to change within the study
Refers to whether the research results accurately reflects the things being studied
Are factors that stay the same
The systematic process of data collection for the purpose of producing knowledge
________ of knowledge do research to find out things we dont already know (Find new things)
What is the most common form of data collection?
Asking people questions
Explanatory Statisitcs
Statistics designed to measure the relationship between different elements with the data
What are the two things concepts can turn into when operationalize?
- Constant
- Variable
Qualitative Methods
Methods that attempt to collect information about the social world that can’t be converted to number (like words or pictures)
Scientific Method
Process of steps researchers from the development of a research question to through the clollection & analysis of data
Why do we do research?
To see if our perspections are accurate or not
Research that systematically studies how groups of people live & make meaning by understanding the group from its own point of view
Hypothesis are things that can be expected to ______
To test
Random Samples
Everyone who meets the requirements for particapation in a study has an equal chance of being picked (Everyone has a chance)
Research question
Clear question about what it is that the researcher plans to study
Qualitative coding
Descriptive labels are applied to sections of text or images so that they can be classified into catogorizes
Empirical Statements
Statements that could hypothetically be proven as true or false (possible facts)
Cross-sectional study
Studies that are carried out in a particular point of time & designed to explore & be explained during that period of time
The process of selecting respondents for the reserch project
What are the 3 factors that can be used to determine how good research is?
- Generalized
- Reliable
- Valid
Informed Consent
Requires that participants are told the purpose of the research, what they will be asked to do, & any risks of harm before participating & must be given a chance to withdraw from participating at anytime
Quantitative Methods
Methods that seek to obtain information about the social world that is already either in numbers or can be converted to numbers
Nonrandom Samples
Used when a random sample can’t be used (Like if you was doing a study on students who do long distance relationship would have to do a nonrandom sample)