Understanding Theory Flashcards
Structural functionalism emphasize the role of the _____ & _______
Major social instituions & how help provide stability to society
Conflict theorist see what among society?
Structural functionlist see society as a _________ with a high degreee of social order & social instituions meeting their manifest & latent functions
Social Harmony
Primary Socializations
Most intense time for socializations is during childhood
The unemployed
Full Circle
Small group creates its own norms & overtime some of those norms gets shared between more people
What are the three main theoretical perspectives in sociology?
- Structural functionalism
- Conflict Theory
- Symnbolic Interaction
What can conflict theorist overlook?
Social harmony & equilibrium
Interactionist theorist study how _____ is created
Symbolic interactions see society as a ________ continually constructing & reconstructed by individuals through their use of shored symbols
A Social Construction
Social Change
Change happening when there are large - scale structural shift in society or in institutions within society
What is the family institution manifest?
To reproduce & socialize their children
Primary Groups
Small collections of people of which a person is a member usually for life & in which deep emotional ties is developed
What is the 10th stage of Karl Marx theories?
The way of life for a particular group of people
Social Constructionlist argue is more important to study the _____ of the problem rather than the problem itself
Macro - Level of analysis
Focuses on the overall social structure of society & large -scale societal forces that affect groups of people
Manifest Functions
Reasons why a social institution exist
Symbolic Interactionism is a _______ theoretical perspective
Micro-Level ( Focuses on individuals & how they react with small groups)
Social Solidarity
The moral oder of society
The haves holding back the have-nots to maintain their own high status
Material object that social actors use to enhance their performance
Latent Functions
Are good or useful things that a social institution does but its not the reason why that institution exist ( Ex. Family institution helps the economic institutions by buying products)
What is the small group that capitalism divide people into?
True Consciousness
When you wake up from the state of alientated false consciousness & bring about change in society
Conflict Perspective
Was created Karl Marx who studied to see how societies grow & change
Is the position a person occupies in a particular institution (Can have mutiple statues like college student, son, daughter, etc)
A role
Composed of the many behaviors that go into occupying a status (Ex If your status is a college student then your role is to come to class on time, be prepared for class, etc)
Social Scripts
The interactional rules that people use to guide the interaction
What are the two major groups that capitalism divide people in?
- Bourgeoisic - the rich owners of the means of production ( Like tech. & factories)
- Proteturial- The poor worker who work for bourgeoisic
Conflict theorist see what as most of social problems?
Inequitable distributions of resources & rewards
(Would ask questions like what made the person want to commit a crime?)
Conflict perspective states that different _________ get different ______
Catrgeory of people, Social Rewards
Durkhem argued that for a society based on ______ to be healthy all parts of society have to be working together
Organic Solidarity
Micro-Level of analysis
Focuses on either an individual or small group of people
Individuals & Social institution that gain access to more of society’s scarce rewards
Advance Capitalism
An economic system based on profits & the pursuit of maximum profit ( 8th stage in Karl Marx theories )
Theoretical Perspective
Groups of theories that share certain common ways of seeing how society works
Structural Functionlism
The view of modern societies as independent parts working together
Tasks social institutions does on behalf of society
Species Being
The unique potential to imagine & then create what you imagine
Front stage
Where the social interaction occurs
Conflict theorist believe social change should happen how?
What is the second macro- theoretical perspective?
Conflict Theory
Structural Functionalism is a _________
perspective, which means that its a unit of analysis & the thing being examined is society as whole
Macro- Theorethical Perspective
Social Institutions
Are sets of statues & roles focused around one central aspect of society
Structural Functionlist believe if change was to occur it should be done how ?
Slowly, so it doesnt mess up equilibirum
Mechanical Solidarity
Doing similar types of labor( Like working on land) & having similar beliefs(Based on religion)
What is the looking glass self theory?
How a child develops a sense of self ( Created by Cooley)
Social Actors
Individuals involved in the ineractions
Conflict Perspective is a _________ that analyzes society as a whole
Macro- Theoretical Perspective
Value Coereion
Haves use their power over the seven major institutions to force their values onto the have-nots as part of their effects to maintian their higher status in society
Unintended consequences of behavioral patterns
(Ex. When the U.S built highways to help economic instituion it caused air pollution (dysfuction))
Those who are unable to get their fair share of social rewards
What are two reasons why structural functionlist believe punishment is important?
- Accepting a punishment is a step towards rehabilitation / resocialization process of the individual back into the community
- Believe without punishment bad behavior will spread
Social Constructionism
While felt in the world by individuals it is created & sustained through social systems, which should be more just
What are the two seetings interactions occur?
- Front stage
- Back Stage
Presentation of self skills
All citizens would be equal & able to fullfill their species being
What are the steps in the looking glass self theory?
- A child is to imagine how she appears to relevant others( Like parents, siblings, etc) (The child should try to put themselves in the shoes of others & try to understanding how they are feeling)
- The child reacts to the feedback other give about their perspective towards the child ( The important thing is the child is responding to the feedback)
- The child integrates the 1st two steps into a coherant & unique sense of self
Theories help us with what?
Help us notice and make sense of social patterns & problems
What is a Theory?
Is created by one or small number of sociologist in an attempt to explain a certain aspect of the social structure or the kind of social interactions between people
What two classes does Karl Marx theories divide society into?
- Those who own the means of productions
- Those who work for the owners
False consciousness
When you dont see how badly your being treated or mislead
Structural Functionalist believe that ___________ of each institution fulfills the necessary tasks in society
Manifest Functions ( Ex. Manifest functions of family institution is to reproduce & socialize children)
Organic Solidarity
Operate like living organisms with various parts where each specialize in only one certain task but rely on other parts to survive
What are the seven Primary social institutions?
- Family
- Religion
- Economy
- Education
- Government
- Health care
- Media
The Knownledge that he or she is unique seperate from everyone else
What is the 9th stage in Karl Marx theories?
Back Stage
Where you prepare for the interaction (Like talking to yourself in the car before a date)
Culture inclused ______ & ________ we use to communicate
Norms & The symbols ( EX. Like langauge, numbers, etc)
Karl Marx also created what?
Economic Determinism
When your forced to give up your creativity or imagination & give up your species being
Social Problems & Social Change is _______ Concepts
Macro-Sociologist Concept
Symbolic Interactionism
Provides the theoreticall balance of sociology