Using NFIP Studies And Maps Flashcards
What is the most important use of the FIS and Floodway Maps and or FIRM?
To determine if a site is in the SFHA, a V zone and/ or a Floodway and to determine the BFE
What is the suffix letter after the community identification code on a map panel?
It designates the most recent revision. A town will have multiple map panels, and they can have different revisions, and different effective dates due to revisions that do not affect the whole community
In a floodway data table, what is the significance of the regulatory base Flood Elevation?
Equivalent to the 100- year base Flood Elevation.or regulatory Elevation
Coastal regulatory base flood elevations include the increase due to wave height. What source should you
determine the BFE from, the FIS or the FIRM?
Use the FIRM, but add 0.4 feet because the elevations are rounded to the nearest foot, and better to be conservative.
The Stillwater Elevation in the FIS doesn’t account for the wave increase in Elevation
For lakes and reservoirs should you use the FIS or FIRM for BFE?
Use the FIS Stillwater table. Not impacted by wave height inland.
What is the most accurate source for riverine data?
Most accurate is the Floodway data table, next is the flood profile graphs And least accurate is the FIRMs.
What is the only source of Elevation data for AO and AH zones?
The FIRMS - If depth indicated it is the feet above the land surface, or feet above grade of a building.
What if the SFHA boundary on the map has a different elevation than the BFE, can you use the exact topo?
The BFE takes precedence. The bank must use the FIRM and cannot make on-site interpolations, but may recommend submitting a request for a Letter of Map Revision based on Fill or Letter of Map Amendment.
Can the town correct discrepancies in the FIRM?
Only FEMA can amend or correct the Maps, the town may submit a request for a LOMR-Fill or LOMA
What does an asterisk mean after the map panel number, as shown on the Map Index.?
It means the panel was not printed due to either no flood hazard or the entire area is in one flood hazard zone.
How many feet are in a mile for converting data
5280 feet in one mile
On coastal and lake floodplains the BFE for AE zones on the FIRMS are whole numbers - can you interpolate data?
No, do not interpolate, the same applies to AH zones with whole number BFE.
On riverine areas the BFE is near the wavy line, can you interpolate between elevations?
Yes, it is fine to do so for riverine areas, but wherever available use the flood profile first, if in doubt choose the higher elevation to ensure protection from flooding.
How do you interpret the depth listed in an AO area?
The depth is measure above ground level, or above the grade of any adjacent building.
When measuring distances on the FIRM or interpreting land distances, how should you measure from roadways.?
Measure from the center-line on either the map or the ground.
If a building site, proposed grading, fill, bridge or other obstruction is located in the floodway, what regulations apply?
The floodway provisions of the Town NFIP ordinance