NFIP Regulations Flashcards
What publication has the NFIP requirements to for communities?
Chapter 44 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 59 and 60
Most of the requirements relative to your community’s ordinances are in 44 CFR parts __________and___________.
44 CRF 59 and 60
Does your ordinance comply with the latest NFIP requirements?
Must review to know this, or contact state NFIP coordinator.
Which parts of 44 CFR 60.3 covers the requirements for areas with a firm but no base flood elevation?
44 CFR 60.3 (b) (3) and (b) (4)
What is basic rule number one for using the maps and data?
Make sure you have the latest flood maps and data published by FEMA. You must use the latest maps to administer your floodplain management ordinance.
What map do you used if recently annexed areas do not show up on your community’s firm?
Use the county map and base flood elevation for where the site used to be in.
If you find information that shows the ground to be higher then the BFE, Can a bank use that data when determining whether a flood insurance policy must be purchased?
No the bank must used the published FIRM to make its decision, A property owner can request a letter of Map Amendment to remove the property.
Site E is in the approximate A zone of Dean Lake. A developer wants to build a small commercial building on a 3 acre site. Where do you get a base flood elevation for site E?
There is no specific BFE in the FIRM or FIS. It is up to the permitting authority to establish the elevation. Check with NFIP coordinator for data, check with highway agency, ask Town Engineer or developer to conduct a flood study, use historic flood plus margin or error.
A developer downstream of Dean Lake wants to build a 40 acre subdivision that crosses Ireland creek. You need a base flood elevation before you review the plans. What options do you tell the developer he has?
A subdivision greater than 50 lots or 5 acres is required to submit BFE data, The developer must conduct a flood study following methodologies in FEMA .or set aside A Zone as open space and not conduct study.
A re-study was performed on the Josias river. The preliminary study will not be final for another five months. It shows a new BFE at site N that is 2 feet higher than the BFE in your current FIS. Which one do you use to determine the flood protection level for a new home at site N?
Community required to “reasonably utilize data from a draft or preliminary FIRM or FIS. You should use the most conservative value until the study is finalized. It would be poor judgement to allow a development knowing that a higher BFE may apply. The exception is if the community plans to appeal the new data, and in that case they can use the existing BFE.
What is basic rule #2 on what needs a permit in the floodplain?
A permit is required for all development in the SFHA shown on the FIRM.
Define development as the term used in your ordinance.
Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structure, mining, dredging, filling, grading, or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials.
Does your community only require a building permit’s? If so, does someone who wants to fill a vacant lot need a permit from the community?
yes, filling and grading are considered development and require a building permit.
The state in which Floyd county is situated requires a permit from the state department of environmental protection for development on primary Sand dunes. A permit application applicant wants to build on one near site S. Department staff informed you that based on the plans they have seen, they will have to deny the state permit. Should the flood county permit officer issue a floodplain development permit?
No, the county can not issue a permit until it is certain that other agency requirements are met. It the State denies the applicant, the county must as well. If the state permit is about to be issued, the county can issue a permit conditional on obtaining the state permit.
What is basic rule number three as it relates to encroachments in a riverine floodplains?
Development must not increase the flood hazard on other properties.
An encroachment review should review projects in the floodway for what two things?
review analysis to determine if the project will obstuct flows and cause an increase flood heights (upstream or adjacent to project site flood elevations) and if it will cause any increased flooding downstream during the base flood discharge.
A farmer wants to build a dairy barn in the floodway. Will he need to provide you with a no rise certification before you can issue the permit?
The same farmer wants to build a small addition onto his farmhouse also in the floodway. Can this be designed so he won’t have to pay for an engineers encroachment review?
Yes, if the addition is located in the conveyance shadow of the existing farmhouse it may be permitted without the engineering analysis needed for a no-rise certificate. It must still be designed to be elevated or otherwise protected from the base flood.
In a riverine AE zone with a base flood elevation, what must a developer show in order to demonstrate that he is meeting basic rule number three?
The developer must conduct an encroachment review and demonstrate that the cumulative effect of development , when combined with all existing and proposed development will not increase the BFE more than one foot at any point in the community.
Does your state have a more restrictive standard than allowing flood heights to increase by 1 foot?
Not sure. Some states have more restrictive encroachments standards such as 0.5’ or 0.1 ‘.
What does basic rule #4 say about new buildings in A zones?
New, substantially improved or substantially damaged buildings must be protected from damage by the base flood.
Where would elevation on piles or columns be preferred?
In the A and V Zone where there is deeper flooding, fill is not feasible, or where flooding expected to have high velocities or waves.
Can a basement be considered the lowest floor?
Yes, a basement is included because all useable portions of a building must be protected from flood damage.
If the residence is elevated above the BFE in an A Zone , where do you measure how high the building is?
In an A Zone the top of the lowest floor is the reference point.
What can be allowed under the lowest floor of an elevated building?
An unfinished floor, used soley for parking vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement area is not considered the buildings lowest floor. This area must be designed based on non-elevation design requirements, below the BFE must use flood resistant materials and utilities must be elevated or flood proofed.
What three things do you need to check for it to ensure that the building is flood proofed?
Below the BFE: Walls are watertight, structural components can resist hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy, utilities are protected from flood damage.
Can a new home in the flood Fringe be floodproofed?
No, residential buildings must be elevated above the BFE in the SFHA. Non-residential buildings may be elevated or flood-proofed.
What is the NFIP definition of basement?
Basement means any area of the building having its flood subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.
If a building is proposed to be located in a riverine floodplain with flood velocities of 8 to 10 ft./s, what should you ask the builder to provide to assure you that the building will not get washed away during a flood?
Builder must provide statement from engineer or architect that design includes “anchoring” to prevent floation, collapse or lateral movement during the base flood. Building should be discouraged in areas that have hazardous veolcities (> 5 ft/s)
Mrs. Smith is elevating a house in the a AE zone 8 feet above grade. How can you make sure that the area below the lowest floor won’t be improved, finished or otherwise turned into living space?
Require that the lower area be kept open or make the owner sign a nonconversion agreement.
The builder of the house to be elevated on concrete columns wants to use wood for the stairway. He is concerned that wood will swell and warp if it gets wet during a flood. Can a portion of the house below the BFE be built of wood?
Yes, if it is pressure treated or naturally decay resistant lumber or marine grade plywood.
How is a manufactured home outside of a manufactured housing park treated differently from a conventional stick built home?
It is treated the same regarding requirement to elevate the lowest floor above the BFE. All parts of the manufactured home below BFE must be constructed with flood resistant materials and utilities must be elevated or made watertight to the BFE.
How is a 600 square-foot motorhome that is permanently attached to a reinforced block wall foundation treated differently from a manufactured home?
It is not treated differently, must meet the same construction and elevation requirements. The cutoff for motorhomes is 400 SF or less
What does basic rule #5 say about new buildings in V zones?
Due to wave impacts, V Zone have special building protection standards in addition to the requirements for A Zones.
Can a new building be built in the V zone elevated on a crawlspace?
No buildings can only be elevated on piles, posts, piers or columns to avoid obstructions to wave action.
Where is the lowest floor measured in a V Zone?
The lowest floor reference point is the from the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member.
What does the permit official due to be sure that a V Zone building will be adequate to resist the wind and water loads?
The permit official requires professional engineer or architect to certify that the designs and planned method of construction are in accordance with with accepted standards of practice to resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement due to the combined forces of wind and wave impacts .