NFIPRogram Flashcards
What are four national flood insurance program objectives?
▪️transfer flood loss cost from tax payer to floodplain property owners with flood insurance premiums
▪️provide floodplain property owners with financial aid
▪️guide development away from flood hazard areas
▪️Buildings constructed to prevent damage during a flood
The national flood insurance act was established in 1968. Who first administered it?
The federal insurance administration was originally responsible
FEMA now administers the program
What was the reason for passing the 1973 flood disaster protection act.
To reduce flood damages. Despite flood insurance programs from 1968, cost from flood damage remained high due to limited community participation.
How did the flood disaster protection act of 1973 change the NFIP program
▪️flood insurance required for financial assistance or loans from federal lenders if building in flood hazard area
▪️community NFIP Participation required to get federal disaster assistance
▪️sanctions allowed to penalize communities that did not join the NFIP
How is the NFIP funded?
Funded through premium incomes as well as fees on map revisions and policies
What does the NFIP pay for?
Claims payments, floodplain management, and administration
How is NFIP mapping paid for?
Congress provided supplemental funding to NFIP to accelerate the map modernization program
List three changes made under the national flood insurance reform act of 1994
▪️the community rating system created
▪️maximum amount of flood insurance coverage increased
▪️strengthened mandatory purchase requirements
▪️established grant program for mitigation plans and projects
The 1973 flood disaster protection act biggest accomplishment was what?
Getting thousands of communities to participate and 2 million flood insurance policies in effect
What are the three components of the NFIP?
Mapping, insurance and regulations
How does the national FIP define flood?
A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land from the overflow of inland or tidal waters or the unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source
Does the national flood insurance program include mudflows and erosion as a definition of flood
What is a pre-FIRM building?
A building that was established before a FIRM map was published
What are FEMA floodplain maps and flood hazard data used for?
▪️regulating flood prone construction
▪️rating flood insurance policies
▪️determining when flood insurance must be purchased for a loan
What are the two kinds of FEMA maps?
A flood hazard boundary map FHBM shows approximate boundaries
A flood insurance rate map FIRM is more detailed, based on a flood insurance study, includes flood elevations and other hazards
What is a post-FIRM building?
New construction built after the flood hazard was made public on the FIRM
What are flood insurance premiums based on?
For a post FIRM buildings premiums are based on the degree of flood protection they are provided -it is important new buildings are constructed properly
PRe FIRM buildings are subsidized by the NFIP rates are not based on true risk
Why are regulations required under the national flood insurance program?
Buildings built in accordance with regulations have a lower risk of flooding and can be insured at lower rates
What is purpose of community floodplain regulations?
Ensure that new buildings will be protected from flood levels shown on the firm development will not make the flood hazard worse
Exposure to flood damage is reduced as older pre-FIRM buildings are replaced by post-FIRM buildings that meet regulations
What happens if a community does not act the required regulations under NFIP
New buildings will be built subject to flood damage insurance maybe very expensive
FEMA can impose sanctions on the community to encourage it to correct the floodplain management program
Why does a community need NFIP floodplain regulations?
To be in the NFIP program, communities must adopt and enforce floodplain regulations that meet or exceed NFIP criteria
Why may floodplain regulations be controversial
▪️reject government control on regulations buildings
▪️public opposition to govt policy may force a community to not enforce all the provisions of the NFIP ordinance and put participation in the NFIP in peril
What is the communities role in the national flood insurance program?
▪️issue or deny floodplain development building permits
▪️inspect to assure compliance with ordinance
▪️maintain records
▪️assist in preparation and revision of maps
▪️help residence obtain information on flood hazards, floodplain map data, flood insurance and proper construction
What is the role of the state in the national flood insurance program?
🔷ensure communities have legal authority to adopt and enforce regulations
🔷establish minimum state requirements consistent with NFIP
🔷provide technical assistance to local governments
🔷coordinate activities of state agencies that affect the NFIP
What is the federal role in the national flood insurance program?
FEMA administers the NFIP through Regional Office and the Mitigation Division
How is the state regional office responsible for the NFIP?
▪️approve community floodplain management regulations
▪️review and adopt new maps and data
▪️assist community compliance to meet NFIP criteria
▪️advise local officials in administering the ordinance
▪️answer questions from the public
▪️provide information and training on the flood insurance purchase requirements
What does the FEMA mitigation division do?
▪️sets national policy for floodplain regulations,
▪️researchers floodplain construction practices,
▪️administers the flood hazard mapping program
▪️administers the insurance portion of the program including setting rates, establishing coverage, application of claims and market flood insurance
What are the elements of an NFIP cooperative agreement for a community?
🔻Agreement is between community and FEMA.
🔻FEMA will only make flood insurance available if the community agrees to regulate future developments in the floodplain
To participate in the NFIP what must the community agree to?
▪️Maintain adequate land-use and control measures consistent with NFIP criteria
▪️assist in delineation of floodplain
▪️provide information on present use and occupancy of floodplain
▪️maintain records on elevations and flood proofing on new construction
▪️cooperate with agencies and neighboring communities to prevent worsening existing hazards
What is the processed for a community to join the NF IP?
🔺Receive a flood insurance rate map and flood insurance study with more detailed flood hazard data.
🔺After a six-month review, towns must adopt the data in a comprehensive ordinance.
What happens if a community does not adopt the ordinance within six months.?
The community is suspended from the NFIP.
The FIRM still goes into affect on the same day and is used by lenders for determining where loans can be issued and federal assistance provided. I.e. Not in a floodplain!
How does FEMA review the community to make sure it is in compliance?
FEMA reviews the floodplain management program and permit records
If a community does not enforce the floodplain management regulations what step can FEMA take?
▪️re-classification under the community rating system
▪️suspension from the program
What are the reasons that FEMA will put a community on probation?
A communities floodplain management program is noncompliant with the NFIP criteria.
FEMA provides a 90 day written notice of deficiencies and violations
premium holders charged an extra $50
What are the conditions where FEMA will suspend a community from the NFIP.
If after a period of probation a community fails to remedy it’s violations and deficiencies it will be suspended from the NFIP for failure to enforce its floodplain management regulations suspension means the community is no longer in the NFIP it is subject to sanctions for non-participation
What are sanctions for non-participation in the NFIP
▪️Flood insurance will not be available.
▪️Cannot purchase a flood insurance policy.
▪️If the community with withdraws or is suspended existing flood insurance policies will not be renewed.
▪️No federal grants or loans.
▪️No federal disaster assistance.
No federal mortgage insurance
What is the incentive for a community to join the NFIP and remain in full compliance with their regulatory obligations
▪️flood insurance is available
▪️federal grants or loans for acquisition or construction are available
▪️federal disaster assistance will be available
▪️federal mortgage insurance or loan guarantees will be provided
What are the objectives of the NFIP?
to transfer cost of flood damage from the tax payers to the property owner in a flood hazard area through insurance premiums
to provide the community with disaster assistance
to steer development away from the flood hazard area
to establish building codes to protect new development from flood damate
What are the three basic parts of the NFIP?
mapping, insurance and regulations
Who uses NFIP maps?
Communities, states and Federal agencies use to regulate flood prone construction insurance agents use them to rate flood insurance policies, and lenders to determine if insurance is needed
What should happen to buildings in NFIP communities over time?
Damages will decrease over time as pre-FIRM buildings will be replaced by post-FIRM buildings that meet NFIP building codes
What types of government bodies are considered to be “communities” by the NFIP?
Town, cities, villages, tribes, states, any group that is authorized to enact and enforce regulations affecting its community
What office is the state coordinating agency for Massachusetts?
MEMA, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
Which FEMA office works directly with communities?
Regional Office
What is the Write Your Own Program?
FEMA trains private insurance policy writers to prepare flood insurance policies under thier own name
When a community applies to join the NFIP, what must it submit?
Floodplain management regulations consistent with NFIP
maintain in force…adequate land use and control measures, and coorperate with FEMA.
Where does most of the money come from to pay for the expenses of the NFIP?
From flood insurance premiums, fees on map revisions and policies
How many communities currently participate in the NFIP?
about 20,000 communities
What is a pre-FIRM building?
building was built before the community FIRM map was published (before the effective date of the FIRM)
Is there any relation between how a community regulate new construction and flood insurance rates?
Yes, if a community fails to regulate new construction insurance rates go up, the better job they do, the low the policy will be
LIST 2 things your community committed itself to when it joined the NFIP.
regulate and inspect new development in the flood zone, maintain records, help with map revisions, and provide information to home owners about NFIP program and insurance policies
Insurance companies set flood insurance rates and coverage rules. True or False.
False they are set by the FEMA Federal Insurance Administration.
What can FEMA do to encourage a community to adequately enforce its floodplain management regulations?
If community is in the CRS, the rating can be lowered so there is no insurance premium discount, probation, suspension
What are the sanctions if a community is suspended from the NFIP?
No flood insurance Lower CRS score No disaster assistance No grants No mortgage insurance