NFIPRogram Flashcards
What are four national flood insurance program objectives?
▪️transfer flood loss cost from tax payer to floodplain property owners with flood insurance premiums
▪️provide floodplain property owners with financial aid
▪️guide development away from flood hazard areas
▪️Buildings constructed to prevent damage during a flood
The national flood insurance act was established in 1968. Who first administered it?
The federal insurance administration was originally responsible
FEMA now administers the program
What was the reason for passing the 1973 flood disaster protection act.
To reduce flood damages. Despite flood insurance programs from 1968, cost from flood damage remained high due to limited community participation.
How did the flood disaster protection act of 1973 change the NFIP program
▪️flood insurance required for financial assistance or loans from federal lenders if building in flood hazard area
▪️community NFIP Participation required to get federal disaster assistance
▪️sanctions allowed to penalize communities that did not join the NFIP
How is the NFIP funded?
Funded through premium incomes as well as fees on map revisions and policies
What does the NFIP pay for?
Claims payments, floodplain management, and administration
How is NFIP mapping paid for?
Congress provided supplemental funding to NFIP to accelerate the map modernization program
List three changes made under the national flood insurance reform act of 1994
▪️the community rating system created
▪️maximum amount of flood insurance coverage increased
▪️strengthened mandatory purchase requirements
▪️established grant program for mitigation plans and projects
The 1973 flood disaster protection act biggest accomplishment was what?
Getting thousands of communities to participate and 2 million flood insurance policies in effect
What are the three components of the NFIP?
Mapping, insurance and regulations
How does the national FIP define flood?
A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land from the overflow of inland or tidal waters or the unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source
Does the national flood insurance program include mudflows and erosion as a definition of flood
What is a pre-FIRM building?
A building that was established before a FIRM map was published
What are FEMA floodplain maps and flood hazard data used for?
▪️regulating flood prone construction
▪️rating flood insurance policies
▪️determining when flood insurance must be purchased for a loan
What are the two kinds of FEMA maps?
A flood hazard boundary map FHBM shows approximate boundaries
A flood insurance rate map FIRM is more detailed, based on a flood insurance study, includes flood elevations and other hazards
What is a post-FIRM building?
New construction built after the flood hazard was made public on the FIRM
What are flood insurance premiums based on?
For a post FIRM buildings premiums are based on the degree of flood protection they are provided -it is important new buildings are constructed properly
PRe FIRM buildings are subsidized by the NFIP rates are not based on true risk
Why are regulations required under the national flood insurance program?
Buildings built in accordance with regulations have a lower risk of flooding and can be insured at lower rates
What is purpose of community floodplain regulations?
Ensure that new buildings will be protected from flood levels shown on the firm development will not make the flood hazard worse
Exposure to flood damage is reduced as older pre-FIRM buildings are replaced by post-FIRM buildings that meet regulations
What happens if a community does not act the required regulations under NFIP
New buildings will be built subject to flood damage insurance maybe very expensive
FEMA can impose sanctions on the community to encourage it to correct the floodplain management program
Why does a community need NFIP floodplain regulations?
To be in the NFIP program, communities must adopt and enforce floodplain regulations that meet or exceed NFIP criteria