Using Molecular Biology Flashcards
What are the uses from Molecular Biological tools?
- Molecular biological tools provide information about DNA and proteins
- Detection of the presence and distribution of genes, proteins, organisms in the environment
- Understand the molecular basis of interactions (eg symbiosis)
- Monitor disease
- Track and understand important
- processes eg photosynthesis
- Ecosystems eg deep sea / coral reefs
- Impacts eg pollution and conservation
- Track and understand important development - find out whether photosynthesis is happening
What did Carl Woese develop as a way to study evolutionary relationships of bacteria?
- DNA fingerprinting of bacteria by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene
- Showed the existence of Archaea in 1977
- Current database is tens of thousands of species
- Carl Woese started to look at evolutionary relationship between bacteria. Good place to start to look as all living organisms have ribosomes.
- Carl Woose discovered the 3rd branch of life - Archea.
What is a ribosome made up of?
- Large ribosome made of a large subunit and a small subunit
- Made up of proteins and RNA molecules
- Large ribosome made of 34 large subunits and 21 small subunits
- Made up of proteins and RNA molecules
Who was awarded the nobel proze for for his research on colloids and proteins using the ultracentrifuge, and what did they do?
Svedberg used centrifugal force to mimic the effects of gravity on them. His first ultracentrifuge, completed in 1924, was capable of generating a centrifugal force up to 5,000 times the force of gravity. Later versions generated hundreds of thousands of times the force of gravity. Svedberg found that the size and weight of the particles determined their rate of settling out, or sedimentation, and he used this fact to measure their size. With an ultracentrifuge, Svedberg went on to determine precisely the molecular weights of highly complex proteins such as haemoglobin. In later years he made studies in nuclear chemistry, contributed to the improvement of the cyclotron, and helped his student Arne Tiselius in the development of the use of electrophoresis to separate and analyse proteins.
Centrifuge proteins at high speeds in a sucrose gradient. Different part of ribosome will settle out at different layers.
How can molecular biology be used to study the microbial loop?
- Importance of microbes in the recycling of nutrients in the upper ocean - microbial loop.
- Find out which microbes they are by sequencing samples of seawater.
- Cyanobacteria - synecogogus
- Fixes vast quantities of carbon and produces O2 at a large scale.
Describe the microbes present in the nitrogen cycle within the ocean.
- Many micro-organisms in the oceans we haven’t studied / don’t know are there
- SUP05 - only been able to detect by its gene.
- Nitrogen fixation - microbes fix nitrogen gas.
- NifH - gene responsible for nitrogen fixation.
- We can detect nifH gene in eDNA to find out if and how much nitrogen fixation is going on.
- Bacteriorhodopsin - bacteria bound to chromophores detect and convert light in your eye. Proteins in the back of your eye are called OPSINS.
- Evolved from photoactive proteins in bacteria which evolved the ability to see before we did.
Describe the structure of DNA.
- DNA is a double stranded helix
- Nucleotides linked by phospodiester bonds
- Two strands are bound together by weak hydrogen bonding
- One strand is complementary to the other
- A-T C-G
- Phosphate deoxyribose backbone
- Each strand = complimentary sequence
How do you purify bacterial DNA?
- Break cells open with enzymes (Proteinase K) and detergents, which break the membrane
- The enzyme lysozyme is used to break the cell walls
- Precipitated with sodium acetate and ethanol
- Or bind it to beads (newer and faster)
Describe the use of restriction enzymes
- First restriction enzyme found EcoR1
- Cuts DNA at specific sequences
- Cuts to reveal “sticky ends”
- Methylases also used to protect DNA from restriction
- Restriction enzymes do not cut their own DNA utilising another enzyme called methylases.
Who & whne was the PCR reaction invented?
- Invented by Kary Mullis in 1983
- He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993
- Technique has revolutionized the study of DNA
Descibe the three main steps of the PCR reaction.
- As illustrated in the animated picture of PCR, three major steps are involved in a PCR. These three steps are repeated for 30 or 40 cycles. The cycles are done on an automated cycler, a device which rapidly heats and cools the test tubes containing the reaction mixture. Each step – denatauration (alteration of structure), annealing (joining), and extension – takes place at a different temperature:
- Denaturation: At 94 C (201.2 F), the double-stranded DNA melts and opens into two pieces of single-stranded DNA.
- Annealing: At medium temperatures, around 54 C (129.2 F), the primers pair up (anneal) with the single-stranded “template” (The template is the sequence of DNA to be copied.) On the small length of double-stranded DNA (the joined primer and template), the polymerase attaches and starts copying the template.
- Extension: At 72 C (161.6 F), the polymerase works best, and DNA building blocks complementary to the template are coupled to the primer, making a double stranded DNA molecule.
- With one cycle, a single segment of double-stranded DNA template is amplified into two separate pieces of double-stranded DNA. These two pieces are then available for amplification in the next cycle. As the cycles are repeated, more and more copies are generated and the number of copies of the template is increased exponentially.
Why do primers need to be added to PCR?
- 5’ 3’ directionality o DNA molecules.
- Need primers as part of DNA molecules as polymerase will not bind to single stranded DNA
- Molecular photocopier
What does large scale sequecing require?
- Large-scale sequencing requires DNA to be broken into fragments
- Cutting (with enzymes)
- Shearing (with mechanical forces)
- DNA is duplicated into a vector
- Individually sequence
- Assembled electronically
- Shotgun sequencing
What does polymerase do?
- DNA polymerase can add free nucleotides
- DNA polymerase cannot begin a new chain on its own as it needs to build onto a piece of dsDNA
- So dsDNA is necessary for DNA synthesis
What does ligase do?
Links togther DNA fragments.
What is sanger sequencing?
- Sanger sequencing is a method of DNA sequencing first commercialized by Applied Biosystems, based on the selective incorporation of chain-terminating dideoxynucleotides by DNA polymerase during in vitro DNA replication.[1][2] Developed by Frederick Sanger and colleagues in 1977, it was the most widely used sequencing method for approximately 40 years. More recently, higher volume Sanger sequencing has been supplanted by “Next-Gen” sequencing methods, especially for large-scale, automated genome analyses. However, the Sanger method remains in wide use, for smaller-scale projects, validation of Next-Gen results and for obtaining especially long contiguous DNA sequence reads (> 500 nucleotides).
How does sanger sequencing work?
- Uses a DNA template, primer, polymerase, and fluorescent nucleotides * DNA sample fragments separated into four lanes
- One for each nucleotide (A, T, G, C)
- DNA bands are then visualized by UV light,
- Positions of the different bands used to read the DNA sequence
- For given template DNA, it’s like PCR except: Uses only a single primer and polymerase to make new ssDNA pieces. Includes regular nucleotides (A, C, G, T) for extension, but also includes dideoxy nucleotides.
- Uses a single primer and polymerase to one new ssDNA piece. Dioxynucletides are incorporated at random there are lots of different lengths of DNA. A lazer reads the fluorescence and length of the DNA strand.
What is dye sequencing?
- Four different label
- Each of the four nucleotide chains has a different dye
- Individual dyes fluoresce at unique wavelengths
- Vast majority of sequencing projects
- easier
- cheaper
Whta is sequencing by ligation?
- Ligase identifies the nucleotide
- instead of polymerase
- doesn’t create a second strand
- Ligase joins probe sequences
- produces a fluorescence.
- Based on the fluorescence one can infer the identity of the nucleotide
2 base encoding
- Construct library of Probes
- Small fragments representing two bases
- Combination results in sixteen unique probes
- Each fluoresces at a different wavelength
- Small fragments representing two bases
- Sequencing Reaction
- 2-base encoding is based on sequencing by ligation
- Decoding Data
- Remember each color indicates two bases
- Need to know one of the bases in the sequence
What are the two main appraches to sequencing protiens?
Mass spec and edman degration
What is bioinformatics?
- DNA sequencing and protein sequencing are providing vast quantities of data.
- Bioinformatics is the science of understanding the biological meaning of this information.
- Uses applied mathematics, computer science, statistics
- Databases
- Genbank – 30 years old, grows exponentially doubling every 18 months, 150 billlion base pairs.
- Uniprot (Universal protein resource) European based, 40 million sequences
- Glycome database – carbohydrate structures
- wwPDB protein data bank – structural information
Molecular biology provides information about the molecules of life, DNA and proteins n DNA structure, extraction and cloning n Sequencing of DNA and proteins n Bioinformatics n Summary
grant paper - genomics
Cock et al., 2010
Genomics = ‘the study of the structure, function and diversity of genomes’
Genomes = ‘the collective term for all the genetic information contained in a particular organism’
- genomic approaches differ from biological approaches in their scale – extends analyses from a smaller number of genes to a complete genome
- marine organisms were poorly represented amongst early genomic models, but this situation has been rectified in recent years due to the reduced cost of DNA sequencing
- reduction in cost has also facilitated the creation of new fields, e.g. metagenomics
- ‘genomic approaches are now being applied to a diverse catalogue of questions in marine biology’
- > including exploiting the extensive phylogenetic diversity of marine organisms ‘to explore the evolution of developmental processes, characterising the marine ecosystems that play key roles in global geochemical cycles […], and understanding ecological interactions within important marine ecosystems’
How much of the genome codes for genes?
When was the term genome first used?
- Term “genome” first used by German botanist Hans Winkler in 1920
- 1986 Thomas Roderick used “genomics” for the mapping sequencing and characterization of genomes
What causes the variability of genome structure?
- Duplication events
- Transposons
- Microsatellites
- Repetitive DNA’s
Grant paper - what does the size of the genome imply?
Lessons from sequencing
Primrose & Twyman, 2006
- à genome sequencing increases understanding of basic biology, e.g. ‘the larger the bacterial genome, the greater the metabolic capabilities of the host organism [meaning that] the organism can be found in a greater number of habitats’
what is functional genomics ?
- Once we know the sequence of genes, we want to know the function
- The genome is the same in all cells of an individual, except for random mutations
- However, in each cell, only a subset of the genes is expressed
- The portion of the genome that is used in each cell correlates with the cell’s differentiated state
WIDER READING: functional genomics
- Carvalho et al., 2010
- STUDY: highlights the significance of genomics and genetic principles in explaining the interactions among different biological levels of diversity
- genomic methods = powerful in revealing previously undetected taxonomic, genetic and functional diversity, e.g. the identification of new species & metabolic pathways
- the ability to target specific gene structure and function has led to the discovery of new metabolic pathways, thereby increasing our ability to understand and explore functional links among marine biota, ecological processes and novel marine products’
- the ability to target specific gene structure and function has led to the discovery of new metabolic pathways, thereby increasing our ability to understand and explore functional links among marine biota, ecological processes and novel marine products’
What are expression microarrays?
A DNA microarray (also commonly known as DNA chip or biochip) is a collection of microscopic DNA spots attached to a solid surface. Scientists use DNA microarraysto measure the expressionlevels of large numbers of genes simultaneously or to genotype multiple regions of a genome.
- Global expression analysis
- RNA levels of every gene in the genome analysed in parallel
- Compare with Northen blot
- Microarrays contain more infomation by many orders of magnitude
WIDER READING: expression microarrays
Wu et al., 2001
- to determine the potential of DNA array technology for assessing functional gene diversity and distribution, a prototype microarray was constructed with genes involved in nutrient cycling
- results indicated that glass-based microarray hybridisation has potential as a tool for revealing functional gene composition in natural microbial communities
- BUT more work is needed to improve sensitivity
What are comarative genomics?
- What are the adaptive traits of an organism?
- Mechanism of evolution
- what is conserved between speies?
- Genes for basic processes
- What makes closet related species different?
- Their adaptive traits.
WIDER READING: Comparartive genomics.
Primrose & Twyman, 2006
- comparative genomics is possible due to vast quantity of genomes that have been sequenced
- enables the comparison of distantly related species to decipher major stages in evolution
- comparing closely related species allows more recent events to be uncovered, e.g. genome rearrangement that has facilitated speciation
- analysis of bacterial genomes = most progressive area
- example of findings from comparative genomics:
- ‘Comparative analysis of the genomes of a wide range of thermophiles has revealed […] strong evidence of extensive horizontal gene transfer.’ [but the basis for thermophilic trait is yet to be discovered]
Identofying adaptive traits
- Find functional bits of the genome by studying the compounds and which segments are responsible for traits - then isolate & copy.
- Two watches - difference in parts is likely to relate to a difference in function.
what are the application of comparative genomics?
- Disease
- Diagnosis
- Pharmacogenomics
- Design therapies based on the individual’s genome
- Subtle, but important, differences in genomes
- Cause differences in how one responds to drugs
- Identify those who will suffer harmful side effects from particular drugs
WIDER READING: Diagnosis in disease - cancer
Groupings of gene expression patterns show clear
- Jimeno et al (2006) run a marine anticancer program that uses the sea to develop new agents for resistant solid tumours
- > this review also described the integration of different pharmacogenomic tools in the development of marine-derived compounds currently in development
- > results ‘open the gates’ for customised therapies in cancer patients in the near future
WIDER READING: Disease diagnosis from genomics - pharmacogenetics
Hedgecoe & Martin, 2003
- PAPER: analysis of the development of pharmacogenetics & its social and ethical issues
- ‘following the genome project and the development of powerful new gene sequencing and analysis technologies, a new form of research known as association genetics has started to transform the study of the relationship between genes and disease’ = functional genomics
- -> this has enabled the understanding of diseases at the genetic level and the identification of disease-associated genes
- DNA arrays allow cheap, fast & large-scale screening of populations for genetic markers that are correlated to positive or negative reactions to specific drugs
WIDER READING: ethical issues - genomics
Cambon-Thomsen et al., 2007
- The main ethical issues with human biobanks (= ‘biological sample collections with associated personal and clinical data’):
- informed consent - confidentiality - secondary use of samples and data
De Vries et al. 2011
- genomics research raises ethical and governance issues about sample export and ownership & the use of archived samples
- many ethical issues are raised when genomics research is conducted on populations in developing countries, e.g. populations included in MalariaGEN
Genomics summary
- Genomics is the study of organism genome information
- Genome mapping allows all coding regions to be physically mapped on the chromosome
- Comparative Genomics is a powerful way to discover new biological information
- Ethical and Legal aspects need to be considered
WIDER READING : shotgun sequencing
Primrose & Twyman, 2006
Shotgun sequencing = genomic sequencing strategy whereby ‘large numbers of genomic fragments are sequenced and sophisticated bioinformatics algorithms used’ to construct the sequence
à first success was the complete sequence of the bacterium H. influenzae (Fleischmass et al., 1995)
à important to note that the merits of shotgun sequencing vs. ordered, map-based sequencing are still being debated
What is proteomics?
- Proteomics is the large scale study of proteins including their structure and function
- It is from the words ‘protein’ and ‘genome’
- The link between an organisms DNA and how it responds to its environment
- Proteome – protein & genome
- Looking at protein genomics of 100,000’s of proteins.
- Understanding an organisms full complement of proteins (protein enzymes and hormones – effecting an organisms behavior – very mechanistic understanding of an organism.
In marine sciences where can proteomics be applied to?
- In marine sciences being applied to
- Biotechnology
- Environmental toxicology
- Aquaculture
- Natural products chemistry
What is natural products chemistry?
Natural products chemistry – a low molecular weight product which has a particular biological or metabolic activity. (small chemicals with drug action e.g. penicillin is a natural product in this regard)
State the processes for sequencing a peptide.
Gene expressed – (transcription) - mRNA produced - (translation) is the conversion of a mRNA molecule into a protein. Ribosome receives mRNA molecule an uses that sequence to convert it to an amino acid sequence - protein or peptide.
What is Transcriptomics?
Transcriptomics - study of mRNA molecules in an organism.
Protien protien interatcions.
- Within the field of proteomics we have protein – protein interactions – how does one protein effect the behavior of another protein.
- We can also have interactions between protein and DNA.
- DNA polymerase – makes DNA – protein - DNA interaction (area of biochemistry which is important and interesting.
- Talking about a protein DNA interaction in an exam – talk about DNA polymerase. How useful the polymerase chain reaction was.
What processes does collectig additional infomation - not just protien sequence require?
- Requires protein purification – not simple
- Mass spectrometry
- Post translational modifications
- Phosphorylation – changes function - most well studied modification
- Glycosylation – addition of carbohydrates to proteins eg glycans important for example in cell adhesion
- Not simple because tissues will contain 1000’s of proteins.
- Purify ribosome – previous lecture
- Mass spectrometry of proteins, if you know the weight of a protein you can match it against a known database.
- Post translational modification
- Protein can have a phosphate added – phosphorylation.
What basic steps may a study into proteomics follow?
- Study of the important proteins in a marine sponge.
- 1st step is often experimental design – how is the experiment going to be run.
- Liquid chromatography or mass spec / mass spec
- In silica analysis – inside a computer – looking in databases – identify proteins ect
What two types of approches can proteomics take?
Bottom up approach: take all proteins in a particular organisms – break up into little peptides. Analyse structure and sequence of little peptides, interrogate database and reassemble the full structure of the proteins that are present.
TOP-down - understand what proteins are present, separate them carefully and analyse them one by one with chromatography or mass spectrometry.
What does genome annotation consist of?
- Genome annotation consists of adding biological information to known sequences or genomes
- Most expensive part
- ID non coding regions
- Predict gene presence
- Predict protein sequence
- Predict function
- Use homologies (BLAST)
Allows the large amounts of non-coding DNA - junk DNA to be identified.
If you can predict gene presence you can also predict protein sequence, and then you can often predict a function.
Use terminology.
Hypothesised proteins that you think should be there but can’t find them / series of enzyme could suggest it can digest something which can be tested. One of the most common methods is using a blast search.
What is a blast search?
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
- Enter a DNA sequence into the box, search, find DNA which matches your sequence.
- Identify genes of interest.
- You can therefore identify the genes of interest and the protiens of interest using blast searches
Blast searches - flow sequence
- Flow sequence of work which involves you loading your particular target sequence into the database, predict proteins which are occurring.
- BLAST N a particular type of search sequence which involves searching nucleotide sequences, NT nucleotide sequence database.
- If you blast search in a protein database you will search with amino acid sequences.
Describe mass specctrometry
Take a sample, ionise it by accelerating it with a laser, then propel the sample through a tube and pass it through an electromagnetic field. Because they are ionised they will fly through the electromagnetic tube they will be deflected. The deflection will change and the fragments which are the right weight to hit the detector will be recorded.
WIDER READING: Mass spectrometry
Mass spectrometry
Aebersold & Mann, 2003
- recent successes illustrate the role of mass spectrometry-based proteomics as a tool for molecular and cellular biology
- includes the study of protein-protein interactions, the mapping of numerous organelles & the generation of quantitative protein profiles from diverse species
- the ability of mass spectrometry to identify & precisely quantify proteins from complex samples is expected to impact biology & medicine
- MALDI TOF Matrix assisted laser desorption deionisation Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy.
- MALDI - means you zap proteins with a laser when they are stuck to a surface, they desorb which means they are blasted of the surface and they ionise by the addition of protons. Take the peptides and use a mass spec - good way to identify mixtures of protein.
- Isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation: iTRAQ
- Isobaric labelling method for quantitative proteomics
- Allows study of numerous proteins in a single sample
- Uses isotope labels
- Two reagent types used 4 plex and 8 plex
- Signals of the reporter ions allow calculation of the relative abundance of identified peptides
- Signals processed using standard software
Evans et al., 2006
= profiles the secretome of marine bacterium by using amine-specific isobaric tagging (iTRAQ)
- proteins that are secreted from bacterium were labelled using iTRAQ, and identified using two-dimnsional SCX and nano liquid-chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/LC-MS/MS)
- iTRAQ labelling experiments enabled accurate measurement of the proteins identified
- also obtained a sequence-base prediction of Pseudoalteromonas tunicata secretome
- comparing the sequence with the expressed proteome suggests that this secretion pathway has a role in iron transport and acquisition
Fong et al., 2014 – looking at the response of exposure of fish gonads to a particular toxin
BDE-47 = pollutant
- proteomic analysis of those expressed inside the gonads using iTRAQ
- can understand basic biochemical processes occurring inside the fish
- investigated the protein expression profiles of male and female gonads of Oryzias melastigma exposed to dietary BDE-47 at 2 dosages for 21 days à extracted proteins were labelled with iTRAQ and analysed on a MALDI TOF/TOF analyser
- among the 42 differentially expressed proteins in testis, down-regulation of histone variants implicated that BDE-47 may disrupt spermatogenesis and induce sterility in fishes
- reproductive impairment was also shown from 38 differentially expressed proteins in ovaries
Summary proteomics
- Proteomics is the study of proteins from a genome
- Being widely applied in marine sciences
- Techniques used include iTRAQ quantification
- There is a requirement for annotated genomes
- Growth area in molecular biology
What is barcoding?
- Amplified and sequenced regions of DNA
- Need to be conserved and long
- International consortium established
- CBOL Consortium for the barcode of life
- Focus is on the 16s ribosomal gene
Describe eDNA and Metabarcoding
Advances in molecular biology include High Throughput Sequencing allowing DNA from a range of environmental samples such as water or sediment (eDNA) to be processed in bulk at an increased rate. A range of genes and matching primers are used to compare species, mitochondrial genes such as cytochrome oxidase I (COI) are common target genes to compare species in the animal kingdom (Clarke et al, 2017). Sequences of eDNA can then be associated to known databases to give a taxonomic identification, in a process called metabarcoding (Creer et al, 2016).
What is the Cytochrome oxidase 1 gene?
- COI gene a good example
- Separates most species easily
- Doesn’t work well with Cnidaria as they have very good mitochondrial DNA repair mechanisms in their mitochondria
- COI also has low resolution in plant species so chloroplast genes are also being looked at
- COI separate most species quite easily - variable
- Cnidaria - COI gene does not mutate as fast.
What is a fish barcoding database?
- = fish barcoding database
- Assemby of all fish species in the world (freely available)
- Advantage of these databases is that even small samples (fragments of fin, egg, larvae) can be identified
- Predator prey studies
- Larval identification (often tricky)
Census of Marine Life
- Major international study
- Diversity and distribution of marine organisms
- 14 field projects
- Barcoding initiative within COML
- Complements but does not replace conventional morphological approaches Rapid sequence information gathering is a challenge
Describe flow cytometry
Flow cytometry is a technique used to detect and measure physical and chemical characteristics of a population of cells or particles.[1][2][3][4] A sample containing cells or particles is suspended in a fluid and injected into the flow cytometer instrument. The sample is focused to ideally flow one cell at a time through a laser beam and the light scattered is characteristic to the cells and their components. Cells are often labelled with fluorescent markers so that light is first absorbed and then emitted in a band of wavelengths. Tens of thousands of cells can be quickly examined and the data gathered are processed by a computer.
(rest in notes)
Give another example like flow cytometry of sorting cells.
Another example involving the use of a high temperature process, which denatures DNA in particular cells. You then bind a fluorescent probe which binds to specific cells, that might have a particular sequence (COI for example). You can fluorescently labels cells in a species specific manner, then you can use flow cytometry to purify out particular subpopulation of cells.
Give some applications of applying molecular biology (Flow cytometry) in the marine enviroment.
- Harmful algal blooms
- Characterisation of complex multispecies communities
- Fecal pellet analysis
- Monitoring biodiversity hotspots
- Distribution of fish larvae
- Monitoring of pollution reduction by mangrove swamp communities
- Real world analysis of a faecal pellet. Flow cytometry is used to study pop of microbes inside faecal pellets - pulling techniques together.
What ways can you detect individual species?
- Species specific primers
- Labelled with fluorescent dyes for detection (not sequencing)
- RAPD – random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting
- PCR with two short random primers, lots of PCR products occur and visualised by gel electrophoresis
- Carry out a PCR reaction
- Use 2 short random primers
- Give a series of fragments and balancing pattern - barcoded
How can nanotechnilogy be used in molecular biology?
- Quantum dots – 2-10 nm crystals emit light of specific wavelength after laser excitation
- Can use to detect specific DNA sequences
- QD coupled to streptavidin (high affinity to biotin)
- DNA probe plus biotin connect the laser light to detection of DNA sequence in a microcapillary
How do quantum dots work?
DNA-functionalization of quantum dots is the attachment of strands of DNA to the surface of a quantum dot. Although quantum dots with Cd have some cytotoxic release, researchers have functionalized quantum dots for biocompatibility and bound them to DNA in order to combine the advantages of both materials. Quantum dots are commonly used for imaging biological systems in vitro and in vivo in animal studies due to their excellent optical properties when excited by light, while DNA has numerous bioengineering applications, including: genetic engineering, self-assembling nanostructures, protein binding, and biomarkers. The ability to visualize the chemical and biological processes of DNA allows feedback to optimize and learn about these small scale behaviours.
What are microarrays?
- Glass slides
- Hundreds of thousands of spots of oligo probes specific to certain genes Generally used to study changes in gene expression
- Also used for detecting species
- Community arrays
- Sample amplified – amplified product is labelled
- If there is hybridisation of the labelled DNA to the probe this indicates a certain species of gene is present
- Data spots - genes not expressed in that particular tissue of that fish.
Summary using molecular biology
Molecular tools are revolutionising how we view marine biological diversity
Flow cytometry with molecular biology
RAPD fingerprinting
Quantum dots
Where are lots of methane hydrates found?
Lattice of methane.
Lots of frozen marine clathrates in marine sediments, which may release methane.
What produces methane as a way of degrading organic matter?
- Methanogens produce methane as a way of degrading organic matter.
- Archaea which produce methane
- (Archaea –Woese 1977 three domains of living organisms based on 16SrRNA sequences)
- Responsible for methane production in sediments and animal gut
- Can be tracked and detected using molecular techniques
Whta is chemolithotrophy?
- Rock eaters
- Low oxygen favours chemolithotrophy
- N loss
- Production of climate active trace gases nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4)
- Carbon cycle (ability of phytoplankton to uptake carbon dioxide) affected by OMZ’s
Total genome of a particular sample
Summary - what can molecular techniques provide information on, about nutrient cycling?
- Nutrient cycling
- Molecular techniques can provide information about the presence and distribution of important nutrient cycling organisms
- Monoclonal antibodies as well as DNA based methods can be used to provide information about trophic linkages in marine ecosystems
List all the molecular methods available.
- DNA sequencing
- pyrosequencing
- Genomics
- Proteomics
- Metabolomics
What is pyrosequencing?
- Pyrosequencing is a method of DNA sequencing that differs from Sanger sequencing, in that it relies on the detection of pyrophosphate release and the generation of light on nucleotide incorporation, rather than chain termination with dideoxynucleotides. Pyrosequencing methods for identification of RGM rely on a 20–30-bp region within the hypervariable region A of the 16S rRNA gene.
- Pyrosequencing is another rapid DNA sequencing technology based on sequencing by synthesis
- Relies on the detection of pyrophosphate release upon nucleotide incorporation
- (compare with Sanger method for example which relies on chain termination) Nucleotides added one at a time and when the “right one” is added and incorporated a light emitting reaction occurs
Why bother making cDNA libraries?
- Eukaryotic tissue is very difficult to handle in the lab. The easiest thing to do in the lab is to convert the transcript into DNA (can be any tissue)
- Lyse the cells, and purify out the mRNA.
- Can do fairly clever manipulations in the test tube, which help you to create a small double stranded piece of DNA at one end, by adding a poly - T primer. Then we can actually carry out production of DNA by reverse transcriptase (literally reverse transcription).
- EXAM question - why bother making cDNA libraries - because it is much easier to handle than sDNA.
Whta is an EST analysis?
- Expressed Sequence Tag is a short sequence from a CDNA sequence
- Can be used as a short simple label to identify genetranscripts
- Saves having to sequence / analyse the whole gene
- A short sequence from a cDNA sequence. If you carry out with a eukaryotic or genomic gene, you can see that you have a gene from a eukaryote. Genes are often made up of exons, when you have cDNA you will have small pieces with match exxons. If we have cDNA pieces, when we put them together to make a single cDNA we can create primers which are EST (expressed sequence tag) which can be used as a short and simple label which identifies, using PCR, the presence of a particular gene transcript. Where we have test tubes full of cDNA molecules from organisms, you can find out what is in there by using PCR. Specific EST will say if a transcript is present in that tissue or test tube.
What is KEGG?
- Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)
- KEGG is a database resource for understanding high-level functions and utilities of the biological system, such as the cell, the organism and the ecosystem, from molecular-level information, especially large-scale molecular datasets generated by genome sequencing and other high-throughput experimental technologies
Summay of molecular methods.
Summary of molecular methods n Pyrosequencing technology n Example – Rainbow trout and Gene Ontogeny n KEGG analysis in metabolomics n Molecular biology methods are powerful tools in understanding and analysing biological processes of relevance to aquaculture and fisheries