How do Marine Ecosystems Serve Society Flashcards
What are the different types of Shrimp farming?
- Extensive: Large ponds which rely on natural productivity, native species with no feeds. Yields less than 500 kg/ha/yr
- Semi-intensive: Large ponds with hatcheries attached. No longer deriving larvae from the wild but instead hatcheries; caught in the wild, striped of their eggs and allowed to hatch in a captive environment. Fertilisers and feeds used. Yields above 500 kg/ha/yr
- Intensive farming: Smaller ponds, 5th of a ha. High water turnover, avoiding stratification of the water column and anoxic conditions forming. Major management - eliminating predators, antibiotic (density problems). 5000kg / ha /yr
- Super-intensive farming: independent of environment, high density, water circulation, zero effluent (eliminated the sludge forming at the bottom), closed life-cycle, all in-house. Tapping into natural lifecycle. Eggs from farm itself.
Tony paper - inputs to shrimp aquaculture
Larsson J et al. 1994. Environmental Management 18: 663-676
- Find out what the basis of the shrimp productions actually were. Contributing to that they have looked at four different things, the marine ecosystem (natural marine ecosystems in the surrounding areas), inputs from agriculture, source of post larvae and nature of pond ecosystem itself.
- Shrimp production requires:
- mangrove as natural source of postlarvae
- food - pellets (70% diet) from marine and agricultural systems
- food from mangrove detritus (30% diet)
- clean water, solely (here) from mangrove lagoons. Using a pump or the tides.
- sequestration of CO2 from industrial inputs (fuel, manufacturing)
- EF = 36.8-188.9 ha mangrove per ha of prawn pond. (every hectare of shrimp pond 36 - 189 of mangrove and mangrove lined lagoon is needed to support its production. Providing a ecosystem service to support the shrimp farming.
- They calculated these different contribution to the shrimp farm production. (figure in notes)
Benefits of shrimp farming
- Financial: profitable
- Economic: employment, good returns on investment risk
- Meet shrimp demand: capture fishery has peaked
- Farmed prawn production increased 10-fold 1982-94
Issues with shrimp farming - Tony paper
Alongi DM 2002 Environmental Conservation 29: 331-349
Indonesian study, related shrimp catch to mangrove area in the province.
Positive correlation tidal wetland/mangrove area and catch notably some species of prawns (e.g. banana prawn, not tiger prawn)
Correlation could be due to another factor, is the mangrove area varying due to another reason?
Linkages between mangroves and capture fisheries include
- ‘nursery’ role (e.g. physical habitat acts as refuge for juveniles vulnerable to predation)
- ‘productivity’ role (e.g. habitat productive of food for developing juvenile)
- Productivity role localised (stable isotope data)
- First production failures in Taiwan and China in 1988
- Many viruses: white spot (Asia), Taura (S America)
- 76% of N, 87% of P retained in sediments, too much can cause harmful algal blooms
- Stalinisation of groundwater, as farms have moved inshore adversely impacting agriculture
- Increased sedimentation and turbidity, chemical treatments
- Antibiotics being released
- Natural circulation impeded, keeping productivity inshore
- Acidic soils, in these environments which traditionally are dominated by mangroves you have a significant input of organic matter. This means that the oxygen in the water is used up, anoxic conditions form and sulphur becomes sulphide. When converted to shrimp ponds the sulphide is exposed away from anoxic conditions and becomes sulphate, acidifying things.
- Loss of mangrove, replacing the mangrove which is supporting the shrimp farm as an ecosystem process.
WIDER READING: aquaculture - diminishing mangrove
Guimarães et al., 2010- Impact of aquaculture on mangroves
The study:
Contribution of aquaculture in the diminishing of mangrove areas along the northern coast of the State of Pernambuco (northeast Brazil) over the last 30 years.
The results:
Area and spatial distribution varied considerably over the last 30 years
Inadequate laws and lack of legislation caused a reduction of 255 ha of mangrove between (1999-2001) due to aquaculture and tourism
2052 ha of mangroves lost between 1973-2005
Of this reduction only 9.6% used for conversion for nurseries for aquaculture
What does ecosystem services mean?
Loss of these ecosystems means loss of the benefits they bring (mostly at no or little cost) to society
Ecosystem services ‘benefits [and occasional disbenefits human populations derive, directly or indirectly, from ecosystem functions’
Give some types of ecosystem services
- provisioning
- regulating
- cultural
- Supporting
- Food - all food products derived from plants, animals, and microbes.
- Fibre - wood, jute, cotton, hemp, silk, and wool.
- Fuel - wood, dung, and other biological sources of energy.
- Genetic resources - genes and genetic information used for animal and plant breeding and biotechnology
- Biochemicals, natural medicines, and pharmaceuticals - e.g. alginates
- Ornamental resources - e.g. skins, shells, flowers used as ornaments
- Fresh water - drinking, washing, energy etc
Regulating ecosystem services
- Air quality regulation - chemicals influencing atmospheric composition
- Climate regulation - local (e.g. changes in land cover affecting temperature and precipitation) and global (e.g. greenhouse gases)
- Water regulation – e.g. runoff, flooding, and aquifer recharge influenced by land cover such as by conversion of wetlands or forests
- Erosion regulation – e.g. vegetation retains soil, prevents landslides
- Water purification and waste treatment – e.g. natural sources of impurities, filtering of organic wastes, assimilation and detoxification of compounds through soil and subsoil processes
- Disease regulation – influence on abundance of human pathogens (e.g. cholera) and disease vectors (e.g. mosquitoes)
- Pest regulation - effects on crop and livestock pests and disease prevalence
- Pollination - impacts on pollinators
- Natural hazard regulation – e.g. mangroves and coral reefs reduce hurricane damage
Cultural services: non-material benefits
- Cultural diversity - influences on diversity of cultures
- Spirituality and religion – influences of ecosystems or their components
- Knowledge systems - both traditional and formal
- Education - basis for both formal and informal education
- Inspiration - e.g. of art, folklore, national symbols, architecture and advertising
- Aesthetics - e.g. values reflected in the support for parks, selection of housing locations
- Social relations - e.g. fishing societies vs nomadic herding or agricultural societies
- ‘Sense of place’ - associated with recognized features of their environment
- Cultural heritage – e.g. historically important landscapes, culturally significant species
- Recreation and ecotourism – e.g. leisure based in part on natural or cultivated landscapes
Supporting services: necessary for production of all other ecosystem services, fundamental properties and processes in systems like photosynthesis.
- Soil formation – influence of soil formation
- Photosynthesis – O2 production essential for most living organisms.
- Primary production - assimilation or accumulation of energy and nutrients by organisms
- Nutrient cycling – cycling and maintenance at different levels of ca. 20 nutrients essential for life
- Water cycling – fluxes of water essential for other organisms and processes
- Impacts on people often indirect or chronic
WIDER READING: mangrove goods and services
Ewel et al., 1998- Different types of mangroves provide different goods and services
The study:
- Classification of mangrove forests and to identify which goods and services are likely to come from which kinds of forests
The results:
- Fringe mangroves- Primarily important for shoreline protection- removal can cause soil erosion and sediment deposition
- Basin mangroves- Important sources of wood, serve as natural sink (lack of water turnover leads to high levels of Nitrogen because of denitrification in anaerobic habitat) for both natural and anthropogenically enhanced ecosystem processes
- Riverine mangroves- Most productive, important to animal and plant productivity, could be due to high nutrient levels due to sediment trapping (Can be used to prevent excess sediment e.g. from construction of roads from being washed offshore to seagrass beds and coral reefs)
How do you measure ecosystem services?
Direct use:
- can be easy e.g. knowing volume of good and market price, can estimate value
Indirect use:
- tends to be more difficult e.g. coastal protection ES knowing what it would cost to replace that ES for example man-made coastal protection structures or e.g. money spent to enjoy good or ES through tourism
Bequest and existence values:
- more intangible still e.g. surveys of people’s willingness to pay for knowledge that ecosystem (or rare species?) exists. (what would you be willing to donate to a charity ensuring that sea cows exist along a coastline?)
Tony paper - monetary value on ecosystem services
- An example (Indonesia) of looking at the impacts of different types of activities on coral reefs. Gains to individuals (US$ 000s per km2) of various threats to coral reefs (benefits per stakeholder in brackets)
- Comparisons of gains to individuals (US$ 000s per km2) with those to society of various threats to coral reefs (benefits per stakeholder in brackets). Losses from protection, mining, fishing tourism ect. Compare net benefits to net losses.
Coral reef management in Indonesia raises important societal issues
- Fishermen gain from reef blasting, but this may adversely affect other sectors (e.g. tourism)
- Should poor fishermen lose out (e.g. gear bans, MPAs) to accommodate overall societal benefits
- What are the cultural implications (e.g. sea gypsies in Indonesia)
- Sustainable financing of measures such as MPAs
How do marine ecosystems serve society?
Mangroves and coral reefs provide excellent examples of how ecosystems generate goods and services, which benefit society
Yet these ecosystems are subject to multiple sources of degradation: e.g. shrimp farming (mangroves), ocean acidification, fishing effects, nutrient loading (coral reefs)
Valuing ecosystem services helps accounting for benefits of conservation against costs of degradation