Using GluA1 KO mice as a tool to test the physiological basis of SWM Flashcards
What does the manipulation of Glu-A1 sub unit show?
dissociation between SRM & SWM
How do Glu-A1 KO mice perform on SRM and SWM tasks
Normal SRM, Imparied SWM. GluA1 = important for forms of synaptic plasticity
Whod di an experiment with Glua1 ko mice invovling MWM and t-maze and what did they find?
Reisel et al, 2002 – Can learn MWM but are impaired on SWM t maze alternation task
What two possible conclusions can be drawnfrom Reisel et al’s experiment?
There are 2 different forms of spatial memory
SWM tasks are harder than SRM ones so more sensitive to GLUa1 deletion
Who did an experiment to check whether SRM and SWM tasks were equally dififult?
Sanderson et al, 2008
What did Sanderson et al, 2008 show/do?
HIP lesioned mice failed to perform above chance on SRM and SWM tasks.
GluA1KO mice = as bad as hip on SWM tasks but as good as controls on SRM tasks
Who provided strong evidence for 2 dissociable processes and how?
Schmitt et al, 2003 – Glu -A1 ko mice impaired on SWM in raidal arm maze whilst showing normal performance on SRM component of maze
Why is Schmitt et al’s experiment such strong evdience and for what?
For 2 dissociable processes – the dissoication is seen within the same task and the same subjects
What could SWM be down to and why/how?
ST habituation. Mice = reluctant to return to recently visited location because the exploratory response elicited by teh location = familiar and the response habituates = more likely to explore noval locations over familiar one
What evdience is there fro SWM being down to ST habituation?
Sanderson et al (2007) – Glua1 KO mice = impaired spatial habituation
Is this habituation ST/LT?
This habituation = sometimes ST – the effect decreases as interval between presentations increases (dishabituation)
Why is there a complication with the SWM/ St habituation connection?
There are two causes of habituation - ST non-associative process and LT associative processes
How are teh two types of habituation illustrated?
Different variations of the spontatneous object recognition task. ST process - mice may treat object as familiar because it has been presented recently. LT = may treat as familiar because the context in whcih the object was presented helps to retrieve the memory of the object
Who did an experiemnt involving the twot ypes of habituation and glua1 ko mice?
Sanderson et al, 2011 – GluA1 deletion impaires recency-dependent objet recognition but not context dependent recognition.
What conclusions can be drawn form Sanderson et al 2011?
GluA1 deletion = important for ST habituation, not LT habituation
What is the relationship between ST habituation and LT habituation and hwo showed this?
Sanderson et al, 2009 –> Glua1 ko mice - impaired ST habituation. enhanced LT habituation. This is also evidence showing that deficit in swm tasks cant be due to task sensitivity
Why might impaired ST habituation and enhanced LT habituation occur simultaneously?
When a stimulus is experienced, it generates a memory of itself, becomes familiiar, habituation, reduced attention to it – hinders ability to form associations that underlie LT habituation.
What conclusion can be drawn from ST. LT habituation relationship?
recency dependent memory (results in ST habituation) will reduce associative learning (results in LT habituation)
What process does SWM likely reflect?
ST habituation process
Two dissociations?
What is the difference between STM and LTM?
STM = non-associative and recency dependent LTM = associative and context dependent
What conclusion can be drawn with regard to STM and LTM ?
STM and LTM are not serial processes in which STM eventually turns into LTM. Instead they are separate but interacting processes.