LTP (McGregor) Flashcards
What is LTP?
Long Term Potentiation – enhancement of the firing of post synaptic cells
What are the two key properties of LTP?
It is long term
Only occurs when firing of pre-synaptic neurons = followed by firing of post-synaptic neuron
WHat was Hebb’s postulate for memory?
Assumption that co-occurence = a physiological necessity for leanring and memory
What did Hebb believe was the basis of memory?
If synapse is active at the same time as post-synaptic neuron fires, physical changes to the synapse will take place taht will strengthen it
Role of NMDA receptor?
For glutamate. Allow changes to the membrane potential in the post synaptic cell which, if there’s enough glutamate around should lead to firing of hte neuron.
When does the NMDA recpetor work properly?
If post-synaptic neuron is partially depolarised, aswell as glutamate binding to it
What are the two types of glutamate receptor?
How does AMPA work?
When glutamate binds to it, AMPA receptor opens membrane chanels leading to depolarisation regardless of potential across membrane
What kind of detectors are NMDA ones?
Coincidence detectors
Why are NMDA receptors sometimes called coincidence detectors?
Coincidence detectors only open in the presence of glutamate and when post-synaptic membrane = depolarised. Coincidence detector that post-synatpic activity and pre-synaptic activity - occurring.
Why are NMDA receptors coincidence detectors – explanation in terms of biology?
Ion channel (allows stuff through membrane) associated with NMDA = blocked by postitively charged magnesium ion. When membrane= sufficiently depolarised, the ion is no longer attracted to the cell
What do changes in AMPA receptors mediate and who found this?
Muller et al (1988) – change in synaptic effciiency was mediated by changes in AMPA receptors
Which receptor did LTP change numbers of and whof ound this?
Tocco et al (1992) – LTP changed AMPA but not NMDA receptor numbers – cell makes new AMPA receptors as a result of LTP.
What happens if you block the process that makes new cellls and who found this and what is the process called?
LTP is also blocked. Nugyen et al (1994) – protein synthesis
WHat other effect occurs as well as a post-synaptic effect and who has evidence of this?
Pre-synaptic effect – Dolphin et al (1982)
What did Dolphin et al find and when?
1982 – more radioactivity in synapse after LTP. You get radioactive glutamate in pre-synaptic cell as result of LTP. When calcium enters cell –> activates messengers in cell –> releases nitrous oxide (increase amount of NO being produced). This acts as retrograde transmitter being detected by postiive inducing changes in pre synaptic cell
What is the type of transmitter that goes from post to pre synaptic cell called?
retrograde transmitter