Useful Definitions Flashcards
What is the definition of acetylcholine?
A chemical neurotransmitter found in many different locations.
What is the definition of activation energy?
The energy needed to break chemical bonds in the reactant chemicals.
What is the definition of active immunity?
The immunity which results from the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen.
What is the definition of active site?
Area of the enzyme which binds to the substrate.
What is the definition of an adjuvant?
A substance which enhances the body’s immune response to an antigen.
What is the definition of adrenal glands?
Endocrine glands which secrete several important hormones including adrenaline.
What is the definition of affinity?
The force by which atoms are held together in chemical compounds.
What is the definition of an agonistic drug?
Chemical which enhances the action of another chemical, such as a neurotransmitter.
What is the definition of an allergy?
A hypersensitive B lymphocyte response to an antigen that is normally harmless.
What is the definition of amplification?
Creating many copies of a DNA fragment.
What is the definition of an antagonistic drug?
Chemical which inhibits the action of another chemical, such as a neurotransmitter.
What is the definition of an antibody?
A protein produced by the body’s immune system when it detects harmful substances, called antigens.
What is the definition of an anticodon?
Triplet of based in tRNA that codes for a specific amino acid, and is complementary to a specific codon in mRNA.
What is the definition of an antigen?
A molecule protein which provokes an immune response from the host body.
What is the definition of antigenic variation?
The mechanism by which a pathogen alters it’s surface proteins in order to evade a host immune response.
What is the definition of antiparallel?
Parallel, but running in opposite directions.
What is the definition of apoptosis?
A process of programmed cell death.
What is the definition of association area?
Part of the brain dedicated to a particular function?
What is the definition of an atheroma?
Build up of fatty substances on the walls of arteries.
What is the definition of ATP?
Adenosine triphosphate. High-energy molecule produced during cellular respiration.
What is the definition of atrioventricular node?
A cluster of cells located in the wall of the right atrium, near the base, which passes the incoming stimulus from the sinoatrial node to the walls of the ventricles.
What is the definition of the atrioventricular valves?
Structures preventing the backflow of blood from the ventricles into the atria.
What is the definition of an autoimmune disease?
The body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistakenly failing to recognise self-antigens.
What is the definition of autonomic nervous system?
Nervous system associated with unconscious control of internal body functions.
What is the definition of autosome?
Chromosome other than a sex chromosome.
What is the definition of axon?
Fibre in a neuron which carries nerve impulses away from the cell body.
What is the definition of bioinformatics?
Check in textbook
What is the definition of catabolism?
Complex molecules are broken down into smaller subunits with the release of energy.
What is the definition of cell body?
Structure of a neuron wher the nucleus is located.
What is the definition of cellular differentiation?
The process where a cell changes from one cell type to another. Most commonly this is a less specialised type becoming a more specialised type, such as during cell growth.
What is the definition of central core?
Consists of the cerebellum and medulla regulating the basic processes of life.
What is the definition of central lumen?
Pace within the blood vessels through which the blood flows/travels.
What is the definition of cerebral cortex?
Outer layer of the brain.
What is the definition of chunking?
Organising distinct bits of information into a single whole, making them easier to recall.
What is the definition of the citric acid cycle?
Cyclical series of reactions operating under aerobic conditions in the mitochondrial matrix.
What is the definition of a competitive inhibitor?
Substance which binds reversibly to the active site of an enzyme, this reducing the quantity of active sites available
What is the definition of continuous fertility?
Ability of a male to produce viable sperm at a constant level during his reproductive life.
What is the definition of contraception?
Any method I’d-sedan to prevent fertilisation of an ovum by a sperm or the successful implantation of a zygote.
What is the definition of corpus collosum ?
Band of nerve tissue connecting the right and left hemisphere of the cerebrum.
What is the definition of corpus luteum?
Structure formed from follicle capable of secreting progesterone.
What is the definition of cyclical?
Ability of a female to produce viable ova within a limited few days each month.
What is the definition of dehydrogenase enzyme?
Enzyme which catalysed the removal of hydrogen from a substrate.
What is the definition of deletion?
A base removed from the sequence.
What is the definition of dendrite?
Fibre in a neuron which carries nerve impulses towards cell body.
What is the definition of desensitisation?
A decreased response to a drug due to the formation of fewer and less sensitive neurotransmitter receptors.
What is the definition of diastole?
Phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart muscle relaxes.
What is the definition of differentiate?
When a cell becomes a specific, more specialised type of cell through gene expression.
What is the definition of a convergent neural pathway?
Coming together of two or more neurons acting on one single neuron.
What is the definition of divergent neural pathway?
One single neuron generates an impulse which generates an impulse on two or more subsequent neurons.
What is the definition of DNA polymerase?
Enzyme which adds complementary nucleotides to the deoxyribose (3’) end of a DNA strand.
What is the definition of dopamine?
Inhibitory neurotransmitter produced in the brain which blocks synaptic transmission and is strongly linked to reward mechanisms in the brain.
What is the definition of duplication?
Genes are copied and are both are then inserted back into the chromosome.
What is the definition of elaboration?
Any strategy for adding detail to a memory item to make it more likely to be stored.
What is the definition of embolus ?
Mobile blood clot
What is the definition of embryonic stem cells?
Stem cells removed from an embryo.
What is the definition of endometrium?
Lining of the uterus.
What is the definition of endorphin?
Morphine like chemical produced by the brain which plays an important role in pain reduction.
What is the definition of endothelium?
Layer of cells which lines the inside of a blood vessel
What is the definition of energy investment stage?
Where 2 ATP are inserted into the glycolysis stage.
What is the definition of energy pay-off stage?
Where 4 ATP are produced during glycolysis.
What is the definition of epithelial cells?
Line the cavities and surfaces of blood vessels and organs throughout the body.
What is the definition of excitatory synapse?
Junction which promotes the continuance of a nerve impulse.
What is the definition of exon?
Coding sequence of DNA which make up mature transcript of RNA.
What is the definition of extracellular?
Outside the cell.
What is the definition of fast twitch?
Muscle fibres which contract quicker, but easily fatigue.
What is the definition of fatigue?
A feeling of tiredness due to accumulation of lactate.
What is the definition of feedback inhibition?
A mechanism used by a cell in which an enzyme that catalysts the conversion of a substance into a product becomes inhibited when that product accumulates.
What is the definition of dermentation?
Respiration in the absence of oxygen.
What is the definition of fibrin?
Protein formed by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen.
What is the definition of FSH?
Hormone secreted by the pituitary gland stimulating the growth of the follicles in the ovary in females. Promotes sperm production in males.
What is the definition of follicular phase?
Stage in the menstrual cycle when the follicles develop and their secretions start.
What is the definition of frameshift?
Insertion or deletion of nucleotides which results in every subsequent codon to the right of the mutation in the base sequence being different and results in the synthesis of a different protein.
What is the definition of a gamete?
A sex cell, either sperm or ova, which possesses only half the diploid number of chromosomes/ haploid.
What is the definition of a germ line cell?
A cell which can give rise to a gamete.
What is the definition of glial cells?
Found in the nervous system which support neurons as well as producing myelin sheath.
What is the definition of herd immunity threshold?
The number of people who need to be immunised in order to achieve herd immunity.
What is the definition of histamine?
Secreted by mast cells - causes vasodilation and increased permeability of blood vessels.
What is the definition of hypertension?
Blood pressure above normal for a particular age group and health status.
What is the definition of hypothalamus?
Region of brain associated with regulating body temperature and sleep patterns.
What is the definition of immunodeficiency?
A state in which the immune system ability to fight infectious disease is compromised or entirely absent.
What is the definition of induced fit?
Describes the change in shape of the active site when a specific substrate fits.
What is the definition of the inflammatory response?
The complex biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli such as pathogens, damaged cells or irritants.
What is the definition of inhibitory response?
Junction which inhibits the continuance of a nerve impulse.
What is the definition of insertion?
An additional base inserted into the sequence.
What is the definition of interstitial cells?
Cells found between seminiferous tubules which produces the male hormone testosterone.
What is the definition of ligase?
Enzyme which joins fragments of DNA together on the lagging strand.
What is the definition of literal phase?
Stage in the menstrual cycle when the corpus luteum forms in the ovary and secretes progesterone promoting endometrial development.
What is the definition of lute I sing hormone?
In females triggers ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum.
What is the definition of lymphocyte?
Type of white blood cell. They attack bacteria in the blood.
What is the definition of mast cells?
A cell which releases histamine during the inflammatory and allergic response.
What is the definition of the matrix?
The inner part of the mitochondria.
What is the definition of meiosis?
Cell division which produces gametes
What is the definition of metabolism?
The thousands of biochemical reactions that occur within a living cell.
What is the definition of missense?
Substitution of nucleotide which results in a changed codon.
What is the definition of mitosis?
A process where a single cell divides into two identical diploid daughter cells.
What is the definition of multi potent cells?
Cells that can develop into more than one cell type, but are more limited than pluripotent cells.
What is the definition of a mutation?
A change in the genetic composition of a cell.
What is the definition of NAD?
Carrier molecule which accepts hydrogen ions.
What is the definition of non-competitive inhibitor?
Substance which bind irreversibly to an area other than the active site of an enzyme (allosteric site), causing a change in the shape of the active site so that the normalsubstrate no longer fits.
What is the definition of nonsense?
Substitution of nucleotide which results in a codon being changed to a stop codon.
What is the definition of parasympathetic nervous system?
Branch of autonomic nervous system which slows down processes in the body.
What is the definition of peptide bonds?
Chemical bonds which join amino acids together to form a polypeptide.
What is the definition of the peripheral nervous system?
All of the nervous system with the exception of the central nervous system.
What is the definition of peripheral vascular disease?
Damaged blood vessels distant from the heart.
What is the definition of permeability?
Ability of cells to allow substances to pass in and out.
What is the definition of personalised medicene?
Treatment which is based upon an individual’s own genome.
What is the definition of a phagocyte?
A type of cell capable of engulfing and absorbing bacteria and another small particles.
What is the definition of phagocytosis?
The ingestion of bacteria by phagocyte.
What is the definition of phosphorylation?
Addition of a phosphate group to a molecule.
What is the definition of pituitary gland?
Hormone secreting gland, located in the base of the brain, which produces hormones that control many functions of other endocrine glands.
What is the definition of plasma?
Straw-coloured liquid part of blood in which cells are suspended.
What is the definition of pluripotent cells?
Cells that can develop into all cell types in the body.
What is the definition of polypeptide?
A chain of many amino acids.
What is the definition of a primer?
Short single strand of DNA bases required for replication to begin.
What is the definition of prostate gland?
Gland which surrounds the neck of the bladder in males and which secretes fluid components of semen. (Seminal fluid).
What is the definition of prothrombin?
Plasma protein made in the liver.
What is the definition of a pulmonary embolism?
Blockage of the pulmonary artery due to part of a thrombus breaking free.
What is the definition of rehearsal?
A way of retaining information in the short-term memory.
What is the definition of a reverberating pathway?
Chain of neurons along which an impulse travels and is maintained by impulses generated by a neuron ahead.
What is the definition of retrieval?
Process of recalling information from the long term memory.
What is the definition of RNA ploymerase?
Enzyme which unwinds and unzips DNA during transcription. Also adds free nucleotides to a single strand of DNA to form a single strand of DNA.
What is the definition of semi lunar valves?
Structures preventing the backflow of blood from the aorta or pulmonary artery into the ventricles.
What is the definition of sinoatrial node?
Pacemaker of the heart consisting of a cluster of cells located in the wall of the right atrium which controls the rate of heartbeat.
What is the definition of somatic cells?
Any cell within an animal which is not a gamete/sex cell.
What is the definition of somatic nervous system?
Nervous system associated with voluntary and reflex actions.
What is the definition of specific immune response?
Specialised immunity for particular pathogens.
What is the definition of splice-site?
Substitution of nucleotide at a splice site.
What is the definition of statins?
Drug prescribed to help reduce high blood cholesterol levels.
What is the definition of a start codon?
First triplet which codes for the start of a polypeptide chain formation.
What is the definition of stem cells?
Unspecialised somatic cells in animals that can divide to make copies of themselves and/or differentiate into specialised cells.
What is the definition of substitution?
A base replaced by another, with no other bases/amino acids changing after mutation.
What is the definition of sympathetic nervous system?
Branch of autonomic nervous system which speeds up processes in the body.
What is the definition of synapse?
A junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter.
What is the definition of systole?
Phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart muscle contracts.
What is the definition of thrombin?
Enzyme which converts fibrinogen into fibrin to form a clot.
What is the definition of thrombus?
Blood clot
What is the definition of tissue fluid?
Liquid formed when plasma is filtered through the capillary walls containing no cellular components or proteins.
What is the definition of transcription?
Making a primary transcript of mRNA using a DNA sequence. Takes place in the nucleus of a cell.
What is the definition of translation?
Production of a polypeptide chain informed by an mRNA sequence. Takes place in a ribosome.
What is the definition of translocation?
Genes from one chromosome are added onto another.
What is the definition of vasoconstriction?
Narrowing of the arteries as a result of the contraction of the smooth muscles found in the walls, increasing blood flow.
What is the definition of vasodilation?
Widening of the arteries as a result of the contraction of smooth muscles found in the walls, reducing blood flow.