Use Of Force And Taser Flashcards
Officers may use force to affect a detention, arrest, prevent an escape or overcome resistance, in self-defense or defense of others. The type and degree of force used will be ____________ ___________ and based upon the facts and circumstances of the situation. In any event, the following specific procedures will be adhered to.
A. Reasonable cause
B. Objectively reasonable
C. Subjectively uses
D. If you don’t know this one….punch yourself in the face!
B. Objectively reasonable
L 2601
Objectively reasonable force is that level of force which is appropriate when analyzed from the perspective of a __________ officer possessing the same information and faced with the same circumstances as the officer who has actually used force.
A. Deputy
B. Probationary
C. Unreasonable
D. Reasonable
D. Reasonable officer
L 2602
Objectively reasonable force is judged with hindsight.
True or false
Objectively reasonable force is not judged with hindsight.
L 2602
Tactical conduct: Chose all that applies.
All of the above except F.
L 2602.5
What is the meaning of CORE TRANSACTION?
A. A core transaction is defined as a lawful detention (justified by reasonable suspicion) or a lawful arrest (justified by reasonable cause). If no core transaction exists, no force is reasonable.
B. A core transaction is defined as a lawful detention (justified by reasonable suspicion), If no core transaction exists, no force is reasonable.
C. A core transaction is defined as a lawful arrest (justified by reasonable cause). If no core transaction exists, no force is reasonable.
D. A core transaction is defined as a lawful detention (justified by reasonable suspicion) or a lawful arrest (justified by reasonable cause). If no core transaction exists, force is reasonable.
A. A core transaction is defined as a lawful detention (justified by reasonable suspicion) or a lawful arrest (justified by reasonable cause). If no core transaction exists, no force is reasonable.
L 2602.5
All officers have a number of force options available for use in those situations where force is reasonably necessary. Those situations can include except:
A. Stopping a person who is attempting to flee or escape from a consensual contact.
B. Subduing or arresting a physically threatening or assaultive person.
C. Instances that threaten the safety of an officer or other person.
D. When directing, controlling or escorting resistive or physically uncooperative persons.
E. A and D
F. B and C
A. Stopping a person who is attempting to flee or escape from a consensual contact.
L 2603
There is _________ requirement that the person actually has to strike or attempt to strike an officer to be considered physically threatening or assaultive, so long as an objectively reasonable officer has sufficient information (verbal threats, verbal defiance, physical stance, etc.) to believe that a person is physically threatening and has the present ability to harm the officer.
A. Minimum
B. One
C. No
D. Some
C. No requirement
L 2603
Is voice commands considered a force option?
Yes or no
L 2603
Force options currently available to officers include: Chose all that applies
A. Voice commands B. Controls holds C. Carotid restraint D. Police vehicles E. Brass knuckles
All of the above except E.
L 2603
Officers need not retreat or desist in the reasonable use of force. There is no requirement that officers use a lesser intrusive force option before progressing to a more intrusive one, as long as the force option used is ___________ ____________ under the circumstances at that time.
A. Reasonable cause
B. Reasonable level
C. Objectively reasonable
D. Objectively ok
C. Objectively reasonable
L 2604
A ____________ assigned to the district of occurrence or who is assigned to the incident shall personally respond to the scene to evaluate and actively participate in the investigation of the factual circumstances surrounding a subordinate Department member’s use of reportable force.
A. Lieutenant
B. Captain
C. Senior officer
D. Supervisor
D. Supervisor
L 2605
If a sergeant used force to a suspect, who will respond to supervise and investigate the used of force?
A. Lieutenant
B. Captain
C. Senior officer
D. Beat officer
A. Lieutenant
if an officer uses force, a sergeant shall respond. If a sergeant uses force, a lieutenant shall respond, etc.
L 2605
The responding supervisor shall approve the General Offense Report and confirm the appropriate automated use of force template has been completed by the involved Department member with the following exceptions:
A. The Homicide Unit completes the Force Response portion of the report as part of an Officer-Involved Incident investigation.
B. If the incident occurs late into the shift and there will likely be an extended period of time until the required reports are completed, the supervisor assigned to the call shall obtain Watch Commander approval if he/she wishes to pass the report review responsibility to a different supervisor at the end of his/her shift. In such cases, the supervisor assigned to the call will provide a briefing of the incident to the incoming supervisor prior to delegating the report review responsibility.
C. The supervisor assigned to the call have a doctor or dentist appointment that was schedule ahead of time.
D. B and C
E. A and B
E. A and B
L 2605
The __________ shall attempt to interviews the suspect(s) during a subordinate’s use of force investigation.
A. Supervisor
B. Lt
C. Senior officer
D. Investigating officer
A. Supervisor
L 2605
Sergeants or command officers must only complete ________ supervisor’s automated use of force template per incident (e.g., if force is used on multiple suspects in a single incident, the sergeant or command officer shall only complete one supervisor’s automated use of force template).
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
A. One
All forms and reports shall be completed and approved by assigned supervisor
prior to the end of shift.
True or false
L 2605
When an Officer-Involved Incident occurs, the Department member will be interviewed by the ______________ _________and the supplemental report for the Department member’s statement as well as the automated use of force template shall be completed by the _______________ ___________ who conducted the interview.
A. Commanding officer, investigative unit
B. Investigative unit, assault unit
C. Assault unit, homicide unit
D. Homicide unit, homicide unit
D. Homicide unit, homicide unit
L 2605
The process of Command Review ________ be utilized for Category (II) uses of force and ________ be utilized for the Category (III) uses of force.
A. May, will B. May, may C. Shall, may D. May, shall E. Will, shall
D. May, shall
L 2605.5
Category II uses of force includes the following: chose all that applies
A. Taser deployment (probe and dry stun) B. Impact weapons (not to the head) C. Control holds D. OC spray E. Projectile impact weapons (where up to 4 rounds strike the suspect) F. Take downs
A,B, D, and E
L 2605.5
Category III use of force includes the following except: Chose all that applies
A. Impact weapon or Projectile Impact Weapon strikes to the head (intentional and accidental)
B. Projectile impact weapon (where more than 4 rounds strike the suspect)
C. Kicks to the head
D. Two or more officers deploy less than lethal force (O.C., Projectile Impact Weapons, or TASER) on one suspect
E. OC spray
F. TASER Deployments (probe & drive stun)
E and F
L 2605.5
Category III use of force includes the following except: Chose all that applies
A. Firearm
B. Four or more officers use reportable force on one suspect
C. Force resulting in bone fracture
D. Vehicle
E. Canine apprehension (dog bite)
F. Carotid restraint applied
G. Force resulting in suspect’s loss of consciousness
H. Hospital admission as a direct result of the force.
A and D
L 2605.5
Deadly force: That force which the user knows would pose a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury, is a Category ________ use of force.
A. I
D. Category IV use of force
L 2605.5
Supervisors shall investigate a Department member’s Category (I) use of force. Is Command officers required to respond to Category (I) uses of force?
Yes or no
Command officers are not required to respond to Category (I) uses of force.
L 2605.5
Upon being notified of a Category (II) use of force, the command officer ________ respond to the scene and ensure the use of force investigation is handled in accordance with Duty Manual Section L 2605 – Supervisor’s Responsibility.
A. Will
B. Can
C. Shall
D. May
C. Shall
L 2105.5