Use of Force and pursuits Flashcards
Use of Force reports will be completed and reviewed through chain of command within?
30 days
A subject that was in a prolonged physical encounter with officers may be in a?
Medical emergency
If a pursuit is to be conducted, what kind of danger will the suspect be presenting to the public?
Clear and immediate danger
After reviewing a blue team, its justified and within policy, what is the next step?
Forward to the shift lieutenant
Why should a supervisor arrive as soon as possible on a STAR protocol?
To contain it, slow it down
What is the movement, progression, or reduction from the application of one force type to another?
Force Transitions
What is the cornerstone of the department’s pursuit philosophy?
Immediate supervisory authorization and on-going supervisory control.
What must be maintained by a supervisor to determine whether or not a pursuit should be continued?
Control and objectivity
Who can authorize whether or not a pursuit continued after it goes outside of Clark County?
Watch commander or field lieutenant
Who gets notified in the event that a pursuit goes into multiple jurisdictions and area commands?
What is a reasonable alternative to a foot pursuit if visual is lost?
Pursue to apprehend vs. pursue to contain
Who completes the PIT use of force over 40 mph when an officer is injured?
As a supervisor, who completes the report for any accident/collision when your officer hits another vehicle occupied by a citizen?
As a supervisor, who completes the report when your officers gets into a minor collision with an unoccupied vehicle?
Patrol sergeant
If a pursuit enters another area command, who will control the pursuit?
The original authorizing sergeant unless relieved by a higher-ranking supervisor.
What will a monitoring supervisor say on the radio to authorize the continuation of a pursuit?
I am supervising this pursuit.
What is the name of the end of a vehicle pursuit, and where the monitoring supervisor will respond?
Termination point
Who conducts workups of a residence for STAR Protocols?
Fusion Watch
If a legitimate threat results from a STAR Protocol, what paperwork needs to be completed in order to ensure a hazard is placed on the residence or subject?
Area Command Investigative Summary Report
In addition to an ICR, what also has to be completed when a crime involving Shotspotter is confirmed?
Central Intelligence Notification
After a deadly force incident, what officer is designated to accompany and prevent discussions between subject, witness officers, witnesses and other subjects prior to FIT’s arrival?
Monitor Officer
If one officer witness another using force that is beyond what is justified or objectively reasonable, how long does that officer have to report it?
10 days
A pursuing officer driving code 3 will exercise what?
reasonable care for persons and property
Officer/Supervisor Pursuit considerations -
ASSTEWTA - Immediate Apprehension, Suspect known?, Speeds, Traffic, Environmental, Weather, Time, Alternatives
Pursuing units and monitoring supervisors will________&_________ when the danger outweighs the need to apprehend the suspect
constantly evaluate conditions and discontinue
What will improve the monitoring supervisor’s ability to effectively assess, evaluate risk factors, and exercise command and control of the incident
Calm and concise radio traffic
When a pursuit has been initiated the monitoring supervisor will (10)
AUTAPDOTFP - Acknowledge/Authorize, Additional Units?, transition to the bubble tactic?, discontinue the pursuit if the Air Unit has arrived, Pit?, Discontinue if too dangerous, Overconvergence, Respond to term point, flees on foot (coordinate with air unit for bubble and ensure a high-risk stop), post-pursuit procedures.
An objective standard of force viewed from the perspective of a reasonable officer, without the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, and based on the totality of the circumstances presented at the moment the force is used
Objectively Reasonable
a strategy to diminish the likelihood and the severity of force
** Important elements to code 3 driving **
Good judgment, communication, and coordination
When subjects are extremes of ages under ___ or over __, physically frail, visibly or known to be pregnant, or disabled, officers will carefully weigh these factors and utilize de-escalation techniques, crisis intervention, or other alternatives to force when ___.
under 13, over 70, reasonable
Supervisors Will ___________ and _______________ to incidents in a ___________ manner when officer Use of reportable force is ___________
Acknowledge, Respond, Timely, Probable
Upon observing substandard officer approaches or flaws in ________ _________, the supervisor will __________ act to correct any deficiencies.
Tactical decisions, promptly
After an OIS, where will the location for the initial briefing be located?
In a place that is operationally secure and will not compromise the integrity of the crime scene.
** As it pertains to Duty to Intervene and an officer just witnessed an incident, he will ________ report these observations and the efforts made to intervene to a supervisor. **
** How much personnel needs to be dispatched to a STAR protocol? **
One supervisor and three officers.
** Officers and detectives may be asked to conduct additional canvasses to assist in locating evidence, witnesses and provide appropriate information to the ________ for dissemination to the community. **
Public Information Officer (PIO)
** You’re working as a supervisor and hear two officers deploy rifles on a call, what do you do? **
Ensure proper deployment of rifles and address over-deployment and crossfire issues.
** In the event that an officer’s uses the blocking technique with their vehicle, and no contact is made, is a use of force report required? **
No report at all.
** When will a supervisor respond to a foot pursuit? **
When there is an injury to an officer or suspect, or entry into a structure (Occupied or not).