Admin, COP, Search and Seizure Flashcards
How must consent be given?
Freely and Voluntarily
How long after a call has been holding will a dispatcher contact a patrol sergeant?
60 minutes
How long after a call has been holding will a sergeant contact the PR?
90 minutes
Who is notified of BWC malfunctions?
Systems Administration Unit
For protecting crime scenes and rendering aid, what is the first thing an officer should do when responding to crimes against a person involving bodily injury?
Render aid or request medical assistance
For protecting crime scenes and rendering aid, what is the second thing an officer should do when responding to crimes against a person involving bodily injury?
Place yellow crime scene tape around the perimeter of the crime scene.
What are the four steps of SARA?
Scanning, analysis, response and assessment
What is the report that verifies compliance with BWC policy?
BWC Activation Performance Rate (APR) Summary Report
Who is notified of in-custody deaths?
The fourth amendment protects an expectation of privacy that must be both _____ and _____.
Reasonable and legitimate
Terry stops allow an officer to stop a person to ascertain their _____ and ______.
Identity and purpose
Administrative search warrants allow officers to help entities such as CPS by ______.
Clearing the residence and addressing officer safety concerns
It is the policy of this department to address both crime and _____ problem-solving issues through community policing.
quality of life
The emergency aid exception is a recognized exception to a warrant requirement and allows officers to make a warrantless entry to __________ or _______
Summon emergency medical assistance or protect an occupant from imminent bodily harm
Who can field strip searches be approved by?
After a DUI arrest has been made and the suspect refuses to give consent for a blood draw, the step you will take is?
Make no further attempts to gain consent and obtain a search warrant
An exception to the fourth amendment’s warrant requirement based on the publics expectation that law enforcement may take action to save life or render aid is what? (Citizen or Vehicle)
Community Caretaking Doctrine
Each officer, regardless of rank, must have _____ to enter a crime scene or the perimeter of a crime scene before it has been assessed and documented by a CSA.
Investigative need
When advised of a complaint where incident may be recorded on BWC, a supervisor will interview the complainant _____ reviewing any available BWC video, when possible.
After how many minutes will a sergeant contact the PR on a call to inform them of a delay in response and/or offer other options?
90 minutes
** COP paperwork that patrol officers complete: **
LVMPD 241, LVMPD 240, LVMPD 239, and the Project Worksheet Longform
** On a dead body call, who is responsible with towing a vehicle if it is a hazard on a roadway? **
COP paperwork at COP officers complete:
LVMPD 242, Problem Scanning Monitoring Log
How late can an officer be dispatched to an emergency call?
To the conclusion of their shift.
How late can an officer be dispatched to a non-emergency call?
45 minutes before the conclusion of their shift.