Diversity, social media, firearms and EIIP Flashcards
Weapons carriers who fail to participate without exemption or justifiable reasoning will be subject to ____________
Statement of Complaint (SOC)
Allegations of criminal violations by any law enforcement employee are serious and must be handled ________ and ______.
expediently and judiciously
Any supervisor, or person acting in a supervisor capacity, being notified of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct by an LVMPD employee shall immediately notify who?
Watch Commander and Criminal Investigation section of IAB
** For reports of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct involving law enforcement employees of any other jurisdiction, who is notified? **
Watch commander and appropriate investigative unit (Depends on what crime was committed)
LVMPD is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of ____ and ____.
Equity / Diversity
If at the conclusion of an EDS investigation it is determined that the behavior did not violate language specifically related to harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation, the case may be sustained for?
Unprofessional conduct
All complaints and investigations handled by EDS will remain strictly?
In coordination with EDS, submit a complaint (email, memorandum, Statement of Complaint, verbal interview, etc.) to the EDS director, including all pertinent information relative to the alleged harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation within how many days?
Who will review and process all religious accommodations on case-by-case basis?
EDS Director
There are multiple categories of discrimination under the law, what are they as listed in the Harassment/Discrimination book?
disparate treatment and adverse impact
There are two categories of sexual harassment listed in the Harassment/Discrimination handbook. What are they?
Hostile work environment and quid pro quo
Supervisors who act ________ and _______ in dealing with behavior that could result in any allegation of harassment or discrimination will send out a strong message that it will not be tolerated.
Professionally / Decisively
Supervisors must stop offensive conduct before it becomes _______ or _____, as defined by law and department policy, regardless of the subordinates’ chain of command.
Pervasive / Severe
It is the policy of this department to _______ and _______ to department members who display signs of a decline in work performance or other problematic behavior.
identify and respond to
The Blue Team dashboard displays a profile for each member within a chain of command’s purview and their status as indicated:
1. Gray:
There are no identified issues.
The Blue Team dashboard displays a profile for each member within a chain of command’s purview and their status as indicated:
2. Orange:
The member is one incident away from reaching an EIIP-established threshold.
The Blue Team dashboard displays a profile for each member within a chain of command’s purview and their status as indicated:
3. Red:
The member has reached or surpassed an EIIP-established threshold.
EIIP-established thresholds have a period of how long?
a rolling calendar year (exception: firearm discharges and SERs, which are established over a rolling 30- and 60-month period respectively).
How often will first-line supervisors review Blue Team dashboards?
How long does a first-line supervisor have to respond to an EIIP alert and forward to a second-line supervisor?
Within 14 days
What is the first thing that a supervisor should ensure after an officer is involved in a significant event?
Ensure the officer is made aware of PEAP and PEAP is notified
After an officer is involved in a significant event, what kind of report is completed in blue team?
Significant Event Report
Public employees are public servants and are entrusted with the _____
Public trust
Who will a supervisor advise if an officer admits to being an abuser of prescription, otc or alcohol?
Officer of Labor relations
If a supervisor conducts a prelim investigation (FST) after developing RS of an employees impairment, who should he request?
A secondary supervisor
After a secondary supervisor assists and confirms the RS for impairment, where does the officer get transported?
IAB Office
Within Firearms policy there is an enhancement block of training instruction that can be conducted at the direction of executive staff or a supervisor, as a result of Critical Incident Review Team (CIRT) findings, and/or as a training enhancement. What is the name of this?
Qualification Seven (Qual-7)
Patrol rifles and shotguns will be stored/secured in what condition?
Cruiser Ready
Patrol rifles magazines will have a maximum capacity of what and loaded with how many?
30 and 28
For firearms qualifications, officers whose certification has lapsed due to what exemptions are approved to requalify without repercussion?
Illness/injury, Administrative Exemption and Return to Duty
Who will a supervisor contact if their officer failed to participate in quarterly firearms training?
FTTU Rangemaster or designee
If an officer is served an extended order for protection, which requires the officer not to possess a firearm, though they need it for their duties, who stores it?
Officer Bureau Commander or designee
If an officer is arrested for a DV or DUI, their supervisor will ensure any reduction in discipline, wholly or in part, due to the success of what?
Completion of court-referred treatment.
Social Media policy: A department member’s speech is a reflection of _____ and _____
Character / Values
Department employee violations for domestic abuse and DUI are a breach of the department’s ________, as well as the ________.
Fundamental values and Community’s confidence
If a peace officer refuses to comply with a request by a superior officer to cooperate with the peace officer’s own or any other law enforcement agency in a criminal investigation, the agency may charge the peace officer with ______.
For random drug testing, the sample collector will notify the squad’s supervisor no more than how long prior to the test?
45 Minutes
After a random drug test and a positive result, who initiates discipline and what kind?
Director of Risk Management, SOC
If there is RS for an employee to be suspected of alcohol or drug use, what will happen to the officer and who does it?
Suspension of Police Powers by Bureau Commander or designee
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that could affect an individual’s employment status, opportunities, work performance or could create a hostile, offensive, intimidating work environment is sexual harassment. The conduct must be _____________ and ____________.
Unwelcomed and of a sexual nature.
How long will a Last Chance Agreement be kept in an employee’s personnel file before being purged to the Office of Labor Relations?
Major - Five years if criminal, Three if not
When an employer treats an individual less favorably than other similarly situated individuals because of their protected status, this is known as?
Disparate Treatment
When an employee is subjected to adverse employment action based on their participation in a complaint regarding charges of harassment or discrimination, this is known as?
Any conduct based on that employee’s membership in one or more of the protected classes that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment is known as?
A substantial different rate of selection in hiring, promotion, or other employment decision which works to the disadvantage of members of a race, sex, or ethnic group is known as?
Adverse Impact
** If an officer has a diversity complaint about another officer, though it is the first time, what could? **
Policy is more stringent than law and the complaint could still rise to the level of harassment.
** In order to post or tag another department member on social media, what must you obtain first? **