US Politics Flashcards
When was the constitution originally drawn up?
How many times has the US constitution been amended?
27 times
What was the first constitution based on and who ratified it?
The articles of confederation and the 13 original us states
Why were colonies reluctant to join a central government?
The colonies were all very distinct and of varying size - they were also reluctant to give up their hard won independence
What did the constitutional convention help with? What came out of it?
The tension caused between the states trying to balance freedom and the right to resist with stability and effective government
At this convention, the 55 attendees or the founding fathers drew up the us constitution which had to be ratified by 9 of 13 states before coming into effect. This happened in 1788 when New Hampshire became the first state to ratify
What are some key features of the constitution? (Not necessary to know all just the general gist)
- emphasis on representative government not democracy
- general fear of mass democracy
- product of its time and authors
- slavery was intrinsic to the economy and society of several nations
- it was about the framework and structure of government as opposed to individual rights
- the articles were intentionally ordered in a specific way
- it was a compromise
- there was an implicit fear of power
- left a lot unsaid and plenty vague
- designed to be long lasting, enduring and not easily changed or overturned
- acts as a focus of loyalty and attachment for the majority of Americans
- the constitution was to be sovereign
What is the bill of rights?
The first 10 amendments to the constitution agreed by congress in 1789 and ratified in 1791.
Focuses on individual rights and freedoms used to protect US citizens from the actions of government.
What are implied powers?
Powers of the federal government implied by or read into its roles and responsibilities as laid out in the constitution
> congress has the implied power to punish tax evasion because it has the expressed power to collect taxes
What are enumerated powers?
Powers expressly granted to congress by the constitution
> the power to collect tax
What’s the 3/5ths clause?
Enslaved people counted as 3/5 of a man until it was repealed in 1868 by the fourteenth amendment. This meant that the number of representatives a state would get in the house. Slave holding states wanted their entire population to be counted to determine the number of Representatives those states could elect and send to Congress. Free states wanted to exclude the counting of slave populations in slave states, since those slaves had no voting rights. A compromise was struck to resolve this impasse.
Where is the areas of vagueness and silence in the constitution and why is this important? (Good and bad)
- has allowed the constitution to evolve with changing times (general welfare and necessary and proper clauses) but allowed for things like slavery and sectional divide
- lack of any allusion to democratic principles
- amendments can be particularly ambiguous
> the second amendment ‘the right to bear arms’ is prefixed by the phrase ‘a well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state’ this is because when it was written many of the states had just expelled colonisers with single shot muskets - should this now only apply to the national guard? Or everyone? Only semi automatic weapons or more lethal devices? - the constitution also gives the president ultimate responsibility for initiating military action but congress has the sole power to declare war yet the president is commander in chief
> this is because in emergencies like an attack from the British or indigenous Americans it may not be convenient for congress to reconvene, nowadays presidents often seek congressional approval retrospectively
What is judicial review?
The supreme courts power to interpret the constitution and decide on the legality of something
What is the supreme courts most important power? How does this power allow them to act as a referee?
Judicial review as it allows the court to interpret the constitution and declare laws or executive actions as unconstitutional and therefore illegal
Is judicial review mentioned in the constitution?
Not specifically - it came around from precedent from one of the most important historical cases - Marbury v Madison in 1803
> in the past due to areas of ambiguity this has been used with one Supreme Court justice stating ‘we are under a constitution, but the constitution is what the judges say it is’. This implies the meaning may change based on the courts political leaning
What contentious issues have ended up in the Supreme Court? Give case names
- Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. (2014) was a landmark case in which the U.S. Supreme Court held that closely held for-profit corporations could be exempt from regulations that violate their religious beliefs under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
The case arose when Hobby Lobby, a craft store chain owned by a Christian family, objected to the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) mandate requiring employer-provided health insurance to cover certain contraceptives. The owners argued that providing these contraceptives conflicted with their religious beliefs.
In a 5-4 decision, the Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, stating that the ACA’s contraceptive mandate imposed a substantial burden on the company’s exercise of religion and was not the least restrictive means of achieving the government’s interest in providing access to contraception. This decision extended certain religious rights to closely held corporations.
- Roe v. Wade (1973)
In Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized a constitutional right to abortion. The case arose when “Jane Roe” (a pseudonym for Norma McCorvey) challenged a Texas law banning abortion except to save the mother’s life. In a 7-2 decision, the Court ruled that the right to privacy, rooted in the 14th Amendment, included a woman’s decision to have an abortion. The Court established a trimester framework:
1. In the first trimester, the government could not restrict abortion.
2. In the second trimester, regulation was permitted to protect maternal health.
3. In the third trimester, states could prohibit abortion, except when necessary to protect the woman’s life or health.
Overturning: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022)
In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Court revisited abortion rights after Mississippi enacted a law banning most abortions after 15 weeks. The Court’s conservative majority overturned Roe v. Wade in a 6-3 decision, stating that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. The ruling returned the authority to regulate abortion to the states.
Impact of Overturning Roe
• States gained the power to set their own abortion laws, resulting in a patchwork of policies.
• Several states enacted strict abortion bans or restrictions, while others expanded protections.
• The decision significantly reshaped the legal and political landscape surrounding reproductive rights in the U.S.
- Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)
Obergefell v. Hodges was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry under the Fourteenth Amendment.
The case consolidated challenges from several states where same-sex couples were denied the right to marry or have their out-of-state marriages recognized. James Obergefell, one of the plaintiffs, filed suit because Ohio refused to recognize his marriage to his terminally ill partner, John Arthur, who had died.
Supreme Court Ruling
In a 5-4 decision, the Court held that:
1. The Due Process Clause guarantees the fundamental right to marry, which applies equally to same-sex couples.
2. The Equal Protection Clause ensures that same-sex couples are not denied the dignity and benefits of marriage afforded to opposite-sex couples.
Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority, emphasized the principles of dignity, autonomy, and equal treatment under the law.
The ruling:
• Legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.
• Required all states to recognize marriages performed in other states.
• Was celebrated as a major victory for LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S.
- Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
In Plessy v. Ferguson, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine. The case involved Homer Plessy, who challenged Louisiana’s law requiring separate railway cars for Black and white passengers. The Court ruled 7-1 that segregation was constitutional as long as facilities were equal, legitimizing decades of segregation.
- Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
In Brown v. Board of Education, the Court overturned Plessy, ruling that racial segregation in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The unanimous decision declared that “separate but equal” is inherently unequal, marking a pivotal moment in the fight against racial segregation and the civil rights movement.
How does gridlock occur in congress as a result of the constitution?
The constitution was designed to promote compromise and cooperation between the 2 houses and the president. This is because for any laws to be passed all parties must cooperate. It was intended that the senate would calm the passion and populism of the house however there is often deadlock.
> during Trumps first presidency (Dec 2018 - Jan 2019) there was a 35 day government shutdown when Trump tried to pass a budget with greater funding for his border wall
Why is there differing rules on elections between states?
The constitution places the organisation of elections solely on states
> certain things like the voting rights act of 1965 and the help America vote of 2002 are mandatory but many practical measures like postal votes and early voting are not
> some states also place limits on the voting rights of ex felons
What state automatically mails voters ballots?
What aspect of voting has there been particular controversy over lately?
Stricter voter id laws where some states, mainly republican, have aimed to tighten up rules where they allege there has been voter fraud
> Mississippi and Kansas both have stricter requirements on permissible photo ID
As a result there has been widespread accusations of voter suppression
What are the two main principles of the us constitution?
Separation of powers
Checks and balances
What is the separation of powers?
The founding fathers argued that the best way to avoid tyranny and absolutism was to divide government into 3 branches:
Legislature (congress)
Executive (president)
Judiciary (SCOTUS)
What are the positives and negatives of the separation of powers?
Each branch is limited by the other two
No person can serve simultaneously in two branches
> Clinton had to resign as senator for NY when appointed Secretary of State
It helps prevent any one branch from having too much power and avoids the notion of an elective dictatorship
It helps to prevent the notion of an independent and non political judiciary which is vital for upholding civil liberties
The term separation is misleading - shared may be more accurate
The VP is the also senate president and has the casting vote in the event of a tie
> Mike Pence used this multiple times, notably to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary in 2017
A president with a supportive Supreme Court whose party controls congress has a lot of power regardless
Few judiciaries in moderns democracies are arguably as politicised as the US
presidents have the power of pardon which overlaps with the judiciary
> Biden pardoned his son Hunter after he had been convicted of his peers on tax and gun charges
How do Checks and balances work?
Every branch of government is limited and constrained by others
What are some presidential checks on congress?
Presidents can veto acts or resolutions passed by congress which takes a 2/3 majority to overturn
Presidents often threaten the veto to dissuade congress from passing an unwelcome measure
Presidents can issue executive orders to by pass the need for formal legislation
Presidents can use their commander in chief role to deploy rules US troops overseas thereby avoiding congressional approval of a formal declaration of declaring war
What are some presidential checks on the courts?
The president nominated all federal justices including when there is a vacancy to the Supreme Court, often those who they have similar ideologies to
The president can issue pardons and commutations to those convinced of federal crimes
> Trump nominated 3 conservative judges to the court during his first presidency
What are some congressional checks on the president?
A presidential veto can be overturned by a supermajority in both houses
The senate must confirm by a simple majority the presidential appointments to the administration incl the judiciary
As with the presidential veto the threat of senate rejection is often as powerful and occurs more frequently
Congress has the power of the purse and can turn down presidential requests for funding
Congress can simply decline to pass legislation desired by the president
> in the aftermath of sandy hook in 2012 Obama requested congress pass several gun control laws but was unsuccessful
> Trump faced the same issues when trying to pass gun reform laws
The nuclear option of impeachment can remove a president from office mid term
> in 2019 the house tried to impeach Trump but was unsuccessful
Congress has the power to block treaties negotiated by the president
> the 2012 rights of persons with disabilities acts fell 5 votes short of the requirement (61-38)
Congress can launch investigations into presidential actions where wrongdoing or serious concerns are raised
> 2019 house oversight and reform committee launched an investigation into US air force aircraft refuelling at a struggling Scottish airport near a Trump owned resort which was helping it to remain a viable business
What are some congressional checks on courts?
Congress can impeach federal justices and remove them from office
> in 2010 a louisiana federal judge Thomas porteus was impeached and removed for corruption
Constitutional amendments can be initiated to overturn Supreme Court verdicts
> there have been attempts to ban the burning of the US flag and prayer in state schools but both have been unsuccessful
What’s a judicial check on the president?
The courts can rule presidential actions unconstitutional and therefore illegal
> In Hamdan v Rumsfeld (2006) the court ruled against a special military commission set up by George W Bush to try suspected members of Al Qaeda
What’s a judicial check on Congress?
The courts can declare acts of Congress to be unconstitutional and therefore effectively require them to be repealed
> in 2013 the defence of marriage act was ruled unconstitutional in US v Windsor which was a major milestone for same sec marriage
Why are checks and balances significant?
The system is significant for a number of reasons:
- it encourages the political players above all Congress and the president to deploy other tactics to get around constraints
> many presidents prefer to negotiate executive agreements over full treaties with international powers such as Obamas nuclear deal with Iran or to call a national emergency to secure funding as Trump did with his US-Mexico border wall
- presidents are also the most subject to checks out of all 3 branches
> this is a clear indication of the framers fears that giving too much power to one person won’t end well
- checks and balances can also affect the timing of presidential initiatives especially in times of divided government or when a president becomes a lame duck
> Trump from 2018 onwards and Obama in the 2014 midterms
- the elaborate system also means there can be extensive gridlock
> with the different levers of power being in so many different hands very little may be achieved but it also prevents dictatorship
> even during a national emergency such as Covid 19 in 2020 it took several days of intense and fraught negotiations to pass the CARES act with $2.2 trillion of stimulus passed
- not all checks and balances have equal significance and the most powerful ones are rarely used, especially things like impeachment
> even things like the veto are declining: Obama only uses it 12 times whereas Reagan used it 78 times in the same time span in the 80s
> often the threat of checks and balances can be enough
What are the two ways the constitution can be formally amended?
In most cases the process begins with Congress and is followed by ratification from individual state legislatures. This requires high levels of approval for a proposed amendment.
> the twenty first amendment that repealed prohibition occured this way
It is also possible for 2/3 of states to suggest an amendment by calling for a national constitutional convention where 3/4 state legislatures can ratify it but this has never been successful.
> came closest in 1992 when 32 states requested a balanced budget amendment
How many amendments were passsd soon after the constitution was originally ratified?
10 - this was the 1791 bill of rights
What do most of the amendments concern?
Individual rights and voting rights
Which amendment overturned another? What is a live amendment?
The 21st which repealed prohibition
Live amendments are those that are currently active of which there are 25
How do a lot of amendments come into effect?
In response to a particular situation
> the 22nd prohibits a president from serving more than 2 terms and was passed after the 13 year presidency of Roosevelt who died in office
Are all amendments equally important?
No, the 23rd amendment gave Washington DC electoral college votes but many would not consider this as important as others
What is the first amendment?
Guarantees freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition
What is the second amendment?
Protects the right to keep and bear arms
What’s the third amendment?
Prohibits the forced quartering (living) of soldiers in private homes during peacetime
What’s the fourth amendment?
Protects against unreasonable search and seizure, requiring warrants based on probable cause
What’s the fifth amendment?
Provides rights in criminal cases including protection against double jeopardy, self incrimination and guarantees due process
What’s the sixth amendment?
Guarantees the right to a free and fair trial, including a speedy trial, an impartial jury and the right to counsel
What’s the seventh amendment?
Guarantees the right to a jury trial in civil cases involving claims exceeding a certain monetary threshold
What’s the eight amendments?
Prohibits excessive bail, fines and cruel and unusual punishment
What’s the 9th amendment?
States that the enumeration of certain rights in the constitution does not deny others retained by the people
What’s the tenth amendment?
Reserves powers not delegated to the federal government to the states or people
What’s the 13th amendment?
Abolished slavery
What’s the 14th amendment?
Gave citizenship rights to formerly enslaved people and included the equal protection and due process clause
What’s the 17th amendment?
Introduced direct election to the senate
What was the last amendment to pass?
In 1992 it was specified that any increase to congressional salaries could only take effect after the next election
Why have some recently proposed amendments not passed?
Things like the equal rights amendment which would have embedded women’s rights in the constitution have been passed by Congress but failed to get sufficient state ratification within the allotted time frame
What are informal amendments?
Informal amendments occur in the Supreme Court when judgements are made that change how the constitution is interpreted. This enables it to remain up to date.
What are some famous informal amendments to the constitution?
DC v Heller (2008) - the explicit right to private gun ownership
Miranda rights - the right to remain silent
Citizens united (2010) - the rights of corporations and interest groups to enjoy first amendments rights in regard to political activities
Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) - the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans
Carpenter v United States (2018) - extending the right of privacy to mobile phone data
Why are informal amendments controversial?
Some people don’t think that the constitution should be altered by anything other than the formal methods as it’s impossible to know how the founding fathers would feel about these amendments. However it it is important to modify them he document to protect things like gay rights and privacy.
Why do some people refer to the constitution as a living document and what does this mean?
This means that the constitution is able of reinventing itself and being reinterpreted into the modern age.
Is the us constitution too hard to amend formal? (Yes)
There have been very few amendments passed (27 in 200 years)
The current constitution outlines things like the electoral college which many people consider outdated
It prevents the constitution from being easily updated, arguably infringing on the rights of certain groups that have been historically oppressed
A lot of informal amendments take place via Supreme Court justices who are unelected and unaccountable
No national constitutional conventions have ever been held
Is the US constitution too hard to amend formally? (No)
The high threshold for amendments ensures that change only happens when there is a wide consensus
Obsolete clauses can be repealed
> prohibition clause
The rights of many groups not specifically singled out for protection can be equally well protected by state and federal law
The Supreme Court often does take note of the direction of public opinion when reaching conclusions
The current amendment procedure allows for a federal dimension to be present
What is federalism?
A system of government where bodies such as states or provinces share power with national government
What are reserved powers?
Powers that are reserved for states to legislate on individually as laid out in the 10th amendment
Why is the 10th amendment ambiguous?
It states powers like trade and defence are reserved for the states respectively or the people. There is debate about what the phrase to the people actually means as it could refer to the will of voters expressed through the election of Congress or the president.
Does the constitution explicitly refrence federalism? What does it say about state laws complying?
No it only says that state law must comply with the constitution as well as federal law which has primacy
What are some key landmarks in the debate about distribution of power?
The civil war (fought over slavery but also involved the issue of states rights)
The post civil war era and the legalised emergence of racial segregation in the south
The 16th amendment bringing about national income tax
The new deal of the 1930s and ww2
The 70s and 80s backlash of big government
Aftermath of 9/11 and the war on terror
The affordable care act and the American jobs act after the financial crisis both under Obama
Trump and Covid
Could it be argued that federalism has been weakened since the 1930s?
Yes - the world has become more global and complex as people’s expectations of what a government should deliver has grown
What is the current balance of power between individual states and federal government? Where are states particularly important?
There has been a shift away from states powers and towards big government in recent decades. However, states can still legislate on:
Local access to abortions
Death penalty
The presidential election
Elections, caucuses and primaries
States are also often at the forefront during times of crisis
> Katrina and sandy as well as covid
Why has there been arguments about what forms big government interference should take? (Some parties like some forms of intervention some don’t)
Republicans have no qualms with federal government cracking down on the sanctuary cities movement that curbs illegal immigration but resist federal government imposing healthcare expansion on states via Obama care and expanding abortion access which the democrats would likely celebrate
Why is the electoral college arguably a failure of the constitution?
It ensures that smaller states are not overlooked but has not elected the most popular candidate twice, in 2000 and 2016
Why is the senates system of 2 votes per state arguably a constitutional fail and increasingly unfair?
The constitution balances the interests of states of different sizes. However, the gap between the smallest and largest states has grown exponentially since the 1780s from 12x larger to 68x meaning small states are overrepresented
How does the senate provide a check on presidential appointment power?
The advice and consent powers prevent unsuitable candidates getting into the cabinet or the Supreme Court
> Harriet miers in 2005 and Ronny Jackson in 2018
What are entrenched rights?
Those that cannot be easily removed - the us constitution has a complex amendment process that prevents rights from being easily changed
How well does the us constitution protect individual rights?
Many rights are explicitly protected in the bill of rights including free speech and expression as well as the right to a fair trial
Supreme Court judgements have often discovered new rights in elastic clauses including equal protection
The constitution does not prevent other rights it doesn’t cover from being protected in other ways such as acts of congress
The USA has adapted well and many rights have been updated by judicial review making the country largely on par with other democracies
How well does the us constitution protect individual rights?
Many rights are explicitly protected in the bill of rights including free speech and expression as well as the right to a fair trial
Supreme Court judgements have often discovered new rights in elastic clauses including equal protection
The constitution does not prevent other rights it doesn’t cover from being protected in other ways such as acts of congress
The USA has adapted well and many rights have been updated by judicial review making the country largely on par with other democracies
How well does the us constitution protect individual rights? (Does)
Many rights are explicitly protected in the bill of rights including free speech and expression as well as the right to a fair trial
Supreme Court judgements have often discovered new rights in elastic clauses including equal protection
The constitution does not prevent other rights it doesn’t cover from being protected in other ways such as acts of congress
The USA has adapted well and many rights have been updated by judicial review making the country largely on par with other democracies
How well does the US constitution protect rights? (Does)
Many rights are explicitly protected in the bill of rights including free speech and expression as well as the right to a fair trial
Supreme Court judgements have often discovered new rights in elastic clauses including equal protection
The constitution does not prevent other rights it doesn’t cover from being protected in other ways such as acts of congress
The USA has adapted well and many rights have been updated by judicial review making the country largely on par with other democracies
How well does the US constitution protect rights? (Doesn’t)
Many groups and rights are not explicitly mentioned meaning they are not protected constitutionally
> free and fair elections, rights of children and the disabled
The Supreme Court interpretations are inevitably subjective and alter over time creating uncertainty and contradictions
Laws passed by congress can be reversed and lack the embedded ness of constitutional rights
The USA has some bizarre quirks regarding certain rights like the death penalty and gun rights
What is structural theory?
Focuses on institutions and their structure - applied to topics such as constitutions and legislatures like how the US constitution can be amended
They key question tends to be what role or function a structure or institution has within a country’s political system
What is rational theory?
The actions and behaviours of groups and individuals - applies best to areas such as voting behaviour and the methods applied by pressure groups
This assumes that individuals or groups will normally act or make political choices in a logical way to maximise positive outcomes for themselves or their cause
What is cultural theory?
Looks at the history, shared values and cultural context which is particularly relevant when examining constitutions and their origins as well as the nature and traditional values of political parties and the reasons why legislatures and judicial benches have developed as they have. Things like backbench rebellions act as checks.
Places a lot of weight on the historical and sociological context of political systems
What is a fusion of powers? Which country has this?
A fusion of powers is when whichever party controls parliament controls the nation. The uk has this. It may mean that there are fewer formal checks of power on a prime minister with a large majority
How is the seperation of powers in the US different to the fusion of powers in the uk?
In the USA even presidents who control both houses of congress may find it hard to pass legislation and can expect legal challenges
How is sovereignty different between the two countries?
The UK has parliamentary sovereignty whereas the US has constitutional sovereignty
How could it be said there is a lack of clarity in some roles and practices in the UK?
The lack of a codified constitution with only piecemeal codification means that there may be an absence of clear and entrenched processes. Competitively, in the US the articles of the constitution are very precise in places
How do the US and UK constitutions differ culturally?
The US constitution was formulated with clear principles and compromises to make it acceptable to everyone. It used key features like republicanism and representative democracy.
Contrastly the UK constitution in the product of centuries of evolution and has been gradually adapted over time to incorporate the notions of parliamentary government. The British constitution also factors in monarchy.
In the UK there is a number of antique documents like the magna carter and there is acceptance of things like hereditary peers and the 26 bishops. By contrast the US takes inspiration from Ancient Rome and Greece.
Finally the constitutions have different protections. The us constitution is more explicit about the protection of individual rights and the Americans historically have a greater attachment to individual liberty whereas the uk does to civil liberties.
The magna cater and the 1689 UK bill of rights both stress the importance of limiting the monarchs ability to divert power.
Both constitutions didn’t aim to protect the liberties and rights of every man and woman. The magna cater was an agreement between king John and his barons and the Philadelphia constitutional convention was a meeting of elitist white men.
How can UK and US devolution be compared?
Federalism is entrenched in the US constitution, devolution was adopted by parliamentary statute, meaning it could be reversed by a future parliament.
US states have much greater law making powers than devolved regions of the UK - the death penalty for example is based on individual states. However, the gap is diminishing.
> in Scotland top earners pay more income tax while uni students pay higher tuition in England.
Contrast ly, the growth of big government has meant that states have less power.
> states can still decide what electoral systems they use, as do devolved assemblies
Devolution in the UK does not apply to the whole country, only parts like Scotland, wales and NI. The bulk of the UKs population lives in England yet does not have their own parliament. Each of the USs 50 states has their own legislature as well as a central government. However, all state laws must conform with federal laws as well as the constitution
In what ways do the UK and US constitutions differ in practice? How are they similarly also?
Legislative power: in the uk the focus is almost entirely on the commons whereas in the us pressure groups target both the house and the senate.
Executive power: in the uk a PM with a healthy majority can normally get their agenda passed without incident which is often not the case in the US where leaders may have to negotiate with congressional leaders in their own party.
Limits of executive and legislative power: checks and balances are earthed into the US political system with vetos and congressional supermajorities being key. In the UK there is only royal assent which hasn’t been used since 1707.
The role and impact of the judiciary: the US judiciary is far more powerful and significant whereas UK courts cannot overrule acts of parliament.
Devolved and federal government: devolution in the UK is far less important and known than federalism in the US.
What are some similarities between congress and parliament?
Both pass laws that have legislative supremacy over any state or devolved measures
Each has a representative role
Both serve as important checks on the executive
Both institutions are bicameral
Political parties dominate proceedings in both congress and parliament
How are congress and parliament similar in terms of how much they resemble their voters? (Think race, age, gender)
Both tend to be more male, white and older than the general population but are becoming more diverse
> 220 women were elected to parliament in 2019
Both legislatures have issues of under representation but it is worse in congress
> after the 2018 midterms of the 101 women elected to the house 88 were democrats whereas only 13 were republican. Labour and the conservatives tend to be less gender divided
How are congress and parliament similar in terms of the parties that dominate each one?
The two largest parties are overrepresented in both but worse in the US where there is no 3rd party representation
> independents like Bernie sanders who represents Vermont is aligned with the democrats
> Lib Dem’s have served in government with the 2010-15 coalition
How are congress and parliament similar in terms of checks on the executive?
In the UK PMs must be aware of the power of the backbenchers which does not occur in congress where the president has their own mandate and not impeachment can remove them but this requires a 2/3 majority and is therefore difficult
> Thatcher and Theresa May
> only one republican senator, mitt Romney broke ranks with his party over trumps impeachment in 2020 although ten house republicans voted to impeach trump on the second attempt in 2021
However, congressional scrutiny can be very strong as congressional committees are able to launch inquiries and investigations into all areas of executive actions
> wars in Iraq and Afghanistan under George W Bush
In parliament select committees can draw attention to government failings and policy mistakes such as the wind rush scandal but they lack enough power to be able to enforce their findings on government
However, parliament does have the direct method of PMQs which are direct
How are congress and parliament similar in terms of being effective lawmakers?
Parmesan’s is normally more effective and efficient than congress. Commons dominance, parliamentary sovereignty and the norm of healthy majorities makes it easier to pass laws
Bills pass much more slowly in the USA and must go through both chambers with agreement or cant pass.
> even soemthing as central as the budget can be fiercely debated and may lead to a shutdown as occurred for 35 days in 2019 under Trump
Contrast ly, any UK government that couldn’t pass a budget would cease to become government as it’s basically the same as a confidence vote.
In times of crisis both legislators can push through laws.
> 9/11 and 7/7 bombings
How are congress and parliament similar in terms of how they’re viewed by voters?
Congress is historically unpopular
> there haven’t been approval ratings of higher than 50% since 2003
There are no real equivalent figures for parliament as a distinct institution and parliament and government tend to be more linked in people’s mind.
How can the constitutions be compared?
US is codified so considerably more accessible
Fusion v separation of powers
Federal v predominately unitary with a growing role for devolved assemblies
Role of Supreme Court makes it a focus for lobbyists whereas in the uk they focus on parliament
Both leaders have to spend time persuading fellow members to support their bills and policies
Federalism in the USA means that state governments are a major target for lobbying as are devolved assemblies
There is a deep rooted attachment to states rights
The UK constitution is a product of evolution and gradual change whereas the US is more revolutionary
The British constitution retains traditional residual elements of aristocratic and church power especially regarding the lords
How are congress and parliament similar in terms of structural, cultural and rational theory?
Both parts of congress enjoy significant concurrent powers
By contrast, the commons dominates in the UK
The executive in the UK is found in the legislature whereas no member of cabinet can be in congress in the US
in the US more power lies in the 50 states
In both nations two parties have dominated political affairs but the US lacks any third parties that get into congress
Party discipline is generally stronger in the UK and a strong leader can ignore dissent
US presidents are more reliant on bipartisan support for tricky legislation or nominations
Parliament has traditions like the queens speech whereas congress has traditions like the state of union address and those like the filibuster which has developed over time.
UK has more political theatre like PMQs while direct questioning of ministers or the president in the US is impossible due to the separation of personnel
What are filibusters and where do they happen?
A filibuster is a parliamentary tactic used in legislative bodies, particularly the U.S. Senate, to delay or block a vote on a bill or other action. Senators employ it by speaking for an extended period, introducing procedural motions, or otherwise preventing the legislative process from moving forward.
Key Features of Filibusters
1. Unlimited Debate: In the U.S. Senate, rules allow for unlimited debate, which filibusters exploit.
2. Cloture to End: A filibuster can be ended by a cloture vote, requiring the support of 60 senators.
3. Purpose: Filibusters are often used by the minority party to prevent legislation they oppose from passing.
Types of Filibusters
• Talking Filibuster: A senator speaks continuously to hold the floor.
• Silent/Procedural Filibuster: A senator signals intent to filibuster, and the bill stalls unless 60 votes are secured.
Notable Filibusters
• Used in the past to block civil rights legislation and other controversial bills.
• Modern filibusters often do not involve extended speeches but rely on procedural delays.
How long and where do house of representatives members serve?
They serve 2 years and one of 435 congressional districts
How long and where do senators serve?
Senators serve 6 years and there are 2 per state
One third of senate seats are contested at every election
What are the three roles of congress?
Passing legislation
Representing the people
Overseeing the executive
What are the powers of congress?
Legislative powers
Overriding a presidential veto
Initiating amendments to the constitution
Rectifying treaties (senate only)
Declaring war
Congressional oversight
Confirming presidential appointments (senate only)
Impeachment and removal from office (house suggests, senate tries)
Electing the president (house) and the vice president (senate) in the event of a hung electoral college which has not been used since 1824
What is a standing committee?
A group of members of congress who are experts in the subject area to which the bill relates.
Why is the committee stage important?
It is one of the most important stages of the process becasue the committee can amend the bill if they wish to and decides whether to release it to the main chamber. Most bills end their passage in congress when they are rejected by the committee.
What happens if a bill is released from the committee stage?
It is timetabled for a debate on the main chamber floor. In the house, rules are set by the house rules committee for the bill which determine whether amendments can be made. The house or senate then debates the bill and may amend it before the whole chamber votes.
How are different versions of a bill that have passed out of each house on congress decided on?
The two versions of the bill are discussed in a conference committee made up of members of the standing committees for both houses. They agree on one modified version of the bill and release this as a conference report which is then approved by both houses.
Once congress passes a bill what happens?
It is sent to the president where it will then either be signed, vetoed or left on the presidents desk. If left on their desk it becomes law after 10 days.
> the only exception to this is a pocket veto where the president leaves a bill on their desk but congress adjourns before the end of the 10 days which essentially vetoes the bill as congress cannot vote to override it as they are not in session
What criteria do members of congress have to meet?
Congressmen have to be 25 or older, 30 for the senate
Congressmen have to have been a US citizen for 7 years minimum, 9 for senators.
Both senators and congressmen must reside in the state they represent
Why is congress criticised for not reflecting the diversity of US society?
In 2019 nearly 14% of the US population was immigrants and millennials outnumber baby boomers. In comparison, congress is pale, male and stale (white, male and old) as well as overly represented by Christians.
However, it is becoming more representative and diverse.
> in the 2019-2021 congress the first 2 Muslim women were elected and a record 4 Native American people.
> AOC is the youngest democrat congresswoman of colour.
what is cloture?
The process for ending a filibuster - a 3/5 majority is required to end a filibuster of a bill.
What is a caucus?
A group of members of congress who work together to achieve similar legislative aims
What is a congressional caucus?
All members of congress belong to one, either house or senate and democratic or republican
Smaller congressional caucuses act as sub groupings of members with a similar interest
Some caucuses include Members of both parties or houses
Smaller caucuses can act as an alternative influence to the party leadership
What is the most high profile leadership position in congress?
The speaker of the House of Representatives
What is the majority and minority leader of parties?
Members of each party caucus elect a leader, known as the majority leader if their party has the majority in that chamber or the minority leader if they do not
What do the majority and minority leaders do?
Act as floor leaders in both cambered coordinating their parties for votes and debates and the majority leader plans the legislative agenda
Why does the majority leader have an advantage?
They plan the legislative agenda meaning they can prioritise their parties bills however they do have to follow the speakers agenda
How is the speaker elected?
All members of the house can vote for a member of he majority party
What does the speaker do?
Presides over debates and keeps order in the house as well as determining the legislative agenda and choosing members of conference and select committees
What happens if the speaker is from a different party to the executive?
He or she provided the main focus for opposition to the president
Is party discipline strong or weak in the US?
Traditionally weak as the ability of party whips and leaders to influence their membership is limited
What does the separation of powers prevent party leaders from doing? (To incentivise)
Offering government positions in exchange for support
What is partisanship?
A situation in which the political parties are strongly opposed to each other and have little common ground. It usually results in parties refusing to work together or compromise.
When is party discipline particularly important?
When a party doesn’t have a significant majority
Is congress becoming more or less partisan?
In the 1980s many members were centrist with considerable overlap between parties
In recent years they have begun to move away from each other and there are fewer centrist politicians
What is bipartisanship?
A situation in which republicans and democrats work together to acheive a common goal eg passing legislation
What is a party unity vote?
A vote in which the majority of voting republicans oppose the majority of voting democrats
Why has bipartisanship become less common and party unity votes more common?
There is much more polarisation meaning gridlock is much more common
What is an example of a bipartisan vote?
The first step act of 2018 which helped to reform the criminal justice system
CARES of 2020 was also unanimous (96-0)
Why has polarisation become more common? (Districts)
The reduced number of competitive electoral districts, partly because of gerrymandering electoral boundaries
What is a standing committee? (Features, functions and significance)
Focused on a specific policy area
Much of the work is done in sub committees
Parties are represented in the same proportions as the house or senate so the majority has the majority here too
Committee stage of passing a bill - hearings, witnesses and votes
Investigations and oversight focused on the committees policy area
Considering presidential appointments and recommending to the senate wether to confirm or not
Hearings are often high profile and attract media attention
Long term members become experts
Committee chairs are influential
Standing committees allow congress to manage efficiently the wide range of issues it needs to legislate on and investigate
Provides oversight of the executive branch
What is a select committee? (Features, functions and significance)
Most are temporary
Generally made up of members from one house
Usually investigate specific questions
> Capitol Hill riots were investigated in 2021
Prevent the relevant standing committee from being overloaded
Provide focused scrutiny
Hold high profile and detailed hearings in the public interest
Can be controversial and partisan
> capitol riots committee was boycotted by a lot of republicans after the speaker would not allow certain individuals on it
What is the house rules committee?
A standing committee in the House of Representatives
13 members
Favours the majority in a 2:1 ratio
Sets the rules for bills determining how much time they will be given on the floor of the house as well as if amendments will be allowed
Closed rules do not allow suggested amendments to the bill
The means by which the speaker controls what is debated on the floor of the house
The chair of the house rules committee is a very important position
Determines what is discussed, for how long, when and, in what way
> in the 115th congress (2017-19) 56% of bills were debated under closed rules which was the highest percentage ever
The house can force a bill to be debated if an absolute majority if members sign a discharge petition
What is a conference committee?
Temporary - exist only for a specific bill
Members come from both houses to sit on one conmittee
Consider two different versions of the same bill (one already passed by the senate, one passed by the house) and merge them into one bill known as the conference report
The final version of the bill is sent back to both houses for approval
Can play an important role in developing legislation
Either or both houses can vote against the final combined bill
Party leaders increasingly prevent bills from going to conference committee by asking members in one chamber to adopt the other chambers bill
> only 3 reports were written by the 116th congress (2019-21) whereas the 104th (1996-97) wrote 67
What is the committee system?
A system of different types of committees used by congress to divide up its workload. Includes standing committees, select committees, the house rules committee and conference committees
What is the delegate model?
Representatives vote according to their constituents wishes, ignoring their own judgements of it conflicts with the will of their constituents
What is the trustee model?
Representatives should vote according to their best judgement not their constituents wishes. This assumes that the representatives are better placed to make decisions than constituents as they have a better understanding of the issue
How do members of congress fulfill their representative function?
Communicating with their constituents through town hall meetings etc
Debating amending and voting on legislation
Sitting on relevant committees
Lobbying the government for funds or policies
Using their congressional offices and staff to help constituents with problems especially those involving a federal agency
What is constituency case work?
Using their congressional offices and staff to help constituents with problems especially those involving a federal agency
What is pork barrel politics?
Representatives lobbying the government for funds or policies that would benefit their constituents especially if they are unnecessary
What is the return rate for incumbent congressional candidates?
Over 90%
Rhis suggests that constituents approve of the work done by their representatives although congress does have low approval ratings historically
Where do the house and senate have joint powers?
in the following key areas:
- legislation
- oversight
- overriding a presidential veto
- initiating amendments to the constitution
- declaring war
What are some exclusive powers of the house and senate?
Money bills
Recommend impeachment
2 year terms
335 more congressmen than senators so there’s more competition for jobs
Congressmen may aim to be elected to be elected to the senate but usually not the other way around
Sole power to confirm appointments
Sole power to ratify treaties negotiated by the president
Senate can amend money bills in order to pass financial legislation both chambers need to agree
The senate has sole power to try all impeachments
6 year terms
Higher public profile as only 2 per state
Good leadership opportunities
Can be a route to presidency
What relationship does congress have with the executive?
- regular meetings
- lobbying
- cabinet ministers and key figures in the presidents administration will also reach out to congress regarding key votes
- administration may call in favours and make deals to secure votes needed
- executive may subtly modify its legislation to win the support of members of congress
- executive is likely to lobby members of both parties
What is congresses relationship to the Supreme Court?
- can rule acts of congress are unconstitutional and therefore not law
> 1996 defence of marriage act gave states the right to refuse to recognise same sex marriage done in other states but was struck down by United States v Windsor (2013) and obergefell v hodges (2015) - theoretically congress could overturn the ruling of the court but only by passing a constitutional amendment which isn’t easy
- senate plays a key role in the confirmation of justices
- congress has the power to impeach and try Supreme Court justices
What is the Supreme Court?
The highest court in the USA - the final court of appeal and is responsible for interpreting the constitution
What is judicial review?
The power of the Supreme Court to decide wether a law or action is unconstitutional
What are justices?
Judges who sit on the Supreme Court
There are 9 of them and they have life tenure
Who is chief justice?
John roberts since 2005
Who are justices appointed and confirmed by? What is their tenure?
Appointed by president confirmed by senate
They have life tenure unless they retire or are impeached
What kind of cases do the Supreme Court hear?
Cases of constitutional importance
Where do Supreme Court cases come from?
Cases are appealed from the US district courts to the US courts of appeals and then to the Supreme Court
What is the process of appointing Supreme Court judges?
- vacancy opens
- president considers possible nominations with suggestions made by advisers, party and legal experts
> most candidates come from the federal courts of appeal and presidents need to be confident that their candidate will attract support - candidates are short listed and background checked
- a final few are interviewed by the president
- the presidents choice is formally announced resulting in massive media attention
- nominee appears before the senate judiciary committee and witness help the committee asses the nominations suitability
- senate judiciary committee votes on candidate and recommends to senate
- senate debates and votes on the nominee (simple majority required for confirmation)
> defeat at this stage is rare
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Supreme Court judges appointment and confirmation process?
Detailed scrutiny of every nominee
Several opportunities for unsuitable candidates to be withdrawn
Senate judiciary committee undertakes detailed scrutiny of the candidates
Senate confirmation provides a check of power on the president
Attempts by the presidents to pick justices who share their ideology are not always successful as judges are completely independent when appointed
> republican president bush appointed David Souter in 1990 but Souter became an unexpectedly liberal member of the court
Presidents usually nominate judges who support their politics
The senate judiciary committee often appears political and questioning from the opposition is often aggressive or embarrassing
Questioning from the presidents party is often gentle meaning effective scrutiny may not be carried out if the senate is held by that party
Voting by the senate often takes place on party lines
The politicisation of the process is often increased by pressure group campaigns
Media interests in nominees can be instructive
> republican senators refused to even consider merrick garland (obamas nominee) in 2016 as they argued he was too close to the end of his 2nd term. In the same situation they rushed to confirm Amy Coney Barrett when the same situation arose at the end of trumps term
> republican senators changed the filibuster rules for nominations in 2017 meaning cloture can be invoked with a simple majority meaning nominees can easily be approved if the presidents party has a majority in the senate without the need for bipartisan support
> ACB was the first Supreme Court justice to not receive an opposition vote in 150 years
> when Brett Kavanaugh faced accusations of sexual assault during his confirmation process in 2018 he was publicly defended by Trump who ridiculed Kavanaughs accuser causing many to lose faith in the integrity of the court
Who are the conservative justices on the court?
Roberts, Thomas, alito, gorsuch, kavanaugh and Barrett
Who are the liberal justices on the court?
Sotomayor, Kagan and Jackson
Who was the last swing vote on the court?
Justice Anthony Kennedy, who retired in 2018 was the last one ever since there has been a conservative majority
How many black Americans have sat on the court?
Thurgood Marshall (1967-91)
Clarence Thomas (1991-present)
Kentaji brown Jackson (2022-present and the first black female)
How many women are there on the court currently? Who was the first?
Sotomayor, kagan, Barrett and Jackson
Sandra day o’Connor was the first appointed in 1981
Joined by Ruth bader Ginsburg in 1993
Who is the first and only Hispanic on the court?
Sonia Sotomayor
Why are efforts to make the court more representative controversial?
After Stephen Breyer retired in 2022 Biden announced he would appoint the first black woman
> ted Cruz claimed this was racial discrimination
Can the court hear cases with less than 9 justices?
Yes but if they can’t reach a judgement in the event of a tie then the lower courts decision stands
What percentage of decisions in the 2020-21 period were unanimous or had one dissent?
Over 65%
What does the power of judicial review allow the court to do?
- rule the actions of the executive branch unconstitutional
- overturn laws if it finds them unconstitutional (these could be acts of Congress or state legislature)
How could the Supreme Court be seen as the guardian of the constitution? (Considering their main role as interpreting the constitution)
The court makes its judgements based off of what the constitution means
Supreme Court justices have different ideas about how it should be interpreted and make their decisions based on this
What are strict constructionists and what do they believe?
The legal philosophy that the constitution should be interpreted strictly according to what it actually says - usually conservatives
They are associated with originalists and follow the original meaning of the text according to the founding fathers
What are loose constructionists and what do they believe?
The legal philosophy that the constitution should be interpreted loosely applying the general intentions of its framers to a modern context - usually liberals
Many believe the constitution is a living document which should be interpreted to suit the changing needs of society over time, they tend to focus on context rather than the constitutions language when making judgements
How does the Supreme Court act as a protector of citizens rights?
The Supreme Court protects civil rights and liberties
The bill of rights if interpreted and protected by the court as are other amendments that confer rights on US citizens
Give some examples of ways that the Supreme Court has interpreted the bill of rights?
First amendment: freedom of religion
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there of
> Burwell v hobby lobby (2014) struck down part of the ACA (2010) because it made family run businesses contribute to worker health insurance that could fund contraception
First amendment: freedom of speech
Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or the press
Political donations are seen as an expression of free speech and have been protected by the court
> in citizens united v FEC (2010) the court ruled that corporations and unions have the same rights as individuals to make donations to political parties and adverts
Second amendment: gun control
a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed
Liberals interpret this as a collective right to bear arms in a militia
Conservatives interpret this as an individual right to bear arms
> in DC v Heller (2008) the court confirmed that the amendment does confer an individual right to bear arms meaning any future attempt to ban gun ownership would therefore require an amendment to the constitution
Eighth amendment: death penalty
excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted
The death penalty is legal in 27 states
Supreme Court rulings have focused on interpreting what constitutes ‘cruel and unusual punishment’
> In Roper v Simmons (2005) the court ruled against the death penalty for crimes commited by a minor
> In Baze v Rees (2008) the court ruled that lethal injection was not a ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ so can be used
How could it be argued that judicial review is undemocratic?
It gives 9 unelected justices with life tenure enormous power over elected federal and state legislatures and executives
How has the court intervened with federalism?
They have made judgements that have overturned state laws like bans on abortion
Where has the court been criticised?
For making political decisions getting them the nickname of a quasi-legislative body and claims that they’re legislating from the beach
What is stare decisis?
Means to stand by what is decided or to not overturn legal precedent
Is the Supreme Court too political? Argue yes and no.
Unelected but makes decisions on the most controversial matters
Justices are appointed by president and confirmed by senate in high politicised process
Most justices reflect the political stance of who appointed them
Justices can engage in judicial activism aiming to improve society by interpreting the constitution in a way that was not intended by framers
Loose constructionists argue that the court has begun to act as an unelected third house of legislature
Judgements can only be overturned by an amendment
> in bush v gore (2000) the court ruled against a Florida recount which made bush president and was highly controversial
Justices are independent and meant to be politically neutral
> Donald trumps nominees Gorsuch and kavanaugh ruled against him in Trump v Vance (2020)
Decisions are made based on legal argument
More than 65% of decisions in 2020-21 were unanimous or had one dissent
Some justices don’t reflect the principles of who appointed them
> David Souter
Some justices don’t consistently vote the same way
> Anthony Kennedy was a swing vote
Many justices practice judicial restraint
If the court is to continue being relevant they must apply it to modern areas of public policy even if this is controversial
Even a conservative majority can pass judgements that please liberals
> bostock v Clayton county (2020) 6-3 decision that it was unnaceptable for employers to discriminate employees based on being gay or transgender
Congress acts as a check on an overly political Supreme Court
> following the 2020 contested election the court unanimously rejected a bid by Texas to throw out the results of 4 states that had voted for Biden
What happened in brown v board of education of Topeka (1954)?
Black parents from Topeka complained that their children had been denied from their local all white school forcing them to travel miles
They were supported by the National Association for the advancement of coloured people and represented by Thurgood Marshall who later became the first black Supreme Court justice
The court ruled unanimously in favour of the parents finding that the separate but equal doctrine was a breach of the 14th amendment
> this broke precedent as they had ruled in plessy v Ferguson (1896) that it was constitutional
> decision ended more than half a decade of legal segregation but in the south it was seen as an attack on states rights
What happened in obergefell v hodges (2015)?
This case also focused on the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment
James obergefell argued that in refusing to recognise same sex marriage the state of Ohio was in breach of the 14th amendment
The court ruled 5-4 in favour with the majority arguing that the right to marriage was a fundamental right
> this legalised same sex marriage across the USA
> loose constructionist approach
> many saw this as an example of judicial activism and legislating from the bench as a huge change to law had been made by an unelected body
What happened in Roe v wade (1973)?
Using the name Jane Roe a woman named Norma Mccorvey challenged the right of Texas law to prevent her from having an abortion
The court ruled 7-2 that women did have the right to abortion in the early stages of pregnancy as part of the right to privacy clause in the 14th amendment
This was a landmark case for the women’s movement
Abortion became a defined political issue
Again this was seen as an example of judges legislating from the bench
What happened in planned parenthood v Casey (1992)?
The court upheld the right of states to regulate abortion in the early stages of pregnancy provided that this regulation was not an undue burden on a woman seeking abortion
> courts conservative majority hoped that this would lead to roe v wade being overturned
The court practiced stare decisis by protecting the right to abortion defined in roe v wade
Gave states more power to regulate abortion
What happened in whole women’s health v hellerstedt (2016)?
The court ruled 5-3 that restrictions placed on abortion clinics by Texas state law were unconstitutional as they placed an undue burden on women
> significant setback for the conservative strategy of using legislation to reduce access to abortions
> justice Anthony Kennedy provided crucial swing vote
What are some of the similarities between the UK and US supreme courts?
US first met in 1790, UK in 2009
US justices are chosen by president and confirmed by senate, UK are chosen by an independent selection committee which receives much less media scrutiny
There is no requirements to be a US Supreme Court judge, the UK requires justices to have been a senior judge for 2 years or senior courts lawyer for 15
Higher proportion of women in the US (4/9 v 1/10), there are also no ethnic minorities on the UK court
US justices have life tenure, UK must retire by 70
Loose constructionism and the idea of a living constitution don’t apply in the UK
Both enjoy security of tenure
Some justices in the US practise judicial restraint (stare decisis) which is closer to the approach taken in the UK
all candidates in both are scrutinised in detail
What impact do both the supreme courts have? (Similarities and differences)
Both have made controversial rulings
Both have ruled against laws passed by the legislature
The US has a bigger impact as it can strike down laws whereas in the UK parliament is sovereign
The UK Supreme Court can ask parliament to pass retrospective legislation to legalise its actions after the court has ruled against it
The US Supreme Court has made dramatic decisions that have dramatically impacted public policy whereas the UK hasn’t becasue parliamentary sovereignty prevents them from legislating from the bench
Federalism’s in the US and devolution in the UK have both been affected by the court
Where do each of the courts (UK and US) get their powers from?
The US gets it from Article III of the constitution whereas the UK Supreme Court was created by an act of parliament
The US power of judicial review comes from its own actions - Marbury v Madison (1803)
The US Supreme Court is solely concerned with interpreting the word of the constitution - the UK does not have a codified constitution so it must consider
- codified parts
- constitutional conventions
- common law (precedent)
What is the extent of power of both of the courts (UK and US)?
Both are final courts of appeal (except ECHR)
Both courts can use judicial review to consider the acts of government
Both courts can rule against the actions of the government
Parliament is sovereign so the UK court cannot strike down its laws whereas the US can
the US can rule against laws or government actions that contravene the bill of rights whereas the UK court can only identify a law or action as being incompatible with the ECHR
parliament can ignore the UK courts declaration of incompatibility or even withdraw from the ECHR altogether, US courts can only be overruled by a constitutional amendment
US has a greater interpretive role and makes more landmark rulings, UK can only clarify the meaning of the constitution
UK gig event can use their control of parliament to pass retrospective legislation
What is judicial politicisation?
When judges are drawn into politics which compromises their ability to be neutral and act as guardians of the law
this may occur because of their own judgements or because of criticisms from high profile sources
It threatens judicial independence fence as it pressures judges to make certain judgements to avoid negative publicity
How do justices retain independence in the US and UK?
They have life tenure in the US or tenure until 70 in the UK
Both judiciaries are structurally and physically independent from the other two branches of govt
Both judiciaries have made judgements against the ruling party
> the UK defended the rights of parliament in the 2 miller cases (2017 and 19)
> the US unanimously rejected legal challenges to the 2020 election results despite Trumps insistence it was rigged
Uk judges are independently appointed and do not have clear political leanings
US judges have voted against the interests of the politicians who appointed them
> Gorsuch and Kavangaugh in Trump v Vance 2020
There is a large proportion of unanimous judgements in the US court implying their rulings are not purely based on political stance
How could it be argued justices are politicised in the UK and US?
The US court usually has a majority to one party and consists mainly of political appointees
Both have made controversial political rulings
> Bush v Gore (2000) no Florida recount
> the Daily Mail in the UK accused high court judges of being enemies of the people in 2016 when they ruled that the government needed parliaments consent to withdraw from the EU
Increasing polarisation in both countries (esp the uk with brexit) have led to an increase in hostile criticisms
> in 2017 UK chief justice said that social media pressure had put judges under intolerable pressure
> Trump repeatedly attacked the US judiciary tweeting about ‘so called judges’ in 2017 and the ‘broken and unfair’ court system in 2018
Politicians in both countries have occasionally criticised the judiciary
> Public criticism by politicians is concerning because it could affect judicial independence particularly if justices moderate their subsequent rulings to avoid criticism
The US system of presidential appointment gives them the ability to lack the court with those with a similar ideology
> Trump appointed 54 appeals court judges in his first 4 year term, one fewer than Obama in 2 terms
> he also appointed more SCOTUS judges than any other president since the 1930s
Boris Johnson speculated about introducing some political accountability over appointments similar to that in the US and his attorney general Suella braverman had previously criticised judges interpretation of the HRA and said parliament must retrieve power from the courts
In terms of structural theory - what is the role of the UK and US constitutions?
A codified and entrenched constitution in the US has resulted in a more powerful and potentially activist judiciary than in the UK
Parliamentary sovereignty in the UK results in a less powerful court as it cannot override parliament
Similarities in tenure allow judicial independence
The system of presidential judicial nominations leads to US justices being chosen for their political leaning while UK justices are independently appointed
In terms of rational theory - what is the role of individuals in the UK and US judiciary?
There are individual differences between justices, their voting preference and their degree of politicisation
Judicial activist justices are present in the US courts
Politicians have a role in criticising the judiciary and attempting to influence it
In terms of cultural theory - what is the role of shared ideas and culture?
Both courts exist in cultures that prize the rule of law and judicial independence
There are competing cultures of judicial restraint and activism in the US judiciary which is not seen in the UK
The US Supreme Court decisions contribute to the nations bigger culture war between liberals and conservatives whereas the UK court has a more limited interpretive role
> judgments on Brexit saw it intervening in the most divisive issue in UK politics for a generation
Populists in both countries have suggested that the judiciary is supporting the supposed will of the people
> criticisms by UK politicians and media of liberal judges interpretations of the HRA can suggest a cultural difference between the judiciary and the people’s representation in parliament
> Donald Trump tweeted his frustration following the US supreme courts rejection of the legal challenge to the 2020 election result ’the Supreme Court reallt let us down! No wisdom! No courage!’
What is populism?
A political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. Populism is a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of the common ‘people’ and often position this group in opposition to a perceived ‘elite’. It is frequently associated with anti-establishment and anti-political sentiment.
What is judicial independence?
Judges are free of external influence and so can make decisions freely
The idea that judges are free from external pressures, improper influence or interference when making their decisions
They should therefore be able to make decisions based solely on the law
What is judicial neutrality?
Judges are politically neutral when making decisions and rule purely on the law and not their personal opinions
What are the key differences between the UK and US constitutions?
US is codified, UK is not
US is sovereign, UK has parliamentary sovereignty
Constitutional sovereignty in the US gives the US Supreme Court considerable political power as it interprets the constitution through judicial review
The UK constitution is more flexible to amend requiring only an act of parliament whereas the US requires a formal constitutional amendment
Federalism is embedded in the US constitution whereas devolution is not in the UK
What are some key differences between the UK and US constitutions?
Both embrace the principles of representative government and democracy
Both in reality have evolved and developed over time
Each provides for an independent judiciary and some separation of power/institutions
Each seeks to protect the individual rights of its citizens
In neither is power found exclusively in central or federal government
What are the sources of the US and UK constitution?
The US is a single codified document, the UK has several sources eg the 1689 Bill of rights, statute law such as the 1918 representation of the people act and common law. It is uncodified.
How have each of the constitutions come about? (Been drawn up to resemble what they are today)
The US was drawn up at one time in 1787 and has since been formally amended 27 times
The UK has evolved over centuries with some parts like the Magna carter going back to the Middle Ages
How easy are each of the constitutions to amend?
The US is tough to formally amend the UK is easy via acts of parliament
What is the structure of each country according to their constitution?
The US is a republic with an indirectly elected head of state. The president is highly active and politically partisan.
The UK is a constitutional monarchy with an unelected head of state whose role is ceremonial not political
Who is sovereign in each country?
The constitution is in the US and the Supreme Court has the ultimate power of interpretation: the constitution is what the judges say it is
Parliament is sovereign in the UK and the constitution is what the Westminster parliament chooses it to be. this was reinforced by the 2019 court case concerning the prorogation of Parliament
Are there many or few formal checks and balances in each country?
The US has a system of formal checks and balances meaning presidents can find it hard to push through legislation in congress causing frequent gridlock
In the UK there are few formal checks and balances meaning prime ministers can dominate the legislature. This can lead to accusations of elective dictatorship especially when the government has a large commons majority
Are powers separated or not in each country?
The US has a clear separation of powers and does not share personnel or powers
> members of the executive cannot be part of the legislature
The UK has more of a fusion of powers and the executive is drawn entirely from the legislature. However, since 2009 the judiciary has become institutionally separate.
Are citizens rights entrenched or not in each country?
In the US many citizens rights are entrenched and inalienable and found mainly in the 1791 bill of rights.
Comparatively in the UK citizens rights are mainly protected by parliamentary legislation eg the equality act of 2010 and also by common law
Does the constitution of each country lay out a federal system or not?
The US makes clear provisions for sharing of powers between federal govt and the states in the constitution
In the UK there is no express provision for federalism, favouring a unitary style of govt. Devolution has created a quasi federal model but in theory this could be reversed by legislation. Also devolution is asymmetrical and does not exist in England.
How has the constitution of each country come about - has it evolved?
The US is essentially a compromise balancing the rights of small and large states in terms of congressional representation
> the Connecticut compromise
The uk has evolved and developed over centuries as Britain has transitioned from a traditional monarchy to parliamentary government in the late 17th century and finally to full democracy in the twentieth century
How does the separation of powers differ in each countries constitution?
Fundamental principle with each branch outlined in separate articles and a tendency towards regarding power with suspicion and the desire to spread it out
Federalism enhancing the separation and dilution of powers with power shared albeit unevenly in many areas of policy between federal and state govt.
Not a fundamental principle and in part reflecting the monarchical system of power being concentrated in the hands of a few, not many
Existence of the royal prerogative conveys considerable power to the prime minister such as the appointment and removal of ministers
Less separation of institutions - the executive also sits in the legislature though the judiciary is completely separate
Changes since 1997 have led to greater powers for regions and a less of power at Westminster but it is debatable how far this constitutes an inalienable transfer of power
How are checks and balances outlined in each countries constitutions?
Fundamental with plenty of scope for one branch to check another
Supreme Court can strike down executive actions or federal laws as unconstitutional
> in 2020 rejecting trumps attempting to end the DACA immigration programme created by Obama
Provides for biennial elections making congress more accountable and means voters can use mid terms as a verdict on presidential performance
Congress cannot directly override a Supreme Court ruling without passing a constitutional amendment which is usually difficult to acheive
UK: fewer formal checks and balances and main threats and limits to a prime ministers power come from the opposition
> eg Margaret thatcher with poll tax
or lack of a majority
> eg Mays confidence and supply agreement with the DUP in 2017
Uk Supreme Court can declare laws and exec actions as incompatible with the HRA
> the government denying civil partnerships to opposite sex couples
The 2011 fixed term parliaments act means there should normally be a 5 year gap between elections but this can be easily bypassed as it was in 2017 and 19 and its repeal in 2022 shows how flexible the uk constitution can be
The government can overturn a ruling that it has acted illegally (ultra vires) by passing fresh legislation which is usually straightforward
How are federalism and devolution different?
Both seek to limit the power of central govt but the US model is arguably more successful and certainly better established
Federalism is also embedded into the us constitution in a way that devolution is not
What are some similarities between federalism and devolution?
Neither constitution originally embraced universal suffrage so democracy has evolved over time in the US via amendments
> the 19th amendment enfranchised women
and in the UK via statute law
> in 1969 the voting age was lowered to 18
Both systems allow for many powers to be exercised and public services to be delivered at a state or regional level which include local tax, transportation and education
Both enable local political traditions and trends to be reflected
> hence why southern US states have stricter laws on abortion and laxer ones on display of firearms
> Scotland has a more left wing bias in some policy areas like higher taxes for the wealthiest and a greater investment in public services
Arguably the two systems are moving closer together as the UK has increased the power of devolved assemblies while the US has begun to encroach on some states powers like education
What are some key differences between federalism and devolution?
Federalism embraces all of the USA; devolution exists only in a minority of the UK and not in England itself
The US constitution from the start has envisaged a clear division and the separation of powers between federal and state government
> 10th amendment
Devolution in the UK is a much more recent development (1997) and entirely created by legislation
> power delegated not permanently and inalienably transferred but unlikely to be revoked
The power of states in the USA is considered greater
> controversial areas like death penalty and abortion included
How are the legislatures of the two countries similar?
Both legislatures are the supreme law making body and posses legislative supremacy
> laws passed by states or devolved assemblies cannot conflict with those passed by congress or parliament
Both also check and scrutinise the executive by committees, investigations and debates
Each is bicameral
They are dominated by political parties
They contain members directly representing geographical areas
What is legislative supremacy?
The laws passed in congress and parliament posses the ultimate authority. No other legislation such as state govern he or devolved assemblies can pass laws that directly contradict or conflict with the national legislature
What are some differences between the us congress and uk parliament?
Federal law can be struck down by the courts as unconstitutional
Both chambers are directly leased
The chambers have equal legislative power
There can be congressional gridlock if the two chambers fail to agree on a bill
> this happens often as different parties may control each chamber
The legislative is seperate and independent from the executive
Scrutiny largely takes place in committees and members of the executive can be forced to give evidence in committee congressional hearings
The legislature can remove only individual members of the executive by impeachment and not the whole body but such attempts are rarely successful
Parliamentary statutes cannot be struck down by the courts although they can be deemed incompatible with the HRA
only the commons is elected the lords is made up solely of appointed members (life peers, 92 hereditary and 26 bishops)
The 1911 and 1949 Parliament acts ensure that the lords must ultimately abide by the will of the commons
There is no possibility of gridlock between the two chambers.
> the lords can suggest amendments which can be and often are overturned in the commons. Weak governments can however be defeated in commons votes
The executive is found in the legislature and ministers are frequently and directly accountable to parliament
> ministerial accountability and PMQs
The whole executive can be removed if a no confidence motion passes in the commons
> 1979
What is a parliamentry statute?
A law passed by Parliament known as an act of Parliament
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the US constitution?
It is difficult to amend formally
is amended by judicial review and interpretative amendments
> arguably gives too much power to an unelected Supreme Court
Contains some wording that is vague and general
> Enables an essentially 18th century document to evolve but this can lead to conflict
Enables power to be shared and spread but this can mean gridlock is common and it is difficult to pass reforms
> this is preferable to too much power being concentrated in one place
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the UK constitution?
It is easy to change but this can lead to a constantly changing political landscape
> Overall change has been evolutionary rather than revolutionary as with the development of devolution
Does not have citizens rights entrenched
> they are protected mostly by statute law which could be repealed but this is unlikely and in any case the UK has signed up to the ECHR
gives the prime minister considerable power over parliament and can usually dominate the legislative agenda but this has led to accusations of presidential premierships
> recent prime ministers like Cameron and May have not wielded such power due to small or non existent majorities
How could it be argued that the constitutions are moving closer together?
The uk constitution is becoming increasingly codified
> the ministerial code
Devolution has made the UK quasi-federal while in the USA federal government exerts increasing influence over states in areas such as education
The judiciary has had a more political role and higher profile in the UK, not least since the creation of the UK Supreme Court and the passage of the HRA in 1998
> the UKSC ruled in 2019 that boris Johnson’s extended prorogation of parliament was illegal
Recent premierships with smaller majorities have been less imperial
Arguably individual rights in the UK have become more embedded with the passage of measures such as the 1998 HRA
In terms of structural theory - What are the roles of the two constitutions?
A codified US constitution makes it more difficult to formally amend than in the UK
Parliamentary sovereignty in the UK results in a less powerful Supreme Court and legislature as the courts cannot override a prime minister in the same way as the US and the PM usually dominates the legislature
The direct election in the USA of both congressional chambers and their equal legislative powers can lead to disagreements and gridlock which does not happen in the UK
The the US constitution specifically provides for separate branches of government with enumerated powers that can overlap and conflict
> foreign policy and military action
In terms of rational theory - what is the roles of the two constitutions?
The constitutional limits on the formal power of the president mean that the president often has to use informal methods to exert authority
> power to persuade and media
Individual US Supreme Court judges are far more politicised than their UK counterparts and are traditionally labelled conservative or liberal which doesn’t tend to happen in the UK
The federalist nature of the US constitution means that pressure groups are far more likely to lobby a range of institutions
> state governments and bureaucracies
Most lobbying in the UK focuses on Westminster and occasionally devolved assemblies
The US constitution gives the president a direct mandate via the electoral college from the voters, in the UK the PM relies much more on the loyalty of their MPs
> their democratic mandate is indirect and reliant on Parliamentry support as people vote for MPs not them
Mid term elections tend to encourage presidents to pass key legislation in the first 2 years
> Trump tax cuts and Biden infrastructure projects
In terms of cultural theory - what are the roles of the two constitutions?
The codification and entrenched rights of the US constitution and the bill of rights reflects a clear desire by the founding fathers to limit the concentration of power and to preserve individual liberties
The evolution and antiquity of the UK constitution means it still contains aspects of a more fuedal past
> such as the House of Lords and royal assent
The entrenched rights of the US makes medical keenly aware of their rights even if they may disagree with them in practice. In the UK there is a greater sense of leaving it to Parliament thought recourse to the courts to upholds rights perceived to be protected by the ECHR is increasingly common
What is gerrymandering?
The deliberate manipulation of house district boundaries for political advantage
> often leads to oddly shaped districts
> often leads to a major distortion between popular vote and the number of house districts won
> in North Carolina in 2016, the republicans won 53% of the popular vote but 77% of the house seats
What is a majority system and what does it help with?
An electoral system where the candidate with the most votes overall wins the race
> also known as first past the post
> can help to explain 2 party dominance
What are primaries and caucuses?
The methods used to select candidates for elected office
Most prominent are presidential primaries and caucuses but they are also used to choose a candidate for congress
Primaries involve a secret vote whereas caucuses are more informal gatherings that select delegates who in turn choose the candidate
What are national nominating conventions?
Held by each party in the summer of the presidential election year to formally elect their presidential candidate
> in recent times these have been more of a coronation and media opportunity
What (in the US) is direct democracy?
In the USA this comprises ballot initiatives, recall elections and referendums. Different states have different arrangements and there is no provision for a nationwide referendum as in the UK.
> Brexit 2016
What is voting behaviour?
Why US citizens vote the way they do
Many factors are also applicable to the UK such as wealth and age, but in the USA religion and race are especially significant
What is abstention?
Low levels of turnout - America has a huge number of opportunities to vote but has considerably lower turnout than other western democracies
> 2020 saw the largest turnout since 1960 with just over 66% of eligible voters participating
What is incumbency?
The high levels of re-election usually enjoyed by existing senators and house members often enjoyed as a result of both gerrymandering incumbency advantage (eg name recognition and superior fundraising)
When do elections for the president and congress take place?
President: every 4 years
House: every 2 years
Senate: 1/3 every 2 years
What are mid terms and what does they show? What is the UK equivalent?
Congressional elections occurring between those for president - they help to show how popular a president is
> in the UK it could be argued this function is served by local elections although these usually have very low turnout
How is the election for president done?
Via the electoral college
How does the electoral college work?
Each state plus Washington DC receives an allocation of electoral college votes (ECVs) equivalent to the size of its congressional delegation. Thus every state has a minimum of 3 ECVs (2 senators and at least 1 house member).
How many ECV votes are there and how many are needed to win?
538 total, 270 to win
Has the winner of the popular vote ever not won the electoral college?
Yes - last time in 2016 when HC won popular but Trump won EC
Which state has the most ECVs?
California with 54
What is special in terms of Washington DC and how it votes?
They have no voting members of congress but the 21st amendment gave it 3 ECVs
What is special in terms of Washington DC and how it votes?
They have no voting members of congress but the 23rd amendment gave it 3 ECVs
Which states award electoral college votes differently?
Maine and Nebraska both use the congressional district method rather than a winner takes all system based on popular vote.
This means that their 2 senate ECV are awarded based on who wins the statewide popular vote. Then, the state is divided into congressional districts with each one having an electoral college vote. The candidate who wins the popular vote in a specific congressional district receives their electoral college vote.
How are elections organised?
Each state can organise its own elections although their rules must comply with federal rules and the constitution. This means that there is some variation between states over voter ID laws, absentee voting, primaries and the use of direct democracy
Main characteristics of US presidential and congressional campaigns: frequency
People often describe US politics as having constant campaigning due to the number and frequency of elections
> nationally elections occur every 2 years and involve congressional seats, state governors, governor and other local offices including some judges
Main characteristics of US presidential and congressional campaigns: focus
Us elections are dominated by personalities and candidates are largely responsible for their own funding and policy platform
> much election advertising and publicity material does not mention the candidates party
> all politics is local and many issues campaigned on focus on this such as federal funds for local infrastructure
> increasingly and especially for presidential elections the focus is also on the party and its national platform and policies
> there is a big impact on persuading people to get out and vote as natural or potential supporters who stay home can often cost an election
Main characteristics of US presidential and congressional campaigns: format
Campaigns involve extensive and expensive use of both new and old media
> the 3 (2 in 2020 bcs of Covid) televised TV debates between the presidential candidates remain the central features of the campaign. However, they are perhaps increasingly less influential nowadays as voters are more partisan and less willing to switch their votes
> much of the campaign involves promoting a candidates character: regular religious practices, stable family background, a successful business record, and being an armed serviced veteran are among positive virtues
what does the constitution lay out that often causes divided government?
Biennial elections to congress are set out in the constitution and often leads to divided government in the second half of a presidents term which can create a lame duck president which makes it harder for a president to pass legislation, encouraging them to do it in the first 2 years of their presidency
What are attack ads and how are they used?
Short 30 second tv ads which directly attack a flaw in an opponent
> often cover marital infidelities, corrupt business dealings, avoiding military service and being inattentive to voters wishes
> these may come from inside the party during primaries
What was the total cost of the 2020 election?
Around $14 billion
What is the October suprise?
Unexpected events occurring late in the presidential campaign that may sway voters
> these can be crucial in determining the winner
> On October 28, 2016, just 11 days before the election, FBI Director James Comey announced that the bureau was reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. This was due to the discovery of additional emails on a laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner, the husband of Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin. The announcement reignited controversy around Clinton’s email practices and dominated media coverage during the critical final days of the campaign. Although the FBI ultimately reaffirmed that there was no criminal wrongdoing, the timing of the announcement likely damaged Clinton’s campaign. Some analysts believe it contributed to her loss to Donald Trump, who narrowly won key swing states.
What is a primary?
A secret ballot to select each parties candidate. Now used in the vast majority of states including the biggest and most urbanised.
What are the different types of primaries?
Open - voters can choose on the day which parties primary to vote in
Closed - voters can only participate in the primary of the party they are registered with
Non-partisan blanket / jungle (congressional only) - there are no party primaries, just a single vote to select the top two candidates who go forward to the general election
What are some key examples of the different types of primaries?
New Hampshire - first primary of the season
South Carolina - first in the south
Alabama - open primary
New York - closed primary
California - non-partisan or jungle primary
What is an example of the weakness of the national party leadership over candidate selection?
The election of Donald Trump in 2016 as republican candidate - he was an outsider candidate strongly opposed by many of the party establishment and won becasue of the support of ordinary republican voters who participated in primaries and caucuses
What are some advantages of primaries?
Allows ordinary voters to choose their parties candidate
Enables outsider candidate to prevail
> Trump
Preferable to smoke filled rooms where these decisions have traditionally been made
Tests candidates capability to run for office (eg funding, media presence, policy grasp etc)
Staggered length of primary campaigns allows a wide range of states to influence the outcome especially as larger states tend to vote later
What are some disadvantages of primaries?
Adds to the overall cost and length of campaigns
Increases the focus on candidates rather than on party or policies
Can lack diversity
> 2020 primaries produced 2 white males over 70
Open primaries can encourage voters to opt for the weakest candidate for the opposition party - raiding
Jungle primaries can result in 2 candidates for the same party being elected
> 2018 California senate was 2 democrats
What’s a caucus?
An informal series of party meetings which ultimately select the delegates for the national nominating convention
Voting is open not secret and each caucus can last several hours
Used in a decreasing minority of states, mainly those more rural and less populated
What’s a key example of a caucus?
Iowa - first of the season
What are some key advantages of a caucus?
Enables more thorough discussion and debate amount party activists of candidates’ strengths and weaknesses
No opportunity for raiding as there is in primaries
What is raiding?
Open primaries allowing voters to vote for the weakest candidate of the opposition party
What are some disadvantages of caucuses?
Length and time often discourages many voters from attending
No secret ballot
Attracts mainly strong party activists and ideologically extreme voters
Technological issues
> The 2020 Iowa democrat caucus suffered many problems including IT failures that delayed reporting of results for days
What are national nominating conventions and what happens in them?
The conventions held nu each party after primaries and caucus elections in the summer before the presidential election in November
They formally nominate the party’s candidate
They often host celebrities and have extensive television coverage showing delegates weraing hats featuring party symbols of elephants and donkeys
> meryl Streep democrat convention in 2016
They are often held in swing states
> the 2020 republican convention was held in Charlotte, North Carolina and the democrats held theirs in Milwaukee Wisconsin
The convention provides a chance for the candidate to put forward their vision/priorities and to energise the parties voters and excite them to vote in the fall
They can be politically important to candidate selection if there is no clear winner from primaries leading to brokered conventions
How is a sucessful national nominating conventions categorised?
A short term boost in poll ratings and greater momentum for the candidate: the ‘big mo’
> both Trump and Clinton received a short term boost in polls of around 4% after their respective conventions
They also attract a lot of media attention which can help to get a candidates policy platform out
What is the electoral colleges main function?
To elect the president
What happens in the event of an EC tie?
The House of Representatives chooses the president and the senate, the vice president
> this has not happened since 1824
When has the electoral college been controversial?
It has delivered the wrong result twice in recent decades - 2000 and 2016 when it did not elect the candidate that won the popular vote
What are some arguments against the electoral college?
Winner of the popular vote may not be elected president
Smaller states are overrepresented
> California has one vote per 712,000 people while Wyoming has one electoral vote per 195,000 people
> favours republican states
Drawn up by the founding fathers in a very different era politically when direct elections were viewed with suspicion
> before mass communications and gender and race equality
Encourages candidates to focus campaigning on so called swing states such as Pennsylvania
Faithless electors
> 7 in 2016
Depress turnout, especially in safe states as most states use winner takes all to choose their electors
Polls suggest that the majority of Americans - 55-43% in a 2021 poll wanted to replace the system with a direct popular vote
Discriminates massively against independents and third party candidates causing wasted votes
What are faithless electors?
Individual members of congress who do not vote for the candidate to whom they are pledged
> it usually takes the form of a protest vote
> Colorado and some other states have brought in laws to require electors to cast their vote for the pledged candidate
What are some arguments for the electoral college system?
Usually delivers a result that reflects the popular vote
Reflects the federal nature of the USA and ensures candidates campaign in a variety of states not just the most populated
No superior method has gained widespread support and all the alternatives have their own problems
A nationwide popular vote would was candidates to focus on large urban areas
Faithless electors have never affected the final outcome and they can be remedied by changing laws
Laws can be passed to reward alfies proportionally in each state but would require a constitutional amendment
Much of the support for reform comes from bad losers
Might be better to prioritise other political reforms
Produces a clear winner as the presidency cannot be shared out proportionally
What general factors affect the outcome of US elections?
How does money affect the outcome of US elections?
As a general rule higher spending candidates often have a better chance of winning
Incumbents traditionally outspend challengers
> in the 2020 senate elections incumbents raised $28.6 million whereas challengers raised just under $5.3 million
Money is spent on a whole range of campaigning activities including private polls and social media but the bulk of it is spent on tv adverts
Money is no guarentee of success
> Hillary Clinton raised and outspent Trump in 2016 and still lost however, Biden outspent Trump in 2020 and won
A lot of the money spent on advertising is producing material that attacks other candidates
> attack ads
How does media affect the outcome of US elections?
The media both new and old plays an important role in US elections
Candidates desire positive and frequent media attention
Traditionally the three most televised presidential debates were seen as especially important - this is less true nowadays as fewer independent voters are willing to be swayed and more voters get their information and political news from social media and other internet sources
The media are traditionally important in raising profiles and name recognition of candidates
> in 2008 this was importantly with the little known Obama compared to well known mitt Romney
> it was irrelevant in 2020 as both candidates were well known but for different reasons
The media focus on the two main parties and their candidates and this is often cited as a reason why independents or third parties fare badly
Increasingly candidates spend and concentrate on the new media
> in 2020 it is estimated that Trump and Biden spent in excess of $175 million on Facebook ads
Much of the broadcast media tends to already be politically aligned
> Fox News is republican and MSNBC is democrat
This limits the importance of the old media in changing political views
> this does partially apply to new media like social media as algorithms mean people won’t see content they don’t agree with
Few republicans are likely to follow leading democrats on twitter and vice versa
> this again limits the ability of the media to change voting behaviour and reinforces polarisation and the echo chamber effect
> it is perhaps more important today for reinforcing political allegiances and encouraging turnout
How do issues affect the outcome of US elections?
Despite strong pre existing political partisanship, issues and policies shape the votes of many Americans above all independent or undecided voters
Issues encompass a mixture of past achievements and failures cordially for incumbents and future policy pledges
At different times, different issues will dominate
> in 2004 a big priority was security and foreign policy in the wake of 9/11
The economy is normally very important too
> former president bill clinton famously quoted ‘it’s the economy stupid’
> Key issues in 2020 including the handling of the pandemic, racial justice, Donald trumps record and personal style during his first term
Candidates are normally keen to prioritise and get media coverage on issues about which they feel strongest and to downplay policy areas where they might appear vulnerable
How does leadership affect the outcome of US elections?
Especially at a presidential level, leadership qualities play a big role in campaigns and voting outcomes
> Much of this comes down to trust, perceived competency, and general likability
Great emphasis is placed on integrity and ability to cope in a crisis
The qualities expected are arguably somewhat contradictory and elusive to find in a single individual
> presidents are expected to be calm and clear headed yet also consultative and display a sense of urgency
Leadership is closely tied into candidates personalities and track records
> past indiscretions such as marital affairs or business failures are often highlighted by opponents as rendering a candidate unworthy of the ‘highest office in the land’
What is the significance of incumbency in determining the outcome of US elections?
Incumbents have an advantage in all US elections and enjoy high re-election rates
> in 2020 86% of senators and 95% of house members were re-elected
However, high re-election rates should not be taken as evidence for wider popular approval of the political institutions themselves.
> you have to go back to 2003 to find congressional approval rates of over 50%
Since 1945, only 4 US presidents have failed to be re-elected
> ford in 1976, carter in 1980, George bush senior in 1992 and Trump in 2020
> by contrast 8 have been reflected most recently Obama in 2012
Incumbents tend to do better since they raise and spend more money, they have greater name recognition and they have established campaign teams and staff. They can also highlight past concrete achievements in office and voting records to electors
There was also the issue of pork barrelling (getting federal money challenged into dubious but expensive local projects)
House representatives can be helped by friendly gerrymandering though a hostile one can equally jeopardise re-election even for a long serving incumbent
> Michigan republican ref Upton would have faced hostile democrat redistributing in 2022 and as a result, resigned
Why is there a debate over campaign finance?
American elections of all types are becoming increasingly expensive.
> the 2020 election saw presidential and congressional candidates spend around $14 billion
What is independent expenditure?
Money raised for election campaigns that is not raised or controlled by the candidate themselves. In theory there must be so coordination between these funds soft money and the hard money raised by candidates
Why is the cost of US elections so high?
Sheer number and frequency of elections
More spending on primaries, state government elections and ballot initiatives
Efforts to restrict campaign finance have been ineffective due to loopholes (noted below)
> the 2002 bipartisan campaign reform act
> The first amendment guarantees the right to free speech and this has been extended to a high level of freedom regarding the ability to raise and spend funds for election campaigns
Supreme Court decisions have weakened laws passed by congress to curb excessive funding
> citizens united v FEC (2010) allowed corporations, pressure groups and labour unions to raise and spend unlimited amounts in support of candidates
» soft money under independent expenditure
There is no limit as there is in the UK on the number of political ads that can be broadcasted on television
Large numbers of well funded pressure groups and indices spend and donate generously to secure their aims
> the NRA and individuals like Michael Bloomberg
» most of this money comes from Super PACs as opposed to the individual themselves
There’s an belief among candidates and parties that the more spent the more of an edge they have
Some individuals and business groups give to a wide range of candidates and parties
> in the 1990s and 2000s, Trump donated to both the democrats and republicans saying ‘I give to everybody. When they call I give… and do you know what? When I need something from them… I call them. They are there for me.’
What is hard money?
Money raised and donated to official campaigns
Subject to limits on the size and frequency of donations
What is soft money?
Money raised and spent independently of the candidates official campaign but which supports their candidacy or is spent attacking their opponents
Not subject to limits regarding how much is raised and spent
Why should campaign finance be reformed in the USA?
Election expenditure has gotten out of control
> in 2022 there was record spending
The emphasis on funding distracts representatives from doing their real jobs of making laws and listening to constituents
The cost of elections means only the wealthy and well connected can be successful making the system more elitist
The supreme courts recent decisions have added to the problems - the issue needs to be tackled by a constitutional amendment
Reforms are desperately needed to plug loopholes in the emergence of super PACs
> there is too much influence from wealthy vested interests which raises the issue of corruption and buying votes in congress
Matching funding has all but died out
> in 2000 the Federal election commission (FEC) paid out nearly $240 million in matching funds, in 2020 none was as all candidates opted out
Why shouldn’t campaign finance be reformed in the UK?
Allowing for inflation, less was spent in 2016 than in 2008 and 2012
Candidates still need to listen to a wide range of their voters and will often call ‘town hall’ meetings to hear their constituents views - the reason congress is so unproductive nowadays is due to hyper partisanship and not the distraction of funding
Fundraising and political donations are part of the democratic process, they allow supporters to show additional loyalty to their favoured candidates and causes
The Supreme Court merely upheld the crucial first amendment rights regarding freedom in political activity when striking down some campaign reform laws - it also upheld the bipartisan campaign reform act in 2003
Whatever reforms are passed the wealthy will likely find loopholes - ‘money, like water, will always find an outlet’ said Supreme Court justices Steven’s and O’Connor in 2004
Why shouldn’t campaign finance be reformed in the UK?
Allowing for inflation, less was spent in 2016 than in 2008 and 2012
Candidates still need to listen to a wide range of their voters and will often call ‘town hall’ meetings to hear their constituents views - the reason congress is so unproductive nowadays is due to hyper partisanship and not the distraction of funding
Fundraising and political donations are part of the democratic process, they allow supporters to show additional loyalty to their favoured candidates and causes
The Supreme Court merely upheld the crucial first amendment rights regarding freedom in political activity when striking down some campaign reform laws - it also upheld the bipartisan campaign reform act in 2003
Whatever reforms are passed the wealthy will likely find loopholes - ‘money, like water, will always find an outlet’ said Supreme Court justices Steven’s and O’Connor in 2004
what dies federal law having primacy mean?
Federal law having primacy means that federal laws take precedence over state or local laws when there is a conflict between the two. Also known as the Supremacy Clause.