US POLITICS Flashcards
What are the Principles of the US Consititution?
Limited Government
Seperation of powers
Protection of Liberty(LInked to 1st)
How did the Founding Fathers achieve seperation of powers?
They created Checks and Balances which they hoped would lead to Cooperation between the branches. With no cooperation a gridlock would happen which would force them to cooperate
Examples of different branches Cooperating with each other? PSD
1980’s Reagan was able to get legilsation through the Democratic congress.
1960’s - Lyndon Johnson able to pass Civil Rights Act AND Voting Rights Act with cooperation of Republicans in BOTH HOUSES
What are the three branches in the US Government
The Executive Branch (The President)
The Legislative Branch (Congress)
The Judicial Branch (Supreme Court)
What articles outline the powers of each of the branches?
Article I - The Legislature
Article 2 - The Executive
Article 3 - The Judicial
What checks and balances does the Legislative branch have on both the executive and the judicial branch?
Can Impeach and remove federal judges (J)
Refuse to confirm judicial appoitments(J)
Can impeach and remove the president (E)
Controls the spending of money (E)
Confirms presidential appoitments (E)
Ratifies Treatys(E)
What Checks and Balances does the Executive Branch have on both the Judicial and the Legislative branch?
Can veto acts of congress( L)
Call special sessions of congress (L)
Suggest laws and send messages to congress (L)
Can grant pardons for federa crimes (J)
Appoint Federal Judges (J)
What checks and Balances does the Judicial branch have over the executive and the legislative branch?
Judicial Review - declare acts of congress as unconstitutional (L)
Can Declare executive acts unconstitutional (E)
Judges appointed for life, are free from executive control (E)
What is dual Federalism? What was its other name?
Seperate powers to the state and the federal government? Also known as layer cake federalism due to the different responsibilities and the lack of overlaps between them.
What was the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments?
13th - abolished slavery in 1865
14th - equal citizenship regardless of race 1868
15th - equal voting regardless of race
What is Cooperate Federalism? What is it known as?
The federal and state over lap more - these are less clear however - hence the name ‘Marble cake Federalism’.
What did the 16th Amendment do?
Gave the Federal Government more power to set and collect taxes- would be based on pop.
How did the Federal and states government work together to create jobs?
Federal contracted private construction companies to build their large infrastructure projects which employed 4 million by 1934. It was over seen by state at a local level.
3 different types of grants the Federal Government can give?
Grants in Aid
Matching Grants
Categorical Grants
What is a Grant in Aid?
Where the Federal Government give money to the states government
What is a Matching Grant?
The state would recieve more if they contributed themselves. The federal government would then match the money made by the state
What is a Categorical Grant?
Where the Federal Government give money to the States BUT they have to use it for a certain purpose and set regulations must meet such as the Social Security Act 1935
Why did Categorical Grants EXPAND the INFLUENCE of the Federal Government?
More taxes where going to the Federal government so they could give money to the states and tell them what to do. They would do what they are told to so they can get te funding
Supreme courts view of Categorical grants?
Under Roosevelt they views it as ‘Going too far with power’ and declared many projects unconstitutional
Example of Courts views changing on segregation from 19th to 20th century?
Pless V Louisiana 1896 - Found Segregated education as seperate but EQUAL
Brown V Board of Education 1954 - ruled it was unequal as it violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment
What are unfunded Mandates?
Regulations that impose costs on states, local government and even private companies but ARE NOT FUNDED by the federal government.
Clean Air Act (1963) Water Quality Act (1965)
How did the Supreme courts decision change AGAIN on Categorical Grants?
Said it was constitutional as it was the STATES DECISION to take the grant. Seen under the ‘SPENDING CLAUSE’
What president first supported a different type of federalism? Who followed him?
President Nixon - wanted the people to have more power from the capital
Reagan supported - Government isn’t solution to problems, Government is the problem
What are revenue sharing programs and Block Grants example of?
Devolution of power away from the Federal Government
What are unfunded Mandates? How did they appear?
Appeared in the Unfunded Mandate Reform Act 1995 - required that the congressional budget office must estimate the costs to state & local government . If over $50M or $100M in private sector a MAJORITY VOTE is needed in Congress for bill to continue
How did block grants lead to the states having more freedom when it comes to Welfare Programs?
They had more freedom to determine the eligibility and the benefit levels of the programs
How can it be said that the Supreme Court adopted new federalism?
between 1935 and 95 - Supreme court did not strike down any law for breach of commerce claus
US V LopezGun Free School Zone Act 1995
Who brought an end to New Federalism and how did they do it?
George W Bush - Increased the size of government, increased federal grants. Created Homeland Security after 9/11 attacks
What are the two ways to Amend the US constitution? How do they do it?
Congress - 2/3 vote in both houses. State legilsature vote - 3/4 to be a sucess. 28/50
National Convention- called by congress when requested - 2/3 vote of state legislature. 3/4 of congress