U.S. History: Sem. 2 (Ch22-24) Vocab Flashcards
this anti-communist south Vietnam president canceled elections that were supposed to unify Vietnam
Ngo Dinh Diem
U.S. Senator that conducted a series of meetings asking the Johnson administration to defend their Vietnam policies
William Fulbright
this was the first US extensive bombing of North Vietnam
Operation Rolling Thunder
to expose Vietcong tunnels and hideouts, US planes dropped this gasoline-based bomb that set fire to the jungles of Vietnam
name given to the growing youth movement of the 1960’s
New Left
this was a South Vietnamese opposition group that carried out thousands of assassinations of South Vietnamese government officials
this South Vietnamese policy was intended to combat the growing popularity and presence of an anticommunist group in the South’s countryside
Strategic Hamlet Program
as secretary of state in the Johnson administration, he argued for US escalation in Vietnam, claiming that abandoning the South Vietnamese would cause “disaster to peace.”
Dean Rusk
this temporarily divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel
Geneva Accords
as the US commander in South Vietnam, this general introduced the concept of the body count in the belief that as the number of Vietcong casualties rose, the Vietcong would eventually surrender
William Westmoreland
this group, formed by Vietnamese Communists and other nationalist groups in 1941, declared independence from foreign rule as its single goal
when this fell to Vietnamese forces in 1959, the French began to leave Vietnam
Dien Bien Phu
as secretary of defense in the Johnson administration, he admitted he “would have through differently at that start” of the conflict in Vietnam if he had been awar of the Vietcong’s resilience
Robert McNamara
the US military used planes to spray this leaf-killing toxic chemical, which devastated the landscape of Vietnam
Agent Orange
this was based on the idea that countries on the brink of communism were waiting to fall to communism one after another
domino theory
anti-establishment group founded in 1960 that called for greater individual freedom and responsibilty
Students for Democratic Society
television, the worsening state of the US economy, and the Fulbright hearings helped increase this
credibility gap
he led the Indochinese Communist Party and fought the French,Japanese, and US forces for the independence of Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh
conducted by US soldiers, these resulted in the uprooting of Vietnamese villagers with suspected ties to the Vietcong
search-and-destroy missions
this granted the US president broad military powers in Vietnam
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
This allowed communists in North Vietnam to supply military arms to the government opposition in South Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh Trail
who was chosen to replace Robert McNamara as secretary of defense
Clark Clifford
this communist group seized power in Cambodia after the US invasion o that country unleashed a brutal civil war
Khmer Rouge
publication of this revealed, among other things, that the Johnson administration had lied to the public about its intentions in Vietnam
Pentagon Papers
Winner of the 1972 presidential election
Richard Nixon
Winner of the 1968 presidential election
Richard Nixon
Who was the Republican candidate for president in the 1968 presidential election
Richard Nixon
construction workers and other blue collar workers that supported the US war policy
hard hats
He served as the thop US negotiator in Vietnam
Henry Kissinger
this require a president to inform Congress within 48 hours if US forces are sent into a hostile area without a declaration of war
War Powers Act
this states that US troops are not to remain longer than 90 days in a hostile area without Congressional approval or a declaration of war
War Powers Act
who ran in the 1968 presidential election as a third-party candidate on the platform supporting states rights and segregation
George Wallace
in an attempt to win support for his war policies, Nixon made a special appeal to this gruop
silent majority
which 1968 presidential candidate had the support of Lyndon Johnson
Hubert Humphrey
who was nominated for president at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
Hubert Humphrey
this called for the gradual withdrawal of troops in Vietnam
who decided to join the Democratic race for presidency after seeing the surprising results of the 1968 New Hampshire primary
Robert Kennedy
1968 Democratic presidential candidate that was assassinated
Robert Kennedy
who gained popularity in the weeks following Tet and received 42 percent of the vote in the 1968 New Hampshire primary
Eugene McCarthy
which 1968 democratic presidential candidate voluntarily dropped out of the race before the national convention took place
Lyndon Johnson
whose slim margin of victory in the 1968 New Hampshire Democratic primary was viewed as a defeat
Lyndon Johnson
upon hearing this, US college students went on the first general student strike in the nation’s history
Invasion of Cambodia
this murder of more than 200 innocent Vietnamese villagers by US troops shocked Americans when it was finally revealed to the public
Mai Lai Massacre