Urology Diagnostic Testing Flashcards
Gonadal Function tests? 3
- Testosterone
- LH
Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in adult males
1. Decreased what? 4
- Other symptoms? 3
- Decreased:
- energy,
- libido,
- muscle mass,
- body hair - Hot flashes,
- gynecomastia,
- infertility
- Produced by what?
- Stimulates what?
- Negative feedback loop – testosterone inhibits the production of what?
- Single most important diagnostic test for what?
- Produced in the testes by the Leydig cells
- LH stimulates production
- Negative feedback loop – testosterone inhibits the production of LH and FSH
- male hypogonadism
- What to order to evaluate testosterone?
2. Whats the normal range?
- Measure serum total testosterone
2. Normal range 300-800 ng/dL
What combined to make serum total testosterone?
free testosterone + protein bound
- Abnormal testosterone binding to the sex hormone binding globulins: may need a what?
- If SHBG increased then what?
- What would cause an increase? 6
- If SHBG decreased then what?
- What would cause this decrease?
- free testosterone test
- less free testosterone
- Aging,
- hyperthyroidism,
- increased estrogen,
- liver disease,
- HIV,
- antiseizure drugs
- more free testosterone
- Obesity,
- insulin resistance,
- T2DM,
- hypothyroidsm,
- increased GH,
- exogenous androgens,
- glucocorticoids,
- nephrotic syndrome
- Collect sample when?
- If normal do what?
- If abnormal do what?
- Collect sample at 8AM when testosterone levels are the highest
- If normal – stop testing
- If abnormal – repeat 1-2 more times to confirm
If testosterone is low X 2
What tests should we do?
- Check LH and FSH
- Testosterone low and LH and FSH high = primary hypogonadism
- Testosterone low and LH and FSH not elevated = secondary hypogonadism
- Testosterone low and LH and FSH high = primary hypogonadism from what?
- Testosterone low and LH and FSH not elevated = secondary hypogonadism from what? 4
- Klinefelter
- T2DM,
- liver or
- kidney disease
- Aging
- What does PSA stand for?
- Secreted from where?
- Present where? 2
- Function?
- Prostate specific antigen
- Secreted by the epithelial cells of the prostate
- Present in low levels in the serum
- Present in the semen
- Function is to liquefy the semen in the seminal coagulum to allow sperm to swim freely
Causes of an elevated PSA
- Prostate cancer
- Prostatic inflammation or infection
- Perineal trauma
Perineal trauma causes?
- Rarely DRE
- Bike riding
- Sexual activity (persists for 48-72 hrs post)
Causes of a decreased PSA?
- Obesity
2. Delayed early detection may partially explain worse outcomes in obese men with early prostate cancer
Elevated PSA values
- Indirect measurement of what?
- Normal values increased with what?
- Values can vary by what?
- What time of day should you draw blood?
- Indirect measurement of prostate glandular size in men without cancer
- Normal values increase with age
- Values can vary by race
Blacks have higher PSA levels than whites - Dosent matter. Any day
Low PSA levels
Elevated BMI levels may cause lower PSA levels
AND medications. Which meds can reduce PSA levels?
- 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (50% or greater reductions)
- Statins 17.4%
- Thiazides 26%
Normal values are controversial as well
- Normal levels?
- However what is the problem with this?
- So what is the most important thing to follow?
- In the past a value less than 4.0 ng/mL was normal
- Men with prostate cancer were found to have values less than 4
- Men without prostate cancer were found to have values greater than 4
- Important to follow the trend – how much has the PSA increased over the last year
Ongoing research:
- ___ specific reference ranges
- Free vs. Total PSA
- Lower portion of free PSA may be correlated with what? - PSA velocity and PSA doubling time are what? 2
- Pro-PSA
More strongly associated with what?
- Age
- more aggressive forms of cancer
- Rate of change in PSA values over time
- Time it takes to double the PSA
- prostate cancer than BPH
PSA parameters:
- PSA Density (serum PSA/ prostate volume)
- PSA Velocity (change in PSA over time)
- Free/Total PSA (PSAII)
PSA Density (PSAD) 1. PSA levels are higher in men with what?
- The PSA density (PSAD) is sometimes used for men with _____ to try to adjust for this.
- What does it measure?
- What does it use to measure this?
- What equation do you get to find the PSAD? - A higher PSA density (PSAD) indicates greater likelihood of what?
- It measures the volume (size) of the prostate
- with a transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and
- divides the PSA number by the prostate volume - cancer
PSA Velocity (PSAV) 1. PSA velocity is what?
- A PSA that is changing how is more suspicious for cancer?
- However, a PSA that is already high or quickly rises to a concerning level will quickly lead to further evaluation
Usually with a what?
- the rate of change in PSA over time
- rising quickly
- transrectal prostate bx
Free/Total PSA(PSAII)
1. Percentage of Free PSA decreases as ________ increases in serum of men with prostate cancer
- Ratio of f/t PSA, especially in men w/ normal PSA values can be helpful in diagnosing those w/ possible ___?
- Free and total prostate-specific antigen:
Only useful with PSA _________ ng/dl
- Total PSA
- CA
- 4.0-10.0
Free/Total PSA(PSAII)
1. If the free PSA is elevated in respect to the bound PSA, then the PSA is probably being produced by what?
- If there is a high level of bound PSA, then it is likely to be manufactured by what?
2. prostate cancer cells
Semen analysis
- Remains the mainstay for what?
- Abstain from what?
- Collect how much?
- Analyze within what time?
- Obtained by?
- Turn around for results?
- Remains the mainstay in investigating male fertility potential
- Abstain from coitus 2 to 3 days
- Collect all the ejaculate
- Analyze within 1 hour
- Obtained by masturbation
- Provides immediate information
Semen analysis
1. Macroscopic? 3
- Microscopic? 6
- Macroscopic
- Viscosity
- Volume
- pH - Microscopic
- Sperm concentration/count
- Motility
- Morphology
- Viability (supravital stain)
- Leukocyte count
- Search for immature germ cells
Normal semen analysis
- Volume?
- Concentration?
- Initial Forward motility?
- Normal morphology?
- > 1 cc
- > 2x10^6 cc
- > 50%
- > 60%
Semen analysis
- What is azospermia?
- What is oligospermia?
- Azospermia
No measurable sperm in the semen - Oligospermia
Less than 15 million sperm/ml
Abnormal Semen Analysis
1. Azospermia causes? 3
- Oligospermia causes? 4
- Abnormal volume? 4
- Azospermia
- Klinefelter’s (1 in 500)
- Hypogonadotropic-hypogonadism
- Ductal obstruction (absence of the Vas deferens) - Oligospermia
- Anatomic defects
- Endocrinopathies
- Genetic factors
- Exogenous (e.g. heat) - Abnormal volume
- Retrograde ejaculation
- Infection
- Ejaculatory failure
- Medications
- What is the four glass test used for?
- Describe it?
4 - What is each glass tested for?
(chronic prostatitis) - This 4-glass test begins by asking the patient to provide the 10 mL of urine in one glass.
- Then, 10 mL of midstream urine is provided in the next glass.
- Next, prostatic massage is performed, and EPS is collected in a third glass.
- Finally, postmassage urine is collected in the fourth (final) glass.[6]
- The initially voided urine is tested for urethral infection,
- while the midstream urine is tested for bladder infection.
- The EPS fluid is examined for WBCs.
- Finally, the postmassage urine is used to flush out bacteria in the prostate that may remain within the urethra.[8]
Prostatic massage
- Avoid in who?
- Risk for what? 2
- Avoid in acute bacterial prostatitis
2. Risk for induction of bacteremia or sepsis
Diagnosis of UTI
1. In adults and older children a mid stream urine sample usually reliably represents what?
- Samples collected from what should not be used to diagnose UTI as they invariably will be contaminated? 3
- The most reliable sample is obtained via what? 2
(often less traumatic than catheterization)
- the urine in the bladder (Clean catch)
- urinary bags,
- pedi-bags or
- bedpans
- catheterization or
- suprapubic aspiration in infants
Urine Culture and Sensitivity
1. Gold standard for?
- Some argue criteria for bacteriuria is only ____ cfu/mL of a uropathogen in symptomatic females or_____ in symptomatic males.
- Bacterial identification from urine C&S, key in males and females with what?
- Traditional gold standard for significant bacteriuria >100,000 cfu/mL of urine
- 100, 1000
- complicated UTI’s.
Sensitivity of Urine C&S:
Measurement of sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics
- Agar diffusion
- Kirby-bauer - discs
- Etest - strips - Broth dilution
Sensitivity tests
- Solid media looking at?
- Liquid media looking at?
- Solid media
disc diffusion technique - Liquid media
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test
Bladder Cancer:
1. These patients usually present with what?
- You will end up getting what? 2
- The real diagnostic test of course will be the what?
- painless hematuria
- UA and some cytology
- cystoscopy
Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer with cytology
1. Microscopic cytology of urinary sediment or saline bladder wash to detect what?
(which is more accurate?)
- Microscopic cytology is more sensitive in what but can be falsely negative in 20% of cases? 2
- malignant cells. (saline bladder washes more accurate)
- high grade tumors or
- carcinoma in situ
Urodynamics (the function)
- Peak flow urine rates
2. Pressure flow study`
What do the following measure:
- Peak flow urine rates?
- Pressure flow study?
- Peak flow urine rates
- Measures how fast urine is passed - Pressure flow study
- Urodynamic catheter in bladder
- Allows measurement of pressure and urine flow during voiding
Urodynamic Assessment
- Used to assess what?
- Specifically? 2
- Used to assess how well the bladder and urethra are functioning
- Sphincter control
- Bladder filling/emptying
Indications: To assess symptoms such as?
- Urinary incontinence
- Frequent urination
- Sudden, strong urges to urinate
- Painful urination
- Problems starting a urine stream
- Problems emptying the bladder
- Recurrent UTI
Urodynamic Testing
- Uroflowmetry
- Post-void residual measurement
- Cystometry
- Electromyography
- Video dynamics
What does Cystometry measure?
- Measurement of bladder pressure
- Measurement of leak point pressure
- Pressure flow studies
- Screening tool for what?
- Measure what?
- Reserved for which pts?
- Screening tool for patients with suspected bladder outlet obstruction
- Measures peak flow in mL/sec
- Reserved for patients with severe symptoms where invasive therapy is considered—done by urologist
- What is PVR?
2. What are normal values? 2
- Post-void Residual (PVR)
-Less than 50 ml
-If patient is > 60 years old normal is 50-100 ml
- Cystometrogram (CMG) is what?
- How is it done? 2
- Assesses? 4
Rarely done—invasive—urologist referral!!!!
- Graphic display of vesical pressure
- Bladder is filled with water at a steady rate
- Pressure flow study compared with uroflow can distinguish bladder outlet obstruction from impaired detrusor function
- Detrusor activity
- Sensation
- Capacity
- Compliance
Rarely done—invasive—urologist referral
Urethral Pressure Profile
- Measures what?
- Indications for testing? 3
- Measures urethral pressures at multiple levels
- Indications for testing
- Sphincter dysfunction
- Urinary incontinence
- Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia
Video Urodynamics
- AKA?
- Combines what kind of measurements?
- Invasive or non-invasive?
- AKA Multichannel Fluoroscopic Urodynamics
- Combines measurement of pressures with uroflow and EMG measurements under radiographic guidance to evaluate interplay between all these functions
- Dx?
- Which collection method used in women?
- IN men? 2
Some available NAATs include the ability to detect Neisseria gonorrhea from the same specimen
- Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) detect small amounts of chlamydial nucleic acid
- Vaginal swab preferred in women (Urine ok for women too but vaginal sample more sensitive)
- Urine or urethral swab in men
- Rectal swabs also may be obtained
1. Males with suspected urethritis: Dx tests? 2
- Females with suspected cervicitis or urethritis dx tests? 1
- Males with suspected urethritis
- Microscopy with Gram stain of a urethral swab performs well in men with suspected urethritis
- Noninvasive method - nucleic acid amplification testing of urine - Females with suspected cervicitis or urethritis
- vaginal swab specimen has the best overall sensitivity and specificity