Urology Flashcards
What supports the pelvic?
• Pubococcygeus
• Puborectalis
• Iliococcygeus
What are sx of pelvic organ prolapse?
- Asymptomatic
- Vaginal bulging
- +/- Suprapubic pressure/pain
- Urgency
- Frequency
- Urge incontinence
- Recurrent UTI
- Unusual position to void – pelvic titling/squatting/standing
- Constipation – manual splinting
How do you tx anterior/cystocele? Mild, recurrent UTI, high stage cystocele?
Mild • Observe/ no tx Recurrent UTI • PVR eval High stage Cystocele • Upper-tract image* • Check for hydroureteronephrosis w/ severe vaginal prolapse
What can cx enterocele?
• Post hysterectomy
How do you tx enterocele?
• If dysparunia or extension past introitus
How do you tx rectocele?
Nonsurgical Therapy
• Pessary
• Tx chronic cough, obesity, constipation
• If dyspareunia or difficulty defecating
What are two introitus issues in newborns?
imperforate hymen
labial fusion
What is imperforate hymen?
- Prevents the output of normal vaginal secretion producing a hydrometrocolpos
- Obstructs menses from excreting the body
How do you tx labial fusion?
- Observe unless urine pools and can be associated w/ UTI
* Topical estrogen can be used
How do you tx labial fusion?
- Observe unless urine pools and can be associated w/ UTI
* Topical estrogen can be used
What are the different types of incontinence?
What is stress incontinence?
• Involuntary urine leakage on effort/exertion/sneezing/coughing
What can cx stress incontinence?
- Repeated vaginal deliveries and obstructed labor → weakness/disruption of the pelvic floor muscle and ligaments → poor support at bladder neck and sphincter
- Meds → anticholingeric, opiates
How to tx stress incontinence?
• Lifestyle changes – wt loss, ↓caffeine, pelvic floor muscle training, response to alpha adrenergic agonist
• Refer if nothing works
What is urge incontinence?
• Involuntary loss of urine (frequency)+ urgency
What is RF for urge incontinence?
• Many births
What cx urge incontinence?
• Overactive Bladder (OAB) → loss of urine while attempting to inhibit mictrution
What are cx of OAB?
- Neuropathic injuries – brain/spinal cord
- Radiation
- Inflammation (interstital cystitis, UTI)
- Caffeine intake
- BOO → bladder damage
- DM
What are sx for urge incontinence?
- Sudden urge w/ uncontrolled loss of urine – NOT associated w/ physical activity
- +/- Cough induced
What are drugs to tx urge incontinence?
• Meds
o First line – anticholinergic agent (Oxybutynin, Tolterodine, Fesoterodine, Trospium)
o B3 agnoist
o Botox for the bladder
What is mixed urinary incontinence?
• Stress + OAB +/- urge incontinence
How to tx mixed urinary incontinence?
- Tx the one that is the MOST bothersome: stress vs urge incontinence
- If BOTH → tx urge incontinence (anticholinergic)