Urologic Disorders Flashcards
Prune belly syndrome also called triad syndrome or eagle barter syndrome.triad?
Triad is Lax abdominal wall muscles,intra abdominal testes,urinary tract distension.
Urinary tract abnormalities:- dilated prostatic urethra,large hypoplastic bladder,dilated unobstructive ureter,upper tracts,patent urachus,urachal diverticulum,megalourethra.
Malrotation of bowel
Cardiac abnormalities in 10% cases
Muscular skeletal abnormalities 50% cases like limb abnormalities,scoliosis.
What complications u see in peri natal period in prune belly syndrome?
Oligohydramnios bcz baby won’t pass urine due to laxity of bladder muscles.
Due to oligohydramnios pulmonary hypoplasia seen
Polyhydramnios seen in prune belly syndrome true/false
False .oligo is seen .
Oligohydramnios bcz baby won’t pass urine due to laxity of bladder muscles.
Due to oligohydramnios pulmonary hypoplasia seen
Prognosis in prune belly syndrome baby depends on ?
Pulmonary hypolasia
Cardiac abnormalities
Renal dysplasia
Only on pulmonary hypoplasia,renal dysplasia.
Prognosis in prune belly syndrome baby depends on ?
Pulmonary hypolasia
Cardiac abnormalities
Renal dysplasia
Only on pulmonary hypoplasia,renal dysplasia.
Genes involved in prune belly syndrome ?
Flna,myocd,hnf 1beta.
Usually sporadic,rarely familial
Prunebelly syndrome neonate has urethra obstruction puv. Next step?
If no puv next step?
Obstruction:-vesicostomy till baby attains surgical correction age.
No obstruction:- then give prophylactic antibiotics.
Prune belly syndrome child has undescended testes.correction age?
Correction by orchidopexy in First 6 months of age .
Abdominal wall reconstruction can be done for cosmetic results.
Flap valve mechanism in preventing vesicles ureteric reflex?
Ureter goes and attached to bladder obliquely at angle to destructor and mucosa.as bladdder enlarge with urine progressively obliquety increases of intramural and submucosal ureter.increase intravesical pressure cause compression of ureter against destructor muscle.vur occurs when submucosal ureter is short or absent
Grading of Vesico ureteric reflex?
Grade 1-non dilated ureter
Grade 2 -upper collecting system with out dilatation
Grade 3-dilated ureter and blunting of calicyeal fornices
Grade 4 -[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Grade5-significant ureter dilatation and tortuosity
Grade 1-non dilated ureter
Grade 2 -upper collecting system with out dilatation
Grade 3-dilated ureter and blunting of calicyeal fornices
Grade 4 -grossly dilated ureter
Grade5-significant ureter dilatation and tortuosity
Grade 1-[[[[[[[[[[[[?]]]]]]]]]]]]
Grade 2 -[[[[[[[[[[[?]]]]]]]]]]
Grade 3-dilated ureter and blunting of calicyeal fornices
Grade 4 -grossly dilated ureter
Grade5-significant ureter dilatation and tortuosity
Grade 1-non dilated ureter
Grade 2 -upper collecting system with out dilatation
Grade 3-dilated ureter and blunting of calicyeal fornices
Grade 4 -grossly dilated ureter
Grade5-significant ureter dilatation and tortuosity
Grade 1-non dilated ureter
Grade 2 -upper collecting system with out dilatation
Grade 3-[[[[[[[[[[[[?]]]}{{{]{{{}{{{{{{{
Grade 4 -grossly dilated ureter
Grade5-significant ureter dilatation and tortuosity
Grade 1-non dilated ureter
Grade 2 -upper collecting system with out dilatation
Grade 3-dilated ureter and blunting of calicyeal fornices
Grade 4 -grossly dilated ureter
Grade5-significant ureter dilatation and tortuosity,loss of papillary impression
Classification of vur?
Primary with other malformations:-
Secondary due to
Increased intravesical pressure:-
1)Primary :- Congenital incompetence of
the valvular mechanism of the
vesicoureteral junction
2) Primary associated with other
malformations of the
ureterovesical junction
Ureteral duplication
Ureterocele with duplication
Ureteral ectopia
Paraureteral diverticula
3) Secondary to increased
intravesical pressure
Neuropathic bladder
Nonneuropathic bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction
4)Secondary to inflammatory
Severe bacterial cystitis
Foreign bodies
Vesical calculi
Clinical cystitis
5)Secondary to surgical
procedures involving the
ureterovesical junction
Classification of vur?
Primary with other malformations:-
Secondary due to
Increased intravesical pressure:-
1)Primary :- Congenital incompetence of
the valvular mechanism of the
vesicoureteral junction
2) Primary associated with other
malformations of the
ureterovesical junction
Ureteral duplication
Ureterocele with duplication
Ureteral ectopia
Paraureteral diverticula
3) Secondary to increased
intravesical pressure
Neuropathic bladder
Nonneuropathic bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction
4)Secondary to inflammatory
Severe bacterial cystitis
Foreign bodies
Vesical calculi
Clinical cystitis
5)Secondary to surgical
procedures involving the
ureterovesical junction
1)Primary :- [[[[_[__}{{]}{{?}}]]]]]{}}{
2) Primary associated with other
malformations of the
ureterovesical junction
Ureteral duplication
Ureterocele with duplication
Ureteral ectopia
Paraureteral diverticula
3) Secondary to increased
intravesical pressure
Neuropathic bladder
Nonneuropathic bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction
4)Secondary to inflammatory
Severe bacterial cystitis
Foreign bodies
Vesical calculi
Clinical cystitis
5)Secondary to surgical
procedures involving the
ureterovesical junction
1)Primary :- Congenital incompetence of
the valvular mechanism of the
vesicoureteral junction
2) Primary associated with other
malformations of the
ureterovesical junction
Ureteral duplication
Ureterocele with duplication
Ureteral ectopia
Paraureteral diverticula
3) Secondary to increased
intravesical pressure
Neuropathic bladder
Nonneuropathic bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction
4)Secondary to inflammatory
Severe bacterial cystitis
Foreign bodies
Vesical calculi
Clinical cystitis
5)Secondary to surgical
procedures involving the
ureterovesical junction
1)Primary :- [[[[_[__}{{]}{{?}}]]]]]{}}{
2) Primary associated with other
malformations of the
ureterovesical junction
Ureteral duplication
Ureterocele with duplication
Ureteral ectopia
Paraureteral diverticula
3) Secondary to increased
intravesical pressure
Neuropathic bladder
Nonneuropathic bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction
4)Secondary to inflammatory
Severe bacterial cystitis
Foreign bodies
Vesical calculi
Clinical cystitis
5)Secondary to surgical
procedures involving the
ureterovesical junction
1)Primary :- Congenital incompetence of
the valvular mechanism of the
vesicoureteral junction
2) Primary associated with other
malformations of the
ureterovesical junction
Ureteral duplication
Ureterocele with duplication
Ureteral ectopia
Paraureteral diverticula
3) Secondary to increased
intravesical pressure
Neuropathic bladder
Nonneuropathic bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction
4)Secondary to inflammatory
Severe bacterial cystitis
Foreign bodies
Vesical calculi
Clinical cystitis
5)Secondary to surgical
procedures involving the
ureterovesical junction
1)Primary :- Congenital incompetence of
the valvular mechanism of the
vesicoureteral junction
2) Primary associated with other
malformations of the
ureterovesical junction
3) Secondary to increased
intravesical pressure
Neuropathic bladder
Nonneuropathic bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction
4)Secondary to inflammatory
Severe bacterial cystitis
Foreign bodies
Vesical calculi
Clinical cystitis
5)Secondary to surgical
procedures involving the
ureterovesical junction
1)Primary :- Congenital incompetence of
the valvular mechanism of the
vesicoureteral junction
2) Primary associated with other
malformations of the
ureterovesical junction
Ureteral duplication
Ureterocele with duplication
Ureteral ectopia
Paraureteral diverticula
3) Secondary to increased
intravesical pressure
Neuropathic bladder
Nonneuropathic bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction
4)Secondary to inflammatory
Severe bacterial cystitis
Foreign bodies
Vesical calculi
Clinical cystitis
5)Secondary to surgical
procedures involving the
ureterovesical junction
Classifications of vur? Secondary causes?
1)Primary :- Congenital incompetence of
the valvular mechanism of the
vesicoureteral junction
2) Primary associated with other
malformations of the
ureterovesical junction
Ureteral duplication
Ureterocele with duplication
Ureteral ectopia
Paraureteral diverticula
3) Secondary to increased
intravesical pressure
Neuropathic bladder
Nonneuropathic bladder
Bladder outlet obstruction
4)Secondary to inflammatory
Severe bacterial cystitis
Foreign bodies
Vesical calculi
Clinical cystitis
5)Secondary to surgical
procedures involving the
ureterovesical junction