Urinary tract neoplasia Flashcards
Are neoplasms of the kidney common in dogs?
- no
- represent 0.5-1.7% of all neoplasms in dogs
Are benign tumours of the kidney common?
- no
Examples of benign tumours of the kidney
- adenoma
- lipoma
- fibroma
- papilloma
Which age groups are neoplasms of the kidney most common in?
- middle-aged to older animals
Is there a breed predilection for kidney neoplasms?
- no
- except for heritable predilection for the development of bilateral, multifocal cystoadenocarcinomas in German Shepherds, generally between 5-11y)
What is the most common renal neoplasm?
- renal carcinoma
- usually unilateral, located at 1 pole of the kidney and well demarcated
- size varies from microscopic to bigger than the normal kidney
- metastasise early to various organs
– opposite kidney
– lungs
– liver
– adrenals
What neoplasm of the kidney arises from vestigial embryonic tissue?
Age most commonly affected?
Breed predilection?
Males or females more commonly affected?
Unilateral or bilateral?
- nephroblastomas (embryonal nephroma, Wilms’ tumour)
- seen in young animals
- in dogs, most commonly diagnosed <1y/o
- no breed predilection
- males affected twice as commonly as females
- usually unilateral
- grow to immense size, not uncommon to have basically entire abdomen occupied by tumour
- mets can occur to regional LN, liver & lungs
Where can transitional cell carcinomas arise from (i.e. what cell, what organs?)
- from transitional epithelium of the renal pelvis, ureter, bladder or urethra
Other than TCC are primary malignant renal neoplasms common? Give examples of some
- uncommon
- include
– haemangiosarcomas
– fibrosarcomas
– leiomyosarcomas
Are the kidneys a common site for mets or multi centric neoplasms?
- yes
Are mets lesions uni or bilateral?
- can be either / both
What is the most common multi centric tumour involving the kidneys?
- lymphosarcoma
– as many as 50% dogs and cats with lymphosarcoma have renal lesions, and in some cases, only the kidneys or kidneys & brain are affected
CS of renal neoplasia
- Haematuria, dysuria, stranguria, and pollakiuria are the most common signs
- Animals with ureteral obstruction and unilateral hydronephrosis may show signs of abdominal pain and have a palpable, enlarged kidney
- Signs of uraemia may be apparent in animals with bilateral ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis or with urethral obstruction
- The bladder wall may be thickened, and a cord-like urethra or urethral mass(es) may be palpable rectally
Diagnosis of renal neoplasia
- history
- CS
- US
- urinalysis
- radiography (contrast)
- CT
Tx of renal neoplasia
- majority except lymphosarcoma involves surgical removal
– unilateral nephrectomy is usually needed - lymphosarcoma -> combination chemo
– chemo is generally ineffective against renal tumours other than lymphosarcoma
Are neoplasms of the lower urinary tract (ureters, bladder and urethra) common in dogs and cats?
- uncommon in dogs
- rare in cats