Hyperadrenocorticism Flashcards
Diagnosis & treatment
HAC causes
- Pituitary dependent (80-90%)
– Micro and macro adenomas, adenocarcinomas
– [Subgroup pars intermedia] - Adrenal dependent (10-20%)
– Functional adrenal adenomas and carcinomas (50:50) - Iatrogenic
– Exogenous steroids - [Ectopic ACTH]
How does pituitary dependent HAC work?
- making too much ACTH and not listening to negative feedback of cortisol being made in response
- Much in the anterior lobe but there’s a proportion (particularly in dogs) where do have pars intermedia disease.
PDH vs ADH (re what hormones they increase)
- PDH increases ACTH which increases cortisol
- ADH just increases cortisol
Why is diagnosis difficult?
- PDH + ADH + psychological stress + chronic illness all cause an increase in cortisol
Canine hyperadrenocorticism - signalment, CS
- Middle aged to old dogs
- More females than males
- Polydipsia, Polyuria
– Secondary diabetes insipidus - Polyphagia
- Muscle wasting and weakness (pot-belly, panting)
- Skin thinning, calcinosis cutis, pigmentation, bruising
- Symmetrical hair loss
- Reproductive dysfunction
Abdominal radiograph findings
- Good contrast
- Hepatomegaly
- Pot-bellied appearance
- Calcinosis cutis
- Distended bladder
Thoracic radiograph findings
- Tracheal and bronchial wall mineralisation
- Pulmonary metastasis
- Osteoporosis
Haematology - what you would expect
Stress leukogram
* Neutrophilia (mature)
* Lymphopaenia
* Monocytosis
* Absolute eosinopaenia
Haematology - what would make you question HAC diagnosis, or consider it more complicated
- Neutropaenia
- Lymphocytosis
- Band neutrophils
- Eosinophils present
- Anaemia
Clinical chemistry - what you would expect
- Increased alkaline phosphatase activity
– There is a steroid induced isoform in the dog - Increased ALT activity
– “steroid hepatopathy” - Hyperglycaemia
– Hepatic gluconeogenesis
– Insulin insensitivity - Elevated phosphorus
– Steroid effect on bone turnover - Increased cholesterol and triglyceride
– Steroid effect of lipid metabolism - Mildly abnormal bile acids
Clinical chemistry - what would make you question HAC diagnosis, or consider it more complicated?
- Normal alkaline phosphatase
- Normal ALT
- Significant elevation in creatinine
- Hypercalcaemia
- Markedly abnormal bile acids
Urinalysis - what you would expect
- USG <1.030 despite often mild dehydration
- Mild glucosuria in some cases
- Proteinuria in some cases
- Positive urine culture
– Reduced immune function
– glucosuria
Urinalysis - what would make you question HAC diagnosis, or consider it more complicated?
- USG >1.030
Diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism - what 2 questions to ask
1 Is hyperadrenocorticism present?
2 If so, what is the source; pituitary or adrenal?
Endocrine diagnostic tests for diagnosis
- Low-dose dexamethasone
- ACTH response
- Urinary cortisol:creatinine ratio
- Steroid induced alkaline phosphatase