Urinary Tract Infections Flashcards
What are two examples of factors which make a UTI ‘complicated’?
Systemic symptoms or a renal tract structural abnormality
What are some risk factors for the development of a UTI?
Diabetes, catheterisation, sexual activity/pregnancy in women
What organism is the most common cause of a UTI?
E. coli
Which organism causing UTI produces a ‘burnt chocolate’ smell on culture, and shows a ‘swarming’ pattern?
Proteus spp.
Which organism causing UTI can result in the formation of struvite (triple phosphate) stones?
Proteus spp.
S. saprophyticus is an organism which can cause UTI- it is most common in who?
Women of child-bearing age
Symptoms of dysuria, haematuria, frequency/urgency and suprapubic pain are characteristic of which UTI?
Acute cystitis
Other than the characteristic features of cystitis, what are some additional features of acute pyelonephritis?
Fever/rigors, nausea/vomiting, loin pain
What are some presenting symptoms of prostatitis?
Flu-like symptoms, lower backache, haematospermia
A swollen/tender/boggy prostate on examination suggests what possible diagnosis?
Acute prostatitis
If an MSSU cannot be taken for any reason, what are some other methods of obtaining an uncontaminated urine sample for microscopy, culture and sensitivity?
Suprapubic aspiration or straight catheter
Which two elements of urinalysis testing are most specific for a UTI?
Nitrites and leukocytes
What investigation is used as a first line investigation for UTI in hospital, or to confirm a diagnosis suspected on urinalysis in primary care?
Urine cultures
What investigation should be performed on every uncatheterised male who presents with a UTI?
Urine cultures
If patients with a UTI are systemically unwell, what blood tests should be taken?
FBC, U&E, CRP, blood cultures
What is the first line investigation if imaging is necessary for someone with a UTI?
Renal ultrasound
If nothing is detected on renal ultrasound, what is the second line imaging test for UTI?
Which antibiotic commonly used to treat UTIs must be avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy?